I want to create a function that outputs fan speed based on a pid controller. The inputs I have for my algorithm are temperature and current fan speed. My error function is based on the difference between the current temperature and my target temperature. I am able to get a pid out from this, but I am a bit confused as to how I should change the fan speed based on pid out. Would I just do fan speed out = pid out * current fan speed?
to get a moving average like filter on ADC data in microcontrollers, i like to use the following code:
average = average + ((new_value - average)>>2);
it works nicely and super fast and I can adjust the filterstrength just by changing the amount of right-shift.
My question is now: has this filter a name?
cheers :)
Somewhere between Cumulative Moving Average and Weighted Moving Average
In general terms, it can be a specific case of Savitzky-Golay method as well. It is a low pass filter with the following explantion:
A Savitzky–Golay filter is a digital filter that can be applied to a set of digital data points for the purpose of smoothing the data, that is, to increase the precision of the data without distorting the signal tendency. This is achieved, in a process known as convolution, by fitting successive sub-sets of adjacent data points with a low-degree polynomial by the method of linear least squares. When the data points are equally spaced, an analytical solution to the least-squares equations can be found, in the form of a single set of "convolution coefficients" that can be applied to all data sub-sets, to give estimates of the smoothed signal, (or derivatives of the smoothed signal) at the central point of each sub-set.
I am implementing PID control using the standard libraries of the Teensy Atmega32u4. My control variable is PWM signal. My process variable is the current angular position of a DC motor that is interfaced with a 10kohm potentiometer with code that reads position ADC input on a scale of 0 to 270 degrees. The set point is a laser cut joystick whose handle is also attached to a 10kohm potentiometer that reads angular position in the same manner as the process variable.
My question is how to implement the integral portion of the control scheme. The integral term is given by:
Error = Set Point – Process Variable
Integral = Integral + Error
Control Variable = (Kp * Error) + (Ki * Integral)
But I am unsure as to how to calculate the integral portion. Do we need to account for the amount of time that has passed between samples or just the accumulated error and initialize the integral portion to zero, such that it is truly discretized? Since I'm using C, the Integral term can just be a global variable?
Am I on the right track?
Since Sample time (time after which PID is calculated) is always the same it does not matter whether u divide the integral term with sample time as this sample time will just act as a Ki constant but it is better to divide the integral term by sample time so that if u change the sample time the PID change with the sample time but it is not compulsory.
Here is the PID_Calc function I wrote for my Drone Robotics competition in python. Ignore "[index]" that was an array made by me to make my code generic.
def pid_calculator(self, index):
#calculate current residual error, the drone will reach the desired point when this become zero
self.Current_error[index] = self.setpoint[index] - self.drone_position[index]
#calculating values req for finding P,I,D terms. looptime is the time Sample_Time(dt).
self.errors_sum[index] = self.errors_sum[index] + self.Current_error[index] * self.loop_time
self.errDiff = (self.Current_error[index] - self.previous_error[index]) / self.loop_time
#calculating individual controller terms - P, I, D.
self.Proportional_term = self.Kp[index] * self.Current_error[index]
self.Derivative_term = self.Kd[index] * self.errDiff
self.Intergral_term = self.Ki[index] * self.errors_sum[index]
#computing pid by adding all indiviual terms
self.Computed_pid = self.Proportional_term + self.Derivative_term + self.Intergral_term
#storing current error in previous error after calculation so that it become previous error next time
self.previous_error[index] = self.Current_error[index]
#returning Computed pid
return self.Computed_pid
Here if the link to my whole PID script in git hub.
See if that help u.
Press the up button ig=f u like the answer and do star my Github repository i u like the script in github.
Thank you.
To add to previous answer, also consider the case of integral wind up in your code. There should be some mechanism to reset the integral term, if a windup occurs. Also select the largest available datatype to keep the integram(sum) term, to avoid integral overflow (typically long long). Also take care of integral overflow.
If you are selecting a sufficiently high sampling frequency, division can be avoided to reduce the computation involved. However, if you want to experiment with the sampling time, keep the sampling time in multiples of powers of two, so that the division can be accomplished through shift operations. For example, assume the sampling times selected be 100ms, 50ms, 25ms, 12.5ms. Then the dividing factors can be 1, 1<<1, 1<<2, 1<<4.
It is convenient to keep all the associated variables of the PID controller in a single struct, and then use this struct as parameters in functions operating on that PID. This way, the code will be modular, and many PID loops can simultaneously operate on the microcontroller, using the same code and just different instances of the struct. This approach is especially useful in large robotics projects, where you have many loops to control using a single CPU.
I'm currently working on a temperature controller.
I have a Temperature_PID() function that returns the manipulated variable (which is the sum of the P, I, and D terms) but what do I do with this output?
The temperature is controlled by PWM, so 0% duty cycle = heater off and 100% duty cycle = heater on.
So far I tried
Duty_Cycle += Temperature_PID();
if(Duty_Cycle > 100) Duty_Cycle = 100;
else if(Duty_Cycle < 0) Duty_Cycle = 0;
This didn't work for me because the I term is basically makes this system very unstable. Imagine integrating an area, adding another small data point, and integrating the area again, and summing them. Over and over. That means each data point makes this control scheme exponentially worse.
The other thing I would like to try is
Duty_Cycle = Expected_Duty_Cycle + Temperature_PID();
where Expected_Duty_Cycle is what the temperature should be set to once the controller reaches a stable point and Temperature_PID() is 0. However, this also doesn't work because the Expected_Duty_Cycle would always be changing depending on the conditions of the heater, e.g. different weather.
So my question is what exactly do I do with the output of PID? I don't understand how to assign a duty cycle based on the PID output. Ideally this will stay at 100% duty cycle until the temperature almost reaches the set point and start dropping off to a lower duty cycle. But using my first method (with my I gain set to zero) it only starts lowering the duty cycle after it already overshoots.
This is my first post. Hope I find my answer. Thank you stackoverflow.
Here's my PID function.
double TempCtrl_PID(PID_Data *pid)
Thermo_Data tc;
double error, pTerm, iTerm, dTerm;
Thermo_Read(CHIP_TC1, &tc);
pid->last_pv = pid->pv;
pid->pv = Thermo_Temperature(&tc);
error = pid->sp - pid->pv;
if(error/pid->sp < 0.1)
pid->err_sum += error;
pTerm = pid->kp * error;
iTerm = pid->ki * pid->err_sum;
dTerm = pid->kd * (pid->last_pv - pid->pv);
return pTerm + iTerm + dTerm;
Never used this before so let me know if the link is broken.
Sorry, Excel is crashing on me when I try to rename axes or the title. Note: there isn't a fan in the system yet so I can't cool the heater as fast as I can get it to heat up, so it spends very little time below the set point compared to above.
The first picture is a simple on-off controller.
The second picture is my PD controller. As you can see, it takes a lot longer for the temperature to decrease because it doesn't subtract before the temperature overshoots, it waits until the temperature overshoots before subtracting from the duty cycle, and does so too slowly. How exactly do I tell my controller to lower the duty cycle before it hits the max temperature?
The output of the PID is the duty cycle. You must adjust kp, ki, and kd to put the PID output in the range of the Duty_Cycle, e.g., 0 to 100. It is usually a good idea to explicitly limit the output in the PID function itself.
You should "tune" your PID in simple steps.
Turn off the integral and derivative terms (set ki and kd to zero)
Slowly increase your kp until a 10% step change in the setpoint makes the output oscillate
Reduce kp by 30% or so, which should eliminate the oscillations
Set ki to a fraction of kp and adjust to get your desired tradeoff of overshoot versus time to reach setpoint
Hopefully, you will not need kd, but if you do, make it smaller still
Your PID controller output should be setting the value of the duty cycle directly.
Basically you are going to be controlling the heater settings based on the difference in the actual temperature versus the temperature setpoint.
You will need to adjust the values of the PID parameters to obtain the performance you are looking for.
First, set I and D to zero and put in a value for P, say 2 to start.
Change the setpoint and see what your response is. Increase P and make another setpoint change and see what happens. Eventually you will see the temperature oscillate consistently and never come to any stable value. This value is known as the "ulitmate gain". Pay attention to the frequency of the oscillation as well. Set P equal to half of the ultimate gain.
Start with a value of 1.2(ultimate gain)/(Oscillation Frequency) for I and change the setpoint. Adjust the values of P and I from those values to get to where you want to go, tracking the process and seeing if increasing or decreasing values improves things.
Once you have P and I you can work on D but depending on the process dynamics giving a value for D might make your life worse.
The Ziegler-Nichols method gives you some guidelines for PID values which should get you in the ballpark. From there you can make adjustments to get better performance.
You will have to weigh the options of having overshoot with the amount of time the temperature takes to reach the new setpoint. The faster the temperature adjusts the more overshoot you will have. To have no overshoot will increase that amount of time considerably.
A few suggestions:
You seem to be integrating twice. Once inside your TempCtrl_PID function and once outside. Duty_Cycle += . So now your P term is really I.
Start with only a P term and keep increasing it until the system becomes unstable. Then back off (e.g. use 1/2 to 1/4 the value where it becomes unstable) and start adding an I term. Start with very low values on the I term and then gradually increase. This process is a way of tuning the loop. Because the system will probably have a pretty long time constant this may be time consuming...
You can add some feed-forward as you suggest (expected duty cycle for a given setpoint - map it out by setting the duty cycle and letting the system stabilize.). It doesn't matter if that term isn't perfect since the loop will take out the remaining error. You can also simply add some constant bias to the duty cycle. Keep in mind a constant wouldn't really make any difference as the integrator will take it out. It will only affect a cold start.
Make sure you have some sort of fixed time base for this loop. E.g. make an adjustment every 10ms.
I would not worry about the D term for now. A PI controller should be good enough for most applications.
What is a simple way to see if my low-pass filter is working? I'm in the process of designing a low-pass filter and would like to run tests on it in a relatively straight forward manner.
Presently I open up a WAV file and stick all the samples in a array of ints. I then run the array through the low-pass filter to create a new array. What would an easy way to check if the low-pass filter worked?
All of this is done in C.
You can use a broadband signal such as white noise to measure the frequency response:
generate white noise input signal
pass white noise signal through filter
take FFT of output from filter
compute log magnitude of FFT
plot log magnitude
Rather than coding this all up you can just dump the output from the filter to a text file and then do the analysis in e.g. MATLAB or Octave (hint: use periodogram).
Depends on what you want to test. I'm not a DSP expert, but I know there are different things one could measure about your filter (if that's what you mean by testing).
If the filter is linear then all information of the filter can be found in the impulse response. Read about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_filter
E.g. if you take the Fourier transform of the impulse response, you'll get the frequency response. The frequency response easily tells you if the low-pass filter is worth it's name.
Maybe I underestimate your knowledge about DSP, but I recommend you to read the book on this website: http://www.dspguide.com. It's a very accessible book without difficult math. It's available as a real book, but you can also read it online for free.
EDIT: After reading it I'm convinced that every programmer that ever touches an ADC should definitely have read this book first. I discovered that I did a lot of things the difficult way in past projects that I could have done a thousand times better when I had a little bit more knowledge about DSP. Most of the times an unexperienced programmer is doing DSP without knowing it.
Create two monotone signals, one of a low frequency and one of a high frequency. Then run your filter on the two. If it works, then the low frequency signal should be unmodified whereas the high frequency signal will be filtered out.
Like Bart above mentioned.
If it's LTI system, I would insert impulse and record the samples and perform FFT using matlab and plot magnitude.
You ask why?
In time domain, you have to convolute the input x(t) with the impulse response d(t) to get the transfer function which is tedious.
y(t) = x(t) * d(t)
In frequency domain, convolution becomes simple multiplication.
y(s) = x(s) x d(s)
So, transfer function is y(s)/x(s) = d(s).
That's the reason you take FFT of impulse response to see the behavior of the filter.
You should be able to programmatically generate tones (sine waves) of various frequencies, stuff them into the input array, and then compare the signal energy by summing the squared values of the arrays (and dividing by the length, though that's mathematically not necessary here because the signals should be the same length). The ratio of the output energy to the input energy gives you the filter gain. If your LPF is working correctly, the gain should be close to 1 for low frequencies, close to 0.5 at the bandwidth frequency, and close to zero for high frequencies.
A note: There are various (but essentially the same in spirit) definitions of "bandwidth" and "gain". The method I've suggested should be relatively insensitive to the transient response of the filter because it's essentially averaging the intensity of the signal, though you could improve it by ignoring the first T samples of the input, where T is related to the filter bandwidth. Either way, make sure that the signals are long compared to the inverse of the filter bandwidth.
When I check a digital filter, I compute the magnitude response graph for the filter and plot it. I then generate a linear sweeping sine wave in code or using Audacity, and pass the sweeping sine wave through the filter (taking into account that things might get louder, so the sine wave is quiet enough not to clip) . A visual check is usually enough to assert that the filter is doing what I think it should. If you don't know how to compute the magnitude response I suspect there are tools out there that will compute it for you.
Depending on how certain you want to be, you don't even have to do that. You can just process the linear sweep and see that it attenuated the higher frequencies.
This is an assignment for my Intro to Computer Science class:
A) Write a class named Car that has the following fields
year: integer that represents the year
make: String that represents the make
speed: int holds the current speed
Constructors : a) no arg : speed=0, make=”” , yearModel =2006
b) :Accept year and make, set speed =0
Methods to get the values of yearModel, make and speed fields
accelerate method: Add 1 to speed
brake method subtract 1 from speed (speed can’t be less than 0)
set methods for year, make , speed
use javadoc comments and run javadoc to document the class
B) Write an application that creates two cars.
Get car information from the user
Accelerate car#1 to 40mph (use loop) and then brake to 0
Accelerate car#2 to 30 mph (use loop) and then brake to 0.
I'm having trouble understand exactly what I'm supposed to do... Anyone have any idea what exactly the accelerate and brake methods are supposed to return? And how do I find the accelaration without knowing the rate at which the speed is incremented by 1?
The accelerate and brake methods are poorly named from a physics point of view: acceleration is related to velocity and time, but this simulation doesn't include a time dimension. (Arguably, the time required to execute one loop iteration provides the time dimension, but with processors being as fast as they are, that is a somewhat poor way to include time in simulations these days.)
The methods should most likely return void and the speed should be incremented or decremented by one each time the method is called.
The simulation therefore doesn't support acceleration (or deceleration) "properly"; it's an oversimplified system intended for teaching basic techniques of object-oriented programming.
Yeah, you set a speed in your constructor - both methods should manipulate speed, one should increase it, second one should decrease it. Just think of it as regular car. You start driving, your speed is 0 but when you press the gas pedal, you increase the speed - break works other way around. Remember that when speed is 0, you can't make it smaller, also some cars have speed limit. Hope this helps and good luck!