Is it possible to use the node library #ibm-cloud/cloudant as a mixin in Moleculer framework? - cloudant

I'm using moleculer microservices framework and IBM Cloudant database. Is it possible to use the node library #ibm-cloud/cloudant as a mixin so that I can inherit all the methods in the services? Thank you


Moleculer and micro front-end services

Is there a way to make micro frontends in the molecules framework? So one api/angular address would be angular and a drugin, e.g. api/react would be react
Yeah, you can. In my home-portal project, I'm using Moleculer on the frontend side with micro-frontends concept, every module is running separately (and written with different frameworks) and communicated each other via Moleculer protocol.
Try this single-spa. single-spa is a framework for bringing together multiple JavaScript microfrontends in a frontend application.

Strongloop AngularJS reflection services

I've a Java developer who's begun working in the Javascript enterprise domain. Specifically I've begun working with Strongloop/Loopback API and AngularJS in the client.
I'm creating entities with ease with Strongloop and am very impressed with how quickly I can generate an expanded model. When it comes to the client however things appear to slow down as I have to manually create the Angular Controllers, Services and the crud template views.
I've used reflection in Java considerably in the past and I found it to be very effective. I was hoping someone might be able to let me know if there's either a reflective way to initialise Controllers so that I could have one EntityController if you like that would export the CRUD methods. Alternatively if there's a tool that might be able to access the restful api and generate generic templates, controllers and services for the restful API?
Thanks in advance for any help!
I believe that you are looking for loopback angularjs SDK.
It will not generate views and controllers but you will have angularJS services generated that contains all the LoopBack models and methods you have defined. You have to register the AngularJS module lbServices as a dependency of your app.
Documentation covers this very well with step-by-step instructions how to setup client application.
After you setup loopback angular client, then it is easy to use models in your controllers. All you have to do is to add your model as a dependency in your controller.
If you want to avoid manual work of generating angular controllers, routes, views etc then you should consider using one of the angular application generators ( i.e. yeoman generator-angular ).
To make long story short:
use angular generator to generate angular application.
generate angular services using loopback angularjs SDK.
add loopback model as dependency to your controller or service
See also Angular SDK built-in models API

what does server requirements have (Material) AngulasJS

I need to setup a test server for an AngularJS application (using also nodeJS modules and the actual framework is Angular Material + browserify).
what is the technology stack I should use?
You are speaking of MEAN Stack acronym for Mongo, Express, Angular and Node, You can have a taste of up and running from here and Material Design provides reusable, well-tested, and accessible UI components to be used inside AngularJS Apps.
Here is cool sample Github and its Demo by me.
Happy Helping!

Data Management / CRUD Generator AngularJS

I am looking for a simple CRUD template system for AngularJS that dynamically creates UIs to manage entities via REST. Is there something out there that does this already or a template that is easy to adjust?
Ideally a framework / template where all I have to do is specify a REST resource layout, and a data model definition in JSON that describes entities and relations.
Any recommendations? I don't want to build this again in another language =)
You should try Telosys
See all the tutorials
and especially the tutorial dedicated to AngularJS
Somebody created a Node.js / AngularJS application using material design to do generic crud on a MySQL database using sequalize as an orm. It looks good. You can purchase it for 27 USD.
Here it is:
An AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API
and even more...
There's a community wiki answer on the same topic.
What backend-agnostic admin interfaces / GUIs are there?

Is there any dependency injection framework for Windows Store App?

Is there any dependency injection framework for Windows Store App?
I used AngularJS in my previous web project, it has functions like DI, view management, data binding.
I'm developing Windows Store App now. The built-in WinJS and Angular have a lot in common, such as view management, data binding. But I don't know if WinJS supports DI or not.
BTW, is there any mocking/unit testing framework for WinJS?
I don't know a lot about AngularJS, but we ported an application that was using KnockoutJS and RequireJS fairly easily just using them in conjunction with the WinJS framework. You may be able to use Angular in conjunction with WinJS and continue to use all of Angular's DI features that you desire.
On the unit testing front, we used a fork of QUnit (QUnitMetro) with our application and had a lot of success with it.
