How can I read a large set of data from a file into either a pointer to a structure or array of a structure in C - arrays

I have a data file with a known key, that is, it has many entries (devices) with the same properties and I have this structure in code to capture it.
struct deviceData{
int id;
char serial[10];
float temperature;
float speed;
long timestamp;
struct deviceData fileItems;
It's 4 bytes for the ID, 10 bytes for the serial code, 4 bytes for both the temperature and speed and 8 bytes for the timestamp. 30 bytes in total.
What I would like to achieve is to be able to read all those entries and run a calculation in the quickest way I can.
What I initially thought of doing was to simply create a giant array to capture all the entries but that causes errors.
Secondly I thought of allocating space from a pointer to that structure and reading the whole file to that. That worked in execution but I had trouble processing the data. Possibly a gap in fundamentals on my part.
The way I'm currently looking at is to loop through readings where I capture a single entry using fread(), process that and then move the file to put the next entry into the buffer.
Something like this:
fread(&fileItems, 30, 1, filename)
What happens though is that when I view what actually gets read I see that the ID and the serial code were read correctly but the following data points are garbage. Reading a little bit about it I came across something about padding which I don't fully understand but the fix seems to be to make my char array 100 which seems to work for the first entry but I suspect it's causing problems with subsequent readings because it's throwing my calculations off.
I'm kind of at a wall here because every strategy I try seems to have something that works strangely. If I could at least be pointed in the right direction I'll at least know I'm putting effort in the right thing.

If you are just wanting to process a group of data record by record, you probably can utilize the methodology of defining a structure, then reading the data from a file into the structure, and then processing the data. To make things consistent, it would make sense to store the data as a structure in a binary file. Following is a code snippet creating some sample data and then processing it following the spirit of your project.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct deviceData{
int id;
char serial[10];
float temperature;
float speed;
long timestamp;
struct deviceData fileItems;
void create_data(char * file_name)
FILE* fp = fopen(file_name, "wb");
printf("\n\tFile open error\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
{ = i + 20000 + i * 3;
sprintf(fileItems.serial, "SN%d",;
fileItems.temperature = 166.0 + i;
fileItems.speed = 2400.0;
fileItems.timestamp = 20220830;
fwrite(&fileItems, sizeof(struct deviceData), 1, fp);
void read_data(char *file_name)
FILE* fp = fopen(file_name, "rb");
printf("\n\tFile open error\n");
while(fread(&fileItems, sizeof(struct deviceData), 1, fp))
printf("ID. . . . . . .: %d\n",;
printf("Serial number. .: %s\n", fileItems.serial);
printf("Temparature. . .: %f\n", fileItems.temperature);
printf("Speed. . . . . .: %f\n", fileItems.speed);
printf("Timestamp. . . .: %ld\n", fileItems.timestamp);
int main()
create_data("device.dat"); /* Create some sample data to be read */
read_data("device.dat"); /* Read and print the data to the terminal */
return 0;
The storage of device data probably would occur in some other monitor program, but for this snippet a one-off function was included to produce some data to process.
Analyze that code and see if it meets the spirit of your project.


MSP430 SD card application running on top of FATFS appears too restrictive . Is my understanding correct?

I am working my way through an SD card application code example provided by TI for their MSP530 LaunchPad microcontroller development kit. It appears that the example restricts the number of directories and number of files to 10 each (a total of 100 files) which seems overly restrictive for a 32GB SD card. The current code compiles to use less than half of the program space and less than half of available RAM. I am wondering if I misunderstand the code, or if the code is limited by some other reason, such as the available stack size in memory. Below is the code and my comments.
There are several layers: SDCardLogMode, sdcard (SDCardLib), and ff (HAL layer). I've reduced the code below to illustrate the constructions but not runnable - I am more interested if I understand it correctly and if my solution to increase the number of allowed files and directories is flawed.
SDCardLogMode.c there are two places of interest here. The first is the declaration of char dirs[10][MAX_DIR_LEN] and files[10][MAX_FILE_LEN]. the MAX LENs are 8 and 12 respectively and are the maximum allowed length of a name.
* SDCardLogMode.c
* ******************************************************************************/
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "SDCardLogMode.h"
#include "driverlib.h"
#include "sdcard.h"
#include "HAL_SDCard.h"
#pragma PERSISTENT(numLogFiles)
uint8_t numLogFiles = 0;
SDCardLib sdCardLib;
char dirs[10][MAX_DIR_LEN];
char files[10][MAX_FILE_LEN]; //10 file names. MAX_FILE_LEN =10
uint8_t dirNum = 0;
uint8_t fileNum = 0;
#define MAX_BUF_SIZE 32
char buffer[MAX_BUF_SIZE];
// FatFs Static Variables
static FIL fil; /* File object */
static char filename[31];
static FRESULT rc;
Later in the same SDCardLogMode.c file is the following function (also reduced for readability). Here the interesting thing is that the code calls SDCardLib_getDirectory(&sdCardLib, "data_log", dirs, &dirNum, files, &fileNum) which consume the "data_log" path and produces dir, and updates &dirNum, files, and &fileNum. I do not believe &sdCardLib (which holds a handle to the FATFS and an interface pointer) is used in this function. At least not that I can tell.
What is puzzling is what's the point of calling SDCardLib_getDirectory() and then not using anything it produces? I did not find any downstream use of the dirs and files char arrays. Nor did I find any use of dirNum and fileNum either.
In the code snippets I show the code for SDCardLib_getDirectory(). I could not find where SDCardLib parameter is used. And as mentioned earlier, I found no use of files and dirs arrays. I can see where the file and directory count could be used to generate new names, but there are already static variables to hold the file count. Can anyone see a reason why the SDCard_getDirectory() was called?
* Store TimeStamp from PC when logging starts to SDCard
void storeTimeStampSDCard()
int i = 0;
uint16_t bw = 0;
unsigned long long epoch;
// FRESULT rc;
// Increment log file number
//Detect SD card
SDCardLib_Status st = SDCardLib_detectCard(&sdCardLib);
mode = '0';
noSDCard = 1; //jn added
// Read directory and file
rc = SDCardLib_getDirectory(&sdCardLib, "data_log", dirs, &dirNum, files, &fileNum);
//Create the directory under the root directory
rc = SDCardLib_createDirectory(&sdCardLib, "data_log");
if (rc != FR_OK && rc != FR_EXIST) {
mode = '0';
Now jumping to sdcard.c (SDCardLib layer) to look at SDCardLib_getDirectory() is interesting. It takes the array pointer assigns it to a one dimensional array (e.g. char (*fileList)[MAX_FILE_LEN] and indexes it each time it writes a filename). This code seem fragile since the SDCardLib_createDirectory() simply returns f_mkdir(directoryName), it does not check how many files already exist. Perhaps TI assumes this checking should be done at the application layer above SDCardLogMode....
void SDCardLib_unInit(SDCardLib * lib)
/* Unregister work area prior to discard it */
f_mount(0, NULL);
FRESULT SDCardLib_getDirectory(SDCardLib * lib,
char * directoryName,
char (*dirList)[MAX_DIR_LEN], uint8_t *dirNum,
char (*fileList)[MAX_FILE_LEN], uint8_t *fileNum)
FRESULT rc; /* Result code */
DIRS dir; /* Directory object */
FILINFO fno; /* File information object */
uint8_t dirCnt = 0; /* track current directory count */
uint8_t fileCnt = 0; /* track current directory count */
rc = f_opendir(&dir, directoryName);
for (;;)
rc = f_readdir(&dir, &fno); // Read a directory item
if (rc || !fno.fname[0]) break; // Error or end of dir
if (fno.fattrib & AM_DIR) //this is a directory
strcat(*dirList, fno.fname); //add this to our list of names
else //this is a file
strcat(*fileList, fno.fname); //add this to our list of names
*dirNum = dirCnt;
*fileNum = fileCnt;
return rc;
Below is SDCardLib_createDirectory(SDCardLib *lib, char *directoryName). It just creates a directory, it does not check on the existing number of files.
FRESULT SDCardLib_createDirectory(SDCardLib * lib, char * directoryName)
return f_mkdir(directoryName);
So coming back to my questions:
Did I understand this code correctly, does it really does limit the number of directories and files to 10 each?
If so, why would the number of files and directories be so limited? The particular MSP430 that this example code came with has 256KB of program space and 8KB of RAM. The compiled code consumes less than half of the available resources (68KB of program space and about 2.5KB of RAM). Is it because any larger would overflow the stack segment?
I want to increase the number of files that can be stored. If I look at the underlying FATFS code, it does not to impose a limit on the number of files or directories (at least not until the sd card is full). If I never intend to display or search the contents of a directory on the MSP430 my thought is to remove SDCard_getDirectory() and the two char arrays (files and dirs). Would there a reason why this would be a bad idea?
There are other microcontrollers with less memory.
The SDCardLib_getDirectory() function treats its dirList and fileList parameters as simple strings, i.e., it calls strcat() on the same pointers. This means that it can read as many names as fit into 10*8 or 10*12 bytes.
And calling strcat() without adding a delimiter means that it is impossible to get the individual names out of the string.
This codes demonstrates that it is possible to use the FatFs library, and in which order its functions need to be called, but it is not necessarily a good example of how to do that. I recommend that you write your own code.

Quantization noise during writing wav file using C

I'm just trying to write a library for read and write Wav files (just need it for audio processing), just as test, I read samples from a Wave File convert them to double (just standardize them to -1 ~ 1), and do nothing but transform them back to integer, according to the bit per sample (assume the Wav file have N bits per sample, I divided them through 2^(N-1)-1 and multiply with the same factor after to restore it)
But the problem is, I get a wav file with background noise (id say it seems like quantisization noise) and I don't know why, can you help me find it out?
the library is here:
the header file is:
and a demo main function is like:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "wavreader.h"
#define FRAMESIZE 512
int main()
FILE *fh;
FILE *fhWrite;
struct WavHeader * header;
struct WavHeader * newHeader;
double frame[FRAMESIZE];
int iBytesWritten;
int i;
char test;
fh = fopen("D:/ArbeitsOrdner/advanced_pacev/AudioSample/spfg.wav", "rb+");
if (fh == NULL)
printf("Failed to open organ.wav\n");
return 1;
fhWrite = fopen("D:/ArbeitsOrdner/MyC/test_organ.wav", "wb+");
if (fhWrite == NULL)
printf("Failed to create test_organ.wav\n");
return 1;
header = readWaveHeader(fh);
newHeader = createWaveHeader(header->iChannels, header->iSampleRate, header->iBitsPerSample);
WaveWriteHeader(fhWrite, newHeader);
while (WaveReadFrame(fh, header, FRAMESIZE, frame) != -1)
iBytesWritten = WaveWriteFrame(fhWrite, newHeader, FRAMESIZE, frame);
if (iBytesWritten < 0)
printf("Error occured while writing to new file\n");
return 1;
WaveWriteHeader(fhWrite, newHeader);
return 0;
thx for viewing this post. I have found the problem myself, it is that, i used char instead of unsigned char for raw data (raw bytes). By converting them to int16 or int32, i haven't considered the sign bit. that means they are not exact the same value during convertion as it except to be.
the solution for this is:
either stay with signed char and use:
buffer[i] & 0xff
to get the correct raw data for convertion, or change the char types into unsigned char:
unsgiend char * buffer;

Filling a 2GiB file with 0s in C

I am about to do some data processing in C, and the processing part is working logically, but I am having a strange file problem. I conveniently have 32-bits of numbers to consider, so I need a file of 32-bits of 0s, and then I will change the 0 to 1 if something exists in a finite field.
My question is: What is the best way to make a file with all "0s" in C?
What I am currently doing, seems to make sense but is not working. I currently am doing the following, and it doesn't stop at the 2.4GiB mark. I have no idea what's wrong or if there's a better way.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef uint32_t u32;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
u32 l_counter32 = 0;
u8 l_ubyte = 0;
FILE *f_data;
f_data = fopen("", "wb+");
if (f_data == NULL) {
printf("file error\n");
for (l_counter32 = 0; l_counter32 <= 0xfffffffe; l_counter32++) {
fwrite(&l_ubyte, sizeof(l_ubyte), 1, f_data);
fwrite(&l_ubyte, sizeof(l_ubyte), 1, f_data); //final byte at 0xffffffff
I increment my counter in the loop to be 0xFFFFFFFe, so that it doesn't wrap around and run forever.. I haven't waited for it to stop actually, I just keep checking on the disk via ls -alF and when it's larger than 2.4GiB, I stop it. I checked sizeof(l_ubyte), and it is indeed 8-bits.
I feel that I must be missing some mundane detail.
You are counting up to 0xffffffff, which is equal to 4,294,967,295. You want to count up to 0x80000000 for exactly 2 GB of data.
The faster way to create initalize a file with zeroes (alias \0 null bytes) is using truncate()/ftruncate(). See man page here

Create an array of values from different text files in C

I'm working in C on 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04.
I have a number of .txt files, each containing lines of floating point values (1 value per line). The lines represent parts of a complex sample, and they're stored as real(a1) \n imag(a1) \n real(a2) \n imag(a2), if that makes sense.
In a specific scenario there are 4 text files each containing 32768 samples (thus 65536 values), but I need to make the final version dynamic to accommodate up to 32 files (the maximum samples per file would not exceed 32768 though). I'll only be reading the first 19800 samples (depending on other things) though, since the entire signal is contained in those 39600 points (19800 samples).
A common abstraction is to represent the files / samples as a matrix, where columns represent return signals and rows represent the value of each signal at a sampling instant, up until the maximum duration.
What I'm trying to do is take the first sample from each return signal and move it into an array of double-precision floating point values to do some work on, move on to the second sample for each signal (which will overwrite the previous array) and do some work on them, and so forth, until the last row of samples have been processed.
Is there a way in which I can dynamically open files for each signal (depending on the number of pulses I'm using in that particular instance), read the first sample from each file into a buffer and ship that off to be processed. On the next iteration, the file pointers will all be aligned to the second sample, it would then move those into an array and ship it off again, until the desired amount of samples (19800 in our hypothetical case) has been reached.
I can read samples just fine from the files using fscanf:
rx_length = 19800;
int x;
float buf;
double *range_samples = calloc(num_pulses, 2 * sizeof(range_samples));
for (i=0; i < 2 * rx_length; i++){
x = fscanf(pulse_file, "%f", &buf);
*(range_samples) = buf;
All that needs to happen (in my mind) is that I need to cycle both sample# and pulse# (in that order), so when finished with one pulse it would move on to the next set of samples for the next pulse, and so forth. What I don't know how to do is to somehow declare file pointers for all return signal files, when the number of them can vary inbetween calls (e.g. do the whole thing for 4 pulses, and on the next call it can be 16 or 64).
If there are any ideas / comments / suggestions I would love to hear them.
I would make the code you posted a function that takes an array of file names as an argument:
void doPulse( const char **file_names, const int size )
FILE *file = 0;
// declare your other variables
for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
file = fopen( file_names[i] );
// make sure file is open
// do the work on that file
fclose( file );
file = 0;
What you need is a generator. It would be reasonably easy in C++, but as you tagged C, I can imagine a function, taking a custom struct (the state of the object) as parameter. It could be something like (pseudo code) :
struct GtorState {
char *files[];
int filesIndex;
FILE *currentFile;
void gtorInit(GtorState *state, char **files) {
// loads the array of file into state, set index to 0, and open first file
int nextValue(GtorState *state, double *real, double *imag) {
// read 2 values from currentFile and affect them to real and imag
// if eof, close currentFile and open files[++currentIndex]
// if real and imag were found returns 0, else 1 if eof on last file, 2 if error
Then you main program could contain :
GtorState state;
// initialize the list of files to process
gtorInit(&state, files);
double real, imag);
int cr;
while (0 == (cr = nextValue(&state, &real, &imag)) {
// process (real, imag)
if (cr == 2) {
// process (at least display) error
Alternatively, your main program could iterate the values of the different files and call a function with state analog of the above generator that processes the values, and at the end uses the state of the processing function to get the results.
Tried a slightly different approach and it's working really well.
In stead of reading from the different files each time I want to do something, I read the entire contents of each file into a 2D array range_phase_data[sample_number][pulse_number], and then access different parts of the array depending on which range bin I'm currently working on.
Here's an excerpt:
#define REAL(z,i) ((z)[2*(i)])
#define IMAG(z,i) ((z)[2*(i)+1])
for (i=0; i<rx_length; i++){
printf("\t[%s] Range bin %i. Samples %i to %i.\n", __FUNCTION__, i, 2*i, 2*i+1);
for (j=0; j<num_pulses; j++){
REAL(fft_buf, j) = range_phase_data[2*i][j];
IMAG(fft_buf, j) = range_phase_data[2*i+1][j];
printf("\t[%s] Range bin %i done, ready to FFT.\n", __FUNCTION__, i);
// do stuff with the data
This alleviates the need to dynamically allocate file pointers and in stead just opens the files one at a time and writes the data to the corresponding column in the matrix.

Audio samplerate converter using libsndfile and libsamplerate. Not sure if using function src_simple correctly

I have been building a simple samplerate converter in c using libsndfile and libsamplerate. I just cant seem to get the src_simple function of libsamplerate to work, whatever I try. I have striped back my code to be as simple as possible and it now just outputs a silent audio file of identical sampling rate:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sndfile.h>
#include <samplerate.h>
#define BUFFER_LEN 1024
#define MAX_CHANNELS 6
int main ()
static double datain [BUFFER_LEN];
static double dataout [BUFFER_LEN];
SNDFILE *infile, *outfile;
SF_INFO sfinfo, sfinfo2 ;
int readcount ;
const char *infilename = "C:/Users/Oli/Desktop/MARTYTHM.wav" ;
const char *outfilename = "C:/Users/Oli/Desktop/Done.wav" ;
SRC_DATA src_data;
infile = sf_open (infilename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo);
outfile = sf_open (outfilename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo);
src_data.data_in = datain
src_data.input_frames = BUFFER_LEN;
src_data.data_out = dataout;
src_data.output_frames = BUFFER_LEN;
src_data.src_ratio = 0.5;
src_simple (&src_data, SRC_SINC_BEST_QUALITY, 1);
while ((readcount = sf_read_double (infile, datain, BUFFER_LEN)))
src_simple (&src_data, SRC_SINC_BEST_QUALITY, 1);
sf_write_double (outfile, dataout, readcount) ;
sf_close (infile);
sf_close (outfile);
sf_open ("C:/Users/Oli/Desktop/Done.wav", SFM_READ, &sfinfo2);
printf("%d", sfinfo2.samplerate);
return 0;
It's really starting to stress me out. The program is a uni project and is due very soon, it is making me very anxious as whatever I try seems to result in failure. Can anyone please help me?
I'm not an expert on this particular library, but just from looking at the online documentation I see a few problems with your code:
src_simple apparently works with floats, yet your buffers are doubles - I think you need to change the buffers to float and use sf_read_float/sf_write_float for I/O.
src_simple is the "simple" interface and is intended to be applied to an entire waveform in one call, not in chunks as you are doing - see - you should first get the input file size, then allocate sufficient memory, read in the whole file, convert it in one go, then write the converted output data to your output file.
when changing sample rate you will get a different number of samples in the output file than in the output file (around half as many in for case), yet you're writing the same number of samples that you read (readcount). You should probably be using src_data.output_frames_gen as the number of frames to write, not readcount.
