Why does this code produce runtime issues:
char stuff[100];
strcat(stuff,"hi ");
but this doesn't?
char stuff[100];
strcpy(stuff,"hi ");
strcat will look for the null-terminator, interpret that as the end of the string, and append the new text there, overwriting the null-terminator in the process, and writing a new null-terminator at the end of the concatenation.
char stuff[100]; // 'stuff' is uninitialized
Where is the null terminator? stuff is uninitialized, so it might start with NUL, or it might not have NUL anywhere within it.
In C++, you can do this:
char stuff[100] = {}; // 'stuff' is initialized to all zeroes
Now you can do strcat, because the first character of 'stuff' is the null-terminator, so it will append to the right place.
In C, you still need to initialize 'stuff', which can be done a couple of ways:
char stuff[100]; // not initialized
stuff[0] = '\0'; // first character is now the null terminator,
// so 'stuff' is effectively ""
strcpy(stuff, "hi "); // this initializes 'stuff' if it's not already.
In the first case, stuff contains garbage. strcat requires both the destination and the source to contain proper null-terminated strings.
strcat(stuff, "hi ");
will scan stuff for a terminating '\0' character, where it will start copying "hi ". If it doesn't find it, it will run off the end of the array, and arbitrarily bad things can happen (i.e., the behavior is undefined).
One way to avoid the problem is like this:
char stuff[100];
stuff[0] = '\0'; /* ensures stuff contains a valid string */
strcat(stuff, "hi ");
strcat(stuff, "there");
Or you can initialize stuff to an empty string:
char stuff[100] = "";
which will fill all 100 bytes of stuff with zeros (the increased clarity is probably worth any minor performance issue).
Because stuff is uninitialized before the call to strcpy. After the declaration stuff isn't an empty string, it is uninitialized data.
strcat appends data to the end of a string - that is it finds the null terminator in the string and adds characters after that. An uninitialized string isn't gauranteed to have a null terminator so strcat is likely to crash.
If there were to intialize stuff as below you could perform the strcat's:
char stuff[100] = "";
strcat(stuff,"hi ");
Strcat append a string to existing string. If the string array is empty, it is not going go find end of string ('\0') and it will cause run time error.
According to Linux man page, simple strcat is implemented this way:
strncat(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n)
size_t dest_len = strlen(dest);
size_t i;
for (i = 0 ; i < n && src[i] != '\0' ; i++)
dest[dest_len + i] = src[i];
dest[dest_len + i] = '\0';
return dest;
As you can see in this implementation, strlen(dest) will not return correct string length unless dest is initialized to correct c string values. You may get lucky to have an array with the first value of zero at char stuff[100]; , but you should not rely on it.
Also, I would advise against using strcpy or strcat as they can lead to some unintended problems.
Use strncpy and strncat, as they help prevent buffer overflows.
I understand that in C, a string is an array of characters with a special '\0' character at the end of the array.
Say I have "Hello" stored in a char* named string and there is a '\0' at the end of the array.
When I call printf("%s\n", string);, it would print out "Hello".
My question is, what happens to '\0' when you call printf on a string?
The null character ('\0') at the end of a string is simply a sentinel value for C library functions to know where to stop processing a string pointer.
This is necessary for two reasons:
Arrays decay to pointers to their first element when passed to functions
It's entirely possible to have a string in an array of chars that doesn't use up the entire array.
For example, strlen, which determines the length of the string, might be implemented as:
size_t strlen(char *s)
size_t len = 0;
while(*s++ != '\0') len++;
return len;
If you tried to emulate this behavior inline with a statically allocated array instead of a pointer, you still need the null terminator to know the string length:
char str[100];
size_t len = 0;
strcpy(str, "Hello World");
for(; len < 100; len++)
if(str[len]=='\0') break;
// len now contains the string length
Note that explicitly comparing for inequality with '\0' is redundant; I just included it for ease of understanding.
i am trying to convert a string (example: "hey there mister") into a double pointer that's pointing to every word in the sentence.
so: split_string->|pointer1|pointer2|pointer3| where pointer1->"hey", pointer2->"there" and pointer3->"mister".
char **split(char *s) {
char **nystreng = malloc(strlen(s));
char str[strlen(s)];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++){
str[i] = s[i];
char *temp;
temp = strtok(str, " ");
int teller = 0;
while(temp != NULL){
printf("%s\n", temp);
nystreng[teller] = temp;
temp = strtok(NULL, " ");
nystreng[teller++] = NULL;
return nystreng;
My question is, why isnt this working?
Your code has multiple problems. Among them:
char **nystreng = malloc(strlen(s)); is just wrong. The amount of space you need is the size of a char * times the number pieces into which the string will be split plus one (for the NULL pointer terminator).
You fill *nystreng with pointers obtained from strtok() operating on local array str. Those pointers are valid only for the lifetime of str, which ends when the function returns.
You do not allocate space for a string terminator in str, and you do not write one, yet you pass it to strtok() as if it were a terminated string.
You do not increment teller inside your tokenization loop, so each token pointer overwrites the previous one.
You have an essential problem here in that you do not know before splitting the string how many pieces there will be. You could nevertheless get an upper bound on that by counting the number of delimiter characters and adding 1. You could then allocate space for that many char pointers plus one. Alternatively, you could build a linked list to handle the pieces as you tokenize, then allocate the result array only after you know how many pieces there are.
As for str, if you want to return pointers into it, as apparently you do, then it needs to be dynamically allocated, too. If your platform provides strdup() then you could just use
char *str = strdup(s);
Otherwise, you'll need to check the length, allocate enough space with malloc() (including space for the terminator), and copy the input string into the allocated space, presumably with strcpy(). Normally you would want to free the string afterward, but you must not do that if you are returning pointers into that space.
On the other hand, you might consider returning an array of strings that can be individually freed. For that, you must allocate each substring individually (strdup() would again be your friend if you have it), and in that event you would want to free the working space (or allow it to be cleaned up automatically if you use a VLA).
There are two things you need to do -
char str[strlen(s)]; //size should be equal to strlen(s)+1
Extra 1 for '\0'. Right now you pass str (not terminated with '\0') to strtok which causes undefined behaviour .
And second thing ,you also need allocate memory to each pointer of nystring and then use strcpy instead of pointing to temp(don't forget space for nul terminator).
I am appending a string using single character, but I am not able to get it right. I am not sure where I am making mistake. Thank you for your help in advance. The original application of the method is in getting dynamic input from user.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void main(){
int j;
char ipch=' ';
char intext[30]="What is the problem";
char ipstr[30]="";
printf("Input char: ");
//ipch = getchar();
ipch = intext[j];
printf("%c", ipch);
Following is the output I am getting.
$ ./a.out
Input char: What is the problem
What is h e
strncat(ipstr, &ipch, 1);
this will force appending only one byte from ipch. strcat() will continue appending some bytes, since there's no null termination character after the char you are appending. as others said, strcat might find somewhere in memory \0 and then terminate, but if not, it can result in segfault.
from manpage:
char *strncat(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n);
The strncat() function is similar to strcat(), except that
it will use at most n characters from src; and
src does not need to be null-terminated if it contains n or more characters.
strcat requires its second argument to be a pointer to a well-formed string. &ipch does not point to a well-formed string (the character sequence of one it points to lacks a terminal null character).
You could use char ipch[2]=" "; to declare ipch. In this case also use:
strcat(ipstr,ipch); to append the character to ipstr.
ipch[0] = intext[j]; to change the character to append.
What happens when you pass &ipch to strcat in your original program is that the function strcat assumes that the string continues, and reads the next bytes in memory. A segmentation fault can result, but it can also happen that strcat reads a few garbage characters and then accidentally finds a null character.
strcat() is to concatenate strings... so passing just a char pointer is not enough... you have to put that character followed by a '\0' char, and then pass the pointer of that thing. As in
/* you must have enough space in string to concatenate things */
char string[100] = "What is the problem";
char *s = "?"; /* a proper '\0' terminated string */
strcat(string, s);
printf("%s\n", string);
strcat function is used to concatenate two strings. Not a string and a character. Syntax-
char *strcat(char *dest, const char *src);
so you need to pass two strings to strcat function.
In your program
it is not a valid statement. The second argument ipch is a char. you should not do that. It results in Segmentation Fault.
Why does this code produce runtime issues:
char stuff[100];
strcat(stuff,"hi ");
but this doesn't?
char stuff[100];
strcpy(stuff,"hi ");
strcat will look for the null-terminator, interpret that as the end of the string, and append the new text there, overwriting the null-terminator in the process, and writing a new null-terminator at the end of the concatenation.
char stuff[100]; // 'stuff' is uninitialized
Where is the null terminator? stuff is uninitialized, so it might start with NUL, or it might not have NUL anywhere within it.
In C++, you can do this:
char stuff[100] = {}; // 'stuff' is initialized to all zeroes
Now you can do strcat, because the first character of 'stuff' is the null-terminator, so it will append to the right place.
In C, you still need to initialize 'stuff', which can be done a couple of ways:
char stuff[100]; // not initialized
stuff[0] = '\0'; // first character is now the null terminator,
// so 'stuff' is effectively ""
strcpy(stuff, "hi "); // this initializes 'stuff' if it's not already.
In the first case, stuff contains garbage. strcat requires both the destination and the source to contain proper null-terminated strings.
strcat(stuff, "hi ");
will scan stuff for a terminating '\0' character, where it will start copying "hi ". If it doesn't find it, it will run off the end of the array, and arbitrarily bad things can happen (i.e., the behavior is undefined).
One way to avoid the problem is like this:
char stuff[100];
stuff[0] = '\0'; /* ensures stuff contains a valid string */
strcat(stuff, "hi ");
strcat(stuff, "there");
Or you can initialize stuff to an empty string:
char stuff[100] = "";
which will fill all 100 bytes of stuff with zeros (the increased clarity is probably worth any minor performance issue).
Because stuff is uninitialized before the call to strcpy. After the declaration stuff isn't an empty string, it is uninitialized data.
strcat appends data to the end of a string - that is it finds the null terminator in the string and adds characters after that. An uninitialized string isn't gauranteed to have a null terminator so strcat is likely to crash.
If there were to intialize stuff as below you could perform the strcat's:
char stuff[100] = "";
strcat(stuff,"hi ");
Strcat append a string to existing string. If the string array is empty, it is not going go find end of string ('\0') and it will cause run time error.
According to Linux man page, simple strcat is implemented this way:
strncat(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n)
size_t dest_len = strlen(dest);
size_t i;
for (i = 0 ; i < n && src[i] != '\0' ; i++)
dest[dest_len + i] = src[i];
dest[dest_len + i] = '\0';
return dest;
As you can see in this implementation, strlen(dest) will not return correct string length unless dest is initialized to correct c string values. You may get lucky to have an array with the first value of zero at char stuff[100]; , but you should not rely on it.
Also, I would advise against using strcpy or strcat as they can lead to some unintended problems.
Use strncpy and strncat, as they help prevent buffer overflows.
Using GDB, I find I get a segmentation fault when I attempt this operation:
Given that string is initialized as
char * string = "";
and currentChar is
char currentChar = 'B';
Why does this result in a segmentation fault?
If strcat can't be used for this, how else can I concat a char onto a string?
As responded by others, ¤tChar is a pointer to char or char*, but a string in C is char[] or const char*.
One way to use strcat to concatenate a char to string is creating a minimum string and use it to transform a char into string.
Making a simple string, with only 1 character and the suffix '\0';
char cToStr[2];
cToStr[1] = '\0';
Applying to your question:
char * string = "";
char currentChar = 'B';
cToStr will assume the string "B":
cToStr[0] = currentChar;
And strcat will work!
strcat ( string, cToStr );
Because ¤tChar is not a string, it doesn't finish with \0 character. You should define B as char *currentChar = 'B';. Also according to http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstring/strcat string should have enough space to hold the result string (2 bytes in this case), but it is only 1 byte.
Or if you want to use char then you can do something like (depending of your code):
char string[256];
char currentChar = 'B';
size_t cur_len = strlen(string);
if(cur_len < 254) {
string[cur_len] = currentChar;
string[cur_len+1] = '\0';
printf("Not enough space");
I think the simplest method (not efficient) would be sprintf
sprintf(str, "%s%c", str, chr);
strcat() takes two '\0'-terminated strings. When you pass the address of a character, the routine will look at the memory that follows the character, looking for the terminator.
Since you don't know what that memory even refers to, you should expect problems when your code accesses it.
In addition to that, your string argument does not have room to have any characters appended to it. Where is that memory written to? It will attempt to write past the end of the memory associated with this string.
Both of the strings must be null-terminated. A single char isn't null terminated, so it's undefined when strcat will stop concatenating characters to the end. Also, string must contain at least enough space for both the original string and resultant string.
This works:
char string[10] = "";
char* currentChar = "B";
strcat(string, currentChar);
We know that currentChar = 'B'.
This can be done
strcat(string, "B\0");
If we know currentChar will be hardcoded as 'B', this would be a good approach.
It also removes the need for char currentChar = 'B';
The first argument of strcat must have enough space to hold the rest of the string. "" is a constant string and as such GCC does not allocate space.
Make it an array with enough space:
char buf[1024];
strcat(buf, "");
strcat(buf, "B");