Identity Server Invalid Request Because Of Http Redirection - identityserver4

I am using .net core mvc as identity server client application. When going to the identity server in localhost, the redirect uri goes as https and connects, no problem. But it goes as http on the test server. And cause it is defined as https on the identity server, invalid request returns. How do I make this http part https?
Eror picture:
I am using UserHttpsRedirection()
I marked with ** related parts in requests.
Working request:**https**://localhost:5001/signin-oidc&response_type=id_token
Not Working request:**http**://
Error Update:
We must use server as http without ssl behind the load balancer by company policy.
We have conf page like this:
options.Authority = identitySettings.Issuer;
options.ClientId = identitySettings.ClientId;
options.ClientSecret = identitySettings.ClientSecret;
options.RequireHttpsMetadata = true;
options.UsePkce = true;
options.SaveTokens = true;
options.TokenValidationParameters.NameClaimType = "given_name";
options.TokenValidationParameters.RoleClaimType = "role";
//options.SignedOutCallbackPath = "/account/accessdenied";
//options.SignedOutRedirectUri = "/account/accessdenied";
Func<RedirectContext, Task> redirectToIdentityProvider = (ctx) =>
if (!ctx.ProtocolMessage.RedirectUri.StartsWith("https"))
ctx.ProtocolMessage.RedirectUri = ctx.ProtocolMessage.RedirectUri.Replace("http", "https");
return Task.FromResult(0);
options.Events = new OpenIdConnectEvents
OnRedirectToIdentityProvider = redirectToIdentityProvider
// this code changes http redirectUri to https redirectUri
options.CorrelationCookie.SameSite = SameSiteMode.None;
options.NonceCookie.SameSite = SameSiteMode.None;
//options.TokenValidationParameters.ValidateIssuer = false;
//options.TokenValidationParameters.ValidAudience = "9cd9c695-cd02-4b70-a10b-df669cd77ed8";
options.ResponseType = "id_token token";
var scopes = identitySettings.Scopes.Split(',');
foreach (var scope in scopes)
When we send request from browser our site redirects to identity server with http(issue at top). Identity server wants us to come with https. First identity server return us to "invalid reqquest". Cause allowedRedirectUri is "https:localhost:5001" So we manipulate the redirectUri http to https.(with event OnRedirectToIdentityProvider . You can see on top code). Now our site returns "correlation failed".
Type of our problem has been changed in a while. We figured out problen at the top with assigning ssl to server, not only load balancer.

You should not try to use OpenID connect over HTTP using a browser. Why? Besides security, the browsers will not accept the cookies involved when sent over HTTP.
This is due to the samesite=none attribute set on some of the cookies. Browsers will reject these cookies if sent over HTTP.

HTTP problem
your client seems in development since it is on local host. the client will deploy as http service behind reverse proxy and the domain/subdomains is configured with ssl in the front as your identity is referred as https address. (SSL offloading)
so i dont think you have any problem in that. my services including identity server are http behind reverse proxy and i have subdomain with ssl configuration in nginx and i dont have any problem. and ofcourse for dployment you configure forward headers.
in my case it happens when i played around samesite cookies.the configurations for cookie are mismatch between identity server and the client. i was able to reach login but after login i got the error.but it seems you stay samesite to none i guess. how ever it is mostly related to you cookies between client and identityserver


IdentityServer4 with ADFS as external Identity Provider

I'm having a ASP.NET MVC test app who should work as an implicit OIDC client having access and id tokens from an IdentityServer4 app (both are dotnet core 3.1). IdSvr has a couple of external OIDC IdPs configured: A KeyCloak instance, and a ADFS (4.0) ditto.
My IdSvr configuration of ADFS is as follows:
.AddOpenIdConnect("oidc_adfs", "ADFS", options =>
options.SignInScheme = IdentityServerConstants.ExternalCookieAuthenticationScheme;
options.SignOutScheme = IdentityServerConstants.SignoutScheme;
options.SaveTokens = true;
options.Authority = "<<ADFS endpoint>>";
options.ClientId = "<<ADFS defined client id>>";
options.ClientSecret = "<<ADFS defined client secret>>";
options.Resource = "<<My resource identifier in ADFS>>";
options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
NameClaimType = "name",
RoleClaimType = "role"
options.ResponseType = "id_token";
options.GetClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint = true;
In the KeyCloak case, everything goes fine - the callback request to IdSvr's "/signin-oidc" goes fine and the front-channel user agent ends at the destination test app's post-auth endpoint and the tokens are available.
When I use ADFS, the flow stops with a HTTP 500 after the user is authenticated in ADFS, and the "/signin-oidc" endpoint is hit, and IdSvr log reads:
CORS request made for path: /signin-oidc from origin:
<<ADFS_endpoint>> but was ignored because path was not for an
allowed IdentityServer CORS endpoint 2020-09-20 12:34:01.157 +02:00
[INF] Error from RemoteAuthentication: Unable to unprotect the
I've setup CORS according to the IdentityServer4 docs, so the problem might be something else?
When inspecting differences in KeyCloak and ADFS callback requests to "/signin-oicd", I can see that ADFS does add Referer/Origin to the request and KeyCloak does not. Apart from that, the two requests seem quite similar.
Hope someone can help.
If you see the Origin header from ADFS, then I guess you need to add the ADFS domain to the list of allowed CORS endpoints.
What error is shown in the ADFS event log?
The problem may also be that ADFS 4.0 does not support CORS?

React SignalR - Do not send bearer token in URL

I am writing an application which has just failed pen testing for the following:
Authorisation Token is being sent in the URL:
This is happening automatically when sending to the Hub which uses Azure AD authorisation.
constructor (hub: string) {
this.hubName = hub;
this.hub = new HubConnectionBuilder()
.withUrl(`${this.hubURL}${hub}` , {
skipNegotiation: true,
transport: HttpTransportType.WebSockets,
accessTokenFactory: () => {
return `${getToken()}`
I've scoured for documentation, however I was wondering if there was a way to connect and send requests without exposing the bearer token within the URL?
From the documentation
When using WebSockets or Server-Sent Events, the browser client sends
the access token in the query string. Receiving the access token via
query string is generally secure as using the standard Authorization
header. Always use HTTPS to ensure a secure end-to-end connection
between the client and the server. Many web servers log the URL for
each request, including the query string. Logging the URLs may log the
access token. ASP.NET Core logs the URL for each request by default,
which will include the query string. For example:
And from this documentation
In standard web APIs, bearer tokens are sent in an HTTP header.
However, SignalR is unable to set these headers in browsers when using
some transports. When using WebSockets and Server-Sent Events, the
token is transmitted as a query string parameter.
Seems to me you could disable WebSockets and Server-Sent events. See this question on how to remove WebSockets or Server-Sent events. But then you fallback to long polling or forever frame, and you may not want that.
Since your URL in your question is https I wouldn't bother that much if you have disabled the request logging.
Changing the log level for Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting could be done in your appsettings.json
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting": "Warning"

NodeJS and AngularJS - Secure REST API with Client Certificate Authentication

I am currently working on making my REST Api Server (NodeJS + Express + Mongoose) secure, so nobody, except my client application (AngularJS 1.6) and my admin application (based on AngularJS 1.6), can access the routes and fetch or put data into my database. Everything is running on https with a valid SSL certificate.
I mainly thought about two approaches:
Shared secret keys where specific routes needs an "access key"
Client certificate authentication
I went with no. 2, because in my thoughts this is the most secure (please correct if I am wrong :))
So I set up my API Server to run on https and request a valid client certificate:
var options = {
ca: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/cert/"),
key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/cert/server.key"),
cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/cert/server.crt"),
requestCert: true,
rejectUnauthorized: false
https.createServer(options, app)
.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`up and running #: ${os.hostname()} on port: ${PORT}`);
console.log(`enviroment: ${process.env.NODE_ENV}`);
I handle the rejection of unathorized users directly in the app via:
if (!req.client.authorized) {
var cert = req.socket.getPeerCertificate();
console.log("unauthorized: ", cert);
return res.status(401).send('Not authorized!');
And here the problems begin :). On every request my client application does I receive an error:
401 - not authorized
I thought that the client application is sending the SSL certificate with every request (or if requested by nodejs) via "requestCert" and everything is working just fine. But it seems to be a bit more complicated.
In my file I currently have the certificate chain which I received from the CA.
In console.log the transmitted certificate in the request, but its always empty.
What am I doing wrong? Do I have to configure Angular to send it along with every request? Any suggestions?

Redirect to login when API returns authentication failure

I have a setup with IdentityServer4 and an API that run together as the same project, and an MVC client. This works fine but at some point the client makes a call to the API and an authentication error (401) is returned because the access token has somehow become invalid. In this scenario, I want the client to invoke the login page on the server so the user can re-enter their credentials and then redirect back to the client.
string accessToken = await HttpContext.Authentication.GetTokenAsync("access_token");
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("http://apiserver/method");
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) {
string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
forum = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Data>(content);
} else {
return Redirect(... url to server login with return URL here ...)
I'm not clear how to generate the url to the server with the right path and query to authenticate correctly and return back to the client. I've looked through the documentation and samples but none seem to address this scenario.
I'm not clear how to generate the url to the server with the right path and query to authenticate correctly and return back to the client. I've looked through the documentation and samples but none seem to address this scenario.
when you get unauthorized access status code 401 from the api, you have to first log the user out. By logging them out it will clear out the cookies and sign them out from the oidc as well. This will redirect the app to your login page as there will be no cookies to authenticate on the client.
await HttpContext.Authentication.SignOutAsync("Cookies");
await HttpContext.Authentication.SignOutAsync("oidc");
Another way is to check whether your access token has been expired beforehand i.e before making the api call. This will save you extra http call. But it depends on your application requirements.

How can I add a spring security JSESSIONID with SockJS and STOMP when doing a cross-domain request?

I am having the following problem. I will describe 3 use cases - two which work and the other one which doesn't.
I have an AngularJS client using SockJS with STOMP. In the backend I have a Spring application. Client is in domain, backend is in
var socket = new SockJS((""));
stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
stompClient.connect('guest', 'guest', function(frame) {
In the backend there are Cors filters and the Cross-origin calls are possible. All works fine.
Use Case 1. Client domainA, Server domainB
My application is unsecured on the backend side. I subscribe like below:
stompClient.subscribe('/topic/listen', function(message) {
All works fine.
Use Case 2. Client domainB, Server domainB
My application is secured on the backend side with Spring security. Authentication is done through a form - username and password. Nothing uncommon.
In this case the client is on, same as the backend. All works fine, the difference is that I use a different subscription method:
stompClient.subscribe('/user/queue/listen', function(message) {
in order to benefit from getting the principal from the security session. All works well. No issues.
The JSESSIONID cookie is added to the connection request in new SockJS((""));.
Use Case 3. Client domainA, Server domainB
The application is secured the same as in UC2. However, the client is now on a different domain.
The JSESSIONID is NOT added to the connection request. The connection to websocket in Spring is unauthenticated and redirected back to login page. This repeats and makes it impossible to connect.
Why is the JSESSIONID cookie not populated with the websocket requests in this case?
As part of SockJS protocol, a http GET is sent to websocket server for negotiating the supported protocols. It's done using XmlHttpRequest which won't add any cookies stored for a different domain than its own domain the web application and scripts are served due to same-origin policy implemented in every modern web browser.
You should resort to a way of circumventing the same-origin policy.
I think you'll find the answers you are looking for here :
the trick to implement a HandshakeInterceptor
