Why doesn't useState work with deeply nested objects and arrays in them? - reactjs

In my use case I have an array of characters, each character has multiple builds, and each build has a weapons string, and artifacts string. I'm making a tool to select portions of each string and assign them to a value, e.g. assigning index 3-49 of weapons to a specific weapon.
const [characterIndices, setCharacterIndices] = useState<
{ builds: { weaponIndices: SE[]; artifactSetIndices: SE[] }[] }[]
...characters.map((char) => {
return {
builds: [
...char.builds.map((_build) => {
return {
weaponIndices: [],
artifactSetIndices: [],
The SE type is as follows:
type SE = { start: number; end: number; code: string };
//start and end are the respective start and end of selected text
//code is the specific artifact or weapon
The weaponIndices and artifactSetIndices basically hold the start and end of selected text in a readonly textarea.
I have a function to add a SE to either weaponIndices or artifactSetIndices:
const addSE = (
type: "weaponIndices" | "artifactSetIndices",
{ start, end, code }: SE,
characterIndex: number,
buildIndex: number
) => {
let chars = characterIndices;
chars[characterIndex].builds[buildIndex][type].push({ start, end, code });
setCharacterIndices((_prev) => chars);
I think that using a console log after using a set function isn't recommended, but it does show what it's intended to the weaponIndices, or artifactSetIndices after an entry is added.
Passing the addSE function alongside characterIndices to a separate component, and using addSE, does print the respective indices after adding an entry, but the component's rendering isn't updated.
It only shows up when I "soft reload" the page, when updating the files during the create-react-app live reload via npm run start.
In case you are confused about what the data types are, I've made a github repo, at https://github.com/ChrisMGeo/ght-indexer/tree/main/src at src/data.json. That JSON file describes what the character data looks like, including the builds, and each build's weapons and artifacts(called artifact_sets in the JSON)

Looks to me you are not updating the state at all.
Here you are just storing the same object reference that you already have in state into a new variable chars.
let chars = characterIndices;
chars now holds reference to a same object as characterIndices.
Here you are mutating that same object
chars[characterIndex].builds[buildIndex][type].push({ start, end, code });
And here you are updating the state to the same object that is already in the state. Notice that no state update here occurs.
setCharacterIndices((_prev) => chars);
Object you have in state is mutated, but you did not "change" the value of the state, thus no component re-render.
What you could maybe do is create a copy of the object, mutate that and update the state. just change chars assignment like this:
let chars = {...characterIndices};

React often compares values using Object.is() only to a single level of nesting (the tested object and its children).
It will not re-render if the parent is found equal, or if all the children are found equal.
React then considers that nothing has changed.
In your implementation, even the first top-level check will immediately fail, since Object.is(before, after) will return true.
You could use an Immutable objects approach to eliminate this concern when setting a new state (either directly through spreading values or with a support library such as Immer).
For example instead of setting the values within the object...
myObj.key = newChildObj
...you would make a new object, which preserves many of the previous values.
myObj === {...myObj, key: newChildObj}
This means that every changed object tree is actually a different object (with only the bits that haven't changed being preserved).
To read more about this see https://javascript.plainenglish.io/the-effect-of-shallow-equality-in-react-85ae0287960c


Cannot assign to read only property of Object in TypeScript

can anyone explain to me please why and how this might happen:
I have a typescript app with Zustand state management.
Somewhere during the app I am updating certain elements by extracting them from the state and cloning via simple Object.Assign :
let elemToUpdate = Object.assign({},story?.content?.elementsData[nodeId]);
if(elemToUpdate) {
if(elemToUpdate.title) elemToUpdate.title[editorLang] = newName;
else elemToUpdate.title = {[editorLang]:newName} as TextDictionary;
Now the interesting part is on my first try the update goes through without fail, but the next object I am trying to update fails with the following message:
Tree.tsx:39 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'en' of object '#<Object>'
I can't understand WHY the first one comes through, but the second gets blocked.
(I know HOW to fix it, need to do deep clone, I just want to understand WHY)
First, let's start from why some objects in your code are readonly. Based on what you described in the question, you use a Zustand state manager. Such managers traditionally wraps you stored data to readonly objects to prevent it's manual mutation (expecting, you will change the state only via built-in mechanisms), to guarantee data stability. So, if the story?.content?.elementsData[nodeId] is the Zustand state object, it self and all it's nested objects are converted to readonly.
Second, let's define, which objects will be blocked. I see at least two objects here: elemToUpdate: { ..., title: { [lang]: string }} (elemToUpdate and it's title). Both will be converted to readonly.
Third, you use Object.assign({}, ...) which creates a new object (new reference) and clones all properties of the source object. It happens only for first level of properties, no deep clone. So, as the title is a reference to another object, it will be cloned as is and in the new object it still leads to the existing { [lang]: string } object. There are several way to solve that: 1) deep clone as you mentioned; 2) manually clone title property, for instance {..., title: { ... elemToUpdate.title }} or via Object.assign
But I would suggest don't mutate you object this way. Probably, your entire algorithm has some architectural issues in general.
That is expected because in the first case you are not assigning value to the title you are only changing the value of the title property. In the second case, you are reassigning the value of the title property,
it's the read-only value you cant change it. Let's understand with a simple example
Javascript: Only for example not related to problem
const user = {
name: 'John',
user.name = "Pete"; // This works
const user = {
name: 'John',
user = { name: 'Pete'} // This doesn't work
const user: Readonly<{
a: {
name: string
}> = {
a:{ name: 'John',}
user.a.name = "Pete"; // This works
user.a = { name: 'John',} // not work
The same is happening there, Typescript does not check deep Readonly prop. check here

React.js: How to properly append multiple items to an array state using its use-state hook setter?

My component has a state that should store an array of objects. I initialized it to be empty.
const [tableDataSource, setTableDataSource] = useState([])
After a couple successful fetching and reorganizing of fetch results, one or more object literals should be appended to the tableDataSource state. Desired output should be
key: 1,
key2: 'sample string value',
key3: false,
key: 'sample string value',
key2: true,
My current fetch result is another array containing 2 object literals. I tried to append all items from this array to the state setter.
let dataSource = generateRows(showCompletedItems, fetchResult);
The code above reorganizes the fetch results into desired output. I logged dataSource in the console and verified if it is an Array object and it returned true.
Somewhere inside the component declaration I also have a useEffect that logs the current tableDataSource to output the changes.
console.log('TABLE DATA SOURCE >>>>', tableDataSource, typeof tableDataSource);
I have a difficult time appending the array items into the state array using its setter. I tried Approach # 1:
The console does not log anything.
Approach # 2:
setTableDataSource((tableDataSource) => [...tableDataSource, dataSource])
Returns a nested array as shown below:
If I used Approach # 2 and initialized the component state like this:
const [tableDataSource, setTableDataSource] = useState([{}])
[{}, [{...}, {...}]]
Approach # 3 does not log anything like the first one
setTableDataSource((tableDataSource) => [...tableDataSource, ...dataSource])
Figured it out.
setArrayOfObjects((currentObjects) => currentObjects.concat([ ...anotherArrayOfObjects]))
I hope this very specific problem will help others. It was very annoying, it took me hours to figure it out.
You can use Set.
setTableDataSource((tableDataSource) => [... new Set([...tableDataSource, ...dataSource])])

Allow temporarily empty object for a typed state

I'm coming from JS background and learning Typescript now. I can't get over this issue.
I have a very particularly typed state that I know I will need in the future to work with:
type NotificationValuesType = {
channel: string
for: NotificationUsageTypes
id: string
type: NotificationTypes
workspace: string
I'm setting my React state like this:
const [dropdownsState, setDropdownsState] = useState<NotificationValuesType>([])
The thing is that initially I can now only type and id, all of the rest of props I can gather thru a series of dropdowns when a user chooses them, event fires, and then populates the state with one dropdown at a time, so at some point, it will be only:
[{id: "id", type: "type", channel: "channel"}]
at the next event, it will be [{id: "id", type: "type", channel: "channel", workspace: "workspace"}] and one more step and state update to get to know all the props in the declared type.
What I don't understand is how to tell Typescript to stop yelling at me until the point I know all the props and make sure I will know all the needed props in the future.
I absolutely cannot make any of these props optional because they
aren't optional.
Also tried setting state type to NotificationValuesType | [] but typescript keeps yelling
I learned about type assertions and guess it should help but can't find any example of using it on the state. Can I do something
like const [dropdownsState, setDropdownsState] = useState as <NotificationValuesType>([]) ???
Thanks for reading all way to the end! =)
I absolutely cannot make any of these props optional because they
aren't optional.
Perhaps not when you're done, but while you're in the process of building it, if values need to be undefined, then the type needs to reflect that. So most likely you'll want to have the state variable have optional properties, then you go through your steps to fill it out, and once you've verified it's all there you can assign it to a variable with a type where the properties are all mandatory.
There is a helper type called Partial which will take in a type and produce a new one who's properties are optional.
// Note: this type is just the individual object, not the array that you have
type Example = {
channel: string
for: NotificationUsageTypes
id: string
type: NotificationTypes
workspace: string
const [dropdownsState, setDropdownsState] = useState<Partial<Example>[]>([])
// Later on, once you've verified that all the properties exist you can
// assert that it's done. I don't know exactly what your verification
// code will look like, but here's an example
if (dropdownsState.every(value => {
return value.channel && value.for && value.id && value.type && value.workspace
})) {
const finishedState = dropdownsState as Example[];
// do something with the finished state
EDIT: as pointed out in the comments, if you use a type guard, then typescript can narrow down the types and save you from having to reassign it:
if (dropdownsState.every((value): value is Example => {
return value.channel && value.for && value.id && value.type && value.workspace
})) {
// Inside this block, typescript knows that dropdownsState is an Example[]

How to chain useState() method from React hook

Is it possible to chain a React hook? If so, how?
A typical application of a hook would look like this:
const [inv, updateInventory] = useState([])
a = ["cheese", "bread", "apples"]
b = a.filter(isDairy)
We can also do this, but it's not chained:
const [inv, updateInventory] = useState([])
a = ["cheese", "bread", "apples"]
What I want is a chained hook in a functional style:
const [inv, updateInventory] = useState([])
a = ["cheese", "bread", "apples"]
Can a hook can be modified to take state from this?
Proper usage would be:
updateInventory([...a, "cheddar"].quicksort().filter("cheese"))
But if you really want that chaining, look into how to edit the array prototype.
This is really not recommended, as that method will then be available on all arrays.
I think the underlying problem is you're not clear on what's actually happening with method chaining and possibly with hooks. The specific question:
Can a hook can be modified to take state from this?
doesn't really make sense. So let's break down why then come back at the end to how you could approach this.
For method chaining, let's try a simple example using two methods, .filter and .map, that have two important properties:
They actually return arrays (unlike .push, which returns the new length of the array); and
They actually exist on arrays (unlike .quicksort, which exists on neither an array nor the integer you were calling it on).
function isDairy(item) {
return ["cheese", "milk"].includes(item);
function getPrice(item) {
return { bread: 0.58, cheese: 0.80, apples: 0.47, milk: 1.01 }[item];
const inStock = ["bread", "cheese", "apples"];
.map((item) => ({ item, price: getPrice(item) }));
// => [{ item: "cheese", price: 0.8 }]
There's nothing particularly special happening here, each method you're calling returns a new array on which you can also call any method an array has. You could assign the intermediate steps and get the same result:
const filteredStock = stock.filter(isDairy);
// => ["cheese"]
const pricedFilteredStock = filteredStock.map((item) => ({ item, price: getPrice(item) }));
// => [{ item: "cheese", price: 0.8 }]
It is not the case that:
these are standalone functions (like in e.g. Python where you map(callable, iterable)); or
that the item.name syntax is doing anything beyond just accessing a property named name on the item.
If I tried to use the filter method as a standalone function:
filter(isDairy, inStock);
that would be a ReferenceError, or if I defined another function and tried to access it as if it was a prop on an array:
function allUppercase() {
return this.map((item) => item.toUpperCase());
it would be a TypeError (because isStock.allUppercase is undefined and undefined isn't callable).
Note you could do allUppercase.bind(inStock)() (or the neater allUppercase.call(inStock)), though; JavaScript does have a means of setting this for a function.
When you use the useState hook, you're calling a function that returns an array containing two objects, and destructuring that array to two local variables:
const [thing, setThing] = useState(initialValue);
is equivalent to:
const result = useState(initialValue);
const thing = result[0];
const setThing = result[1];
The thing, setThing naming is just a convention; really, we're accessing those two objects (current value and setter function) by position. They don't have names of their own, you can do const [foo, bar] = useState("baz") (but... don't).
As the setter is a function you might be wondering whether you can use setThing.bind here, but if setThing is written to use this (I didn't look into the implementation, as it's not directly relevant), it's not going to be happy if you change what this is!
So this comes together when you try to do:
const [basket, setBasket] = useState([]);
// ^^^^^^^^^
// ^^^^^^^^^
As with the example above, this is a TypeError because setBasket doesn't exist on the array returned by .map. The fact that the same "word" setBasket appears twice is totally irrelevant as far as JavaScript is concerned; one is a local variable and the other is a prop on an array, there's no connection between them.
.map(...) returns a new array, one that we didn't already have a reference to, so the only way to make this work is to ensure all arrays have a setBasket method, which means patching the prototype (as covered in adding custom functions into Array.prototype):
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "setBasket", {
value () {
One problem here is that the function setBasket is accessed via a closure, so it needs to happen inside the component where the hook is defined, so it's going to get defined every time the component is rendered (or you're going to useEffect), which is a problem because you can't redefine that method as written...
But let's ignore that because the bigger problem is that every array in your app now has that method, even in contexts where it's not relevant. If you have multiple state hooks, as seems likely in any non-trivial app, your arrays are gaining lots of methods globally that are only for use in small local scopes.
A more feasible approach is to add a generic method that can be used to apply any hook (in fact any function) to an array:
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "andCall", {
value (func) {
return func(this);
This can be added once, globally, and used to apply whatever hook is relevant:
Note that if you're using TypeScript, you'd also have to add the definition to the global array type, e.g.:
declare global {
interface Array<T> {
andCall<S>(func: (arr: Array<T>) => S): S;

Mongo query returns empty array on initial run

I have a collection named People that holds multiple documents. I am using Meteor JS for my website. When I run People.find({status: "Pending"}) it initially returns an empty array. If I wrap it in a Tracker.autorun:
var peeps = People.find({status: "Pending"})
Session.set('listo', peeps)
It finds the documents after first returning an empty array.
// => []
// => [{}]
The issue is that the first value (the empty array) is getting passed to my template and it is displaying none of the documents. I am using react for rendering:
render() {
return (
Session.get('listo').map((item) => {
I thought that a session variable would work for this case but maybe this is conflicting with react or something, I'm not really sure.
To clarify the problem, the data always eventually gets loaded into the the listo session variable but this new data is not displayed in the render() function.
