Unable to use specific React version in a Jupyter Widget - reactjs

I'm trying to write a Jupyter Widget that uses react based on this cookiecutter. I specifically need to use a certain version of react. However, even when installing a specific version, after building the widget, a different version is used in the jupyterlab frontend.
The react version that is installed in the node_modules folder is the version that I want to use and no other module has react as a dependency. In the node_modules folder, there is also no trace of a different react version to be found.
Specifically, I want to use react 18.2.0. The version that I get by logging React.version in the frontend is react 17.0.2. Obviously, I am not able to use React 18 features like useId which results in an error.
How can I use a different version of react? And where does this other react version 17.0.2 come from?
Install the cookiecutter as described in the README.
Install react and react-dom via jlpm/yarn add react#18.2.0 react-dom#18.2.0.
Add a simple React component in a new file:
import React from 'react';
export const SimpleComponent = () => {
console.log('React.version:', React.version);
return <div>Simple Test</div>;
Render the react component in the render() function of the view in index.ts:
render() {
this.component = React.createElement(SimpleComponent);
ReactDOM.render(this.component, this.el);
Console shows: "React.version: 17.0.2"

If you need to change to a specific version of React, you can run this in the terminal:
npm install --save react#18.2.0

Thanks to krassowski for giving me the link to the answer!
In my package.json, I added two entries for react and react-dom to sharedPackages so that I get:
"jupyterlab": {
"extension": "lib/plugin",
"outputDir": "testproject/labextension/",
"sharedPackages": {
"#jupyter-widgets/base": {
"bundled": false,
"singleton": true
"react": {
"bundled": true,
"singleton": true
"react-dom": {
"bundled": true,
"singleton": true


React Hot Toast is not working in class component

React-hot-toast v4.1.1 is not working in my class component. Earlier I was using React toastify but now I switched to React hot toast. The react-hot-toast is continously giving the error.
TypeError: Object(...) is not a function
import toast, { Toaster } from "react-hot-toast";
class Toast extends Component {
handleToast = () => {
toast("Toast Created.");
render() {
return (
<Toaster />
<button className="btn btn-primary" onClick={this.handleToast}>
Create Toast
export default Toast;
here is the error
this is because there are some conflicting dependencies with react-toastify in the newer versions with respect to its predecessor.
Also if you follow some courses they usually provide some resources to proceed with, when you start working on those resource and do a npm i for its dependencies it install certain versions of the package which is specified in the package.json file, so if you are trying to install a new package as a part of the course it might not be compatible with the ones mentioned in the resource files.
So to avoid conflict here you can manually install all the packages mentioned in package.json with the latest versions then install the latest version of react-toastify
Try reverting the version of react-toastify to earlier version , maybe try with react-toastify#4.1 or the version mentioned in the course. (This worked for me)
I think that if you install an older version of react-toastify, it will work just fine

Not able to import marked js from #types.marked in react app

I have installed marked js in react app using npm install --save #types/marked.
Below is the react component:
import { marked } from "marked";
// import { marked } from "../../node_modules/#types/marked/index";
// import { marked } from "../../node_modules/#types/marked/index.mjs";
// import * as marked from "marked";
const MyPage : React.FC = () => {
return (
{ marked("Hello world from MyPage.") }
export default MyPage;
As you can see in below screenshot of tooltip in VS code, the intellisence knows where the actual function is.
But the app does not compile, I get the following errors (corresponding to different styles of imports for marked in comments):
Module not found: Can't resolve 'marked' in 'D:\coding\myblog\blog-frontend\src\app-components'
Module not found: Can't resolve '../../node_modules/#types/marked/index.mjs' in 'D:\coding\myblog\blog-frontend\src\app-components'
Basically, what ever string that I am providing after from in import statement, react tries to find it in ~/src/app-components. But all other imports are working fine (like my servies, models etc).
I know it's a bit late, but I had the same issue and could resolve it with:
npm install --save marked
In your package.json file you can look up dependencies if it's correct installed.
I used npm install -g marked at first and that wasn't really working despite getting the feedback that it was installed.

How to enable prop-types in production for a React Storybook for the Docs addon

By default prop-types do not run in production for a react app. I realize this is a good thing to improve performance. However, we have a Storybook that we have built and are deploying it to a static site. Storybook has an addon called Docs that detects the prop-types for components and creates a table of the prop-types for easy to read documentation.
When running the storybook locally, everything works perfectly. The prop-types are detected and this table is generated.
SpinningLoader.propTypes = {
color: PropTypes.string,
size: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number])
However, since prop-types are disabled in production by default. They cannot be detected when the storybook is deployed to a static site.
Is there a way to enable prop-types in production? Or some other workaround?
It's a little difficult to know without seeing more of your setup. If you're building it with the default storybook commands without and additional configuration it should "just work"...as far as I can tell.
As mentioned in a comment, Storybook has a specific build command you can add to your package.json to export it as a static app:
"scripts": {
"build-storybook": "build-storybook -c .storybook -o .out"
If you're using that command and it's still not working, are you using any custom webpack/build workflow, and can you post those as well?
I've built a minimal repository for reference, which may be helpful in comparing your setup. Besides the packages in package.json it's really only 3 files; Storybook config, a React component, and a Component Story:
module.exports = {
stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.[tj]s'],
addons: ['#storybook/addon-docs'],
import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
const Message = function Message({ text, color }) {
return (<div style={{ color }}>{text}</div>)
Message.propTypes = {
text: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
color: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
export default Message
import React from 'react'
import Message from './message'
export default { title: 'Message', component: Message }
export const withText = () => <Message text="Hello World" color="green" />
If I run the build-storybook command, cd .out, and then npx live-server, I see the static-built storybook site, with my Message component, and the 'Docs' tab that includes the prop-types:
Full repository for reference
A workaround would be to manually specify the information you want to display in the table for each component using ArgTypes: https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/api/argtypes. Then you can continue with the documentation with that approach.
Another option would be to complete and publish the storybook while the app is still in development. This way you will have the prop-types detected and the table generated for you, then you can later build your app for production.
This is how you would declare the argTypes in the first option
// Button.stories.js
export default {
title: 'Button',
component: Button,
argTypes: {
label: {
description: 'overwritten description',
table: {
type: {
summary: 'something short',
detail: 'something really really long'
defaultValue: { summary: 'default-label' }
control: {
type: 'text',
This is the result
In case anyone runs into this issue again, setting NODE_ENV to development, as suggested here https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/issues/8140#issuecomment-621314565, solved our problems
The issue was ultimately caused by including the transform-react-remove-prop-types plugin in our babel.config.js production environment. Without propTypes to read, there's nothing to display.
'propTypes' is a useful feature through which we can validate typechecking of props in React but it also unnecessarily creates runtime overhead. It
downgrades the apps performance.
That is the reason it is NOT available in production.
It has been made to help developers especially in a team, to find out if there is any wrong type of props been passed to the component, while writing code during the development environment.
It does not add any extra functionality. It will also add extra lines of code unnecessarily.
By keeping it in the production flow it will defeat the whole purpose.
Whether you also use Flow/typescript for typechecking, there purpose are all same.
refer: https://reactjs.org/docs/typechecking-with-proptypes.html
Now, your issue is similar to the below known issue, kindly refer below:

storybook #storybook/addon-options dosent work

I am trying to set some option but it doesn't work.
"devDependencies": {
"#storybook/addon-actions": "^3.4.10",
"#storybook/addon-links": "^3.4.10",
"#storybook/addon-options": "^3.4.11",
"#storybook/addon-storyshots": "^3.4.10",
"#storybook/addons": "^3.4.10",
"#storybook/react": "^3.4.11"
import '#storybook/addon-options/register';
import { configure } from '#storybook/react';
import { setOptions } from '#storybook/addon-options';
setOptions({ name: 'my name' });
// automatically import all files ending in *.stories.js
const req = require.context('../stories', true, /.stories.js$/);
function loadStories() {
req.keys().forEach((filename) => req(filename));
configure(loadStories, module);
I am trying to understand where i s, going wrong for a few hours.
Edit after testing with provided versions:
I tested this locally with the above versions, and what it looks like is that because #storybook/react and #storybook/addons are on different versions, even by a patch, #storybook/react ends up installing it's own addons dependency and the 2 become out of sync.
If this is the case, you will likely see an error like "accessing nonexistent addons channel" in the console.
To fix this you will need to increase the version of the addons dependency to v3.4.11 AND reinstall the react dependency.
npm install --save-dev #storybook/addons#3.4.11 #storybook/react#3.4.11
Note: If you only update addons to v3.4.11 without reinstalling the react dependency, it won't fully sync up, because the react would already have installed it's own addon subdependency.
An image of the filesystem within node_modules directoy:
Previously Answered for Storybook v4:
According to the documentation, you have to apply the settings as a decorator (and there is no setOptions function, but there is a withOptions function).
So try this:
import { addDecorator, configure } from '#storybook/react';
import { withOptions } from '#storybook/addon-options';
addDecorator(withOptions({ name: 'my name' }));
// rest of the config goes here
Also, make sure to register the addon by adding the following line in your addons.js file:
import '#storybook/addon-options/register';
Reference: https://www.npmjs.com/package/#storybook/addon-options
Aside: The reason it has to be within a decorator is because the UI of storybook is rendered as part of each story, so you can't just set options globally without having each story apply those settings.

Sharepoint Framework cant find module

I had a project which used youtube-api-search in it. it works there fine.
I have created a sharepoint framework template with yeoman "yo #microsoft/sharepoint" and installed youtube api package as I did in previous project. but when I run this project I encounter an error like below;
Cannot find module 'youtube-api-search'
as I said its working in other react project do i need something specially to make it work here ?
I installed api via "npm i youtube-api-search --save-dev" command
here main component content;
import * as React from 'react';
import { css } from 'office-ui-fabric-react';
import styles from './Announcements.module.scss';
import { IAnnouncementsProps } from './IAnnouncementsProps';
//I have added only these 2 lines to default code
import YTSearch from 'youtube-api-search';
const YOUTUBE_API_KEY = "AIzaSyCI9gcceui5zcQDAEwbyv...";
export default class Announcements extends React.Component<IAnnouncementsProps, void> {
public render(): React.ReactElement<IAnnouncementsProps> {
return (
we can import modules in three methods
FIRST::Using Config-->config.json and change
"externals": {
"jquery": "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.0.min.js",
SECOND:: npm install #types/youtube-api-search --save
`npm install typings`
`typings install dt~youtube-api-search -global --save`
sometimes dt~ is neccessary sometimes it is not necessaary
