react-tooltip styling is off - reactjs

For some reason my react-tooltip tooltips are not the same as everybody else's. I'm guessing some of my css is probably interfering with the tooltips but I can't figure out what it is.
this is what it looks like:
As you can see the 'arrow' part of the tooltip is not smooth and has a weird rugged effect.
When I try my code in the demo sandbox it does not look like this
Any help as to what could be causing this is very welcome!

Okay so the problem was that multiple "ReactTooltip" components were being loaded and were stacking on top of eachother... so make sure you only have one ReactTooltip being rendered!


How to force antd tabs to be full height even if no content (with React and styled components)

I have a react app that uses ant design and styled components and am trying to get antd tabs to render the full height available but setting height to 100% or min-height to 100% is not working, however if I set 100vh it works... but this (of course) does not give the result I want because the component I am trying to render is not the full height of the screen.
Does anyone have experience with ant design that might have a good trick? I've looked at some solutions here on stack overflow but they do not seem to work. One was to use a row and col (here). I've also read through issues on github that suggest to target the specific antd classes like this one but it also does not seem to work.
Finally, I have a code sandbox link here that I have taken directly from ant design's site and added a style prop to the TabPane, setting the height and background (just to be able to see the effect) if someone would like to fiddle with it.
Please chime in if you have experience and a definite solution or even a suggestion at this point. Thanks in advance.
you can do with height : 100vh property .with appropriate padding .
here is the code sandbox link for the same .

How can I wrap one React component around another

I am new to React. Basically, I have been given a HTML Bootstrap template. It is pretty simple... a left sidebar (always present), an adjacent menu (always present) and all other components fit adjacent to side bar and under menu. I have attached a pic so you can easily see what I mean.
I can display the components but my dynamic components or the components that change are rendered below the sidebar and NOT next to it.
I have tried to solve this issue for days... no luck. Help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
It seems like a css issue, make sure you have your child divs inside the parent and nothing is position absolute. if you have it online I can take a look.

Combine SimpleBar + Drawer (MaterialUI) in reactjs

I'm trying to have a simple bar in which I will put a logo, and below, a drawer. The problem is when I open the drawer, the simple bar moves with it. Besides, I can see the logo text is hidden by drawer.
I've tried to add zIndex to the simpleBar but it doesn't work. I'm really not familiar with react and material ui so don't see how to fix my problem.
Here's my codesandbox , if anyone can help.
I'm sorry, when clicking on my codesandbox, you'll see an error I don't get 'cause my code comes from material-ui and I don't see what the problem is.. Just click on the cross to close it.
Many thanks in advance !
Try this:
The SimpleAppBar component was removed, and the MiniDrawer component which already has an AppBar has been modified so that everything looks right and you can put your logo where you want it.

Angular Bootstrap Carousel Not Pause On Hover

I'm trying to prevent my carousel from stopping when the mouse is over the slides. I've tried to add pause=false in the uib-carousel directive as I have read somewhere else however that doesn't work. I'm also inspecting the element but can't really find where can I set that option (if that's possible).
I have also seen people adding to the .carousel class the pause=false and then I tried to add to add the CSS without success as well.
Any ideas?
I would first confirm ngAnimate is not interfering with the carousel in any way. To accomplish this, simply follow the instructions in this post: ngAnimate breaks existing ui.bootstrap.carousel
I've just checked and looks like there is an attribute for that directive called "no-pause". I will give that a go!

Fix a footer div cross mobile platforms - Jquery?

Does anybody have a simple effective solution to fix a footer menu to the bottom of a viewport window? Absolute positioning appears to work in all but Iphone.
I thought that their should be a simple jquery or jquery touch script out there to do this, but I'm yet to find one!
Any advice greatfully received!
Paul, you can achieve this by adding a footer with fixed-positioning, see
Just create a navbar within the footer for a menu, see
or alternatively
Does this work. it grafts in win/safari...
good luck!
