How do I create a service account on an Azure SQL database with only AD authentication? - azure-active-directory

In my background using SQL Server on premise, I used to create service accounts to let processes run without a user being logged in. How do I create a service account, or something comparable, on an Azure SQL database with only AD authentication?


Give System Managed Identity access to classic SQL Server

I've got an Azure App Service that needs access to a classic SQL Server (non-Azure SQL, not SQL Managed Instance) and I'd prefer to do this via System Managed Identity. This is enabled on the App Service and a corresponding Enterprise Application is created on Azure AD.
The SQL Server is also connected to this Azure AD and User accounts on the AD already have access to the database. However I can't find how to create a login for the Enterprise Application. If this was an Azure SQL database I could do it with CREATE LOGIN [AZUREAD\app] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER but this does not work on a classic SQL Server, only on Azure SQL/MI.
A solution would be to use SQL accounts and reference the login/password in the connection strings, but as mentioned I'd much rather use Azure AD for authentication.
To answer my own question: SQL Server 2022 includes Azure AD authentication Link
Using integrated security or an access token it will be possible to authenticate with an App Registration.
This is currently in preview with no RTM date specified.

Azure Database Migration Service security questions

Two questions I am not in a position to confirm via deploying to an Azure resource group (due to my account limitations). So far, I have not found resources that answers my questions.
1. AD Users and Groups
Can Active Directory (AD) Users and AD Groups SQL Server Logins or Database users be migrated from On premise SQL databases to Azure SQL?
The environment I will be working on has the on premise AD synced to Azure Active Directory (AAD).
So far, I have only seen that SQL Logins can be migrated.
2. Authentication
I know that SQL Login and Windows Authentication login are options to connect to the Source database. Are both of these option also available in the destination Azure SQL database?
So far I have only seen SQL Login as an option for connection to the destination database (see below screenshot). This might be because there are no AAD accounts associated with the blank Azure SQL target database I am trying to connect to. The Server Admin is set for the target database.
No, unfortunately you can't migrate the Active Directory (AD) Users and AD Groups to Azure SQL Database. Yes, you move SQL logins from the SQL Server source to Azure SQL Database by using Database Migration Service in offline mode.
You can also migrate Windows users and groups using T-SQL DDL syntax with the help of this tutorial.
You can use Azure AD authentication to connect with Azure SQL Database. It is an alternative to SQL Logins Authentication. Please refer Azure Active Directory authentication for more details.
You can simply use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to connect with Azure SQL Database using Azure AD credentials. Install the SSMS on your local windows machine and login with AAD credentials as shown in image below.

Only connections established with Active Directory... Login failed for user '<token-identified principal>'

I am trying to enable Active Directory access for an Azure SQL Database. But I ran in a bit of a chicken-egg problem:
On the properties tab of my SQL database, The Active Directory admin shows an AD user group I am a member of
I cannot login. If I try to connect to my database using this AD-user, either via the Query editor (preview) tab or through SSMS, I get "Login failed for user ''."
If I login using the Server admin login or through a SQL account, I can login, but I cannot execute CREATE USER myname FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER. It returns "Only connections established with Active Directory accounts can create other Active Directory users"
How did I create this mess?
On Azure, I already had a SQL Server with a SQL database. I can login onto that server using my Active Directory account. I had a local database, and in SSMS I selected "Deploy database to Microsoft Azue SQL database..." and selected my existing SQL Server.
As I understand it, AAD needs to know the SQL server, not each individual SQL database. If I do a Point In Time restore of my main database, I can also access this database with my AAD-account. But of course, this database already contains the active directory user group.
So Azure thinks I can logon to the database with my AAD-account,
but the database itself does not know any AAD accounts.
And I can only create AAD accounts in the database when logged in with an AAD-account.
How do I create an Active Directory Account within my database without being logged on with an Active Directory Account?
How do I create an Active Directory Account within my database without being logged on with an Active Directory Account?
No, we can't. In Azure SQL database, you need to first to configure the Azure AD admin for the SQL Server, then login the database with AAD admin account to create the AAD user.
I think you have configured it. As you said you can login with you AAD-account. That's the Azure AD admin account. It has the permission to access all the database.
To create contained users mapped to Azure AD identities, you must be
logged in using an Azure AD account that is an administrator in the
database in Azure SQL Database. In SQL Managed Instance, a SQL login
with sysadmin permissions can also create an Azure AD login or user.
Ref here: Authorize database access to SQL Database, SQL Managed Instance, and Azure Synapse Analytics

Use of Azure AD credential SQL VM

I have SQL Server 2019 running on an Azure VM (Windows Server 2019). The client wants to use Azure AD groups and users to provide access to the database, but does not have AD DS installed on a VM.
Is it possible to run the
on a SQL Server running on an Azure VM to add users from the AD tenant?
Can it be joined to an Azure AD without running AD DS so I can run the command above?
I found a the answer of Microsoft MSFT that may be helpful for you:
Please find the explanation of different scenarios as following.
You can connect your on-premise environment using site-to-site VPN to
Azure VNET which the SQL azure VM is part of .
Alternatively you do not have an on-premise environment at all and
are a cloud only company who have created a standalone SQL server on
Azure VM , then you cannot directly join the machine to Azure AD
instance and hence you can not have Azure AD users logging in to the
SQL VM using their Userprinciplename (the logon id for a azure ad
user.) . However if you enable Azure AD domain services for your
azure AD tenant, you can then connect the Azure VM to the same subnet
as Azure AD domain services and then join it to the Azure AD domain
services instance. Your users in azure AD will be synced to your
azure AD domain services instance and the same user account can be
used to logon to the Azure VM.
For more details, please ref:

Azure app service Web API connect to a SQL Server database, with Azure AD account/windows authentication

Currently I have everything on premise - .NET Core 3.0 API and SQL Server database.
Azure AD/Service account are configured in IIS and database has given access to the service account.
All requests use that Azure AD service account.
Now we are planning for an Azure migration. API is published in App Services.
Now I want to use the same Azure AD account to connect to an Azure SQL Server database.
How should I do that?
Don't send me Microsoft links, those are having toooo much info.
Tell what and how to do configuration in Azure SQL and App Services.
Any help is appreciated.
Now I want to use the same AD account to connect to an Azure SQL Server database.
AD accounts can't connect to Azure SQL Database. Only SQL and Azure Active Directory (AAD) Logins/Users.
There are some options, but there's a clear best-practice: Provision a Managed Service Identity (MSI) for your Azure App Service Application and use that to connect to SQL Server.
Here is a simple tutorial for how you should integrate App Service and Azure SQL Database:
Tutorial: Secure Azure SQL Database connection from App Service using a managed identity
