Using a custom local font when developing a React component library - reactjs

I'm developing a component library in React using Styled Components and Rollup as a bundler. Also, I'm using Storybook.
Now I want to add the Open Sans font from Google Fonts. I know how to do this when developing a standard React project, but I'm not sure how to do this when developing a component library.
What I tried/ways I know of:
Adding the link to the head of the HTML document (I don't have an HTML document since I'm developing a component library)
Creating a GlobalStyles object using Styled Components and inserting an #font-face there (I don't think this is possible since the GlobalStyles object needs to be inserted in the JSX of the index.ts file which I don't have)
Does anyone know how I should handle this?


TailwindCSS Duplicate CSS classes when using library in app

I have a component library using storybook & TailwindCSS and a host app that's also using TaildwindCSS itself that imports the component library. When the classes are generated, I'm seeing that they're duplicated:
Both projects import TailwindCSS standardly in their index.css files which is then imported into index.tsx using import "./index.css";:
The host app does generate all the classes from the component library when imported but due to there being duplicate classes, some are being overridden due to the order (pay attention to the source and line numbers in the above image)
The component looks correct on storybook:
Host app:
Looking for advice on how to correctly import the component library within the host app?
I've figured that the component library generates it's own TailwindCSS classes as expected and that's where the "duplicate" classes (inline) come from and it's being included in a single output in index.js in the dist folder. Still need a way to avoid these duplicates when imported in the host app. May need to look at changing the component library to build a separate .css file with the styles and tell the host app to generate the component library's styles to prevent these duplicates.
After reading more on the TailwindCSS documentation, I've found a resolution. Using the following information from, I was able to fix my issues.
Essentially what I've now done is, on my component library, I ensured that the.css styles are extracted into it's own file and not built into a single index.js. After that, on the host app, I set the content of tailwind config to reference my component library so that it scans the src and generates those classes itself.

React component library exporting common css file with rollup

I created a React component library with the help of Rollup.
Inside component library project there is a common css file with default theme, and I would like to be distributed separately.
What would be the best way to rollup the library and have components and css separately? And how to consume it in a main project? I have spend a day looking for the info, but there is a “library hell”, and very different information.

How to reuse AEM SPA components from one project in another?

How do I reuse one AEM SPA project's components in another SPA project? Assuming both projects in this example use the AEM Maven Archetype 25 with React:
Project A has a header component in ui.front-end that has the proper mapping to the AEM component under its ui.apps.
How would I reuse this header component in Project B? It seems like the header component needs to also exist in Project B and be imported into the imported-components.js file to work. If I wanted to instead turn project A into an AEM SPA component library and use those components in Project B. How could I make this work?
If I wanted to instead turn project A into an AEM SPA component library and use those components in Project B.
You can do this - just create project-a as a regular React App and export your components from it, then use it as a dependency in project-b (the ui.frontend part of your AEM project) and map those React components to their AEM counterparts.
Here's an example component from :
const Header = (props) => {
return <h1>{props.title}</h1>
export default Header
Then in your project-b you'd do something like:
import {Header} from 'project-a'
import {MapTo} from '#adobe/aem-react-editable-components'

How to import react framework into vscode source code project to create UI component?

When i customize vscode source code, i found it hard to add a page.
I know there are many ways to do so, such as Part/Widget/Browserwindow, but only if i new a Browserwindow can i explicitly load html and js files like in chrome browser and it's friendly.
If i use a Part or a Widget, i need to use native js api to do dom manipulation, and it's so inefficient,
~~so i want to know how did vscode team decide to use no ui framework during the development? Is there some trade-off?~~
i tried to import react and react-dom directly in my own contrib file /vs/workbench/contrib/dialog/browser/dialog.ts, and then get successful compilation and the react component shows up, but i don't know how to add babel with the compilation procedure, so i use react without jsx.
so i want to know how to import react framework into vscode source code project to create ui component? Is there some practices?

Debugging styled components with Create React App

I've installed Styled Components into my Create React App, and everything works fine, but by default, it looks as though the class name it appends to the element isn't based off of the styled component name (ie. MyButton should create an element with the class MyButton-134as23f).
In the Styled Components documentation, it says to install the babel-plugin-styled-components, and then configure the .babelrc file, however, from what I understand, we don't have access to that file until we eject from the app.
So how can I debug styled components while I am developing an app within Create React App?
I was able to find an answer to this:
Because Create React App is a zero-config application, the only way to add anything to the .babelrc file is to eject from React.
Obviously, I wanted to keep all of my tooling, and came across babel-plugin-macro. It's essentially a way for users to run libraries at compile time, without having to configure their Babel file beforehand.
So after installing it to my devDependencies, I then changed the import path to import styled from 'styled-components/macro, and all of the Babel plugin features that you would normally need to eject for came standard with Styled Components.
Let me know if you have any questions or trouble with my answer.
Hope this helps!
