How to one-hot encode a table column in DolphinDB? - pivot-table

I’d like to perform one-hot encoding on the industryCode column and preserve all other columns in the following table.
t = table(2022.08.01 2022.08.02 2022.08.03 as date, 000001.SZ000002.SZ000003.SZ as windCode, 110111021103 as industryCode)
After the conversion, the table should look like:

Based on your requests, there are two ways to solve this.
The table:
t = table(2022.08.01 2022.08.02 2022.08.03 as date, `000001.SZ`000002.SZ`000003.SZ as windCode, `1101`1102`1103 as industryCode)
Solution #1:
Use built-in function oneHot(obj, encodingColumns)
oneHot(t, ['industryCode'])
Worth mentioning, with the method above, you can one hot encode multiple columns all at once.
oneHot(t, ['industryCode','windCode'])
Solution #2:
Use SQL query
res = select iif(isNull(industryCode), 0, 1) from t pivot by date, windCode, industryCode;
nullFill!(res, 0);
I’d recommend solution #1 for its much simpler implementation, yet supporting multiple columns.


How to improve or index postgresql's jsonb array field?

I usually use jsonb field store array data.
for example, I want to store customer's barcode info, I will create a table like this:
create table customers(fcustomerid bigint, fcodes jsonb);
One customer has one row, all barcode info stored in its fcodes field, just like below:
"product":"Coca Cola",
"product":"Coca Cola",
"product":"Pepsi Cola",
The jsonb array maybe store millions of barcode's objects with the same structure. Perhaps this is not a good idea, but you konw when I have thousands of customer, I can store all the data in one table, one customer has one row in this table, all its data store in one field, it looks very tersely and easy to manage.
For this kind of application scenarios, how to efficiently to insert or modify or query the data?
I can use jsonb_insert to insert one object, just like:
update customers
set fcodes=jsonb_insert(fcodes,'{-1}','{...}'::jsonb)
where fcustomerid=999;
When I want modify some object, I found it is a little difficulty, I should know the index of object first, if I use the incremental key codeid as the array index, things looks easilly. I can use jsonb_modify,Just like below:
update customers
set fcodes=jsonb_set(fcodes,concat('{',(mycodeid-1)::text,',lottery}'),'true'::jsonb)
where fcustomerid=999;
But if I want to query the objects in the jsonb array with createdate or bonus or lottorry or product, I should use jsonpath operator. just like:
select jsonb_path_query_array(fcodes,'$ ? (product=="Pepsi Cola")'
from customer
where fcustomerid=999;
or like:
select jsonb_path_query_array(fcodes,'$ ? (lottdate.datetime()>="2021-01-01".datetime() && lottdate.datetime()<="2021-01-31".datetime())'
from customer
where fcustomerid=999;
Thie jsonb index looks useful, But it looks useful between different row, and my operation mostly works in one row's one jsonb field.
I am very worrying about the efficiency, for millions of objects stored in one row's one jsonb field, is this a good idea? And how to improve the efficiency in this scenarios? Especially for the query.
You are right to worry. With a huge JSON like that, you will never get good performance.
Your data don't need JSON at all. Create a table that stores a single barcode and has a foreign key reference to customers. Then everything will be simple and efficient.
Using JSON in the database is almost always the wrong choice, judging from the questions in this forum.

Snowflake Performance issues when querying large tables

I am trying to query a table which has 1Tb of data clustered by Date and Company. A simple query is taking long time
Posting the query and query profile
cdw_dwh.public.qi_sg_promo_media_sales_lines_fact sl
transaction_date_id >= (to_char(current_date - (52*7) , 'yyyymmdd') )
AND sl.partner_code IN ('All Retailers')
AND qt_product_category_l3_sid IN (SELECT DISTINCT qt_product_category_l3_sid
FROM cdw_dwh.PUBLIC.qi_sg_prompt_category_major_brand
WHERE qt_product_category_l1_sid IN (246))
AND qt_product_brand_sid IN (SELECT qt_product_brand_sid
FROM cdw_dwh.PUBLIC.qi_sg_prompt_category_major_brand
WHERE qt_product_major_brand_sid IN (246903, 430138))
enter image description here
"simple query" I am not sure there is such a thing. A naive query, sure.
select * from really_large_table where column1 = value;
will perform really badly if you only care for 1 or 2 of the columns. As snowflake has to load all the data. You will get a column data to row data ratio improvement by using
select column1, column2 from really_large_table where column1 = value;
now only two columns of data need to be read form the data store.
Maybe you are looking for data where the value is > 100 because you think that should not happen. Then
select column1, column2 from really_large_table where column1 > 100 limit 1;
will perform much better than
select column1, column2 from really_large_table order by column1 desc limit 50;
but if what you are doing is doing the minimum work is can to have a correct answer, you next option is to increase the warehouse size. Which for IO bound work gives a scalar improvement, but some aggregation steps don't scale as linear.
Another thing to look for with regards is sometime your calculation can produce too much intermediate state, and it "external spills" (exact wording not correct) which is much like running out of ram and going to swap disk.
Then we have seen memory pressure when doing too much work in a JavaScript UDF, that slowed things down.
But most of these can be spotted by looking at the query profile and looking at the hotspots.
99% of the time was spent scanning the table. The filters within the query do not match your clustering keys, therefore it won't help much. Depending how much historical data you have on this table, and whether you will continue to read a year's worth of data, you might be better off (or creating a materialized view) clustering by qt_product_brand_sid or qt_product_category_l3_sid, depending on which one is going to be filtering the data quicker.
A big change requires changing the data structure of the transaction date to a true date field vs varchar.
second you have an IN clause w/ a single value. Use = instead.
but for the other IN clauses, I would suggest re-writing the query to separate out those sub-queries as CTE and then just join to those CTE.
Use this query :
cdw_dwh.public.qi_sg_promo_media_sales_lines_fact sl,
cdw_dwh.PUBLIC.qi_sg_prompt_category_major_brand prod_cat,
cdw_dwh.PUBLIC.qi_sg_prompt_category_major_brand prod_brand
s1.transaction_date_id >= (to_char(current_date - (52*7) , 'yyyymmdd') )
AND sl.partner_code IN ('All Retailers')
AND s1.qt_product_category_l3_sid =prod_cat.qt_product_category_l3_sid
AND prod_cat.qt_product_category_l1_sid =246
AND prod_cat.qt_product_brand_sid=prod_brand.qt_product_brand_sid
AND prod_brand.qt_product_major_brand_sid IN (246903, 430138)
Apparently performance is an area of focus for Snowflake R&D. After struggling to make complex queries perform on big data we got 100x improvements with Exasol, no tuning whatsoever.

Groupby and count() with alias and 'normal' dataframe: python pandas versus mssql

Coming from a SQL environment, I am learning some things in Python Pandas. I have a question regarding grouping and aggregates.
Say I group a dataset by Age Category and count the different categories. In MSSQL I would write this:
SELECT AgeCategory, COUNT(*) AS Cnt
GROUP BY AgeCategory
The result set is a 'normal' table with two columns, the second column I named Count.
When I want to do the equivalent in Pandas, the groupby object is different in format. So now I have to reset the index and rename the column in a following line. My code would look like this:
grouped = df.groupby('AgeCategory')['ColA'].count().reset_index()
grouped.columns = ['AgeCategory', 'Count']
My question is if this can be accomplished in one go. Seems like I am over-doing it, but I lack experience.
Thanks for any advise.
Regards, M.
Use parameter name in DataFrame.reset_index:
grouped = df.groupby('AgeCategory')['ColA'].count().reset_index(name='Count')
grouped = df.groupby('AgeCategory').size().reset_index(name='Count')
Difference is GroupBy.count exclude missing values, GroupBy.size not.
More information about aggregation in pandas.

Need help understanding alternatives to scd in SSIS

I am working on a data warehouse project that will involve integrating data from multiple source systems. I have set up an SSIS package that populates the customer dimension and uses the slowly changing dimension tool to keep track of updates to the customer.
I'm running into some issues. Take this example:
Source system A might have a record like that looks like this:
First Name, Last Name, Zipcode
Jane, Doe, 14222
Source system B might have a record for the same client that looks like this:
First Name, Last Name, Zipcode
Jane, Doe, Unknown
If I first import the record from system A, I'll have the first name, last name, and ethnicity. Great. Now, if I import the client record from system B, I can do fuzzy matching to recognize that this is the same person and use the slowly changing dimension tool to update the information. But in this case, I'm going to lose the zipcode because the 'unknown' will overwrite the valid data.
I am wondering if I am approaching this problem in the wrong way. The SCD tool doesn't seem to offer any way of selectively updating attributes based on whether the new data is valid or not. Would a merge statement work better? Am I making some kind of fundamental design mistake that I'm not seeing?
Thanks for any advice!
In my experience the built-in SCD tool is not flexible enough to handle this requirement.
Either a couple of MERGE statements, or a series of UPDATE and INSERT statements will probably give you most flexibility with logic, and performance.
There are probably models out there for MERGE statement for SCD Type 2 but here is the pattern I use:
Merge Target
Using Source
On Target.Key = Source.Key
When Matched And
Target.NonKeyAttribute <> Source.NonKeyAttribute
Or IsNull(Target.NonKeyNullableAttribute, '') <> IsNull(Source.NonKeyNullableAttribute, '')
Then Update Set SCDEndDate = GetDate(), IsCurrent = 0
When Not Matched By Target Then
Insert (Key, ... , SCDStartDate, IsCurrent)
Values (Source.Key, ..., GetDate(), 1)
When Not Matched By Source Then
Update Set SCDEndDate = GetDate(), IsCurrent = 0;
Merge Target
Using Source
On Target.Key = Source.Key
-- These will be the changing rows that were expired in first statement.
When Not Matched By Target Then
Insert (Key, ... , SCDStartDate, IsCurrent)
Values (Source.Key, ... , GetDate(), 1);

Selective PostgreSQL database querying

Is it possible to have selective queries in PostgreSQL which select different tables/columns based on values of rows already selected?
Basically, I've got a table in which each row contains a sequence of two to five characters (tbl_roots), optionally with a length field which specifies how many characters the sequence is supposed to contain (it's meant to be made redundant once I figure out a better way, i.e. by counting the length of the sequences).
There are four tables containing patterns (tbl_patterns_biliteral, tbl_patterns_triliteral, ...etc), each of which corresponds to a root_length, and a fifth table (tbl_patterns) which is used to synchronise the pattern tables by providing an identifier for each row—so row #2 in tbl_patterns_biliteral corresponds to the same row in tbl_patterns_triliteral. The six pattern tables are restricted such that no row in tbl_patterns_(bi|tri|quadri|quinqui)literal can have a pattern_id that doesn't exist in tbl_patterns.
Each pattern table has nine other columns which corresponds to an identifier (root_form).
The last table in the database (tbl_words), contains a column for each of the major tables (word_id, root_id, pattern_id, root_form, word). Each word is defined as being a root of a particular length and form, spliced into a particular pattern. The splicing is relatively simple: translate(pattern, '12345', array_to_string(root, '')) as word_combined does the job.
Now, what I want to do is select the appropriate pattern table based on the length of the sequence in tbl_roots, and select the appropriate column in the pattern table based on the value of root_form.
How could this be done? Can it be combined into a simple query, or will I need to make multiple passes? Once I've built up this query, I'll then be able to code it into a PHP script which can search my database.
Here's some sample data (it's actually the data I'm using at the moment) and some more explanations as to how the system works:
It's conceptually simpler than it appears at first, especially if you think of it as a coordinate system.
I think you're going to have to change the structure of your tables to have any hope. Here's a first draft for you to think about. I'm not sure what the significance of the "i", "ii", and "iii" are in your column names. In my ignorance, I'm assuming they're meaningful to you, so I've preserved them in the table below. (I preserved their information as integers. Easy to change that to lowercase roman numerals if it matters.)
create table patterns_bilateral (
pattern_id integer not null,
root_num integer not null,
pattern varchar(15) not null,
primary key (pattern_id, root_num)
insert into patterns_bilateral values
(1,1, 'ya1u2a'),
(1,2, 'ya1u22a'),
(1,3, 'ya12u2a'),
(1,4, 'me11u2a'),
(1,5, 'te1u22a'),
(1,6, 'ina12u2a'),
(1,7, 'i1u22a'),
(1,8, 'ya1u22a'),
(1,9, 'e1u2a');
I'm pretty sure a structure like this will be much easier to query, but you know your field better than I do. (On the other hand, database design is my field . . . )
Expanding on my earlier answer and our comments, take a look at this query. (The test table isn't even in 3NF, but the table's not important right now.)
create table test (
root_id integer,
root_substitution varchar[],
length integer,
form integer,
pattern varchar(15),
primary key (root_id, length, form, pattern));
insert into test values
(4,'{s,ş,m}', 3, 1, '1o2i3');
This is the important part.
select root_id
, root_substitution
, length
, form
, pattern
, translate(pattern, '12345', array_to_string(root_substitution, ''))
from test;
That query returns, among other things, the translation soşim.
Are we heading in the right direction?
Well, that's certainly a bizarre set of requirements! Here's my best guess, but obviously I haven't tried it. I used UNION ALL to combine the patterns of different sizes and then filtered them based on length. You might need to move the length condition inside each of the subqueries for speed reasons, I don't know. Then I chose the column using the CASE expression.
select word,
case root_form
when 1 then patinfo.pattern1
when 2 then patinfo.pattern2
... up to pattern9
array_to_string(root.root, '')) as word_combined
from tbl_words word
join tbl_root root
on word.root_id = root.root_id
join tbl_patterns pat
on word.pattern_id = pat.pattern_id
join (
select 2 as pattern_length, pattern_id, pattern1, ..., pattern9
from tbl_patterns_biliteral bi
union all
select 3, pattern_id, pattern1, pattern2, ..., pattern9
from tbl_patterns_biliteral tri
union all
...same for quad and quin...
) patinfo
patinfo.pattern_id = pat.pattern_id
and length(root.root) = patinfo.pattern_length
Consider combining all the different patterns into one pattern_details table with a root_length field to filter on. I think that would be easier than combining them all together with UNION ALL. It might be even easier if you had multiple rows in the pattern_details table and filtered based on root_form. Maybe the best would be to lay out pattern_details with fields for pattern_id, root_length, root_form, and pattern. Then you just join from the word table through the pattern table to the pattern detail that matches all the right criteria.
Of course, maybe I've completely misunderstood what you're looking for. If so, it would be clearer if you posted some example data and an example result.
