laravel array sort by - arrays

data comes in fine. what i want to do is to sort the sizes sort by key 'size_piece' from smallest to largest. can you help me
Controller code;
foreach ($cco as $order_item){
foreach ($order_item->orderPiece as $piece_item){
$order_piece += $piece_item->piece;
$cut_order['cutting_piece'][$order_item->collectionColor->color_name]['size_piece'][$piece_item->CollectionColorSizeBarcode->size] = $piece_item->piece;
$cut_order['cutting_piece'][$order_item->collectionColor->color_name]['total_piece'] += $piece_item->piece;
$cut_order['order'][$order_item->id] = $order_item;
$cut_order['order'][$order_item->id]['total_piece'] = $order_piece;
$order_piece = 0;
return dd($cut_order);
Screen output like this;

If it there is no way to sort them before insertion.
The solution is to map your array:
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
$mapped = Arr::map($cut_order['cutting_piece'], function ($value, $key) {
return Arr::set($value, 'size_piece', Arr::sort(Arr::get($value, 'size_piece', []));
$cut_order['cutting_piece'] = $mapped;
Documentation : Laravel Helper Array Map


How can I Paginate data which are in array?

I am using Laravel 5.7. I construcet an array like below:
$games = GameResource::collection(Game::all());
$clientGames = array();
foreach ($games as $game) {
if (!$game->user->inRole('admin')) {
array_push($clientGames, $game);
How can I paginate this array in Laravel?
I used below way to solve my question:
$per_page = !empty($_GET['per_page']) ? $_GET['per_page'] : 10;
$currentPage = LengthAwarePaginator::resolveCurrentPage();
$clientGamesCollection = collect($clientGames);
$currentPageItems = $clientGamesCollection->slice(($currentPage * $per_page) - $per_page, $per_page)->all();
$paginatedItems= new LengthAwarePaginator($currentPageItems , count($clientGamesCollection), $per_page);
$pagination = $paginatedItems;

How can i get top 15 occurrences in an array and use each value to fetch data from mysql database?

I am currently working on a project (A music website) with PHP Codeigniter. I want to fetch top 15 songs by number of downloads. To my knowledge, I got all unique ID's out ranging from highest to least. But now, I want to use each of these unique ID's to fetch data from another table in the database.
I have tried using for loop; but it seems to only return one of the rows which happens to be the first and highest number of occurrence in the array. The code below echo's the ID's but how can I use each of those ID's to fetch data.
function top15(){
$query = $result->result_array();
$downloads = array();
if(!empty($query)) {
foreach($query as $row)
$musiccode[] = $row['musiccode'];
$mode = array_count_values($musiccode);
$i = 0;
foreach ($mode as $field => $number) {
echo $field." occured ". $number." times <br>";
if ($i == 15) {
for ($b=0; $b < count($field); $b++) {
$this->db->where(array('track_musiccode'=> $field));
$field = $this->db->get('tracks');
return $field->result_array();
The code above only produce one row for me. I expect to have more than one and according to the number of ID's in the array. Thanks in advance.
For a single column condition, you could use where_in() instead and drop the for loop :
$this->db->where_in('track_musiccode', $field);
$field = $this->db->get('tracks');
return $field->result_array();
Yes Finally i did it. Incase if anyone needs it. this works just fine
function top15(){
$this->db->where('d_month', date('m'));
$query = $result->result_array();
$downloads = array();
if(!empty($query)) {
foreach($query as $row){
$musiccode[] = $row['musiccode'];
for ($i=0; $i < count($keys); $i++) {
$res[] .= "$keys[$i]";
$this->db->where_in('track_musiccode', $res);
return $this->db->get('tracks')->result_array();
And I got this too. If I wasn't going to count occurrences but just iterate the number of downloads which is far more better than counting in other not to over populate the database and make your website work slowly.
function top15(){
$tracks = '';
$query = $result->result_array();
$counter = '';
$fields = '';
if(!empty($query)) {
foreach($query as $row) {
$counter[] = $row['counter'];
for ($i=0; $i<=15; $i++) {
$this->db->where('downloads.counter', $counter[$i]);
$this->db->join('tracks', 'tracks.musicid = downloads.musicid');
$fields[] = $this->db->get('downloads')->row_array();
return $fields;

Symfony - saving array to database

I wrote a function where I get array of marks that i need to post to my database..
My function stores it in a filed row like:
And I need to pull just one per column individually like:
Here is my api call..
public function generate(Map $seatMap)
$layout = $seatMap->getSeatLayout();
$seats = [];
$layoutArray = json_decode($layout, true);
$columns = range('A', 'Z');
foreach($layoutArray as $index => $result)
$columnLetter = $columns[$index];
$letters = str_split($result);
$letterIndex = 1;
foreach($letters as $letterIndex => $letter) {
switch($letter) {
case 'e':
$seats[] = $columnLetter . $letterIndex;
foreach($seats as $seat => $result) {
$result = new Seat();
Any suggestions?
I think that problem is in the part where I need to store it to database..
If I understand you correctly, your issue is here:
foreach($seats as $seat => $result) {
$result = new Seat();
You're indeed creating new Seat instance for every seat, but in this line:
you still assign all (encoded) seats to every instance of Seat. What you want is to assign only the seat from current loop iteration, which is represented by $result variable.
So try with:
You do not need json_encode here too.
If your array is like you say it it then try this
foreach($seats as $seat) {
$result = new Seat();

Multiple collections in an array (session variable) — Property does not exist

I'am trying to fetch a session variable if the user is a guest. The variable is called "cart" and is set like this:
$product = new Collection((object) [
'product_id' => $request->pId,
'amount' => $request->amount,
'variations' => $variations
Session::push('cart', $product);
Then I later fetch it:
$cartProducts = ShoppingCartItem::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->get();
$cartProducts = Session::get('cart');
foreach($cartProducts as $product){
$totalAmount += $product->amount;
$totalPrice += (PriceHelper::getProductPrice($product->product->id, $product->amount));
The problem here is that dd($product) still outputs an array (the session variable array I assume) which means that for example $product->amount does not exist.
This is the output from dd($product):
You can either access the values using get():
foreach ($cartProducts as $product) {
$totalAmount += $product->get('amount');
$totalPrice += PriceHelper::getProductPrice($product->get('product_id'), $product->get('amount'));
or as an array:
foreach ($cartProducts as $product) {
$totalAmount += $product['amount'];
$totalPrice += PriceHelper::getProductPrice($product['product_id'], $product['amount']);
or you could use sum() on the collection instead of using foreach:
$cartProducts = collect(Session::get('cart'));
$totalAmount = $cartProducts->sum('amount');
$totalPrice = $cartProducts->sum(function ($product) {
return PriceHelper::getProductPrice($product['product_id'], $product['amount']);
For a quick fix if you need $product to be an object you could do something like:
$cartProducts = collect(Session::get('cart'))->map(function ($item) {
return (object)$item->toArray();
Hope this helps!

using same array in different functions

Here's the situation: I have 2 different functions and one view. I need to send data from function 1 to the view (2 arrays), and from that view i need to send data to function 2 (1 array).
Sending data from function 1 to the view is an easy job, but i don't know how to do it with function 2 because the information i would like to send to it has a function 1's array plus other new data the users entry.
I know there's no chance to send an array through URL, but i'm out of ideas.
Which is the best option for passing the data?
i send to the view this data:
admin: (part of the function 1)
//last part of the code
$this->data['conditions'] = $conditions;
$this->data['notselectedconditions'] = $notselectedconditions;
In the view i use the information on those arrays, and user can put some new entry.
<dt>Tipo de Usuario<dt>
<dd>Pre Registrado</dd>
reloadConditions is function 2, the one that needs what function 1 provides plus the selection of the user in order to keep filtering the results.
The information i need to have available on function 2 is: array 'conditions' and users new entry
After a long discussion and some clarifications in chat, here is the solution I came up with:
function addQueryParameters($url, $params) {
$paramsStr = http_build_query($params);
$fragment = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_FRAGMENT);
$query = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
$interUrl = '';
if ($query === NULL) {
$interUrl = '?';
if ($fragment !== NULL) {
$interUrl = '&';
$interUrl .= $paramsStr;
if ($fragment !== NULL) {
$pos = strpos($url, '#' . $fragment);
$url = substr($url, 0, $pos) . $interUrl . substr($url, $pos);
return $url;
function linkifyFilterConditions($url, $conditions) {
return addQueryParameters($url, array('conditions' => $conditions));
// Tests
// TODO: replace by unit tests
var_dump(linkifyFilterConditions('', [1,2,3]));
var_dump(linkifyFilterConditions('', [1,2,3]));
var_dump(linkifyFilterConditions('', [1,2,3]));
Usage (in OP's views):
$href = 'yourscript?conditions[]=a';
$href = linkifyFilterConditions($href, $conditions);
echo '<a href="' . $href . '">Test</>';
How about puting you arrays in $_SESSION?
see here
