Elementor - [Responsiveness Issue] Columns width do not change on tablet and mobile - responsive-design

I am setting up 2 columns in elementor (ver. 3.7.8).
SECTION's content width is set to "BOXED".
Left column's width is 30% AND Right column's width is 70%
Left column's width is 100% AND Right column's width is 100%
This should make both columns take full width on tablets and mobiles.
But for some strange reason, both columns keep their desktop setting on tablet & mobile.
Even if I change the SECTION's content width to "FULL WIDTH", still the column percentages don't work properly.
Can someone guide if I am doing anything wrong?

I had a similar issue - manually forcing the regeneration of the css files solved my problem.
In the backend go to Elementor > Tools > General > Regenerate CSS & Data - force the regeneration of the CSS files.


Ext.js 4.2 tabpanel header and body is misplaced when Browsers are zoomed

Not just zoomed, zoom in.
zoom in:
When there are many columns, he is very obvious. So is there any good hack?
Here's a link
I'm mentioning what this user said in sencha forum, and I agree with him on this:
This is a bug in Chrome that is reproducible outside the ExtJS framework.
If you load the following HTML code in your browser, the cells align neatly. If you use browser zoom, they don't.
The problem occurs when the cell width in pixels is floating point (non-int) after zooming. Chrome rounds the first-half cell widths down, and the last-half cell widths up.
E.g. if the calculated width is 24.3333px, the first two-third of columns is 24px, the last third of columns is 25px. So if we have 54 columns, at Column 36, we are off by 12 pixels, or half a column.
The ExtJS framework cannot do anything against this bug, unless Sencha knows a way to calculate the width AFTER zooming. I am not sure that it is possible to get the browser zoom level using javascript. However, I strongly believe that this is a problem the Chromium team has to fix.
I think there is still a workaround achievable through css. If you can, try using flex property to grid column in grid configuration. Calculate flex as = (given column width/sum of all column widths) and remove 'width' config at column level.
Flex actually sets width of each column in its CSS property after any layout change.

Composite C1 - Image Compression

I have a Composite C1 site - a client is uploading photos to blog posts.
The photos are huge - 1.5MB. Is there a module to compress them (size & dimension wise)?
The crop module only crops & doesn't resize.
I have not found any such modules on Google. Thanks
I have added an aspect ratio - but it is greyed out (LPFF Preset Wide):
To simply resize an image (manually) already in the media archive:
Open it in the built-in Image Editor (in the Media perspective).
Image / Scale image... (or click the Scale button on the toolbar - 2nd from the left)
You can also crop the image in the same Image Editor:
Click the top button ("Select") on the floating bar. (The crop button on the toolbar will get enabled.)
Use the cursor to select an area on the image.
Click the crop button on the toolbar (3rd from the left)
If you are running a recent version of Composite C1 you can resize images you include in the Visual Editor either by pulling the corner of the image or invoking the image properties dialog and set a max width or height (advanced tab).
If you need a code centered fix you can append ?mw=100&mh=100 to the image URL and your image will be automatically resized.
In Composite C1 4.1 you can append ?q=80 to JPEG image URLs to have the web server do compression. The number controls the image quality (100 highest).
All these features are part of the standard open source product.

Header area not spanning full width in mobile

I am working with Bootstrap, and Flat UI. I am trying to have a header area span full width and the rest of the website fit inside a container thats 940px. The header area looks good in all non-mobile browsers, but when I view it using Safari and Chrome in iOS6 the header is not spanning full width. Can anyone help?
You can view the site here
The problem is that you have a fixed width of 940 pixels on content area of your website and your top banner is set to only take up 100% of the viewport. On a cellphone, 100% of the viewport is less than 940 pixels so you can scroll horizontally to see the rest of the content, but the top banner doesn't stretch further than the original 100% of the viewport.
Instead you may want to try to make your content area more responsive using media queries so that it is more narrow on smaller screens, or you could just give your content area a width of 100%, or you could give your banner a min-width of 940px.

Widths of footer/ navigation at 100% not equal to widths of header/ container at 100%

I'm building a website (summer-band.com) and trying to tweak the mobile settings (browser at < 600px) with 100% width settings for several of the elements. Unfortunately, with what I've done so far, the header/ container and the navigation bar as well as the footer all seem to be shooting out different widths and I can't seem to fix this on my own, thus asking for some assistance.
First, the menu: #navigation li a and #navigation li.current_page_item a's width is 100% but has a padding, so the box model won't do what you want. The width should be auto. This is a recurring problem of yours.
Next, the header: You have #headerImg's width set to a constant 600px. In your media query, you'll probably want to make the width and height auto and make the actual img's width 100%.
Moving down, your main #box has a width of 100% and a padding. Due to the box model, this probably won't do what you want. Make the width auto.
Further down, your #footer has a display of inline-block and a width of 100%. You'll probably want to change its display to block and width to auto.
I think that's mostly it, but you might want to set article img's max-width to 100% and remove the explicit width on your Kickstarter screenshot. I don't really know how to deal with the iframe with the video. Sorry.
A few last comments: You seem to be overusing brs and empty p tags rather than using appropriate margins.

Maintain Aspect Ratio in a Silverlight Image

Ok .. so here's the scenario. I've got a WP7 silverlight app, that loads an image from the net. Now, these images will be taken from mobile devices, so they may be in portrait or landscape mode. Certainly not a square.
Is there any way to maintain the aspect ratio when I show these in a silverlight <Image> control?
I'm ok with either of two resolutions:
That the image shows up in its correct aspect ratio within a predefined box that I've defined in xaml
Or that the image is cropped into the square
The way silverlight was built, you can set the width OR the height on the image, it will automatically max out whatever property you set and calculates the other side of the image so that it keeps the aspect-ratio.
So, just set a width on the image and center or right,left,top,bottom align it. (do not stretch it).
