how to implement Ionic-react offline mode - reactjs

I want to make a ionic app offline but i don't know how to implement

Adding offline support to an existing app can be straightforward when you start with the basics. By utilizing the Ionic Native SQLite module
You can check this article for more details here.


Making Data available offline in Progressive Web App

I made a progressive web app with Create React App.
The user shall be able to make data available offline by clicking i.e. a button. Is there a convention or best practise to do that?
I have read this awesome documentation, that helps to make your PWA work offline
Part 1
Part 2
Have a look at workbox. It's used in Create React App as well as Next.js.
The actual answer to the question can be found in section Access Caches from Your Web App's Code.

Is it possible to run angular js app directly on mobile

i just want to know that is it possible to run angularjs app on mobile directly means without using web browser??
I search google and it seems i can't but my client want to do that.
you could also use Ionic Framework ( for this as it is heavily using Angular and encapsulating everything in real mobile apps that are capable of being deployed via App Stores (Play Store, iTunes, ...).
Best regards,
You can use Cordova Framework Which generates mobile application in android and ios also for that you can refer -
Follow this documentation step and you get all files with proper structure in that you can write your application code.
Try angular bundler for cordova.
abc framework - which gives you a great convenient building mobile apps using Angular.
abc is Angular Bundler for Cordova which helps you building mobile apps with Angular.

Mobile app with codeigniter

I am a first year "computer programmer" college student and I got an internship where I was asked to develop a simple cross platform mobile app. Nothing too complex, consists in a login screen, then a screen with a form where I'm using jQuery UI autocomplete to get some info from the DB, a select box, datepicker and a text area. The other screen is just a table with information with the current day, week and month records of whoever is logged in.
I am using HTML5 and CSS for the front-end and php with Codeigniter to connect to mySQL DB.
The question is: I intend to use phonegap to turn it into a hybrid mobile app. Would you consider this a good approach? Or would it be worth it to delay the project a little more and learn how to do it using Ionic framework for the front-end and learn how to use node.js to connect with the database? Also I could use Ionic for front-end so it feels more like a native app and still use Codeigniter to connect to my server. I'd love to read your opinions and suggestions on this.
Thanks in advance.
I would highly recommend using Ionic for the app, you get a lot of stuff right out of the box that you will otherwise have to figure out your self.
Getting started with ionic is as easy as writing 'ionic start' and choosing a name for your project and a template to start from.
Depending on you level of web development skills you could really quickly end up with a app of spaghetti code without some kind of framework to set up some guidelines on how to structure your project.
As for the backend I will recommend you to use what ever you feel the most comfortable with as long as it easily can expose the REST endpoints you need.
Lucas Berte Schoenardie,
Since jquery mobile is not updated last two years so it will be better to choice IONIC which is using AngularJS (Google product) and App with Ionic is more native than PhoneGap( using jquery).
This reference on StockOverFlow may help you to take appropriate decision.
Thank you!

Onsen UI database connection

I am using Onsen UI to develop a cross platform mobile app. I am new to Onsen and AngularJS for that matter.
How do I connect to a Database to pull information into the app using AngularJS and Onsen? Is there a example somewhere I can reference? I have searched online but cant find a good example.
I have the basic UI built using Monaca but now I need to make a connection to the database to check logins and read and write data to and from the app.
I am having a difficult time understanding how the 2 work together.
Try below link.
Onsen and angularJs Datbase
I hope it will work for you

Can I develop an app for hybris with ionic?

I know that hybrid has already provided these wrappers in the form of android SDK and ios SDK.
But what if I have to use ionic to develop an app for hybris? Can I use SDK that provided by hybris?
Yes you can, one of the nice things of Hybris is that you can create your own extensions in Hybris to do what you want, I.E. create a custom UI, or make use of the web services to create a UI completely outside of hybris. I know there are projects which had a front end completely using Angular. You might struggle to find documentation on it as it is not OOTB, but Hybris won't prevent this sort of development.
It's possible for sure so just give it a go and try.
just make sure to ENABLE this CUSTOM extension in Local.Properties.
