Hope you all are doing good. I'm making a react-based project. Since yesterday it was working fine. Still, there is no error yet but my cart is not showing up when I click on it. The function is working fine there is not a bug in it but it stopped working itself. It is my university project and I do not know what to do, can you guys help me out, please?
enter image description here
Go to this url please
ReactJs Redux Project issues
I’m working on a NextJS project, whenever I use it on my computer it works flawlessly. But when trying to access pages on my phone, I get the following error.
It’s weird because my app doesn’t use anything remotely related to ethereum.
Thanks in advance for any help.
You have to make sure that ethereum provider is in place. I'm sure if you opened your app in Metamask mobile browser it would work just fine.
Since you haven't included your code snippet I can't help further in this moment
For some reason none of the edits I make to the the html/css of my react application are wanting to save. Before they would auto save but now nothing happens even with closing the application and restarting it? I did some research and tried adding this to the electron.js section
require('electron-reload')(__dirname, {
electron: require(`${__dirname}/node_modules/electron`)
If there is something you can do to help I would greatly appreciate it
I see other topics regarding this issue, but following their advice has not helped my particular issue.
I have tried following the https://create-react-app.dev/docs/deployment/ documentation on the github pages section. It didn't work the first time, so I thought maybe I did something wrong. So, I also did a hard reset, and started back over and tried it again.
Yesterday I published my calculator project to git hub pages. I then deleted it because someone told me I wouldn't be able to post a dynamic site on there. Well I later found out that a simple calculator is not dynamic site because its not accessing a server. So, I decided to try and post it to gh pages once again. Once again, the gh page is showing a blank page. Apparently this is a common issue.
the gh page link: https://benjamin-wofford.github.io/Purple-Calculator/
and the repository link: https://github.com/Benjamin-Wofford/Purple-Calculator/tree/gh-pages
Please help guide me so that I can get my calculator up on the internet
My manifest.json file somehow was built using HTML code. So, I switched out the code with the actual manifest.json file that was on my local repository, and it fixed the issue.
I've been trying to learning AngularJS for the last two weeks, while working on my first todo App..
The problem is that I've now spend days on trying to get the details page to work with Firebase..
When I press a task in the list, I want it to open a details page for the task..
Using the tutorials I can find and writing it into my app have not gone well..I just keep breaking the app and getting blank screen..
I made a plunker sample of the app here:
Sample App
Is there a experienced AngularJS coder, that could take quick look and help me getting this to work??
Thank you..
I'm starting to build a new portfolio with this Gumby framework. I've chosen Gumby because I like SASS more than LESS, so I would like to try a framework based on this language.
The problem is that the mobile navigation doesn't work for me.
If I use the ui.html inside the downloaded package and I resize the browser window, the "three lines icon" appears, but if I click nothing happend!
If I use the Gumby's UI demo on the website it works...either for some website I saw here on stackoverflow that use gumby!
I've checked all the paths, the developer told me that I have to use gumby.min.js and it's uncomment by default, so i don't know why this mobile menu doesn't work for me.
Maybe I have to work online with the website hosted on a server? But I'ts strange...
I don't know what code to post, because it's simply the ui.html who all of you can find inside the downloaded gumby package.
I don't know javascript well so I cannot explain how/why this works but there is an issue with toggleswitch.js. Add e.stopImmediatePropagation(); to line 45. That's what worked for me.
If someone knows how or why this works I would love to learn.