What is the fastest way to get my alexa to read a web page? - alexa

I want Alexa to point to a url like www.website.com/stockprice.php and I want to ask alexa, what is the stock price and alexa should read a string that will be available at that location. What is the easiest way to get this done. I do have IFTTT

I think there are two ways this can be done (based on how generic you want the solution to be). In both approach you will need to create a Alexa skill. To make the triggering of skill smooth you can look at NFI
Approach 1 : Load and parse website to find the content
This approach will work if you have only 1 web page and you are aware of the page structure. Once control comes to your Skill lambda, you can add logic to fetch the web page and search for the specific tag.
Approach 2: Plug skill with a Question Answering system
This approach can be used if you have large number of websites in the corpus and you want to be able to answer any questions on the content. In this case, you can ingest the websites using AWS Kendra. You can then plug your skill to Kendra to answer questions.


General question about Amazon Alexa's "Next Intent" (using the skill kit)

I currently try to build an alexa skill providing users with news information out of a DB.
I have 3 news topics in that DB:
- local
- global
- finance
So what I do currently is that if the user invoces the NewsIntent I collect all the data of all 3 topics, merge them together and provide that data as output via Alexa.
My question now is how would I integrate the NextIntent.
E.g. the user is not interested in the local news and would like to skip it.
My problem is, when an intent gets invoced teh I build up the response and return it back to Alexa. But in that case I would need to be able to send 3 responsed one after the other, right?
I do not know if my thoughts on that are correct or not.
If you have any idea please let me know.
Thank you!
You can use Alexa Session Attributes https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/custom-skills/manage-skill-session-and-session-attributes.html to store in which DB are you currently. Like db: local. Then when you receive AMAZON.NextIntent you will check session attributes and based on them you will use expected database.

Building an e-commerce store ( not on WP )

I will need to build an ecommerce store. I cant really wrap it around my head so far, but my main vision:
I would pay a monthly fee for a solution (something like woocommerce or shopify) so I can keep my products online in their database. Also this solution would have all the needed things bundled (like emails, order trackings, inventory, reimbursement). It would generate an email or other sign to my client when an order happens. I can imagine this happening on Wordpress with some pre-built templates.
Here comes the second part, because I would prefer to build the front-end on my own. Do You know any solution where I can simply communicate with GET / POST requests to the endpoints. So when webshop loads the products would be rendered with CSS to the users. In case of order (linked to STRIPE most probably) the required details (SKU, Quantity, user info) is saved and sent towards the solution.
How would You build it? What would You recommend as a service?
I'm much aware of one company known as Scale Labs which provides the cross-border e-commerce solutions and all kinds of services related the e-commerce sector.
You can also take the help of alternatives to Scale Labs which includes Pitney Bowes, Acommerce asia, etc but personally, I have gone through the Scale Labs. They helped me from scratch and now am earning a good profit from my store. Here's the link to their official website: Cross-Border e-commerce solutions.
If you are still confused then let me know. Thanks

Filemaker and Google Calendar. How do I make them communicate?

I am somewhat new to programming, have some experience with VBA, but thats it. I am learning Filemaker at the moment and I am getting along quite nicely. I want to let FM automaticly enter certain appointments and reminders into my google calendar.
Now, I know that the calendar has an API, and I know that that API is the interface with which I can communicate with it. But I am lacking a step in my knowledge ladder, because the documentation is thoroughly confusing. I need to know what to use, in order to tell the calendar what to enter where. Is it like some compound url I construct? How do I login?
These are all questions that pop up. I don't expect you to answer those, but rather if you can point me to the right tutorials I can read to get this knowledge.
I hope I didn't burden you guys too much.
thx in advance
I'm one of the authors of Zulu, a product we built specifically to sync FileMaker to Google Calendar, using a bi-directional sync. You can also turn Zulu into your own CalDAV server if you want to go that route.
Good luck!
Don't take this wrong but you may be biting off too much. I have been programming for 30 years and it took me a couple of days to gather the information needed to interact with the Google APIs (the OAuth2 authentication can be really confusing at first).
My sugestion would be to look at importing calendars into Google Calendars using either CSV (https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/45656) or ICS (https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/45656) format. You should be able to generate those formats with a little bit of Filemaker scripting.
But since you asked:
You need the OAUTH2 offline access, with a refresh token you would
store somewhere.
You will use the refresh token to get an auth token
You will make requests using HTTPS GETS or POSTS (see the Calendar
API explorer), with the auth token in the Authorization header.
Since there is no Google Calendar API for FileMaker :-), you would
have to know some details of the HTTP protocol to send a properly
formatted request, you will be working at a lower level than you
would be if using a Python, Java or .NET library.
You will get back
JSON responses which you will have to parse.
There are a couple of ways you can try to do this quickly:
Use Zapier (http://zpr.io/VhK - affiliate link) to create a webhook, then use a hidden webviewer in FileMaker to create the event. Try this as an example: http://zpr.io/fqg7
Use a plug-in, like this one https://www.feedzon.com/products/fmgcal/. I've never used that particular one before, but it looks fairly straightforward.
If you want to go whole-hog, it is also possible to use scripts in FileMaker to write to the Google Calendar API, but it's a lot more work. The plugin is probably the easiest route to go.
If you don't want to use a plugin, I would recommend starting with a Zapier webhook, as it greatly simplifies the work needed to hook into the Google Calendar API.

In Silverlight programming, how to prevent visitors from caching the downloaded content?

I want to create an online quiz website using Silverlight.
When the registered users are logged in, they can view and answer the quiz once per page.
To proceed to the next question, they must push next button, and the new data downloaded from the server.
The previous questions are not cached. Thereby everytime the question is requested, the question will be reloaded from the server again.
My question is how to do my scenario above in silverlight?
Thank you in advance.
Now that your intent is clear, you want to prevent discovery of the content in your assembly. The answer is you can't really protect your assembly. In order to run it the client needs to fetch it, if it can be fetched then the would be hacker can get it, trying to limit caching isn't really a prevention.
However the solution is to not put senstive stuff in your assembly to start with. Place code server side to do the sensitive stuff and access that code via a service interface such as WCF or Web services or even plain old XML in XML out posting.
You could use IsolatedStorage to store some state related info (and you can even encrypt it before you save if you want - it's your storage, do what you want with it). Another way to store state information is to use cookies, here and here.
The "state" information that i refer to is the state and/or progress of your Silverlight app, i.e. you can track where the user got to in the questions, and avoid requesting questions they have already completed. Both of these types of storage can be deleted by the end user, if they know what they are doing. But you shouldn't let that worry you - if they want to cheat, then let them.
Create the silverlight app to request the questions via a Web Service. As long as you're using a proper web service and not faking it in some way. The browser is not going to cache the webservice response.

Determine whether a user is a developer of a facebook app

I'm looking at ways to secure the admin section of my (cakephp powered) Facebook application. To avoid duplicating functionality, I thought it'd be neat to allow access to people who have been flagged as developers in the app settings.
The question could then be: How do I determine whether a user of my Facebook application is a developer?
Alternatively: How do I obtain an array of developer user IDs for my Facebook app?
I tried looking for your answer myself, and the only thing I found that you could possibly do is to make a group private and invite-only to developers and then use the fb:if-is-group-member tag. http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Fb:if-is-group-member
OK, so I found out how to do it by myself. Props to Samuel for giving me the idea.
Basically, the way to do it is to run an FQL query that establishes whether a user is an admin of the applications page (page_admin).
SELECT uid FROM page_admin WHERE uid = 286302657 AND page_id = 31290624157
In the PHP client, this returns an array for developers and an empty string for anyone else.
I decided to use the FQL rather than the API call because it is possible to preload the FQL to reduce calls to the Facebook servers.
Hope this is useful to somebody.
