Disable Right Click and Control+u - reactjs

I'm creating an application and I need to disable the right mouse click and the control +u of the whole application.
How can I make a component to disable control+u and right mouse button in every application?


What is the keyboard shortcut to apply Reset on all actions in Google Data Studio Report?

Google Data Studio offers a Reset button that can be clicked to reset all actions on the report. This button is good to be used but when in full screen mode or presentation mode, this button is not visible, thus making it necessary to turn off the presentation mode, then apply reset and then turn on the presentation mode again. Do we have a keyboard shortcut instead of the Reset button? Thanks in advance for clarification.
I tried pressing F5 but it doesn't help.

In React Native, how do you make an interactive tap-and-hold modal like Instagram?

Instagram has a really cool interaction where you can tap-and-hold, aka longPress, on an image and an interactive pop-up appears. Once it appears you can drag your finger to one of the action buttons and removing your finger applies the action and closes the pop-up.
Here it is in action.
And here's a link to a video if you need a closer look.
In my app I've got the tap-and-hold popup working, but the finger drag continues to control the underlying View.
How do you get the finger interaction to transfer to the pop-up?
How do you get the buttons responding to finger drag-over?
This is something you can achieve with PanResponder. Using Pan Responder you are basically creating your own touchable components. Click here for the docs.
Also, you would need the Animated API for animating the transitions.

Loose focus vnc viewer issue

The question is already asked in below link
i can't see a context menu of WPF windows app through VNC
But my requirements are slightly differ from it.
When I run my application in vnc viewer, and click on start menu from vnc toolbar and back to my application, right click on textbox does not show context menu like, copy, paste, cut.
Then, when i go task manager, right click on my application, and do "bring to front", then everything is working fine.
So I just want to know what is happening while clicking on vnc toolbar button, will take my application's focus back.

Silverlight - Open dropdown only clicking on Toggle button

Can anybody tell me how I can open popup by clicking only on Toggle button. Usually, combobox opens popup when you click anywhere. In our project we need to open popup only when user clicks on Toggle button. It's kinda urgent.
One approach would be to create a custom control. This would give you more control over all the parts that make up your combobox. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sburke/archive/2008/03/22/tutorial-writing-a-templated-silverlight-2-control.aspx

Reacting to StylusDown in control's UI?

I'm building a touch screen application in WPF and I'm wanting to show a change in UI when the user presses a button with their finger/stylus. Currently you only get a flicker of UI change once the finger is released but nothing before that.
I've been trying to hook up triggers and/or eventtriggers in the button template to things like stylusdown and touchdown but to no avail.
I've hooked up some console writes on events attached to a button and they appear in the following order:
All of which firing at the same time when the finger is lifted from the screen. (TouchUp doesn't seem to fire at all).
Any ideas on how I could begin to capture a finger pressing onto a button in the template so I can give the user some idea that they are actually pressing a button?
After blogging in more detail about this issue I had a comment recommending using a SurfaceWindow and then SurfaceButtons from the Surface Toolkit (currently in Beta) and now all is working as I would expect.
Update: The link is now dead. Here's the link to that page from Wayback Machine.
