How to create button with dynamic width in Skia React Native - reactjs

I want to create a button using Skia library in React Native. The width of button should expand acconding to text or content in it.

If you're aiming for creating a button with the Skia library in React Native you probably have some drawing magic on your mind. If you really need this for a button then I would advice to check out the excellent tutorials of William Candillon:
In the example shown here at Shopify you can already find some tips towards building the button you would need:


Built in types of marker icons in react leaflet

I wanted to know if there is any other type of marker that comes with react leaflet apart from the default blue one. Also without uploading any icon image, how can I customize the existing marker icon? I have already tried to refer many online sources but everywhere it consists of uploading your own marker icon which I would not like to do in my project. Any help would be highly appreciated, thanks!
There is also the CircleMarker and... that is it.
The Circle Marker offers some style customization though.
Then you have plenty plugins, not sure how to use them with React Leaflet. But it might be not too difficult given that you just need to specify an icon prop on the Marker.

Is it possible to use React DnD to drop element on another browser tab?

It is possible using the HTML API for the drag and drop.
But I want to use React DnD since it provides a lot of awesome features and I don't want to reinvent the wheel.
So As the title said; is it possible the use React DnD to drop elements on another browser tab ?
A code sandbox Example here.
If you open this example on two browser window. Then try to drag and drop from one to another. you will be able to drop only the first element (the DnD image) however you can't drop the second element. Is there a way to get it to work ?
Using React DnD it is not possible , but you can use WASM with rust to implement for cross browser it is possible, you can refer this repo to implement it , but it won't be easy

What's the document loader used on Youtube?

I want to use a loader such as the one on Youtube before the content is loaded. On youtube, every piece of content uses a light gray color loader before rendering the actual content. It is made of squares and circles to simulate the actual content about to be rendered.
Do you know what it is ? Surprisingly, I couldn't find it neither on material-ui nor via a google search.
ok, I found the solution to my problem.
What I was looking for is called "placeholder UI", or "skeleton screen".
In my case, I want to use it with ReactJS. Semantic UI React has the placeholder part of the library :
Material-UI, and other styling libraries do not. There are however external packages for that, such as :
It's also possible to implement skeleton screens oneself using a combination of html, svg and css.

Correct way to add custom buttons with OpenTok

I'm building a video application for the web in React using OpenTok. OpenTok has built in buttons for muting the mic for the publisher and muting the audio for subscribers. In my case I also need buttons to mute the video for both the publisher and the subscriber.
I haven't seen anything about a mute video button in the documentation so I built the functionality myself using subscribeToVideo. The problem is that I want to add a button with this functionality next to the mute audio button, but I haven't found anything about custom buttons in the documentation.
So my question is: What's the best way to add custom buttons to OpenToks bar?
Of course I could append a button to the html and style it in place myself, but it feels ugly and I don't know what the consequences are. I guess this is my back up solution if there isn't any other way.
I will probably need to add other buttons as well in the future so I really hope OpenTok supports custom buttons and that it's just me that haven't found how to do it.
TokBox Developer Evangelist here.
We don't have any documentation on custom buttons, but you do have three options for the video and mute buttons on the video element.
If you want a custom button, you will have to append that to the HTML and toggle subscribeToVideo and subscribeToAudio properties like you said.
Here is a react sample that adds a mute video button
I would recommend that you just set the buttonDisplayMode to off and then recreate the mute audio button just using subscriber.subscribeToAudio() and publisher.publishAudio(). This way if eg. the opentok UI changes slightly it doesn't matter for you, plus you can make it all look however you want.

Place Image above another image dynamically in ReactNative App

I have an iOS app in which, we take user pics, and then allowed them to put some random custom images above the pics.
While placing these custom pics above real image, they can rotate, scale these custom image. ( See this StickerViewIOS )
Now I am looking for exact same solution while making ReactNative.
Tried lot of Googling but no results found.
Just want to ask community if any of the ReactNative component available for the same.
There's no rotation support, but I did something similar for an app I made for Chain React.
Here's the image component that supports gestures:
To overlay them on top, just use the ImageBackground Component
