providing context for next condition - apache-flink

I want to detect all sequences of the same integer that is followed by the count of these integers.
is there any way to create this pattern with the Flink CEP library?
suppose this:
val input List(1,2,2,2,3,3,2,1,1,1,3,0,1)
these sequences should be detected:
I know there are many ways to do it by the Flink itself but I want to do it with CEP and I think it needs support passing context to the next condition am I right? if so, is it possible with Flink CEP to pass context or modify the events on stream and put some extra data to pass information to the next condition?

is it possible with Flink CEP to pass context or modify the events on stream and put some extra data to pass information to the next condition?
Flink CEP supports iterative conditions, which are conditions that can examine the events that matched earlier components of a compound pattern. I think that's powerful enough to handle this use case.
There's an example showing how to use iterative conditions in one of the recipes in the Immerok Cookbook: Alerting when Problems Persist.
(Disclaimer: I work for Immerok.)


Flink AggregateFunction vs KeyedProcessFunction with ValueState

We have an application that consumes events from a kafka source. The logic from processing each element needs to take into account the events that were previously received (having the same partition key), without using time for windowing. The first implementation used a GlobalWindow, with an AggregateFunction for keeping the current state information and a trigger that would always fire in onElement call. I am guessing that the alternative of using a KeyedProcessFunction that and holds the state in a ValueState object would be more adequate, since we are not really taking timing into account, nor using any custom triggering. Is this assumption correct and are there any downsides to either one of these approaces?
In prefer using a KeyedProcessFunction in cases like this. It puts all of the related logic into one object -- rather than having to coordinate what's going on in a GlobalWindow, an AggregateFunction, and a Trigger (and perhaps also an Evictor). I find this results in implementations that are more maintainable and testable, plus you have more straightforward control over state management.
I don't see any advantages to a solution based on windows.

Flink windowAll aggregate than window process?

We are aggregating some data for 1 minute which we then flush onto a file. The data itself is like a map where key is an object and value is also an object.
Since we need to flush the data together hence we are not doing any keyBy and hence are using windowAll.
The problem that we are facing is that we get better throughput if we use window function with ProcessAllWindowFunction and then aggregate in the process call vs when we use aggregate with window function. We are also seeing timeouts in state checkpointing when we use aggregate.
I tried to go through the code base and the only hypothesis I could think of is probably it is easier to checkpoint ListState that process will use vs the AggregateState that aggregate will use.
Is the hypothesis correct? Are we doing something wrong? If not, is there a way to improve the performance on aggregate?
Based on what you've said, I'm going to jump to some conclusions.
I assume you are using the RocksDB state backend, and are aggregating each incoming event into into some sort of collection. In that case, the RocksDB state backend is having to deserialize that collection, add the new event to it, and then re-serialize it -- for every event. This is very expensive.
When you use a ProcessAllWindowFunction, each incoming event is appended to a ListState object, which has a very efficient implementation -- the serialized bytes for the new event are simply appended (the list doesn't have to be deserialized and re-serialized).
Checkpoints are timing out because the throughput is so poor.
Switching to the FsStateBackend would help. Or use a ProcessAllWindowFunction. Or implement your own windowing with a KeyedProcessFunction, and then use ListState or MapState for the aggregation.

Adding patterns dynamically in Apache Flink without restarting job

My use case is that I want to apply different CEP patterns to the same datastream. the CEP patterns come dynamically & i want them to be added to flink without having to restart the job. While all conditions can be handled via custom classes that implement IterativeCondition, my main problem is that the temporal condition accepts only TimeWindow; which cannot be handled. Is there some way that the value passed to .within() be set based on the input elements?
Something similar was asked here: Flink and Dynamic templates recognition
Best Answer:
"What one could add is a co-flat map operator which receives on one input channel the events and on the other input channel patterns. For each newly received pattern one either updates the existing NFA (this functionality is missing) or compiles a new one. In the latter case, one would apply incoming events to all stored NFAs."
I am trying to implement this but I am facing some difficulty. Specifically, on the point of "In the latter case, one would apply incoming events to all stored NFAs"
Reason being that I apply stream to pattern using: PatternStream matchStream = CEP.pattern(tmatchStream, pattern);
But the stream "tmatchStream" would not be defined inside the co-flatMap. Am I missing something here??? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately the answer to the linked question is still valid. Flink CEP does not support dynamic patterns at that moment. There is already a JIRA ticket for that though: FLINK-7129
The earliest reasonable target version for that feature will be 1.6.0

Camel condition on aggregate of messages

I'm looking for a way to conditionally handle messages based on the aggregation of messages. I've looked into a lot of ways to do this, but it seems that Apache Camel doesn't support it. I'll explain the scenario and then the solutions I tried.
I'm trying to conditionally clean a directory. I poll from the directory every x days and fetch all the files (file://...). I route this into an aggregation, that aggregates the files into a single size (directorySize). I then check if this size passes a certain threshold.
Here is where the problem lies. I now want to remove certain files if this condition passes, but I don't have access to the original messages anymore because they were aggregated in a new exchange.
I tried to fetch the files again to process them. Problem is that you can't make a consumer fetch on demand as far as I know. I tried using pollEnrich, but that will only fetch a single file and not all files in the directory.
I tried to filter/stop the parent route. The problem here is that filter()/choice...stop()/end() will only stop the aggregated route with the directory size and not the parent route with the file messages. I can't conditionally process these.
I tried to move the aggregated condition to another route that I would call, but this causes the same problem as the first solution.
Things I consider doing:
Rewrite the aggregation strategy to not only aggregate the size, but also the files itself into a groupedExchange. This way I can split the aggregation again after the check. I don't really like this solution because it causes a lot boilerplate, both in code as during runtime.
Move the file size calculator to a processor instead of the aggregator. This would defeat the purpose of using camel in the first place.. I would manually be fetching the files and adding the sizes.. And that for every single file..
Use a ControlBus to dynamically start the delete route on that directory. Once again a lot of workaround to achieve something that I feel should be able to be done in a simple route.
I would like to set the calculated size on every parent message, but I have no clue how this could be achieved?
Another way to stop the parent route that I haven't thought of?
I'm a bit stunned that you can't elegantly filter messages based on the aggregation of these messages. Is there something that I missed in Camel that would provide an elegant solution? Or is this a case of the least bad solution?
Simple Schema
Message(File) --> AggregatedMessage(directorySize) --> delete certain Files?
Camel is really awesome, but sometimes it's sure difficult to see exactly which design pattern to use ;)
Firstly, you need to keep a copy of the file objects, because you don't know whether to delete them or not until you reach your threshold - there are basically (at least) two ways to do this.
Alternative 1
The first way is to use a List in an exchange property. This property will hang around no matter what you do with the exchange body. If you have a look at the source code for GroupedExchangeAggregationStrategy, it does precisely this:
list = new ArrayList<Exchange>();
answer.setProperty(Exchange.GROUPED_EXCHANGE, list);
// ...
Or you could do the same thing manually on your own exchange property. In any case, it's completely fine to use the Grouped aggregation strategy as you have done.
Alternative 2
The second way to "keep" old messages is to send a copy to a stopped SEDA queue. So you would do to("seda:xyz"). You define this queue as .noAutoStartup(). Then you can send messages to it and they will queue up on an internal queue, managed by camel. When you want to process the messages, you simply start it up via controlbus and stop it again afterwards.
Generally, messing around with starting and stopping queues should be avoided unless absolutely necessary, but that's certainly another way to do it
Suggested solution
I suggest you do as you have done (i.e. alternative 1):
aggregate via GroupedExchangeAggregationStrategy to keep the individual files in a list
Compute the total file size (use a processor, or do it along the way with a custom aggregation strategy)
Use a filter(simple("${body} < 123"))
"Unwind" your aggregation via a splitter(simple("${property.CamelGroupedExchange}"))
Delete your files one by one
Please let me know if this doesn'y makes sense, or if I have misunderstood your problem in any way.

Use Reactive Extensions to harmonize & simplify Control.Enabled = true/false conditions?

Is it possible, or more precisely how is it possible to use RX.Net to listen to a number and different variety of (WinForms) controls' .TextChanged/.RowsChanged/.SelectionChanged events and whenever one condition is fullfilled (ControlA.Text isn't empty, ControlB.RowsCount > 0 etc) enable that one DoSomething button.
I am asking because currently we have a lengthy if/then statement in each of these events' handlers and maintaining them if the condition changes is, due to duplicate code, quite error prone and that's why, if possible, I think it would be nice to take the stream of events and put the condition in one place.
Has anyone done that?
You can use Observable.FromEventPattern in combination with Join patterns, with Observable.When, Observable.And and Observable.Then, to create observables which will fire depending on various conditions, like combinations of events. For example, consider my answer here: Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx): Take action once all events are completed
You should be able to use .FromEventPattern() to create observables for each of those events and then use CombineLatest() to do your logic on the current overall state and determine whether your button should be enabled, in one place.
