react-data-table-component ouput data in ExpandComponent - reactjs

Hello good people on the Internet. I am using react-data-table-component library and I want to output something when a row is expanded, when the first row is expanded it should should show this is row one and the second this is row two like that but i cant figure out how to do it. Any help is appreciated?
this is how the library works :
title="Movie List"
the expandableRowsComponent props renders out what is shown on expanding in this case ExpandedComponent,which takes the data prop as a parameter
const ExpandedComponent =({ data }) => {
// i would like to show the index of the current expanded row here
how to i do it?
the row and columns work perfectlty and data is rendered out as expected
updated image with array data
I have extracted this data from a bigger api data as follows
specifically the bp_product_information array

Here is a sample for pulling an item off data to display in the row where the data has child records
import "./styles.css";
import DataTable from "react-data-table-component";
const columns = [
name: "Name",
selector: (row) =>
name: "Species",
selector: (row) => row.species
const data = [
id: 1,
name: "Fluffy",
species: "cat",
hobbies: ["cleaning", "meowing", "chasing mice"]
id: 2,
name: "Boomer",
species: "dog",
hobbies: ["barking", "chewing", "eating"]
export default function App() {
const ExpandedComponent = ({ data }) => {
return data && data.hobbies ? ( => <div>{item}</div>)
) : (
<div>no data</div>
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>
title="Pet List"
Here is a link to their Storybook with more examples.


How can animate between array filter methods with React?

Im currently building my personal Portfolio and I have an array of objects containing multiple projects, each one of the project object contain a property called category, which can have a value of 'Visual' or 'Complexity'.
My plan is to add two buttons, one for each category, but I would like to animate between the category changes, a simple fade out and fade in would be nice, any idea how can I do this ?
I tried using React Transition Group for this, but didn't manage to figure it out.
The first Component is the ProjectUl, this component will receive a filter prop, which is basically a string indicating which category should the filter method use.
const projects = [
name: "Limitless",
category: "visual",
dash: "- Landing Page",
img: imgList.limitless,
gif: imgList.limitlessGif,
name: "Spacejet",
category: "complexity visual",
dash: "- Landing Page / API Project; ",
img: imgList.spacejet,
export const ProjectsUl: FC<IProps> = ({ filter }) => {
const [filtered, setFiltered] = useState<IProject[]>([])
useEffect(() => {
const filteredProjects = projects.filter((i) => i.category.includes(filter));
}, [filter]);
return (
{ => (
<ProjectsLi filtered={i} />
Then, inside the ProjectsUl there will be the ProjectsLi, which are the list of projects, here is the code for the ProjectsLi
export const ProjectsLi: FC<any> = ({ filtered }) => {
return (
<img src={filtered.img} />
<span className="dash">{filtered.dash}</span>
<FAicons.FaGithub />
<FAicons.FaCode />

SolidJS: input field loses focus when typing

I have a newbie question on SolidJS. I have an array with objects, like a to-do list. I render this as a list with input fields to edit one of the properties in these objects. When typing in one of the input fields, the input directly loses focus though.
How can I prevent the inputs to lose focus when typing?
Here is a CodeSandbox example demonstrating the issue:
Here is the source code demonstrating the issue:
import { render } from "solid-js/web";
import { createSignal, For } from 'solid-js'
function App() {
const [todos, setTodos] = createSignal([
{ id: 1, text: 'cleanup' },
{ id: 2, text: 'groceries' },
return (
Problem: whilst typing in one of the input fields, they lose focus
<For each={todos()}>
{(todo, index) => {
console.log('render', index(), todo)
return <div>
onInput={event => {
setTodos(todos => {
return replace(todos, index(), {
Data: {JSON.stringify(todos())}
* Returns a cloned array where the item at the provided index is replaced
function replace<T>(array: Array<T>, index: number, newItem: T) : Array<T> {
const clone = array.slice(0)
clone[index] = newItem
return clone
render(() => <App />, document.getElementById("app")!);
UPDATE: I've worked out a CodeSandbox example with the problem and the three proposed solutions (based on two answers):
<For> components keys items of the input array by the reference.
When you are updating a todo item inside todos with replace, you are creating a brand new object. Solid then treats the new object as a completely unrelated item, and creates a fresh HTML element for it.
You can use createStore instead, and update only the single property of your todo object, without changing the reference to it.
const [todos, setTodos] = createStore([
{ id: 1, text: 'cleanup' },
{ id: 2, text: 'groceries' },
const updateTodo = (id, text) => {
setTodos(o => === id, "text", text)
Or use an alternative Control Flow component for mapping the input array, that takes an explicit key property:
<Key each={todos()} by="id">
While #thetarnav solutions work, I want to propose my own.
I would solve it by using <Index>
import { render } from "solid-js/web";
import { createSignal, Index } from "solid-js";
* Returns a cloned array where the item at the provided index is replaced
function replace<T>(array: Array<T>, index: number, newItem: T): Array<T> {
const clone = array.slice(0);
clone[index] = newItem;
return clone;
function App() {
const [todos, setTodos] = createSignal([
{ id: 1, text: "cleanup" },
{ id: 2, text: "groceries" }
return (
Problem: whilst typing in one of the input fields, they lose focus
<Index each={todos()}>
{(todo, index) => {
console.log("render", index, todo());
return (
onInput={(event) => {
setTodos((todos) => {
return replace(todos, index, {
Dat: {JSON.stringify(todos())}
render(() => <App />, document.getElementById("app")!);
As you can see, instead of the index being a function/signal, now the object is. This allows the framework to replace the value of the textbox inline.
To remember how it works: For remembers your objects by reference. If your objects switch places then the same object can be reused. Index remembers your values by index. If the value at a certain index is changed then that is reflected in the signal.
This solution is not more or less correct than the other one proposed, but I feel this is more in line and closer to the core of Solid.
With For, whole element will be re-created when the item updates. You lose focus when you update the item because the element (input) with the focus gets destroyed, along with its parent (li), and a new element is created.
You have two options. You can either manually take focus when the new element is created or have a finer reactivity where element is kept while the property is updated. The indexArray provides the latter out of the box.
The indexArray keeps the element references while updating the item. The Index component uses indexArray under the hood.
function App() {
const [todos, setTodos] = createSignal([
{ id: 1, text: "cleanup" },
{ id: 2, text: "groceries" }
return (
{indexArray(todos, (todo, index) => (
onInput={(event) => {
const text =;
setTodos(todos().map((v, i) => i === index ? { ...v, text } : v))
Note: For component caches the items internally to avoid unnecessary re-renders. Unchanged items will be re-used but updated ones will be re-created.

Cannot return the content from a nested array in React JS

I am trying to display the data I fetched from an API which is a nested array. The json file looks like this for one pool and the devices inside that pool:
"id": "staging",
"pool": "some name",
"status": "FAILED",
"deviceMonitoringEntries": [
"id": "Apple_TV_HD1",
I want to display the id of the pool first and then display the devices assigned to the pool by displaying the id in deviceDescriptor.
My code is like this:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import axios from 'axios'
function Pool(){
const url = 'http://localhost:8043/pools'
const [pool, setPool] = useState(null)
let content = null
useEffect(() => {
.then(response =>{
}, [url])
console.log("in if pool")
return (
{ => {
<h3 key = {id}>{id}</h3>
return (
<>{{ deviceMonitoringEntries}) => ( => (
<p key = {}> {}</p>
export default Pool
However, the header <h3 key = {id}>{id}</h3> never prints. I can display the header and paragraph separately but it does not work together. I am very new to React and I would appreciate your help!
As per React documentation
React components implement a render() method that takes input data and returns what to display.
In the functional component, you directly add a return statement at the end.
You cannot assign variables like this in your code.
return (
You got the response and you stored that value in a state variable. Use the variable and render your content in the final return statement.
{ => (
<h3 key={}>{}</h3>
{ => (
<p key={device?.deviceDescriptor?.id}>{device.deviceDescriptor?.id}</p>
You can try like that in your code and I am attaching a sandbox for reference here.

How can I rerender only one item in a flatlist?

I have products with a star icon to add this product in wishlist. I map 10 list of products and each map has 3 products like:
(I Map it in Pagerview to swipe to the next products)
Products Component
const ListProducts = [
id: 1,
products: [{
product_id: 1,
photos: [...]
id: 2,
products: [{
product_id: 1,
photos: [...]
id: 3,
products: [{
product_id: 1,
photos: [...]
id: 4,
products: [{
product_id: 1,
photos: [...]
function isEq(prev, next) {
if(prev.is_wishlist === next.is_wishlist) {
return true;
const Item = memo(({ id, photos, is_wishlist, onPress, onPressWishlist }) => {
const findProductIdInWishList = is_wishlist.find((el => el.product_id === id));
return (
<Button style={s.imgBtn} onPress={() => onPress(id)}>
<Button onPress={() => onPressWishlist(id)} style={s.starBtn}>
<AntDesign name={findProductIdInWishList ? 'star' : 'staro'} size={20} color={globalStyles.globalColor} />
<ImageSlider photos={photos} />
// #ts-ignore
}, isEq);
const wishlist = useSelector((state) => state.WishList.wishlist);
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const renderItem: ListRenderItem<IProduct> = ({ item }) => (
const handlePressWishList = (product_id: string) => {
List of Products component
Products Map:
<PagerView onPageSelected={(e) => handleSetAllIndexes(e.nativeEvent.position)} style={s.container} initialPage={index}>
{, i) => (
<View style={s.viewsContainer} key={i}>
{ allIndex.includes(i) ? (
<View style={s.viewsInnerContainer}>
{ /* products */ }
<Products products={el.products as IProduct[]} total_price={el.total_price} product_name={el.packet_name} />
) : (
<View style={s.loadingContainer}>
<Loader size={'large'} color='#fff' />
if I click on star icon its dispatch and it goes fast but if I swipe to other products maybe to the last, then I press the star icon to dispatch then its a delay/lag you can see it
I dont add the full code because there are some snippets that has nothing to do with problem.
I think there are a few issues in your code:
1. Wrong dependency list for useMemo.
In your Item component, you should pass the list of dependency, rather than a compare function:
const Item = memo(({ id, photos, is_wishlist, onPress, onPressWishlist }) => {
// #ts-ignore
}, isEq); // <- this is wrong
// Instead, you should do this:
}, [is_wishlist]); // <- this is correct, if you only want to update Item component when `is_wishlist` is changed
2. Never use index as key if item can be reordered
In your products maps component, you are doing:, i) => (
<View style={s.viewsContainer} key={i}>
You should pass id instead, so React will not re-render all items when you insert a new item at the beginning or in the middle:
<View style={s.viewsContainer} key={}>
3. Passing wishlist to all Items, however, wishlist will be updated whenever user click star button on any item.
This causes all Item to re-generate memoized component, because wishlist is changed.
What you want to do here is only passing essential data to Item, which is inWishList (or findProductIdInWishList in your code), which only get changed for affected item:
const renderItem: ListRenderItem<IProduct> = ({ item }) => {
const inWishList= wishlist.find((el => el.product_id === id));
return (
I am going to edit my answer instead of comment. Before my code, let me explain first. In your current code, whenever 'allProducts' changes, everything will re-render. Whenever 'allIndex' changes, everything will re-render too. The longer the list, the more lag it will be.
Can you try 'useCallback' in this case?
const renderItem = React.useCallback((el, i) => (
<View style={s.viewsContainer} key={i}>
{allIndex.includes(i) ? (
<View style={s.viewsInnerContainer}>
<Products />
) : (
<Loading />
Now, renderItem will re-render when 'allIndex' changes. Instead of 'PagerView', I still recommend 'FlatList' with 'horizontal={true}' and 'some styles'. If still wanna use 'PagerView', how about 'Lazy' components? 'Lazy components' does not render the components before they came into user view. So, before they are seen, they do not take part in re-redner.
The issue is connected to a way how you edit your data to hold the new value. It looks like the act of adding an item to a wishlist causes all the previous items to re-render.
Therefore the first one works without an issue, but the last one takes a while as it needs to re-render all the other items before.
I would start by changing the key from index to an actual ID of a product block since that could prevent the other "pages" from re-rendering.
If that fails you will probably need to take this block of code into a workshop and check for useless re-renders.

How to render custom elements for each item in an object (Map data structure) in React TS?

I've been using this method to render multiple custom elements from an array but this is my first time doing it using a map data structure. It compiles fine but renders nothing. I've set up a codesandbox here.
import "./styles.css";
import React from "react";
import ImageGrid from "./ImageGrid";
interface OnlineImage {
id: string;
url: string;
export default function App() {
const [onlineImages, setOnlineImages] = React.useState<Map<string, OnlineImage[]>>();
React.useEffect(() => {
let onlineImageMap = new Map<string, OnlineImage[]>();
// fake api call
onlineImageMap.set("randomImageSet1", [
{ id: "1", url: "" },
{ id: "2", url: "" }
onlineImageMap.set("randomImageSet2", [
{ id: "1", url: "" },
{ id: "2", url: "" }
// set state
}, []);
return (
<div className="App">
<div>Below should render my custom ImageGrid for each item in map...</div>
{onlineImages?.forEach((imageSet, category) => {
return (
<div>Image Category: {category}</div>
<ImageGrid images={imageSet} />
Hi Samuel: I think you should first convert the map to an Array and then use the method which actually returns a copy of the original array with your function applied to it.
As you probably already figured out the return statement does nothing within a forEach function (to be more exact it only stops the execution of the code but does not bring back anything into the outer context).
If you really want to use forEach you'll have to use an array or Object to catch it then use Object.entries/.map to iterate over it
const myMap = new Map(Object.entries({a: 1, b: 2}))
const myMapCaptureList = []
myMap.forEach((value, key) => {
myMapCaptureList.push([key, value])
// then you can use myMapCaptureList[key, value]) => <div>{key}: <span>{value}</span></div>);
But I would suggest that it is much easier to use the very helpful Array.from method that can help convert a Map into an array of key/value pair entries: [[key1, val1], [key2, val2]]. It is essentially equivalent to running Object.entries(someObject).
{Array.from(onlineImages || []).map(([category, imageSet]) => {
return (
<div>Image Category: {category}</div>
<ImageGrid images={imageSet} />
You are using the .forEach method - which returns nothing, instead use .map that is identical but does return things
{onlineImages?.map((imageSet, category) =>
<div>Image Category: {category}</div>
<ImageGrid images={imageSet} />
