How to resolve a trouble in using Tabula? - arrays

I'm a data analyst and first of all would like to thank you and your friends for a wonderful tool Tabula. I have been using it over the recent months periodically and during past week quite actively. And, suddenly the tool ran out of order. I even deleted it from my computer and downloaded again, however, could not resolve the problem.
One thing I hesitate caused a problem, is that I almost didn't delete previously imported files. Another cause may be the file names which were numerical. What do you think, could these be reasons for a trouble or not and how can I revive it?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,


Why is overshadowing not supported with Codename One?

I've been trying to work with Codename One for years, but I still find errors that prevent me from releasing my apps.
Locally I can fix errors by I overshadowing erroneous classes. This works but for some reason it doesn't work when I send my apps to the build server.
If I could overshadow faulty classes would be good in many ways:
I'd better get on with my work
I could check how my corrections work on the different platforms
I could contribute to the further development of Codename One
I suffer much from not being able to publish my apps because I see no way how I can fix basic problems.
I love iPhones and do not like the Mac. Therefore I do not own a Mac and prefer to work with Linux and use the Codename One build server.
What are the reasons for not supporting overloading classes like com.codename1.ui.Component? Can You see that it would be beneficial?
This isn't the first time people asked for that but we won't deliver it. Doing this creates huge problems:
Developers don't file issues or submit fixes instead they make local fixes
Developers break things due to complex behaviors then try to get support and blame us for the issues
We have a process of submitting patches to Codename One, patches are always accepted quickly when they are valid. If something needs fixing that's what you need to do. If you need a hack then submit a patch that defines the extension point that you need. That's why we are open source...
In the past this might have been painful as you would need to wait until we updated the servers, but since changes go in every week in recent revisions this is no longer an issue. Don't think of it as "contributing", think of it as free code reviews where the entire community pulls together to improve your work...

What is the best solution to manage data from csv file and do some logic and action

I have learn basic programming in the past at school (vb) so i understand the logic behind an application and the way it think.
I started this week to learn python because ... I would like to be able to build what i need without having to smash my head in the keyboard.
In the mean time i would like to resolve my problem and i'm asking to all of you in case someone have seen something somewhere.
I have try to search but not sure how to ask so respond was not relevant.
My Question
I know i can do this in excel but i'm looking for another way if possible.
Does someone knows if there existe an application online or on a mac that give me the ability to:
1- Import data from a csv file and add it in a database. So every day i will log 100 line of data.
2- After that i would like to manage condition related on data store in store in file 2 and 3.
3- That will generated a file 4 where i can see the only important case i have to take care for the day.
I imagine a little bit Access from microsoft but i don't remember if i was able to add parameter on the data i will visualise or condition.
What i'm trying to achieve
I have to process a lot of data manually right now and i'm trying to find a way to take out automatically the recurring problem from a list that i receive every day And there is no other way for me than build my own validation process.
Thank for your help. I'm new but i will try my best to bring something is this community (Python studies lv1, VB -15ans) . For now i'm building my startup And my expertise is more in technical skill on security products and technical support.
In case i'm not alone that would like to be able to do some basic thing like i was needed without having to program from scratch a database program i found those 2 solution yet:

MongoDb and Symfony2.4 file is not stored in Gridfs

I have implemented the file upload functionality with reference to this link
But the file is not stored into the Gridfs.
I had done some research for the same and also with reference to this blog post
But again, unfortunately, I stuck with this issue since last from 15 days
please help.
Please take a look at KnpLabs/Gaufrette and the related KnpLabs/KnpGaufretteBundle
The Gaufrette bundle provides a level of abstraction around file systems and, it helped me get file-oriented operations up and running quickly. I found it very useful, and in fact the Symfony CMS package leverages this bundle. It may help you out as well.

theme.res Won't Open in Codename One Application

Very weird issue I've come across. Is there anything I can do?
I have not made any changes to my computer since the last time it worked.
It seems to be an "issue" with the ResourceEditorApp, as no theme.res files are working (from other projects).
It could be the file just got corrupted for some reason. Did you look at its size? We now have new XML team support in the designer (its still experimental though) which should allow better versioning and reliability as we move along.
If the file is not 0 length and isn't working at all just send it to us and I will try to recover it.

Interpreting WinBUGS traps and how to automate the program?

First of all, does anybody know of a developer's guide for WinBUGS? The website is full of detailed examples for Doodles and documentation for the model language, but I have yet to find anything about how to interpret trap windows.
Secondly, has anybody found any ways to streamline the check/load/compile/init/monitor/update cycle? By that I mean, there doesn't seem to be any way to say "don't bother rechecking the model or putting any of the settings back to their defaults (!!!), just keep loading data from these files, inits from those files, and for each generate a new coda". Even the standard Windows shortcuts are neutered here, forcing the user to keep clicking and filling the same fields with the same values over and over. This might seem like a minor issue, but when you are doing many similar analyses one after the other, it gets old fast.
I'm at the point where I'm about to use TRON.EXE to send fake mouseclicks to the program, but before going to that extreme I'm hoping there is some native and more elegant way to automate repetitive WinBUGS tasks.
Well... that's WinBUGS at its normal :-) Unfriendly, showing traps that would scare of an experienced kernel hacker.. :-) I don't think there exist some guide to traps. I mean if WinBUGS creators wanted to put some effort in being more user friendly, they would probably first made the traps more understandable, so that no guide was necessary.
I was trying to do something similar - i.e. to customize WinBUGS behaviour. First, you can call WinBUGS from R using R2WinBUGS. That way you are able to do a lot automatization but not all. For example, I wanted to have something like progress information in WinBUGS. The problem is that WinBUGS UI gets stuck during update cycles. R2WinBUGS creates the script.txt command script and there is command update (<big number of cycles>). What I wanted here was to customize this script.txt to contain a lot of smaller update(..) commands instead of one big one. But, the problem is that R2WinBUGS generates this script itself and you cannot change it.
So the way to customize WinBUGS could be that you create your own wrapper that creates the script.txt and other files. I believe you could do a lot more customization to WinBUGS this way.
However, I'm not sure if WinBUGS is worth it. Its development has stopped and while favorited by many people, it remains rigid. You can try JAGS or CppBugs which seem to have much more promissing future.
For a wrapper around R2WinBUGS that adds lots of functionality to streamline serious WinBUGS use, see my package rube ( which is not yet on CRAN.
Among other things, it gives plain English error messages rather than passing your model/data/inits along to WinBUGS when a trap error is certain. It also gives a highly useful summary of your model/data/inits for finding problems that cannot be automatically detected. Of course, it does not catch all trap errors.
Turns out I didn't RTFM enough on the second part of my question. It turns out that the section of the WinBUGS 1.4 manual entitled "Batch-Mode: Scripts" lists all the batch commands. All the important UI functionality has a batch-mode command. There was only a little trial-and-error in getting the arguments right (for example over.relax('true')). What really took me a while to sort out is that WinBUGS seems to have trouble with some Windows paths, but as long as everything is in a subdirectory of the directory where WinBUGS is installed, it runs okay.
It's still kind of messy to have to keep loading all these little files, but I wrote an R-script that uses functions from the BRugs package to create all the files, name them in a consistent pattern, and generate a script that will then initialize the model and load them, over and over again.
I'll leave this question open for a while, though, to see if anybody has any suggestions on where I can learn to make better use of traps.
