What is a good way to store text that contains checkboxes in a database? - database

I'm currently working on a notes app because I really dislike any notes app that I could find on the app store because the lists you can create are either:
only text
only checkboxes
lines of text followed by checkboxes or vice versa
But by now I found no app (except for Samsung's proprietary Samsung Notes app which only works on Samsung smartphones as it seems) that allows alternating use of lines text and checkboxes.
When thinking about how to implement this properly I had some issues coming up with a proper way of identifying when there is a checkbox and when there should be a line of text. For obvious reasons, just storing text and specifying an identifier like <chkbox> (or something along those lines) is not a good solution because checkboxes should only be placeable by clicking the respective icon. The user should neither be restricted to use the term <chkbox> (because for whatever reason he might want to use it) nor should injections like this be possible.
The best thing that came to my mind up until now was to store each line individually (identified by \n) in a list with dynamic datatype and for each line either store it as text object or string or as checkbox item. Finally, I could simply store the list as one single object in the database. However, I'm unsure whether that's good practice as I could imagine that it makes changes to the list quite cumbersome (e.g. for changing the ticked-value of one single checkbox we would need to store the entire datastructure again instead of just changing one boolean in the database)?
I'm working in Flutter and use Firebase Firestore as my backend/database. Although I'm mostly looking for a general approach/solution to this, with the chosen technologies in mind, is there any solution that would work better than what my recent thoughts are, or is there any serious flaws or drawbacks that I overlooked? Thanks in advance for any constructive input.


Portlet event send array of objects

We have multiple projects with multiple portlets and need to send an array of objects between them.
Our situation:
One of the porlets is like a "Master-portlet", it will be responsible for all the REST-calls and consume json-data and parse it to Java-Objects.
All the other portlets will receive an array of objects and show them to the user.
Our thoughts and solution:
We wanted to implement this by sending arrays of objects trough events. One of the "smaller" portlets will send an event to the "Master-portlet" and the "Master-portlet" will then answer with a new event and send the right array of objects back.
Our problem:
We dont know how to send arrays of objects trough events. Is this even possible?
Also we are not sure if this is the right way to solve this. Are events ment to send a bigger amount of data?
Is there a better solution for our case? Maybe it would be better to implement a database and all the portlets get the information from there?
Consider portlet events (and portlets) the UI layer of your application. Based on this, judge if the amount of data that you send back and forth makes sense or not. Also, if you closely couple the portlets, you're just hiding the fact that they can only function together - at least a questionable idea. You rather want them to react to common circumstances (events), but not rely on a specific source of events (master portlet) being available.
That being said: The more complex the data is that you send as payload of a JSR-286 event, the easier you run into classloading problems in cases where your portlets are in different webapplications. If you restrict yourself to Java native types (e.g. String, Map, etc) you will omit problems with the classloader.
Typically you want to communicate changes to the current context (e.g. new "current customer" selected - and an identifier) but not all of the particular data (e.g. the new customer's name and order history). The rest of the data typically comes through the business layer anyway.
That's not to say that you absolutely must not couple your portlets - just that my preference is to rather have them very loosely coupled, so that I can add individual small portlets that replace those that I thought of yesterday.
If you have some time, I've covered a bit of this in a webinar last year, I hope that this adds some clarification where I was too vague in this quick answer.

Leaflet draw: Keep limit editable objects, database consistency, make multi objects

Im planning to use Leaflet Draw as part of a special wiki with an embedded map. Users should be able to draw geo-objects that are related to one or more pages in the wiki. As the wiki-pages the objects are saved in a database and can be modified by every user.
How can i limit the number of editable objects to only one at a time?
How to keep the database consistent if two users are editing the same object at the same time?
How can i generte multi-objects/combine several objects (e.g. polygons) to a super-object (multi-polygon)?
Does anybody know some similiar approches to my idea?
You will have a single FeatureGroup for leaflet.draw's objects that can be edited. Simply figure out which objects will be edited and which won't be and add them to seperate FeatureGroups.
This can be handled in a few ways, maybe have a look around at general database consistency for this.
I'm not sure what you mean, maybe have a look at Well Known Text it might help you with storage here.

ComboBox and dojo.store via ajax

I have a ComboBox and I'd like to fetch data from server first when user type at least 3 characters.
I've used dojo.data.* but it's deprecated and I cannot find something similar in dojo.store.* and xhr|ajax in one sentence. Do you have some tips?
I use declarative markup.
You probably used the dojox/data/QueryReadStore? There is no similar store at the moment I think. The best alternative you have (with the dojo/store API) is the JsonRest store.
But it isn't exactly the same, so you might have to extend it. You should probably start by looking at both API's (the old and the new API) and compare the dojox/data/QueryReadStore and the dojo/store/JsonRest to successfully extend it.

Microsoft Access 2010

I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction.
Here is my problem: I have a large form/checklist that I would like to make digital for ease of use.
Thoughts: I would like to use existing tools that would be easy to integrate. My first option is Access 2010.
My question: I would like to enter the questions into a database and then use those entries to auto generate a form that can be used to allow the user to input the actual data into the database. An example would be I have 11 Sections of questions and under each section I have sub-sections that can contain anywhere from 1-... how many every questions we need.
Is it possible to use data stored in an Access database to generate a form with Checkboxes that can be used to input data?
Please point me in the right direction. Obviously there is the option of just creating multiple forms or one big form, but I would like this form to easily be changed etc... Less work more automation.
Depending on the requirements of your project, this may be quite possible. If you want to use Access as both the back-end and front-end, then you'll need to work within a few limitations:
Because Access combines the user interface and design interface into the same screen, it requires a certain amount of trust that the user can't or won't try to get too creative with changing the data, seeing everyone else's data, changing the design of your form because they are bored, etc. There are ways around these problems, but they can get complicated.
Will all your users be using Window's machines with Access 2010 installed and with the original default settings? If so, good. If not, there may be ways that this could still work.
(There's more, but that's all I can think of right now)
To get started, here's a broad outline:
Make a table for your questions. This table would just have the questions.
Make a form using that question table as the source. Leave the checkboxes and other answer fields unbounded. Include a 'submit' button at the bottom.
The submit button will create a sql query to insert the user's answers into a 2nd table.
If you have any specific questions, we here at SO will be glad to answer them.
In order to dynamically and easily change the number of questions in the sections, what I would do is:
In the main Questions table, add a field called Section to allocate the questions into diffferent ones, and another one Yes/No field to select those that are included (you may also exclude them by leaving the section field empty, as you wish). This will solve the problem of changing the design easily. you probaly will need an admin form in order to do this changes, to avoid touching the tables directly, but this is your decision.
Secondly, in order to allow the users to efectively answer the generated form, you have to ask yourself if you want to accumulate the answer sets, and if you are going to control who answers

Internationalizing Desktop App within a couple years... What should we do now?

So we are sure that we will be taking our product internationally and will eventually need to internationalize it. How much internationalizing would you recommend we do as we go along?
I guess in other words, is there any internationalization that is easy now but can be much worse if we let the code base mature and that won't slow us down very much if we choose to start doing it now?
Tech used: C#, WPF, WinForms
Prepare it now, before you write all the strings in the codebase itself.
Everything after now will be too late. It's now or never!
It's true that it is a bit of extra effort to prepare well now, but not doing it will end up being a lot more expensive.
If you won't follow all the guidelines in the links below, at least heed points 1,2 and 7 of the summary which are very cheap to do now and which cause the most pain afterwards in my experience.
Check these guidelines and see for yourself why it's better to start now and get everything prepared.
Developing world ready applications
Best practices for developing world ready applications
Little extract:
Move all localizable resources to separate resource-only DLLs. Localizable resources include user interface elements such as strings, error messages, dialog boxes, menus, and embedded object resources. (Moving the resources to a DLL afterwards will be a pain)
Do not hardcode strings or user interface resources. (If you don't prepare, you know you will hardcode strings)
Do not put nonlocalizable resources into the resource-only DLLs. This causes confusion for translators.
Do not use composite strings that are built at run time from concatenated phrases. Composite strings are difficult to localize because they often assume an English grammatical order that does not apply to all languages. (After the interface design, changing phrases gets harder)
Avoid ambiguous constructs such as "Empty Folder" where the strings can be translated differently depending on the grammatical roles of the strings' components. For example, "empty" can be either a verb or an adjective, and this can lead to different translations in languages such as Italian or French. (Same issue)
Avoid using images and icons that contain text in your application. They are expensive to localize. (Use text rendered over the image)
Allow plenty of room for the length of strings to expand in the user interface. In some languages, phrases can require 50-75 percent more space. (Same issue, if you don't plan for it now, redesign is more expensive)
Use the System.Resources.ResourceManager class to retrieve resources based on culture.
Use Microsoft Visual Studio .NET to create Windows Forms dialog boxes, so they can be localized using the Windows Forms Resource Editor (Winres.exe). Do not code Windows Forms dialog boxes by hand.
IMHO, to claim something is going to happens "in a few years" literally translates to "we hope one day" which really means "never". Although I would still skim over various tutorials to make sure you don't make any horrendous mistakes. Doing correct internationalization support now will mean less work in the future, and once you get use to it, it won't have any real affect on today's productivity. But if you can measure the goal in years, maybe it's not worth doing at all right now.
I have worked on two projects that did internationalization: a C# ASP.NET (existed before I joined the project) app and a PHP app (homebrewed my own method using a free Internationalization control and my own management app).
You should store all the text (labels, button text, etc etc) as data inside a database. Reference these with keys (I prefer to use the first 4 words, made uppercase, spaces converted to underscores and non alpha-numerics stripped out) and when you have a duplicate, append a number to the end. The benefit of this key method is the programmer has a pretty strong understanding of the content of the text just by looking at the key.
Write a utility to extract the data and build .NET resource files that you add into your project for compile. Create a separate resource file for each language. In your code, use the key to point to the proper entry.
I would skim over the MS documents on the subject:
Some basic things to avoid:
never ever ever use translation software, hire a pro or an intern taking that language at a local college
never try to create text by appending two existing entries, because grammar differs greately in each language, this will never work. So if you have a string that says "Click" and want one that says "Click Now", do not try to create a setup that merges two entries, or during translation, copy the word for click and translate the word now. Treat every string as a totally new translation from scratch
I will add to store and manipulate string data as Unicode (NVARCHAR in MS SQL).
Some questions to think about…
How match can you afford to delay the shipment of the English version of your application to save a bit of cost internationalize later?
Will you still be trading if you don’t get the cash flow from shipping the English version quickly?
How will you get the UI right, if you don’t get feedback quickly from some customers about it?
How often will you rewrite the UI before you have to internationalize it?
Do you English customers wish to be able to customize strings in the UI, e.g. not everyone calls a “shipping note” the same think.
As a large part of the pain of internationalize is making sure you don’t break the English version, is automated system testing of the UI a better investment?
The only thing I think I will always do is: “Do not use composite strings that are built at run time from concatenated phrases” and if you do so, don’t spread the code that builds up the a single string over lots of methods.
Having your UI automatically resize (and layout) to cope with length of labels etc will save you lots of time over the years if you can do it cheaply. There a lots of 3rd party control sets for Windows Forms that lets you label text boxes etc without having to put the labels on as separate controls.
I just starting to internationalize a WinForms application, we hope to mostly be able to use the “name” of each control as the lookup key, without having to move lots into resource files etc. It is not always as hard as you think at first….
You could use NGettext.Wpf (it can be installed from NuGet, and yes I am the author, but I made it out of the frustrations listed in the other answers).
It is hosted this github repository, and here is the getting started section at the time of writing:
NGettext.Wpf is intended to work with dependency injection. You need to call the following at the entry point of your application:
The "ExampleDomainName" string is the domain name. This means that when the current culture is set to "da-DK" translations will be loaded from "Locale\da-DK\LC_MESSAGES\ExampleDomainName.mo" relative to where your WPF app is running (You must include the .mo files in your application and make sure they are copied to the output directory).
Now you can do something like this in XAML:
<Button CommandParameter="en-US"
Command="{StaticResource ChangeCultureCommand}"
Content="{wpf:Gettext English}" />
Which demonstrates two features of this library. The most important is the Gettext markup extension which will make sure the Content is set to the translation of "English" with respect to the current culture, and update it when the current culture is changed. The other feature it demonstrates is the ChangeCultureCommand which changes the current culture to the given culture, in this case "en-US".
I also highly recommend reading Preparing Strings from the gettext utilities manual.
Internationalization will let your product be usable in other countries, it's easy and should be done from the start (this way English speaking people all over the world can use your software), those 3 rules will get you most of the way there:
Support international characters - use only Unicode data types in files and databases.
Support international date, time and number formats - use CultureInfo.InvariantCulture when storing data to file or computer readable storage, use CultureInfo.CurrentCulture when displaying data or parsing user input, never do your own parsing, never use any other culture objects.
textual data entered by the user should be considered a black box, don't try to break it up into words or letters, especially when displaying it to the user - different languages have diffract rules and the OS knows how to display left-to-right text, you don't.
Localization is translating the software into different languages, this is difficult and expensive, a good start is to never hard code strings and never build sentences out of smaller strings.
If you use test data, use non-English (e.g.: Russian, Polish, Norwegian etc) strings.
Encoding peeks it's little ugly head at every corner. If not in your own libraries, then in external ones.
I personally favor Russian because although I don't speak a word Russian (despite my name's origin) it has foreign chars in it and it takes way more space then English and therefor tests your spacing too.
Don't know if that is something language specific, or just because our Russian translator likes verbose strings.
