Next JS - how to give object a unique id? - reactjs

I am trying to give my object a unique id by using Math.random, but I am getting the error below. If I change the Math.random to a integer like 4, the error goes away but I need the id to be unique.
Unhandled Runtime Error
Error: Text content does not match server-rendered HTML.
See more info here:
const data = [
id: Math.random(),
sentence: 'hello there',
id: Math.random(),
sentence: 'bye!',
export default function Index(props) {
return (

As explained in my comment and one of the answers, the problem is happening because Next.js pre-renders pages, therefore, the random number generated by Math.random() when pre-rendering the page on the server doesn't match the random number generated client-side when hydration occurs.
I'm not quite sure what you're trying to achieve by setting random ids to what seems to be "dummy data" (You could do it manually with constant values that will match both server and client-side) but I understand that this might be a simplified example.
You have a couple of options, typically you'd want to move any random generation code/logic inside a useEffect hook so it executes on the client-side only.
Another solution would be to move your "dummy data" and the rendering of this data to a separate component, let's call it DummyComponent:
const data = [
id: Math.random(),
sentence: 'hello there',
id: Math.random(),
sentence: 'bye!',
const DummyComponent = () => (
export default DummyComponent
And import it dynamically on your page disabling ssr:
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
const DummyComponent = dynamic(() => import('../components/DummyComponent'), {
ssr: false,
export default function Index(props) {
return (
<DummyComponent />

Use the uuid npm package to generate unique id's.
import { v4 } from "uuid";
const data = [
id: v4(),
sentence: 'hello there',
id: v4(),
sentence: 'bye!',

First, the page is rendered on the server, then returned to the client to rehydrate, two times initializing data would cause different ID values. This is called hydration mismatch, which is solved by useId in React 18
But using NextJS, you could solve this problem by initializing data on server to keep it consistent
export default function Index(props) {
return (
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
return {
props: {
data: [
id: Math.random(),
sentence: 'hello there',
id: Math.random(),
sentence: 'bye!z',
}, // will be passed to the page component as props
Stackblitz demo


Storybook saving values of properties with the same name

If I am at the docs page and then go to another component that has the same name on the properties it will cause the value of the control input of that property to the keep that same value.
What's even odder is that storybook isnt even using that value, the component is still rendered with the "real" value.
This same bug is causing some controls to just be "set object", "set string" etc.
If I go to the canvas page and back, or if click the "reset controls" button it will restore to default and show objects and strings as they should.
Anyone encountered this and figured out a solution?
I am suspecting it has something to do with using Typescript, and some of the documentations being automatically generated somehow, is it possible to turn this off?
Here is some example code of a story:
import Component from "##/components/Component";
import { Meta, Story } from "#storybook/react";
const meta: Meta = {
title: "Components/Component",
component: Component,
export default meta;
const Template: Story = (args) => (
<div style={{ maxWidth: "500px" }}>
export const Story = Template.bind({});
Story.args = {
header: "Header",
list: [
name: "Test 1",
name: "Test 2",
Story.argTypes = {
list: {
description: "List of items",
table: {
type: {
summary: "Array",
I figured it out.
I had several components all under the same title: "XXX/YYY" instead of "XXX/YYY/ComponentName".

how to add unique key using uuid in react js?

I read a comment from someone here in StockOverflow who talks about React keys and said that
'React expects STABLE keys, meaning you should assign the keys once and every item on your list should receive the same key every time, that way React can optimize around your data changes when it is reconciling the virtual DOM and decides which components need to re-render. So, if you are using UUID you need to do it at the data level, not at the UI level',
and I want to ask if anyone know how to apply this in a real code where we have for example a context component that have an array of objects and another component that maps through this array, how can we apply this using uuid() or any other package.
Although it is not a common requirement for you to generate id on FE, it happens some times, so using uuid is a really good way of doing that. It is easy and implementation is quick.
I made an example for you here how to do it:
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { v1 } from "uuid";
import "./styles.css";
const items: { name: string; id?: string }[] = [
name: "Name1"
name: "Name2"
name: "Name3"
name: "Name4"
name: "Name5"
name: "Name6"
export default function App() {
const [itemList, setItemList] = useState<{ name: string; id?: string }[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
setItemList( => ({ ...item, id: v1() })));
}, []);
return (
<div className="App">
{ => (
<div key={}>
{} - {}
In this example your array is empty at the beginning and after first useEffect gets populated by items with uuid generated ids:
And code sandbox code
You can install react-uuid
import uuid from 'react-uuid'
const array = ['one', 'two', 'three']
export const LineItem = item => <li key={uuid()}>{item}</li>
export const List = () => => <LineItem item={item} />)
or you can use crypto.randomUUID() directly without pckgs

StencilJS passing in array of objects from React

I have a stencil component that takes an array of objects to display. I am trying to pass that array in from my react app, and have been following this example to do that. If i log the component with the array passed in, i can see that it appears to be formed correctly.
The actual component I built to create the reference to handle the array is where my problem is, and I just can't figure out where I made the mistake, as there is an issue with the example. My component inside my react app, which returns the stencil component is as follows
const ActionBar: React.FC<{ pageActions: pageActionsObj }> = ({ pageActions }) => {
const elementRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
(elementRef.current).pageActionList = pageActions;
}, [pageActions]);
return <pw-actionbar ref={elementRef}></pw-actionbar>;
and I try to use it as a regular component as such
<ActionBar pageActions={pageActionsObj}/>
Where the array that im passing as the prop is
export const pageActionsObj = [
name: "Users",
page: "partner",
icon: "pw-i-filled-multiple-users",
onpage: false
name: "Billing",
page: "billing",
icon: "pw-i-filled-billing",
onpage: false
name: "Helpdesk",
page: "help-desk",
icon: "pw-i-filled-help",
onpage: false
name: "My Profile",
page: "profile",
icon: "pw-i-filled-user",
onpage: true
name: "Sign Out",
page: "sign-out",
icon: "pw-i-filled-sign-out",
onpage: false
I very strongly believe that the way the component is set up, paired with the way I am passing in the array as a prop is causing the issue. I have been stuck for hours. What am i missing?

React FC Context & Provider Typescript Value Issues

Trying to implement a global context on an application which seems to require that a value is passed in, the intention is that an API will return a list of organisations to the context that can be used for display and subsequent API calls.
When trying to add the <Provider> to App.tsx the application complains that value hasn't been defined, whereas I'm mocking an API response with useEffect().
Code as follows:
Types types/Organisations.ts
export type IOrganisationContextType = {
organisations: IOrganisationContext[] | undefined;
export type IOrganisationContext = {
id: string;
name: string;
export type ChildrenProps = {
children: React.ReactNode;
Context contexts/OrganisationContext.tsx
export const OrganisationContext = React.createContext<
>({} as IOrganisationContextType);
export const OrganisationProvider = ({ children }: ChildrenProps) => {
const [organisations, setOrganisations] = React.useState<
React.useEffect(() => {
{ id: "1", name: "google" },
{ id: "2", name: "stackoverflow" }
}, [organisations]);
return (
<OrganisationContext.Provider value={{ organisations }}>
Usage App.tsx
const { organisations } = React.useContext(OrganisationContext);
return (
{ => {
return <li key={}>{}</li>;
Issue #1:
Property 'value' is missing in type '{ children: Element[]; }' but required in type 'ProviderProps<IOrganisationContextType>'.
Issue #2:
The list is not rendering on App.tsx
There are a few different things that you'll need to look out for in this:
If I'm reading the intention of the code properly, you want to render OrganisationProvider in App.tsx instead of OrganisationContext.Provider. OrganisationProvider is the custom wrapper you have for setting the fake data.
Once this is fixed, you're going to run into an infinite render loop because in the OrganisationProvider component, the useEffect sets the organisations value, and then runs whenever organisations changes. You can probably set this to an empty array value [] so the data is only set once on initial render.
You're trying to use the context before the provider is in the tree above it. You'll need to re-structure it so that the content provider is always above any components trying to consume context. You can also consider using the context consumer component so you don't need to create another component.
With these suggested updates, your App.tsx could look something like the following:
import * as React from "react";
import "./styles.css";
import {
} from "./contexts/OrganisationContext";
export default function App() {
return (
{({ organisations }) =>
organisations ? ( => {
return <li key={}>{}</li>;
) : (
And the updated useEffect in OrganisationsContext.tsx:
React.useEffect(() => {
{ id: "1", name: "google" },
{ id: "2", name: "stackoverflow" }
}, []);

React-Hooks: Fetching data results into empty 'hits' array

I'm trying to fetch data with React Hooks. It all seems to work but the hits array is empty even though the data is fetched correctly.
Here's my code:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import MUIDataTable from "mui-datatables";
import { createMuiTheme, MuiThemeProvider, withStyles } from '#material-ui/core/styles';
export default function Dashboard(props) {
var classes = useStyles();
var theme = useTheme();
// local
var [mainChartState, setMainChartState] = useState("monthly");
const [data, setData] = useState({ hits: [] });
const url = my_url;
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
const result = await axios(
}, []);
return (
<Grid item xs={12}>
<MuiThemeProvider theme={getMuiTheme()}>
title="Analyzed DAOs"
columns={["Name", "Members", "Proposals", "Voters"]}
filterType: "checkbox",
When printing out the, I get an array with 5 objects (as it should be) but when printing out the data.hits the result is am empty array, and the table shows zero rows.
What am I missing? Probably a lifecycle issue, but how do I fix it?
I'm the OP. Looks like for the code, as written in my question, to work, my data needs to be wrapped with a bit of json.
My data, as it comes from the server, is a json array. To make it work I did the following:
var jsonData = {};
jsonData.hits =;
That's it. Now it all works. It's a workaround and there's probably a more elegant solution.
Setting setData({ hits: [] }) will allow your result to be assigned to data.hits.
setData will completely override any default or current value for data.
Actually your code works as expected, I guess you just need to keep the MUIDataTable columns matches the properties and the data structure that returned from your API.
Assume your returned data look like this:
const data = [
name: "Joe James",
company: "Test Corp",
city: "Yonkers",
state: "NY"
// more objects
You will need to set your columns like this:
const columns = [
name: "name", // This should match the data property
label: "Name", // Label will be shown
options: {...}
name: "company",
label: "Company",
options: {...}
// More columns for `city` and `state` etc...
Please follow this codeSandbox example.
