Change the visualization value on input field in React - reactjs

I have a state which has a field value as number which contains many decimals. I want to parse it to fixed(2).
But if I do so in the value of my input I have problems when typing a new value, and only accepts the first number. I can type 4 and gets 4.00 but I can't type 44 neither add decimals.
Is there a way to isolate the value which is displayed from the actual value?
I don't want to parse the value before because I would lost precision and my real value would change. The idea is just trimming my value which is displayed in the input only for visualization purpose.
value={(+takeup).toFixed(2)} />


AngularJs ng-model gets me 5e+21 when I input a number with lots of zeroes

I'm a bit confused here..
I'm trying to create a field with number and binding it into ng-model, but when I input this value
It gets me 1e+22 on the model result, how can I make it as number not this string when I input lot of 0 behind.
Hopefully somebody here giving me 10000000000000000000000 then it should returns 10000000000000000000000 on the ng-model.
Thank you
How can I make it as number not this string when I input lot of 0 behind.
It's not a string, it's a number displayed using the scientific notation. Javascript uses this notation for big numbers. For example, in JS, this king of statement is valid :
var i = 1e+22;
Instead of using {{test}} to display your value, call a function to format the number correctly (the result will be a string and not an number).
This post explains how to print a number wihout using the scientific notation.
Updated codepen

React controlled number input jumps when deleting decimal point

I have a controlled number input in a React app, and when I remove all the digits right of the decimal point, the decimal point itself is removed. So when I have 1.1, and remove the rightmost 1, it should leave 1.; but the point is also removed automatically, leaving 1, and the cursor is moved to the front.
For a minimal example, see this fiddle: . Just press backspace on the input to observe the behavior.
After some googling, I think the root of the problem is that 1. is treated as 1, and there is no way to extract the current value from the input.
Therefore, when I remove the rightmost 1, the following happens:
The change handler is called
The value is 1
React updates the value in the state to 1
The input now has the value of 1, instead of 1.
As I see, this is not a bug, but a weird outcome of the architecture. Are there any workarounds that use number inputs? Or should I fall back to regular text inputs?
It works fine in Firefox, but not in Chrome.
It turned out to be a bug in React itself, see this PR.
It is fixed from 15.5.4 onwards, see this fiddle:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Is there a reason why you would like to have that decimal in place when you delete the number proceeding the decimal point? This isn't so much as a React question as it is more a general HTML one. Like you mention, if you would like the decimal point to show when you are inputing a number, then you can change the type="number" to type="text".
Also, I'd like to point out that in your initial state, you are setting the value to a string, and then the string "1.1" is being coerced into the number 1.1. For consistency you should set the initial state to a number if your input is type="number" or keep the initial state as a string and change the input to type="text"
If you would like the number in the box to increment or decrement by 0.1 every time the up or down arrow are pressed, change the step to step="0.1".
The issue is that you're defining your input as type="number" but the value you're throwing into it a string. When the string "1." gets converted to a number, it loses the decimal value.
// Example of string "1." getting converted to a number
parseInt("1.", 10) // 1
How to fix:
As #Yo Wakita says in his answer, just use a string input. However! You can easily disallow non-numbers with a RegEx:
_onChange(e) {
// This will match all signed/unsigned floats
// Pattern credit:
// You'll probably want to store this as a default prop so that it isn't generated on every onChange
var regex = new RegExp(/^-?\d*\.?\d*$/);
if (regex.test( ) {
} else {
alert('Sorry, only numbers are allowed.');

How do I make XamCurrencyEditor accept either parentheses or a minus sign?

<XamCurrencyEditor FormatProvider="{Binding Path=CurrencyFormat.CurrencyFormatInfo}"
Mask="{Binding Path=CalculatedMask}" />
CurrencyFormat.CurrencyFormatInfo is a NumberFormatInfo calculated from our currency format business object. CalculatedMask is set to "{currency:-22.2:c}", which allows positive or negative currencies with up to 22 digits before the decimal and 2 after.
I would like the editor to allow either parenthesis or a minus sign for negative values:
$ -123.45
($ 123.45)
CurrencyNegativePattern is already set to 0. I tried changing the Mask to "{currency:(22.2):c}", but that is just inserted as a literal string. Will I have to generate a custom format string to get the desired behavior?
As a partial solution, adding Format="C" causes the editor to fully respect the FormatProvider when formatting its value.
<XamCurrencyEditor FormatProvider="{Binding Path=CurrencyFormat.CurrencyFormatInfo}"
Mask="{Binding Path=CalculatedMask}"
Format="C" />
The editor still refuses to accept parentheses. If anyone from Infragistics is reading, please consider this a feature request.

Input[number] starting (not default) value

I'm trying to accomplish something that is a bit out of the ordinary. I have a regular <input type="number"> field with a designated min and max value where the user can input a year. When initially hitting the up or down arrow on the input field, the value starts at the min attribute's value. What I'm trying to accomplish is to get it to start at the max attribute's value.
Are there any straight-forward ways to accomplish this using either HTML or AngularJS? I could write some javascript to do it, but I would prefer to avoid that. Note that I don't want to default the field to that value on load, only when interacting with the control.
Note that the min and max values are determined at run-time from a table, so they can vary.

xtype: numberfield value is going to auto correct(change) for more than 16 digit value

can any one explain why(how) the xtype: numberfield value is going to auto correct(change) if am providing more than a 16 digits value.
For Example:
22222222222222222 is changed to 22222222222222224
222222222222222222 is changed to 222222222222222200
2222222222222222222 is changed to 2222222222222222300
22222222222222222222 is changed to 22222222222222220000
222222222222222222222 is changed to 222222222222222230000
2222222222222222222222 is changed to 2.2222222222222222e+21
22222222222222222222222 is changed to 2.2222222222222223e+22
Which results in my page after rendering as shown below when get the value through in my component jsp page
NumberFieldTestValue:<%= properties.get("numberfieldname","") %>
Resulting as below
NumberFieldTestValue: 2.2222222222222223e+22
The problem
This behavior is caused by the fact that the dialog behavior is implemented in JavaScript. The numbers you're having problems with cannot be represented in it.
The language conforms to the ECMASCRIPT 5.1 specification.
To quote the Number type description
all the positive and negative integers whose magnitude is no greater
than 2^53 are representable in the Number type
The base 2 logarithm of 2222222222222222222222 is about 70, which means the number exceeds the maximum value. Hence your problems.
All in all, if you check your examples in a plain JS console in a browser, the same behavior will be displayed so this is not really a CQ problem.
Solution 1 - use a different type
To avoid this, you could potentially use xtype="textfield" and validate it against a regular expression to see if it consists of numbers only. Then you'd have to make sure to use a type capable of holding such numbers at the backend (like BigInteger).
The field could look like this:
fieldLabel="Number of grains of sand at the beach"
regexText="Please enter a numeric value."
Solution 2 - change scale
Another option is to change the logic behind the configuration and use some different units if applicable. For instance, if the value 2222222222222222222222 is a number of grams (weight of an object/substance), it makes perfect sense to read it in metric tons instead (at least in many cases). The author could probably do without entering such humongous numbers.
You'll need to be extra-careful if you go this way.
