API Response - How to handle response in React - reactjs

I'm trying to work with an API that sends out a list of questions to create a question set. This is the response from the API:
{"questionSetItems":[[1,"From which date would you like your insurance to start from?","This is the date on which you want the policy to begin. The policy will not pay for any claims which occur prior to this date.","Dropdown",[],"",false],[2,"What is your title?","","DropDown",[],"",false],[3,"What is your title?","","DropDown",[],"",false],[4,"What is your forename?","","Edit",[],"",false],[5,"What is your surname?","","Edit",[],"",false],[6,"What is your date of birth?","","Date",[],"",false],[7,"You and your spouse or partner are not: <br\/>Professional Sportspeople<br\/>Professional Entertainers<br\/>Professional Gamblers<br\/>Moneylenders or Pawnbrokers<br\/>Bailiffs or Bodyguards<br\/>Bar Managers<br\/>Car Dealers\/Salespeople<br\/>Circus or Fairground Employees\/Owners<br\/>Clairvoyants, Tarot Readers or Palmistry Experts<br\/>Croupiers, Gaming Club Managers\/Proprietors<br\/>Diamond or Metal Dealers<br\/>Exotic Dancers<br\/>Jewellers or Jewellery Consultants<br\/>Street\/Market Traders<br\/>Tattooists<br\/>Student<br\/>Unemployed\/In voluntary employment<br\/><br\/>Please confirm that you agree to the above statements.","","YesNo",["inputEmploymentYes","inputEmploymentNo"],"",true],[8,"Please select the relevant employment types for both you and your spouse or partner","","ButtonList",["inputSportspeople","inputEntertainers","inputGamblers","inputBar","inputBailiffs","inputMoneyLender","inputTarot","inputCircus","inputCar","inputExotic","inputDiamond","inputCroupiers","inputTattooists","inputStreet","inputJewellers","inputVoluntary","inputUnemployed","inputOther","inputStudent"],"partnerType",false],[9,"Do you need to add a joint policyholder?","","YesNo",["inputJointHolderYes","inputJointHolderNo"],"",true]],"headerLogo":"","cOB":"STDH","isLastPage":false}
How to look through the array in React?

u can use like this .u can keep it in a variable name and u can check in which key ur getting the array of datas , then you can map the fields and u will get data
enter image description here


Is it possible to have not-in array using swift and Firebase Firestore

So I tried to create a page to add new friends in my IOS swift app. So, I first tried where "id" is not in AllMyFriendsIds.
db.collection("users").whereField("id",notIn: MyFriends).limit(to: limit).getDocuments(completion: { [self](snap, err) in
But with more than ten friends the program crashed. Then I tried to do where "friends" array-not-content userId but this method doesn't exist.
Here is an example of the user's docs.
Here is the code that does not work so how to get all users that are not friend with us so where friends does not contain userId or where the docId or Id is not in an array(more than 10)
.whereField("friends",notIn: [UserDefaults().string(forKey: "userId")!])
.limit(to: limit)
.getDocuments(completion: {
My goal is to get users that are not my friends with the most efficient technique. Because I know how to do it by separating into groups of 10 but this technique is not efficient with reading and writing and cost a lot.

making discord bot command to store message content (python)

So this is my first time coding an actual project that isn't a small coding task. I've got a bot that runs and responds to a message if it says "hello". I've read the API documentation up and down and really only have a vague understanding of it and I'm not sure how to implement it.
My question right now is how would I go about creating a command that takes informationn from a message the command is replying to (sender's name, message content) and stores it as an object. Also, what would be the best way to store that information?
I want to learn while doing this and not just have the answers handed to me ofc, but I feel very lost. Not sure where to even begin.
I tried to find tutorials on coding discord bots that would have similar functions to what I want to do, but can't find anything.
Intro :
Hi NyssaDuke !
First of all, prefer to paste your code instead of a picture. It's easier for us to take your code and try to produce what you wish.
In second, I see an "issue" in your code since you declare twice the bot. You can specify the intents when you declare your bot as bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!", intents=intents)
Finally, as stated by #stijndcl , it's against TOS, but I will try to answer you at my best.
My bot needs to store data, like users ID, language, and contents relative to a game, to get contacted further. Since we can have a quite big load of requests in a small time, I prefered to use a file to store instead of a list that would disappear on crash, and file allow us to make statistics later. So I decided to use pytables that you can get via pip install pytables. It looks like a small DB in a single file. The file format is HDF5.
Let say we want to create a table containing user name and user id in a file :
import tables
class CUsers (tables.IsDescription) :
user_name = StringCol(32)
user_id = IntCol()
with tables.open_file("UsersTable.h5", mode="w") as h5file :
groupUser = h5file.create_group("/", "Users", "users entries")
tableUser = h5file.create_table(groupUser, "Users", CUsers, "users table")
We have now a file UsersTable.h5 that has an internal table located in root/Users/Users that is accepting CUsers objects, where, therefore, user_name and user_id are the columns of that table.
getting user info and storing it
Let's now code a function that will register user infos, and i'll call it register. We will get the required data from the Context that is passed with the command, and we'll store it in file.
async def FuncRegister (ctx) :
with tables.open_file("UsersTable.h5", mode="a") as h5file :
tableUser = h5file.root.Users.Users
particle = tableUser.row
particle['user_name'] = str(ctx.author)
particle['user_id'] = ctx.author.id
The last two lines are sending the particle, that is the active row, so that is an object CUsers, into the file.
An issue I got here is that special characters in a nickname can make the code bug. It's true for "é", "ü", etc, but also cyrillic characters. What I did to counter is to encode the user name into bytes, you can do it by :
particle['user_name'] = str(ctx.author).encode()
reading file
It is where it starts to be interesting. The HFS5 file allows you to use kind of sql statements. Something you have to take in mind is that strings in the file are UTF-8 encoded, so when you extract them, you have to call for .decode(utf-8). Let's now code a function where a user can remove its entry, based on its id :
async def FuncRemove(ctx) :
with tables.open_file("UsersTable.h5", mode="a") as h5file :
tableUser = h5file.root.Users.Users
positions = tableUser.get_where_list("(user_id == '%d')" % ctx.author.id)
nameuser = tableUser[positions[0]]['user_name'].decode('utf-8')
.get_where_list() returns a list of positions in the file, that I later address to find the right position in the table.
If possible, prefer saving ID over name, as it complicates the code with encode() and decode(), and that bots have access to a wonderful function that is fetch_user(). Let's code a last function that will get you the last entry in your table, and with the id, print the username with the fetch method :
async def FuncLast(ctx) :
with tables.open_file("UsersTable.h5", mode="r") as h5file :
tableUser = h5file.root.Users.Users
lastUserIndex = len(tableUser) - 1
iduser = tableUser[lastUserIndex]['user_id']
member = await bot.fetch_user(iduser)
await ctx.send(member.display_name)
For further documentation, check the manual of discord.py, this link to context in particular.

ProductProjectionByKeyGet not retrieving Channel Reference by Key

When getting product details by product key from commercetools, The response that I get does not have the Channel Key as channelId but instead I get a random UUID (I believe the reference id).
final ProductProjectionByKeyGet productProjectionByKeyGet =
ProductProjectionByKeyGet.of(productKey, ProductProjectionType.CURRENT)
.withExpansionPaths(product -> product.allVariants()
return clientManager.getClientForProjectKey(ctAdapterProperties, projectKey)
In the response after getting product details, If we take a look into the property prices[].channel.id the value for it is a UUID but inside the commercetools, I have the channel key as a string like: <store>-<online>
value=USD 12]}
When I tried to do ProductSync with the above prices, I got the following error exception.
ReferenceResolutionException: Failed to resolve 'channel'
reference on PriceDraft with country:'null' and value: 'USD 12'.
Reason: Channel with key 'b5c57a89-4f18-41eb-b5c3-e0de1c09cf81'
does not exist.
Is there any way I can get the channel's key instead of a random UUID for channelId? and if not, Can I maybe get the channel details by using this ID?
I am currently using version 1.7.0 for commercetools-sync-java package.
I'm pretty new at this. Any help on this is deeply appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Unfortunately, The product price does not contain channel key only a channel id.
The sync java library does provide channel key resolution and so it expects that your price draft will contain the key.
Does that help?
Best Regards
You might also consider using the Import API

in Watson Discovery News Feed API, limiting articles returned by date

Per the API documentation, manipulating the vales of "start" and "end" will result in different data sets being returned. Strangely, changing the values of start and end resulted in the same result being returned. What am I missing? Thanks!
qopts = {'query': '/automotive and vehicles',
'aggregation' : '[term(yyymmdd).term(docSentiment.type,count:3)]',
'return': 'docSentiment.type,yyyymmdd',
'count': '50',
'start': 'now-2w',
'end' : 'now-1w',
'offset': my_offset}
my_query = discovery.query(my_disc_environment_id, my_disc_collection_id, qopts)
I hope it is helpful for you.
I am not sure if this is right answer for you because I have limited information.
First of all, please check the number of return-sets. if the return-set has more then 50 dataset, result could be same. (might count param. -1 = unlimited in the rest API of WCA (Watson Context Analytics)
Second, if you can check the log from the server side, you can see the full query which manipulated from WATSON engine.
Last, I am not really sure that watson REST-API can recognize 'now-2w' style start-end form. Would you please link the tutorial? In my previous project, I wrote the start-end date by Y-M-D form.
Good Luck

How does Salesforce.com validate Email Fields?

I'm trying to store email addresses in Salesforce.com from another service that allows invalid email addresses to be specified. If one of those bad invalid email addresses is sent to Salesforce.com via their Web Services API, Salesforce.com will prevent the record from saving with an INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS error code.
I can't find any documentation on how to disable validation on Email fields, so it looks like I'll need to validate them in my integration and pull out those that fail. Does anyone know the validation process Salesforce.com uses to determine if an email address is valid? All I have right now is a Regex, but I'd like it to match Salesforce.com's process.
EDIT: For reference, here is my Regex (I'm using C#/.NET):
Summary: we're using the following .NET RegEx:
const string SFEmailRegExPattern = #"^[A-Z0-9._%-]+#[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$";
If you can believe SF's own documentation then:
For the local part of the email address we accept the following characters. The local part is anything before the # sign.
Note: The character dot . is supported; provided that it is not the first or last character in the local-part
For the domain part of the email address we accept. The domain part is anything after the # in an email address:
0-9 and A-Z and a-z and dash -
A couple of people have coded this up as a Java regex as:
String pat = '[a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\!\\#\\$\\%\\&\\*\\/\\=\\?\\^\\_\\+\\-\\`\\{\\|\\}\\~\'._%+-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9\\-.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]+';
although to me this looks like it fails to reject an email that starts with a "." so isn't perfect.
I don't know how salesforce.com is validating email addresses, but since you are using .NET I'd suggest you to consider an email validation component like our EmailVerify.NET, which is 100% compliant with the current IETF standards (RFC 1123, RFC 2821, RFC 2822, RFC 3490, RFC 3696, RFC 4291, RFC 5321, RFC 5322 and RFC 5336) and does not suffer from ReDoS: if needed, it even checks the DNS records of the email domain under test, its SMTP availability, validates the related mailbox and can even tell if the target mail exchanger is a catch-all or if it is a disposable/free email address provider.
I don't know what salesforce.com uses (and I don't think there's any way for you to find out), but \b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b from here is a commmon one and should work for most of the cases.
I've looked previously and not been able to find a definitive answer on exactly which rules SFDC applies to the native "Email" field type. The quickest path to success that I would suggest would be this:
in your initial data integration from the external application, map the email field that you describe into a new (non-email, just text 255) custom field in SFDC.
if this is a one-time dataload, run a separate process that, for every row in SFDC with this custom field populated, attempts to copy the contents of this custom field to the native email field. If any row fails with the email validation error, you just skip it. Then you can decide what to do with the non-compliant addresses.
if this is an ongoing integration, it may be better to do something like attempt to insert new rows one-at-a-time via WS API, and if the email validation exception is thrown, you catch it and either insert the record without an email address, store the bad email in a different field (like a custom field called "non-compliant email address"), or skip the row altogether (if bad emails == bad record).
Hope that helps.
Apex has native Pattern and Matcher classes, based on java.
You can validate your email addresses in Apex code, using your RegEx expression as a string
String emailPattern = {your regex expression);
Boolean validEmail = pattern.match(emailPattern, emailAddress);
You can't definitely create common regex for salesforce email, due to inconsistency of their own requirements.
The one rule is about to give possibilities to put IP address after the local part. Example -> email#
The second is about do not allow digits in top-level domain.
For example: test#test.com1
So, they are mutually excluded.
But as I understood the email address with IP after the local part is more important and commonly used comparing with numbers in top-level domain.
Here is some examples of valid/invalid emails for salesforce.
email#domain.com (Joe Smith)
As result of above, the final regex is:
Here is a regular expression based on this help page + a lot of experimenting in Salesforce:
See this Demo. It gives the same validation result as Salesforce for all the values I could think of testing - copied below - any counter examples are welcome...
************* VALID *************
************* INVALID *************
" "#example.org
"very.(),:;<>[]\".VERY.\"very#\\ \"very\".unusual"#strange.example.com
