What can cause SSMA - Empty tables in SQL without error? - sql-server

When I migrate from Access 2003 to SQL server 2019, I get half of the tables empty. What can cause this problem and how to fix this? Tables are not empty in Access.

Ok, so at least SOME tables are going to sql server. This is good, as it shows at least you have "some" of this working.
The tables that don't go? Often this is for two reasons.
the table(s) have bad dates - but SSMAA should spit out a error in that regards.
the other issue is if the table(s) in question have mutli-value fields (attachemnts, or a multi-select type of column. those columns are NOT supported and SQL server has no such data types, so they can't be migrated.
So, you might want to take a look at the offending table, see if any lookup-ups are defined for some of the fields (you can while in design mode - click on the lookup tab - see if a query exists). So, you need to un-convert such tables.
So, in the lookup tab, you see this:
So, as a general rule, you have to remove those columns. but, they are in fact a "hidden" table and relationship. So, in general you have to create a new child table, and fill out the related data BEFORE you migrate such data.


Retrospective Tracking of Manual Table Editing in SQL Server

Is there anyway to retrospectively determine if a table (or rows/fields) have been manually edited in SQL Server 2016.
Yup, you read that right. I'm trying to unravel some inconsistent data on a production database. Based on my interactions with the user and analysis of the table in question (sequential IDs don't make sense, LastUpdateDate fields inconsistent, etc.), I suspect that the table was manually edited.
Yup, it's the production database.
I appreciate that I won't be able to get what fields have changed but if I can show that the user HAS manually edited the table/database, we can work to resolve the situation.

SQL Server Management Studio - Adding/Moving Columns require drop and re-create?

Why do I get message that the table needs to dropped and re-created when I add/move columns?
I believe this happens after adding foreign key constraints.
What can I do to add new columns without dropping table?
If you're more interested in simply getting SSMS to stop nagging, you can uncheck the "Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation" setting in Options->Designers->Table And Database Designers. The table(s) will still be dropped and re-created, but at least SSMS won't pester you quite as much about it.
(This assumes you're working in an dev/test environment or in a production environment where a brief lapse in the existence of the table won't screw anything up)
Because that's how SQL Server Management Studio does it (sometimes)!
Use TSQL's ALTER TABLE instead:
ADD myCol int NOT NULL
SQL Server (and any other RDBMS, really) doesn't have any notion of "column order" - e.g. if you move columns around, the only way to achieve that new table structure is be issuing a new CREATE TABLE statement. You cannot order your columns any other way - nor should you, really, since in the relational theory, the order of the columns in a tuple is irrelevant.
So the only thing SQL Server Management Studio can do (and has done all along) is:
rename the old table
create the new table in your new layout you wish to have
copy the data over from the old table
drop the old table
The only way to get around this is:
not reordering any columns - only add new columns at the end of your table
use ALTER TABLE SQL statements instead of the interactive table designer for your work
When you edit a table definition in the designer, you are saying "here's what I want the table to look like, now work out what SQL statements to issue to make my wishes come true". This works fine for simple changes, but the software can't read your mind, and sometimes it will try to do things in a more complicated way for safety.
When this happens, I suggest that, instead of just clicking OK, click the "Script" button at the top of the dialog, and let it generate the SQL statements into a query window. You can then edit and simplify the generated code before executing it.
There are bugs in SSMS 2008 R2 (and older) that are useful to know:
when the table data is changed, ерушк rendering in SSMS is autorefreshed by SSMS in its already opened tabs (windows) - one should press Ctrl+R to refresh. The options to force refreshing do not appear in SSMS GUI - through buttons, menus or context-sensitive options (on right-clicking)
when a (table or database) schema is modified, like adding/deleting/removing a column in a table, SSMS does not reflect these changes in already opened tabs(windows) even through Ctrl+R, one should close and reopen tabs(windows)
I reported it few years ago through Microsoft Connect feedback, but bugs were closed due to it is "by design"
This is strange and irritating to see in desktop product developed during 2 decades, while this (autorefreshing) is being done by most webapplications in any browser

Performing Calculations in a table's field with Transactions Table

One thing I want to do is build a personal database for myself at home to use a financial database (transaction log, checking/savings account tables, etc), and I want to do this mainly to learn more about developing databases. I am pretty familiar with MS Access, though not put to use in this context, but what I am really trying to learn is SQL Server.
SO, that being said, the first question that popped into my mind is that if I have a transactions table that I would want to use as a ledger, then is there some method to have the table automatically perform a calculation for one field (balance) based on another field(s) (expense, revenue fields)? Similar to what someone may do with Excel......
Or is this something I would have to do with an unbound form, and an UPDATE statement kinda of approach? If a table constraint exists for this type of idea, I would like to learn it....
I mentioned MS Access in the title, but a SQL Server is also most appreciated. Thanks for the help!
Derived data should not be stored except if it needs to be indexed -- you calculate the values in your SQL statements, or in the presentation layer.
In addition to computed columns in SQL Server tables, you can have them in VIEWS and you can index them. The term is "indexed view" and when you do that, the data is persisted in a hidden temp table and updated on the fly when the data the VIEW is derived from is changed. You can read about it under the TYPES OF VIEWS topic in the same link cited in #Roland Bouman's answer.
Last of all, it's not clear to me why you mention Access at all if you're using SQL Server as your back end. Are you developing your front end in Access?
In MS SQL server, you can use computed columns for this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191250.aspx

Sql Server 2008 Replicate Synonym?

I plan on updating some table names by create a synonym of the old name and renaming the table to what I want it to be. Can replication properly reference a synonym?
Also as a side question, is there an easy way to see if a specific table is actually being replicated? (via a query perhaps)
I don't think so. Replication works by reading the log and there are no log records generated for a synonym. As to your question about finding out which tables are replicated, a query on sysarticles in the table should get you where you want to go. HTH.

MS SQL Auditing

I have a problem with a Database at my work. There is currently auditing in place, but its clunky, requires a lot of maintence, and it falls short in a few regards. So I am replacing it.
I want to do this in as generic of a way as possible and have designed the tables, and how everything will link and be updated.
Now, thats all fine and good, but I want to be able to write a generic way to insert records into these audit tables. (Without having to enter a command for each column in each table being changed.)
Is there anyway within a Stored Procedure to iterate over all the columns in a table? And I would like to write this in such a way that it will work with several tables, and automatically pickup and audit added columns and such.
Any ideas?
EDIT: Guess I should Clarify. I will be auditing data that is in the tables. But I will be using the same table(s) to store the audited data for every table in the database.
And I can not use Triggers because usually, when an update occurs, it occurs across multiple tables, but I would like all of these updates to be part of a single Change Set.
That is not a problem, because I can do all the Updates from within a single Stored Proc. I would just prefer some way like a loop, that i can get all the updated fields, figure out which ones changed, and the insert those changed ones into the audit table.
And I would like to do this without have a long list of if statements and insert statements for each column. (By doing this in a generic loop, it will handle added columns automatically and not be bothered by deleted columns)
By "added columns" I guess you are looking to audit DDL. If you use SQL 2005, then you want this link.
If don't use SQL 2005, then you probably want to either use one of the many SQL schema comparison tools, like SQL Red Gates tool set probably has something in there.
If you don't have $ for tools, then you might just want to run periodic queries against information_schema.tables and information_schema.columns. By periodically capturing these in permenant tables, you can identify when they have gained or lost rows (and hence a schema changed occured)
If you are doing data audit instead, then you'll want want to code generate some triggers, again using information_schema.tables and information_schema.columns.
There would be performance considerations, but you could add insert and update triggers to all of your tables, and have the triggers insert into your audit tables.
Use DDL Triggers (assuming you have SQL Server 2005+)!
That could be done if you were using a data access layer that could trap which tables and columns are being update and generating the insert statements for the audit table. In a stored procedure? Which stored procedure? Do you have a single one that does updates? Or are you creating one per table?
If it's an option for you, just upgrade to sql server 2008 and turn on Change Data Capture.
