Is azure cognitive search using elasticsearch as a middle layer? - azure-cognitive-search

I've seen few people mention this in some technical discussions but I've never seen this in official microsoft documentation.
Is there some architecture diagram where this would be visible ? Or maybe some official docs where this could be backed up ?


Has CockroachDB implemented Row Level Security?

Regarding - I can't find anything in the docs whether it's been implemented in later versions.
Ideally, if anyone can confirm this has been implemented, and where the docs are, that would be great.
As of v21.1, Row-level Security is not a supported feature in CockroachDB.
However, Role-based Access Control which is mentioned in that forum post has been implemented and there are docs available for that feature.

Apache druid database design

I have heard lot of druid aggregation capabilities.
Can someone share any blog/material as to how a druid data base model looks like ,probably with a UML diagram.
I am currently exploring druids quick aggregation capabilities.
Also it would be highly appreciated if you can share a active online forum for druid discussion.
Below blog clarified almost all of the schema design doubts and concerns i had
offcial druid forum in google groups
I will add other such druid beginner blogs as and when i find

Migrating Data In Wagtail

I was wondering is there is any documentation or good resources on migrating Page models, Streamfields, and Blocks in wagtail CMS. All of this seems to not be documented much.
The official documentation has a page about StreamField, which has a section about migrations. It gives a fairly detailed description of how StreamField definitions differ from normal model fields, and the fact that migrations have been specially catered for in StreamField's design. I know that this was the biggest headache that the author faced when developing the feature.
There is also a handy guide on how to convert an existing RichTextField to a StreamField, and just yesterday, Wagtail pull request #3014 was merged, extending that documentation example.

What's the difference between portal and newly introduced salesforce community

After introduction with salesforce community, I am unable to clear how community is different from portal functionality. I already read here but this don't have answers of question like:
What is new things being provided by community?
What are restriction we have if we use community?
Advantage of community over portal.
Is it capable of provide Email functionalities as same we have in other organization types?
Role of chatter in communities etc.
Is their difference between portal user and community user?
I already know that community is dedicated feature for portal functionality, but is it have some new functionality or only a portal part is separated?
Please provide some summary, links or answers you have.
While there are probably more detailed answers, it sounds like you are looking for a high-level overview. Communities basically combines Partner Portal, Customer Portal and chatter capabilities (so users can chatter on records they have access to, etc.)
Security, sharing, etc. are basically the same. There are standard responses on how it makes things more social and provides a path to greater communication but I think it comes down to combining the portals + chatter.
The main difference is that you will have more flexibility in terms of branding, integrating the communities with CMS for publishing pages and also above all full Chatter integration for all things social.
The old Customer portal and Partner portals had an outdated look and feel and very basic support for publishing a full blown portal. The old Customer and Partner portals are retired and no longer offered, so your only option is not Communities.
With Salesforce 1 platform, now you can have a fully mobile optimized community portals as well.
You can also consider another solution called Magentrix which fully integrates with Salesforce CRM and allows you to build branded self-service mobile portals and more.

Implementing sharding with CUBRID DB

Do you know how can I utilize CUBRID database sharding on Amazon EC2 or any other computer environment. I can't find any information of how it is doe on their website. (
I am related with CUBRID project.
CUBRID SHARD, the native database sharding feature, has already been developed. It will be released as part of CUBRID 8.4.2 which is set to be announced in three weeks on June 8, 2012. The manual and examples will be published along with the official announcement. You may want to subscribe to CUBRID official blog to receive news.
As far as I understand sharding is still on their roadmap.
Current version is still 8.4.1 and the same presentation on slide 51 shows their plans for future releases.
