Access for Microsoft 365.
Form design-->Text box.
I have created a text box but when I save the same text it is displayed in all the individual records.
How do I get a different text for each individual record?
For example:
I have 50 different customer records.
I have a label titled fruit fo all 50 records.
If I write in the text box 'apple' in the first record label all 50 records will have the same text box 'apple'
How do I achieve to have different fruits for each records?
Add that "fruit" field to the table, then bind your textbox to this field - like the other fields you display on the form.
Set the ControlSource property of the textbox to: YourNameOfTheFruitField
I am using ag-grid in an angualar project to display a list of input parameters for a user to select. However, so far I am only able to show this list as distinct rows. And every time user has to select one cell, he has to select the entire row. I have not found any single cell selection as user input in ag-grid documentation so far. Any other ideas?
This is how I would like to have my UI look in angular using ag-grid so that the user can select one or more cells per column (Data category) as input
Data Catagory A
Data Catagory B
Data Catagory C
But currently, this is all I have come up with - distinct separate rows per input value for each of the columns :
Data Catagory A
Data Catagory B
Data Catagory C
And subsequently, the entire row/rows are selected as input by the user.
Most of the ag-grid documentation talks about row selection or range selection, but I couldnät find anything that talks about multiple cell selection in different rows and columns (not a range of cells)
I just create a story in VEEML based on a Dataview.
I would like to add a filter that users can use by the "Filters" buttons on top of the new story.
To add a filter based on 1 column of your dataview :
1/ At the bottom of the left menu, click on the database icon to open the datafields options
2/ search the field you want as a filter
3/ Expand that field
4/ In the tab "Filters", check the checkbox
5/ Select the right type of the filter in the the list :
Buttons (multi-values) : It appears as buttons. The user will be able to select 2 or more values.
Buttons (single-value) : It appears as buttons. The user will be able to select only 1 value.
FromTo : use only that type on a field containing an ISO day (format = YYYYMMDD). It appears as 2 calendar fields.
List : the field will be display as a listbox. The user will be able to select 2 values or more and can make a search.
Autocomplete : it appears as a text box. The user can begin to write the value in that textbox and choose the right value he wants to select.
PS : if you have less than 10 distinct values in your field , the buttons could be the best option. Between 10 and 500 distinct values, choose a list. More than 500 distinct values, consider to use an autocomplete field.
6/ Once created, you can specify a specific index in the Filters window for that filter.
For instance, if you create a filter on the field "Year" with the index 10, specify 20 for the field "month" and 30 for the field "Week".
7/ Once done, you can colapse the field and Close the pop-up window.
I have created a user form for adding inventory.
I have 2 combobox in the form
Category = combobox1 (housekeeping, Electricals, Cafetria etc) for these categories I am populating combox1 with rowsource property
Itemsname - combobox2 - I want to populate this combobox based on the category selected in combobox 1
The problem I am facing is the items name repeat if there are more than 1 itemsname then all items name show up in the combobox2 which i dont want. I want to see unique values. I will give you example of entries
ColumnA(Category) ColumnB(itemsname) ColumnC (Vendorname)
Cafeteria Beans Cafe Coffee Day
Housekeeping liquid soap Sevak Industries
IT Monitors Infotech solutions
IT Keyboard Infotech solutions
IT Monitors Raj computers
see screenshot the above columns gets messed up :
Now in the above example I populate categories combobox 1 with unique values because number of categories are fixed so I have saved them separately and I pick them with rowsource
The main problem arises when I populate combobox 2 with items name. Same Item can be bought from different vendors so Monitors we are buying from different vendors so there are two entries. In combox 2 I see 2 entries of monitors but I want to see only one since the name is same.
Note I am using for loop and adding items in the loop in combobox 2 so it scans each entries of monitor twice so it adds up monitor twice
Can anyone help on this I am frustrated I cant figure out how to get unique values
I want to populate value in different cells of one column corresponding to value of radio button in another column in table in React.
So , there is
Gender column with entry as Radio button male and female and if male is selected it should auto populate male in another cell of different column and if female it should auto populate female . Also want the counter to total number of rows with males and females.
Any help is appreciated.
Link to code :
I need to push value of gender male/female to second column gender selected . Also I need count for total no of male and female selected in table .
Without seeing your code, I cannot be specific, but performing your radio button select action will create an event that you can then use several different ways. If you then use that event to change state, any components that use that state will be updated.
Code Sandbox Example
Perhaps that helps?
I have a Google Sheet that I am making and I am having trouble with a format. I have columns from A-Q and cells from 4-100, what I want to be able to do is the last column (Q) is for invoice #'s so I want to be able to when someone enters an invoice number the whole row changes color, is that possible?
You need to create a conditional format with the custom formula
In the "Format" menu, select "Conditional formatting...", then apply the pictured settings.