Color country polygon in amcharts5 - maps

does anyone know how to color any one specific country (say for eg France) after onload on amcharts5? On v4 you could do:
polygonSeries.getPolygonById("France").isActive = true; = am4core.color("#24dd32");
however getPolygonById isnt working in v5. Neither is am4core.color("#24dd32");. Among many other ways i tried doing:
id: "France", // or id:"FR",
fill: am5.color("#66ff66"),
fillOpacity: 1
but this doesnt work.


Framer Motion - Making a div randomly move across the page

I am new to using Framer Motion but I do love the library a lot. Fantastic so far. However, I am stuck right now when trying to move a background div across the whole page.
This is my codesandbox
I tried everything, read all the docs and I did get one tip to use Motionvalue and calculate the boundaries so the ball doesn't go off-screen. But I can't figure it out yet...
Does anyone know how to make the SVG/ball/div infinitely animate across the whole page? Thanks in advance!
It is moving randomly now, but on local machine the animation breaks and repeats when going outside the screen.
Not entirely sure if this kind of effect was what you were looking for, but I tried to add the random movement plus screen constraints in an example more akin to the DVD bouncing logo. However, I guess the motionValue should be used in all instances, since using state incurs rendering costs as well as a loss of precision.
I was not able to do the same demo using motion values, so that might be something worth exploring further.
I did something similar using MathRandom, with two state variables that represented both x and y positions on the screen, along with a setInterval() so it would change after a couple of seconds. Something like:
const Test = () => {
const { height, width } = getDimensions();
const [Position, setPosition] = useState({ x: 150, y: 150 })
useEffect(() => {
let timer = setInterval(() => {
x: width * (1 - Math.random()) - 250,
y: height * (1 - Math.random()) - 250,
}, 1500)
return () => {
}, [Position])
return (
<div className="screen">
<div className='Animate' style={{
top: Position.y,
left: Position.x,
borderRadius: 100,
height: 100,
width: 100,

How to animate dynamic updates in CanvasJS using React functional components?

Using React functional components, I have not been able to find a way to animate my chart with dynamic data received asynchronously. The sandbox below illustrates the problem with a timer simulating the asynchronous read.
When running the example code, you should see 5 vertical bars of increasing heights animate. Then, after 5 seconds, it switches immediately to 4 bars of descending heights. I am looking to have that update animate.
Here is some reference information I've reviewed:
CanvasJS React Demos: many of which animate on initial draw, but I couldn't find one that animates with dynamic data loaded after the initial render.
Chart using JSON Data is an demo that has dynamic data, but doesn't animate.
Reviewing the CanvasJS forum, I found a couple links, but none that address React functional components
Vishwas from Team Canvas said:
To update dataPoints dynamically and to animate chart, you can instantiate the chart, update dataPoints via chart-options and then call chart.render as shown in this updated JSFiddle.
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", {
title: {
text: "Animation test"
animationEnabled: true,
data: [{
type: "column",
dataPoints: []
});[0].dataPoints = [{ label: "Apple", y: 658 },
{ label: "Orange", y: 200 },
{ label: "Banana", y: 900 }];
This sample is pure JS, but I tried to adapt the principle to my React functional component. To better comport with React best practices, I incorporated the useState hook for storing the data and the useEffect hook to handle the fetch. But, alas, I couldn't get my sandbox to animate with the dynamic data.
I think the problem is that CanvasJS expects to animate only on the first render, as stated by Sanjoy in the CanvasJS forum on 7/19/2016.
I found this SO question from Jan 2015 that suggests:
My current ugly workaround is to reinstantiate the chart every time I
update just to achieve that animation effect.
I'm hopeful that the situation has improved in the last four years, but if this hack is still the best/only way to go, I need some guidance on how to reinstantiate the chart every time using a React functional component.
To force a remount of a component pass a different key when you want to remount the component
key={dataPoints.toString()} // force a remount when `dataPoints` change
onRef={ref => (chart.current = ref)}
Working example
I found a partial answer. Full executing code is in this code sandbox, but the critical bit is to delay the initial render of the chart until a state variable indicates that the data is available:
return (
<div className="App">
{!initialized ? (
<h1> Loading...</h1>
) : (
<CanvasJSChart containerProps={containerProps} options={options} />
This is only a partial solution because subsequent data updates still do not animate.
Both examples works fine.
You can always animate chars with some kind of calling. I use in this case setInterval.
<script src=""></script>
var chart;
window.onload = function () {
chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", {
title: {
text: "Animation test"
animationEnabled: true,
data: [{
type: "column",
dataPoints: []
});[0].dataPoints = [{ label: "Apple", y: 0 },
{ label: "Orange", y: 0 },
{ label: "Banana", y: 0 }];
var max = 0;
var s = {c: 0, i: 0};
function ANIMATE() {
if (typeof chart === 'undefined') return;[0].dataPoints.forEach(function(item, index, array) {
if (index == s.i) {
array[index].y += 3;
if (s.c > 12) {
s.c = 0;
if (s.i == 15) { s.i = 0}
if (max < 12) {[0].dataPoints.push({label: "apple" + Math.random(), y: 1 + Math.random() * 10});
}, 1)
<div id="chartContainer" style="height: 370px; width: 100%;"></div>

Highcharts with React Legend placement and more

so I've recently introduced myself to Highcharts and I did create a hardcoded dummy chart on my app. However I'm having issues with mainpulating the placement specifically of the LEGEND circles. So here's the Link i drew code+inspiration from :
And here's some of my code :)
render() {
const pieData = [
name: "Jane",
y: 17
name: "John",
y: 13
name: "Joe",
y: 20
name: "Ivan",
y: 50
return (
<Legend />
<YAxis id="number">
name="Total consumption"
center={[300, 120]}
so basically yeah I need the legend to move from the bottom to the right side etc , oh and as well as I'm not sure how to manipulate/display the values instead of the names on the chart itself .
Thanks in advance for ANY feedback and tips,
Yours truly ,
Victor (a confused Intern still)
As far as I can see from the examples of the react-jsx-highcharts library you are using the <Legend> component has some props that allow positioning.
To e.g. align it on the right try this:
<Legend layout="vertical" align="right" verticalAlign="middle" />
The documentation seems to be more than incomplete so your best chance is to look into the examples or dig into the source yourself to see which props might help you.
In most cases the components seem to be passing configuration options given as props to Highcharts as they are:
The intention of this library is to provide a very thin abstraction of Highcharts using React components. This has been achieved by passing Highcharts configuration options as component props.
In the vast majority of cases, the name of the configuration option, and the name of the component prop are the same.

Extjs: Color parts of a sprite in a line series with different colors

I am using Extjs Charts and specifically line series to acheive my req.
I have a requirement of coloring different parts of a sprite ( for a single series ) with different colors based on a value of particular attribute.
For example i have 2 Services, Service1 and Service2 represented on Yaxis and the X-axis is the Numeric axis from 0 - 12.
I want to color Service1 Green from 0 -1 ( of x-axis ) and red from 1- 2 ( of x-axis )
I have tried using the renderer attribute for a sprite, but its called only once when a sprite is rendered as a whole, but i want to color parts of the sprite.
Is that possible using extjs charts. If so how can i achieve that.
type: 'line',
xField: 'hour',
yField: 'srvdata',
showMarkers: false,
style: {
stroke: 'green',
'stroke-width': 2,
fill: 'green',
//opacity: 0.2
/*renderer: function(sprite, record, attr, index, store) {
return Ext.apply(sprite, {
fill: 'red',
stroke: 'red'
One thing for sure, you cannot change the line color in this way.
renderer: function(sprite, record, attr, index, store)
// By changing sprite.fill or stroke, you are just changing the color of your point
Not sure how exactly to change line's color, I am stuck with that problem too. But I know that surface : Ext.draw.Surface needs to be changed. Like try to add sprites via chart.draw.Surface.add(sprite) function.

ExtJS Carousel Implementation

I'm trying to make a carousel for displaying images, I got most of the functionality from a solution someone in sencha forums came up with. I made a few adjustments to the code and got it working at first glance.
Here's the original code on sencha forums...
This didn't work on ExtJS 4 so I made a few modifications for it to work and also to make it look better (to my eyes). Here's how it looks
I do have a problem or two though...
First off I can't figure out how to add a text over the images I'm displaying, I managed to add that line of text in the center but I also want to add a date to the images and that should display on top of each image container. I think it's pretty basic, but I can't figure out how... I don't have a full understanding of HTML, so that's not helping.
Secondly, and most important, I'm getting some weird behaviour when I close and reopen the window containing this carousel. I've seen this kind of behaviour before when using the same ID in multiple instances of a view in ExtJS, but I have changed all IDs to generate a new one whenever a new carousel window opens and still experience the same problem.
Here's what happens when I close and reopen the window...
And that happens with every window I open after closing the carousel
And last but not least!! I can't get the keydown event to work on this window, I have no clue why. I've tried setting the listener on the carousel container instead of the window but still get no firing whatsoever.
This is the code I'm using to create the carousel window...
var win = Ext.create('Ext.view.CarouselWindow');;
xPos: win.getSize().width/2,
yPos: win.getSize().height/4,
FPS: 70,
reflHeight: 56,
autoRotate: 'no',
renderTo: 'carousel-div',
This is the initComponent of the carousel component, which is rendered in the window.
initComponent: function(config) {
this.container = this.renderTo ? Ext.get(this.renderTo) : this.up('container');
if (this.xRadius === 0){
this.xRadius = (this.container.getWidth()/2.3);
if (this.yRadius === 0){
this.yRadius = (this.container.getHeight()/6);
this.xCentre = this.xPos;
this.yCentre = this.yPos;
// Start with the first item at the front.
this.rotation = this.destRotation = Math.PI/2;
this.timeDelay = 1000/this.FPS;
// Turn on the infoBox
if(this.altBox !== '')
// Ext.get(this.altBox).applyStyles({display: 'block'});
if(this.titleBox !== '')
Ext.get(this.titleBox).applyStyles({display: 'block'});
// Turn on relative position for container to allow absolutely positioned elements
// within it to work.
this.container.applyStyles({ position:'relative', overflow:'hidden'});
// Setup the store.
this.innerWrapper = this.container.createChild({
tag: 'div',
style: 'position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;'
And here's the Image component that the carousel uses...
* #author Aymen ABDALLAH <>
* #docauthor Aymen ABDALLAH
Ext.define('Ext.component.Image', {
config: {
orgWidth: 400,
orgHeight: 400,
reflHeight: 0,
reflOpacity: 0,
itemIndex: 0,
image: null,
reflection: null,
container: null,
alt: '',
title: '',
imageSrc: '',
imageOK: false
// id: '',
constructor: function(config){
this.imageOK = true;
this.image = new Ext.Element(document.createElement('img'));
// id:,
src: this.imageSrc,
class : 'carousel-image',
alt: this.alt,
title: this.title
this.image.setStyle({position : 'absolute'}); // This seems to reset image width to 0 on webkit!
setUpReflection: function(){
if (this.reflHeight > 0)
this.reflection = Ext.create('Ext.component.Reflection', {
imageHeight: this.orgHeight,
imageWidth: this.orgWidth,
image: this.image,
parent: this.container,
reflHeight: this.reflHeight,
reflOpacity: this.reflOpacity
generateId: function(){
// return;
getImage: function(){
return this.image;
I didn't want to flood this with code so I restricted to what I think might be useful, there might be some missing though, in that case just tell me and I'll update the post with the portion of the code you need.
Here's a link to sencha fiddle showing the carousel and the error. To see the second error open the carousel by clicking the button, close it with ESC and then try to open it once again. You'll notice it either doesn't show or it shows like the screenshot I posted.
Just found out the problem comes from the images, if I comment these lines:
this.image = new Ext.Element(document.createElement('img'));
src: this.imageSrc,
class : 'carousel-image',
alt: this.alt,
title: this.title
the second error I listed disappears. Of course this is not a solution as the carousel won't display any image this way, but I thought this could be a useful piece of data for anyone interested in helping.
For those who visit this page (I know it's an old post),
The issue isn't actually with the second view, the first view causes a layout error.
The Ext.component.Image class is missing a render function, to fix this add
render: function () {
to the class.
Not sure how to fix the other issue entirely, but you could change the image component to be a form/panel and have text, or use the caption tags.
