LWIP: Monitor and close a TCP connection with Netconn API - c

I am using Lwip 2.1.2 with FreeRtos v10.0.0 and the Netconn API.
I am trying to find a way to gracefully close a Netconn connection and try to reconnect in case of a communication issue.
Currently, to identify a communication issue, I try to do a
and in case this method returns an error I try to
the netconn connection.
To simulate a TCP connection I use Netcat in Linux (Running on my host PC) and my Embedded Device is connected with an Ethernet cable to my PC.
By the time I have a connection and receive data on the PC, I try to simulate a communication interruption by just killing the Netcat connection (Ctrl+c). However, I get the following errors:
netconn_close(netconn) returns error: -11 (ERR_CONN = Not connected)
netconn_delete(netconn) returns error: -5 (ERR_INPROGRESS = Operation in progress)
A simplified version of my code:
void FooMethod()
netconn* tcpListenNetconn;
netconn* connection;
tcpListenNetconn = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP);
netconn_bind(tcpListenNetconn, IP4_ADDR_ANY, TCP_PORT);
netconn_accept(tcpListenNetconn, &connection);
uint8_t buffer = 0x65;
err_t error = netconn_write(connection , &buffer , 1, NETCONN_COPY);
if (error != ERR_OK)
I realized that if I kill netcat on the host machine, the TCP connection will be closed in the background, that's why I get the error messages from
While I could ignore the closing errors, my next problem was when I was trying to re-connect I was getting an error from
netconn_bind(): -8 (ERR_USE, Address in use)
But this is because I try to reconnect to the same port. Apparently Netconn API doesn't provide options for reusing an IP Address or a Port, so the probably the Socket API has to be used.


Closing socket in client crashes nodejs server

On C client I do:
connect() on port 6969
//I have seen that I didn't call recv so nodejs try me to send data but My program was gone
and finally closesocket()
On nodejs server I receive the message so the connection is established:
const port = 6969;
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function(connection) {
console.log('client connected');
connection.on('close', function() {
console.log('conn closed');
connection.on('end', function() {
console.log('conn ended');// that is not called
connection.on("error", function(err) {
console.log("Caught flash policy server socket error: ");
connection.on('data', function(data) {
data = data.toString();
console.log('client sended the folowing string:' + data);
console.log('Sended response to client');
server.listen(port, function() {
console.log('server is listening');
This is the result of my terminal:
server is listening
client connected
client sended the folowing string:err404
Sended response to client
Caught flash policy server socket error:
Error: read ECONNRESET
at exports._errnoException (util.js:1018:11)
at TCP.onread (net.js:568:26)
conn closed
So I have read Node js ECONNRESET already but I don't understand if this is normal why my nodejs server crash?
Edit: I found this snippet:
connection.on("error", function(err) {
console.log("Caught flash policy server socket error: ");
This code on client side will produce the same error:
#ifdef WIN32
int iResult = shutdown(sock, SD_BOTH);
printf("shutdown is called\n");
#elif defined (linux)
int iResult = shutdown(sock, SHUT_RDWR);
printf("shutdown is called\n");
#endif // WIN32
if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {closesocket(sock);printf("SOCKET_ERROR");}
Now I catch either close event and end event: but the same error is still throwed.
Edit: I've Updated my code.
And I found where is the problem:NodeJs is trying to send me data but I've already called shutdown().
There 2 things to consider, one in your server and one in your client code.
Server code:
You have to use the end event instead of the close event, see
connection.on('end', function (){
console.log('client disconnected');
end event:
Emitted when the other end of the socket sends a FIN packet, thus ending the readable side of the socket.
close event:
Emitted once the socket is fully closed. The argument had_error is a boolean which says if the socket was closed due to a transmission error.
So that means, that the close event will occur after the end event.
Client code:
You have to call shutdown before closing the socket to prevent further reads or writes which then would cause an error because the socket is already down.
The Windows version of shutdown is described here at MSDN and the Linux variant here in a manpage.
int ret = shutdown(sockfd, SD_BOTH); /* Shutdown both send and receive operations. */
int ret = shutdown(sockfd, SHUT_RDWR); /* Disables further send and receive operations. */
Importance of flushing sent data:
The shutdown function does not guarantees that data that is already in the buffer does not get send. It is needed that all data get's flushed before the call to close occur. In this answer on SO is written down a nice way to do that rather than just sleep 20 ms or so.
In order to test if that is your problem you can use Sleep(2000) in Windows and sleep(2) in Linux to sleep 2 seconds between shutdown and close.
On this page is a nice comparison between close/closesocket and shutdown:
You're ready to close the connection on your socket descriptor. This is easy. You can just use the regular Unix file descriptor close() function:
This will prevent any more reads and writes to the socket. Anyone attempting to read or write the socket on the remote end will receive an error.
Just in case you want a little more control over how the socket closes, you can use the shutdown() function. It allows you to cut off communication in a certain direction, or both ways (just like close() does.) Synopsis:
int shutdown(int sockfd, int how);
shutdown() returns 0 on success, and -1 on error (with errno set accordingly.)

C sockets: using shutdown() to stop server running in background

I have implemented end_server() method using some volatile flag should_server_end = true/false. I have used non-blocking connection sockets to enable checking this flag between consecutive recv() calls. It works fine. But I have read about using shutdown(sock, SHUT_RDWR) called from the main thread that can stop the server (and its connections) running in the background. I would like to try this approach in my app and implement some alternative methods instead of end_server() like shutdown_server().
I have tried something like this:
int pasv_sock = server_info_sock(server_info);
if(shutdown(pasv_sock, SHUT_RDWR) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "shutdown: failed! %s\n", strerror(errno));
return FAILURE;
But now I am getting error message:
shutdown: failed! Socket is not connected
which means shutdown() return this error code:
The specified socket is not connected.
1. Can I only use shutdown on active (connection) sockets and not on passive (server) socket. Should I just use close()?
Next I change shutdown() to close() on passive socket, and then nothing happens. No errors but as in the previous method with shutdown connection still works correctly and I can send() and recv() packets of data.
2. Does it mean that close()-ing passive socket only stops possibility of making new connections with the server (server will no longer accept connections?)
So I have changed the code to something like this:
static void shutdown_conn_sock_data_handler(void *data, size_t data_size) {
sock_fd_t *conn_sock = (sock_fd_t *) data;
printf("Connection sock: %d closing...!\n", *conn_sock);
if(shutdown(*conn_sock, SHUT_RDWR) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "shutdown: failed! %s\n", strerror(errno));
server_info_set_force_shut_down(server_info, 1);
const linked_list_t *conn_socks = server_info_conn_socks(server_info);
linked_list_travers(conn_socks, shutdown_conn_sock_data_handler);
int pasv_sock = server_info_sock(server_info);
if(close(pasv_sock) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "close: failed! %s\n", strerror(errno));
return FAILURE;
return SUCCESS;
It works now but this need also some flag to give the hint information about the closed server, otherwise, it will be closed with some error message as trying to accept new connections on the already closed passive socket.
So before trying to accept a new connection I need to check like this:
while(1) {
if(server_info_should_shut_down(server_info)) {
return CLOSED;
if(server_info_force_shut_down(server_info)) {
As you can see such a force close approach doesn't differ much from lazy shutdown when I just set volatile should_shut_down flag and wait for the server to detect this and close in a regular way. The only benefit is that I possibly no longer have to have:
non-blocking connection sockets in connection_handlers (this functions are supplied by client code using server api)
before each client code need to set:
fcntl(sock_fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
to enable server self-closing.
*client - means programmer using server API, not client side of TCP communication.
moreover there was need to place after each recv failing without new request data
if ((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
// call to recv() on non-blocking socket result with nothing to receive
and client-code needs to add in connection_handler in between each client-side request:
return CLOSED;
So implementing this shutdown_server() method instead of end_server()
I can hide implementation details inside server API and allow user of this API to provide simpler and cleaner connection handler. Just recv/send logic without need to inject some special code that enables the server to be closable!
3. Is it this new approach with shutdown() correct? Didn't I missed anything?
Can I only use shutdown on active (connection) sockets and not on passive (server) socket.
Should I just use close()?
Next I change shutdown() to close() on passive socket, and then nothing happens. No errors but as in the previous method with shutdown connection still works correctly and I can send() and recv() packets of data.
Correct. That's how it works.
Does it mean that close()-ing passive socket only stops possibility of making new connections with the server (server will no longer accept connections?)
Yes. It doesn't affect existing accepted sockets.
Is it this new approach with shutdown() correct? Didn't I missed anything?
You should not shutdown the sockets for output. That will cause errors at both ends: this end, because it may write to a shutdown socket, and the other end because it will receive a truncation.
All you need to to is shutdown each accepted socket for input (i.e. SHUT_RD). That will cause the next recv() on that socket to return zero,meaning the peer disconneceted, whereupon the existing code should already close the socket and exit the thread.

Crash when sending data without connection via Socket in Linux

I'm using C language to send data via socket in Linux by using command
send(ServerSocket, cSendBuff, strlen(cSendBuff), 0);
The procedure is:
Create socket
Connect to Server
while (condition): Send data
When I run this program in Linux environment, if it is connected, there is no problem. But in order to take care of failed connection when running, I check some cases and got results as below:
Case 1:
Create socket: No creation (comment out creating function)
Connection to Server: No connection (comment out connecting function)
Send data --> Failed (return -1) but no crash
Case 2:
Create socket: Successfully
Connection to Server: Failed or even No connection (comment out
connecting function)
Send data --> Crash
And then, i tried 3 different values of socket WITHOUT connection to server
Case 3:
ServerSocket = -1 --> Send data: Failed
ServerSocket = 0 --> Send data: Failed
ServerSocket = 4 --> Send data: Crash
In case of failed sending, it is correct but I don't understand why i got crash in other cases. I tried with Windows but no problem, is that a different between Linux and Windows? does it make sense? I want to open socket and connect to server only once time and after that sending data a thousand times, so if "the crash" makes sense in this case, how can I fix this problem in case of failed connection? Thanks for your time.
Here is the Case 2 (connect failed by stopping Server in order to test a case of failed connection):
ServerSocket = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_IP) ;
iResult = connect(ServerSocket,(struct sockaddrx *)&server , sizeof(server));
iResult = send(ServerSocket, cSendBuff, strlen(cSendBuff), 0);
Here is the Case 3:
//ServerSocket = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_IP) ;
//iResult = connect(ServerSocket,(struct sockaddrx *)&server , sizeof(server));
ServerSocket = 0;
iResult = send(ServerSocket, cSendBuff, strlen(cSendBuff), 0);
ServerSocket = -1;
iResult = send(ServerSocket, cSendBuff, strlen(cSendBuff), 0);
ServerSocket = 4;
iResult = send(ServerSocket, cSendBuff, strlen(cSendBuff), 0);
Your program does not crash!
It receives a SIGPIPE signal because the local end of the socket has been shut down. Read man 2 send, especially the EPIPE error case. (So, to be precise, your program is terminated due to an unhandled SIGPIPE signal.)
As the man 7 signal man page says, the default disposition for SIGPIPE is to terminate the process. To avoid the termination, either set a SIGPIPE signal handler, or use send(socket, buffer, length, MSG_NOSIGNAL).
Do not use Windows as your measuring stick. It is not a sane method. You have much better, actually reliable documentation available. The Linux man-pages project is one of the best sources for the C library documentation (section 3). Even though it is focused on Linux and GNU C library, every page has a Conforming to section which tells you when and where that functionality is available.
The above links refer to the up-to-date web pages, but you can also use man 2 send, man 7 signal on the command line to browse the same information. The web pages are more up to date than the distributions, but the project only includes standard man pages, not those installed by applications or extra libraries you might have.
Case 2.3: This should fail, by which I mean it should return -1 with an accompanying value of errno. You don't state what you mean by 'fail' or 'crash,' so it is impossible to comment further.
Case 3:
These should all fail ditto unless FD 0 or 4 happens to be a socket.
I have no idea why you're even testing any of this. A 'failed connection' is a completely different thing from a socket that has never been connected in the first place. A 'failed connection' manifests itself as a -1 return from send(), recv(), and friends, with an accompanying value of errno other than EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK. You can't send to a TCP socket that isn't connected, and it shouldn't be possible for your code to even attempt it. If it is, your error handling code path is incorrect.

how to kill a tcp connection in a tcp server program if no FIN/ACK or RST received

I wrote a tcp server program(linux c) and run it on host B
if host A establishes a TCP connection with host B
then A shutdown without sending FIN/ACK
how do I write source codes inside tcp server to kill this tcp connection?
use raw socket to craft s fake RST?
or other ways?
Just close() the server's end of the socket once it has determined that the connection is no longer available. Eventually, the socket will time out internally and start reporting errors to read/write operations, at which time you can then close it. If you do not want to wait that long then implement a timeout in your own code, either as a keepalive/ping command in your protocol, or just as a simple timer that keeps track of the last time the client exchanged any data with the server. If the timeout period expires, close the socket regardless of its actual state.
I'm not sure in this case, but if you create a binary file with all the open connections:
FILE *ptr_myfile;
ptr_myfile=fopen("test.bin","wb"); //opened sockets
//.. your code ..
sockfd[k] = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
fwrite(&sockfd[k], sizeof(sockfd[k]), 1, ptr_myfile_soc);
//.. your code ..
and if host A shuts down without sending FIN/ACK, in another executable you will read from that file and close the related sockets:
printf("closing %d \n",k );

Error:Socket Select() function always return zero..?

can any one tell me why the following code always return 0 . the socket descriptor value is 3.
i am using the open suse TFTP server . which is listening on port 69 in Local host.
connect() function return success ..
connection_timer.tv_sec = 2; // s
connection_timer.tv_usec = 0;
// laukiam, kol bus ka nuskaityti
FD_SET(socket_descriptor, &fd_reader);
int select_ready = select(socket_descriptor + 1, &fd_reader, NULL, NULL, &connection_timer);
When i use TCPdump to check the packet it send the first packet then the connection is closed in somewhere before receive Ack received..
You will get a return code of 0 from select it the timer (connection_timer in your example) expires before any descriptor has become interesting.
So it's not an error. It seems most likely you didn't initialize connection_timer properly.
I suspect that you are not receiving the response because you used connect() on a UDP socket, which made it so that you only accept datagrams from the connected destination.
Since the TFTP reply does not come from port 69, but rather from an ephemeral port, the acknowledgement is never received.
Solution: Don't connect() your UDP socket until after you finish the initial connection.
WSAStartup functions needs to be called.
I do have the same problem and that got resolved after calling this startup function.
