React component "html" changes are not displayed - reactjs

I'm working on someone else example code and I made some changes for the sake of testing.
One thing I stumbled upon was that I made some minimal changes on the html part of a component and the changes are not beeing displayed.
import React from 'react'
const Choices = ({ handleNewActivity, handleAddActivity, name }) => {
return (
<button id="primary-btn" onClick={() => handleNewActivity()}>Noooooo thanks...</button>
<button id="success-btn" onClick={() => handleAddActivity(name)}>Sounds fun!</button>
export default Choices
Like in this component I changed the phrase "No thanks..." to "Noooooo thanks..."
and the app continues to display as "No thanks..."
image of component rendered
Maybe you guys can help me figure it out why this is happening.
If anyone would like to take a look at the code you can find it on:

const handleAddActivity = newActivity => {
activity: newActivity,
.then(() => {
setActivities([...activities, {activity: newActivity}])
.then(data => {
This is your handleAddActivity.
it is required a parameter newActivity. but you are not using on Noooooo thanks... button
<button id="primary-btn" onClick={() => handleNewActivity()}>Noooooo thanks...</button>
Please add a parameter or make another activity to handle the Nooooo thanks ... event.


Like Button with Local Storage in ReactJS

I developed a Simple React Application that read an external API and now I'm trying to develop a Like Button from each item. I read a lot about localStorage and persistence, but I don't know where I'm doing wrong. Could someone help me?
1-First, the component where I put item as props. This item bring me the name of each character
<LikeButtonTest items={} />
2-Then, inside component:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import './style.css';
const LikeButtonTest = ({items}) => {
const [isLike, setIsLike] = useState(
JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('data', items))
useEffect(() => {
localStorage.setItem('data', JSON.stringify(items));
}, [isLike]);
const toggleLike = () => {
className={"bt-like like-button " + (isLike ? "liked" : "")
export default LikeButtonTest;
My thoughts are:
First, I receive 'items' as props
Then, I create a localStorage called 'data' and set in a variable 'isLike'
So, I make a button where I add a class that checks if is liked or not and I created a toggle that changes the state
The problem is: I need to store the names in an array after click. For now, my app is generating this:
App item view
localStorage with name of character
You're approach is almost there. The ideal case here is to define your like function in the parent component of the like button and pass the function to the button. See the example below.
const ITEMS = ['item1', 'item2']
const WrapperComponent = () => {
const likes = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('likes'))
const handleLike = item => {
// you have the item name here, do whatever you want with it.
const existingLikes = likes
localStorage.setItem('likes', JSON.stringify(existingLikes.push(item)))
return (<>
{ => <ItemComponent item={item} onLike={handleLike} liked={likes.includes(item)} />)}
const ItemComponent = ({ item, onLike, liked }) => {
return (
onClick={() => onLike(item)}
className={liked ? 'liked' : 'not-liked'}
Hope that helps!
note: not tested, but pretty standard stuff

Next.js refresh values without reloading page in props list

probably I got a little bit lost on the following task. I have an admin page in my application where you can see all the posts from the plattform. I'm requesting the posts from an api and Im displaying them on the page as a list. I Inserted two buttons to enable/disable the post by calling a function which does tag the post to be enabled/disabled.
Everything works fine, but I want to change the state of the button without reloading the page. Im passing disable parameter threw the button tag. I don't know why its not working, if I console.log the values its already changed there. Is this a proper way to use useeffect? I tried to use it but I failed using it correct.
Somebody can help please?
Simplified Code ( I removed the enable function, since its nearly the same like disable)
export default function Feed(props) {
const [postStatus, setPostStatus] = useState(props.posts)
async function disablePost(id, e){
const userInput = { postId: id }
const res = await`${baseurl}/api/auth/admin/disable-post`, userInput, {
var currentPostStatus = postStatus; => {
if( === id){
el.disabled = true;
return (
{/* {console.log(props.userCount)} */}
<p>Alle Posts</p>
{ =>
<React.Fragment key={}>
<p>{post.disabled == true ? 'Post deaktviert' : 'Post aktiviert'}</p>
<button disabled={ post.disabled } onClick={(e) => disablePost(, e)}>Post deaktivieren</button>
<button disabled={ !post.disabled } onClick={(e) => enablePost(, e)}>Post aktivieren</button>
Your screen can't refresh to the new version after you clicked the disable or enable.
var currentPostStatus = postStatus; => {
if( === id){
el.disabled = true;
In your code, you are only changing the internal property of postStatus, but React only cares about the reference of the object. so you need to do
The above line create a new array. I personally believe this is something React should improve in the future, because half of the question about React in stackoverflow is talking about this :)

Load Components Dynamically React Js with load more button

I'm new to React Js, so I can't find a solution to my problem by myself, please help me.
I'm working on a website with a blog page, blogs should be displayed dynamically on the page. When page loads I want it to have 4 blogs, and underneath there will be button, so when the user clicks it, React should render and display the rest of the blogs.
My code so far looks like this:
import { blogs} from "./blogs";
import { Blog} from "./Blog";
function BlogList() {
const cardComponent = blogs.slice(0,6).map((blog, i) => {
return (
return (
**This code lets me display 6 blogs when the page is loaded, what I want to do is add "Load More" button under these already loaded 6 blogs, when the user clicks the button it should render and display another 4 blogs from "blogs", and again have Load More button.** Any help will be greatly appreciated,
Thank you.
Your code shows a fixed amount of blogs (6). Instead of hardcoding the amount of visible blogs, you need to store it in a variable that you can change later. We will use useState for this. You also need to change the amount of posts based on a button press, so a button and an action is also needed.
function BlogList() {
// Starting number of visible blogs
const [visibleBlogs, setVisibleBlogs] = useState(6)
// Set the visible blogs to the current amount + 4
// eg. if there are 10 visible post, clicking again will show 14.
const handleClick = () => {
setVisibleBlogs(prevVisibleBlogs => prevVisibleBlogs + 4)
const cardComponent = blogs.slice(0, visibleBlogs).map((blog, i) => {
return (
return (
<button type="button" onClick={handleClick}>
See more
I hope it helps.
You can do it this way:
function BlogList() {
const [maxRange, setMaxRange] = useState(6);
const loadMore = useCallback(() => {
setMaxRange(prevRange => prevRange + 4);
const cardComponent = blogs.slice(0, maxRange).map((blog, i) => {
return (
return (
<button onClick={loadMore}>Load More</button>
So you can just maintain the maximum number of currently displayed Blogs in state and increment it when the button gets clicked.
I used useCallback so that a new function doesn't get created when the component re-renders.

Post Component re-renders even other instance of Post Component is called

I am new to web development and is trying to learn react and redux.
I am following this tutorial
As I'm trying to extend what I learned,
I'm trying to list all the users (clickable),
once clicked will display (expand/collapse) all the post of the selected user (clickable again),
once post is clicked, will display (expand/collapse) all the comment on that selected post
APIs to use:
Right now, I was able to list all the users and able to do the expand/collapse,
and also able to display the post of the user however, I am experiencing below problem:
If I click on user[0] it will expand and display the post of user[0] (OK).
then if I click user[1], will expand and display the post of user[1] (OK)
however upon click of user[1] it also changes the post listed on user[0] to list the post of user[1] as well (NOT OK)
here is my UserContainer.js
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import { fetchUsers, updateUser } from "../redux";
import PostsContainer from "./PostsContainer";
function UsersContainer({ userData, fetchUsers, updateUser }) {
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const handleClick = event => {
const indx = userData.users.findIndex(obj => ==;
userData.users[indx].collapse = !userData.users[indx].collapse;
//console.log(userData.users[indx].collapse + " " + indx);
return userData.loading ? (
) : userData.error ? (
) : (
<h2>User List</h2>
<div className="list-group">
{ => (
className="list-group-item list-group-item-action"
{/* for update to change SampleContainer component to POST component */}
{!user.collapse && (
//<SampleContainer id={} name={} />
<PostsContainer id={} />
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
userData: state.user
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
fetchUsers: () => dispatch(fetchUsers()),
updateUser: users => dispatch(updateUser(users))
export default connect(
I don't know why stackoverflow finds my post have code that doesn't properly formatted therefore I wasn't able to put the PostContainer component.
here is the codesandbox link for complete reference of the code:
You are storing the posts of that particular selected user at an instance, so change the state posts of postsReducer to object to store the posts of multiple users
Please find the code sandbox here
If you want to prevent the loading indicator for other users then, you need to store the array of ids that are currently being loaded, and remove id once the data is loaded, for that you need to update the way you are dealing with loading state of reducer from boolean to array
Please find the updated sandbox here

onClick event not called when clicking

React onClick event not working when clicking on glyphicon.
const SortableItem = SortableElement(({value, parentId}) =>
<ListGroupItem bsStyle='success' style={{width:'300px',textAlign:'left'}}>
{parentId === null && <span className='glyphicon glyphicon-remove' style={{float:'right',width:'10px',height:'10px'}}
onClick={e => {e.preventDefault(); console.log('yes')}}/>}
I ran into something similar. My onClick events on my <a> elements were not getting triggered when a user clicked them.
This is what I was doing wrong and maybe you are doing the same mistake as what I was doing. Without more context, it's impossible to diagnose what your actual problem is.
(code is basically saying, when I click the background, stop propagation of the click)
// Example of what I was doing WRONG
const Dialog = ({ onClose, children }) => {
const $overlay = React.useRef(null)
// on mount
React.useEffect(() => {
const handleBackgroundClick = (e) => {
e.stopPropagation() // <<-- This was the line causing the issue
$overlay.current?.addEventListener('click', handleBackgroundClick)
// on unmount
return () => {
$overlay.current?.removeEventListener('click', handleBackgroundClick)
}, [])
return (
<div className="Dialog" ref={$overlay}>{children}</div>
Basically what I'm saying is this:
Do not use event.stopPropagation() directly on DOM elements in React
The events need to be able to bubble all the way to the top level or in-built React event's will stop working.
I ended up getting around the issue by adding an extra div inside the dialog to act as the overlay.
// How I fixed the issue
const Dialog = ({ onClose, children }) => {
return (
<div className="Dialog">
<div className="Dialog__overlay" onClick={()=> onClose()}></div>
<div className="Dialog__content">{children}</div>
Note: These are simplified examples to demonstrate a point. The exact code used was more complex. Using this code as displayed here would cause accessibility issues on your website.
