what does "if(( number >> 1) <<1==number)" mean? - c

c program to check odd or even without using modulus operator
We can check a number is even or odd without using modulus and division operator in c program
The another method is using shift operators
number >> 1) <<1==number then it is even number,can someone explaain this?

A right shift by x is essentially a truncating division by 2x.
A left shift by x is essentially a multiplication by 2x.
6 ⇒ 3 ⇒ 6
7 ⇒ 3 ⇒ 6
If this produces the original number, it's even.

An unsigned number is odd if its lowest (1) bit is 1. What this does is shift right by 1, and then right by one, effictively zeroing out this first bit. If that bit was already a 0 (i.e. the number is even), then the number doesn't change and the == passes. If it was a 1 then its now a zero and the equality check fails.
A better, more obvious implementation of this logic would be:
if((number & 0x1) == 0)
which checks directly whether the bit is a 0 (i.e. the number is even)

We can check a number is even or odd without using modulus and division operator in c program The another method is using shift operators number >> 1) <<1==number then it is even number
Do not use if(( number >> 1) <<1==number) as it risks implementation defined behavior when number < 0.
Only for the pedantic
This is likely incorrect on rare machines that use ones' complement int encoding.
Of course such beast are so rare these days and the next version of C, C2x, is expected to no longer support non-2's complement encoding.
Instead code can use:
is_odd = number & 1LLU;
This will convert various possible integer types of number into unsigned long long and then perform a simple mask of the least significant bit (the one's place). Even with negatives values in any encoding will convert mathematically to an unsigned value with the same even-ness.
Modulus operator??
... using modulus and division operator ...
In C there is no operator defined as modulus. There is %, which results in the remainder.
See What's the difference between “mod” and “remainder”?.

Right-shifting by one shifts off the low bit, left-shifting back restores the value without that low bit.
All odd numbers end in a low bit of 1, which this removes, so the equality comparison only returns true for even numbers, where the removal and re-adding of the low 0 bit does not change the value.


Testing if a Integer can be expressed as a n bit Signed integer

I've been stuck on a C coding puzzle involving bitwise manipulations.
The goal is to take an int, and a number of bits n
And then return if that int can be expressed as a n-bit 2s compliment.
The restrictions are that you must be able to compare the original number to a manipulated number and the use of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and comparisons is not allowed
Id rather not a code solution, but ideas and maybe some nudges.
The puzzle mostly restricts you to Bitwise operations as division, modulus, multiplication; as well as well as (<, >, <=, >=) are not allowed
for Example
we are given the int 8, and n-5
some transformation must be made to a variable x such that (x == 8) will return true if 8 can be expressed as a 5 bit 2s compliment integer
I'm looking more for understanding than a solution.
So take 3 as your number of bits: 0b1000. Subtract 1. That yields the pattern: 0b0111.
Now test 5: 0b101. 0b111 xor 0b101 yields 0b010. negate the result: 0b101. if that result matches the number you are testing so the answer is yes.
Now test 9: 0b1001. 0b0111 xor 0b1001 yields 0b1110. That does not match, so the answer is no.
So I think the answer is along that line. Do some bit operations to turn your question into a equality compare form, and yield you a result.

Attempting to convert a value into 2s complement in C

I am writing an emulator in C and I want to make the constantValuable , which is 65530 (0xFFFA) be the two's complement variable of 5 however I cannot seem to get it quite right. Below is the example of the if statement where I would like this to be done.
if(opCodeType == 4)
if(registers[rsVariable] == registers[rtVariable])
int twosVariable = ~(constantVariable) + 1;
printf("%d", twosVariable);
pc = pc + (twosVariable*4);
I can't seem to understand why this does not work.
Indeed 2's complement is such that the complement to your number n (which algebraically is -n) is derived by reflecting the bit pattern of n then adding 1 to that number. Note that in a 2's complement scheme, -1 has all its bits set to 1.
The problem with reflecting the bit pattern using ~ is that it can cause unwanted type promotion which ruins the result.
One solution is to mask the the result of ~, another is to cast the result. Of course, on a 2's complement platform, you can write simply -n, taking care to ensure that n is not already the smallest possible negative.

How does C perform the % operation interally

I am curious to understand the logic behind the mod operation since I understand that bit-shifting operations can be performed to do different things such as bit shifting to multiply.
One way I can see it being done is by a recursive algorithm that keeps dividing until you cannot divide anymore, but this does not seem efficient.
Any ideas will be helpful. Thanks in advance!
The quick version is: Depends on hardware, the optimizer, if it's division by a constant or not (pdf), if there's exceptions to be checked for (e.g. modulo by 0), if and how negative numbers are handled (this is a scary question for C++), etc...
R gave a nice, concise answer for unsigned integers, but it's difficult to understand unless you're well versed with C.
The crux of the technique illuminated by R is to strip away multiples of q until there's no more multiples of q left. We could naively do this with a simple loop:
while (p >= q) p -= q; // One liner, woohoo!
The code may be short, but for large values of p and small values of q this might take a very long time.
Better than stripping away one q at a time would be to strip away many q's at a time. Note that we actually want to strip away as many q's as possible -- that is, floor(p/q) many q's... And indeed, that's a valid technique. For unsigned integers, one would expect that p % q == p - (p / q) * q. (Note that unsigned integer division rounds down.)
But this almost feels like cheating because division and remainder operations are so intimately related. (In fact, often if hardware natively supports division, it supports a divide-and-compute-remainder operation because they're so strongly related.)
Assuming we've no access to division, how shall we find a multiple of q greater than 1 to strip away? In hardware, fixed shift operations are cheap (if not practically free) and conceptually represent multiplication by a non-negative power of two. For example, shifting a bit string left by 3 is equivalent to multiplying by 8 (that is, 2^3), e.g. 5 decimal is equivalent to '101' binary. Shift '101' in binary by adding three zeroes on the right (giving '101000') and the result is 50 in decimal -- five times eight.
Likewise, shift operations are very cheap as software operations and you'll struggle to find a controller that doesn't support them and quickly. (Some architectures such as ARM can even combine shifts with other instructions to make them 'free' a good deal of the time.)
ARMed (couldn't resist) with these shift operations, we can proceed as follows:
Find out the largest power of two we can multiply q by and still be less than p.
Working from the largest power of two to the smallest, multiply q by each power of two and if it's less than what's left of p subtract it from what's left of p.
Whatever you've got left is the remainder.
Why does this work? Because in the end you'll find that all the subtracted powers of two actually sum to floor(p / q)! Don't take my word for it, similar knowledge has been known for a very long time.
Breaking apart R's answer:
#define HI (-1U-(-1U/2))
This effectively gives you an unsigned integer with only the highest value bit set.
unsigned i;
for (i=0; !(HI & (q<<i)); i++);
This line actually finds the highest power of two q can be multiplied before overflowing an unsigned integer. This isn't strictly necessary, but it doesn't change the results other than increasing the amount of execution time required.
In case you're not familiar with the C-isms in this line:
(q<<i) is a left bit shift by i. Recall this is equivalent to multiplying by 2^i.
HI & (q<<i) performs a bitwise-AND. Since HI only has its top bit populated this will only result in a non-zero value when (q<<i) is large enough to cause the top bit to be non-zero. One more shift over to the left and there'd be an integer overflow.
!(HI & (q<<i)) is 'true' when (HI & (q<<i)) is zero and 'false' otherwise.
do { if (p >= (q<<i)) p -= (q<<i); } while (i--);
This is a simple decreasing loop do { .... } while (i--);. Note that post-decrementing is used on i so the loop executes, then it checks to see if i is not zero, then it subtracts one from i, and then if its earlier check resulted in true it continues. This has the property that the loop executes its last time when i is 0. This is important because we may need to strip away an unmultiplied copy of q.
if (p >= (q<<i)) checks if the 2^i * q is less than or equal to p. If it is, p -= (q<<i) strips it away.
The remainder is left.
While most C implementations run on hardware that has a division instruction, the remainder operation can be performed roughly like this, for computing p%q, assuming unsigned values:
#define HI (-1U-(-1U/2))
unsigned i;
for (i=0; !(HI & (q<<i)); i++);
do { if (p >= (q<<i)) p -= (q<<i); } while (i--);
The resulting remainder is in p.
In addition to a hardware instruction and implementation using shifts, as R.. suggests, there's also reciprocal multiplication.
This technique can be used when the right-hand side of % is a constant, known at compile time.
Reciprocal multiplication is used to implement division, but using it for % is easy, based on the formula a%b == a-(a/b)*b.
Depending on the smarts of the optimizer, there is a shortcut for modulo base 2. For example, a % 32 can be implemented as a & 31. In general, a % (2^N) == a & (2^N -1). This is lightning fast compared to division. Most dividers (ever hardware) require at least 1 cycle for each bit of the result to calculate, while logic AND is just a few cycle operation (in the pipeline).
EDIT: this only works if a is unsigned !

Bitwise operations and shifts

Im having some trouble understanding how and why this code works the way it does. My partner in this assignment finished this part and I cant get ahold of him to find out how and why this works. I've tried a few different things to understand it, but any help would be much appreciated. This code is using 2's complement and a 32-bit representation.
* fitsBits - return 1 if x can be represented as an
* n-bit, two's complement integer.
* 1 <= n <= 32
* Examples: fitsBits(5,3) = 0, fitsBits(-4,3) = 1
* Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max ops: 15
* Rating: 2
int fitsBits(int x, int n) {
int r, c;
c = 33 + ~n;
r = !(((x << c)>>c)^x);
return r;
c = 33 + ~n;
This calculates how many high order bits are remaining after using n low order bits.
((x << c)>>c
This fills the high order bits with the same value as the sign bit of x.
!(blah ^ x)
This is equivalent to
blah == x
On a 2's-complement platform -n is equivalent to ~n + 1. For this reason, c = 33 + ~n on such platform is actually equivalent to c = 32 - n. This c is intended to represent how many higher-order bits remain in a 32-bit int value if n lower bits are occupied.
Note two pieces of platform dependence present in this code: 2's-complement platform, 32-bit int type.
Then ((x << c) >> c is intended to sign-fill those c higher order bits. Sign-fill means that those values of x that have 0 in bit-position n - 1, these higher-order bits have to be zeroed-out. But for those values of x that have 1 in bit-position n - 1, these higher-order bits have to be filled with 1s. This is important to make the code work properly for negative values of x.
This introduces another two pieces of platform dependence: << operator that behaves nicely when shifting negative values or when 1 is shifted into the sign bit (formally it is undefined behavior) and >> operator that performs sign-extension when shifting negative values (formally it is implementation-defined)
The rest is, as answered above, just a comparison with the original value of x: !(a ^ b) is equivalent to a == b. If the above transformations did not destroy the original value of x then x does indeed fit into n lower bits of 2's-complement representation.
Using the bitwise complement (unary ~) operator on a signed integer has implementation-defined and undefined aspects. In other words, this code isn't portable, even when you consider only two's complement implementations.
It is important to note that even two's complement representations in C may have trap representations. even states this quite clearly:
If the sign bit is one, the value shall be modified in one of the following ways:
-- the corresponding value with sign bit 0 is negated (sign and magnitude);
-- the sign bit has the value -(2 M ) (two's complement );
-- the sign bit has the value -(2 M - 1) (ones' complement ).
Which of these applies is implementation-defined, as is whether the value with sign bit 1 and all value bits zero (for the first two), or with sign bit and all value bits 1 (for ones' complement), is a trap representation or a normal value.
The emphasis is mine. Using trap representations is undefined behaviour.
There are actual implementations that reserve that value as a trap representation in the default mode. The notable one I tend to cite is Unisys Clearpath Dordado on OS2200 (go to 2-29). Do note the date on that document; such implementations aren't necessarily ancient (hence the reason I cite this one).
According to, shifting negative values left is undefined behaviour, too. I haven't done a whole lot of research into what behaviours are out there in reality, but I would reasonably expect that there might be implementations that sign-extend, as well as implementations that don't. This would also be one way of forming the trap representations mentioned above, which are undefined in nature and thus undesirable. Theoretically (or perhaps some time in the distant or not-so-distant future), you might also face signals "corresponding to a computational exception" (that's a C standard category similar to that which SIGSEGV falls into, corresponding to things like "division by zero") or otherwise erratic and/or undesirable behaviours...
In conclusion, the only reason the code in the question works is by coincidence that the decisions your implementation made happen to align in the right way. If you use the implementation I've listed, you'll probably find that this code doesn't work as expected for some values.
Such heavy wizardry (as it has been described in comments) isn't really necessary, and doesn't really look that optimal to me. If you want something that doesn't rely upon magic (e.g. something portable) to solve this problem consider using this (actually, this code will work for at least 1 <= n <= 64):
#include <stdint.h>
int fits_bits(intmax_t x, unsigned int n) {
uintmax_t min = 1ULL << (n - 1),
max = min - 1;
return (x < 0) * min + x <= max;

Modulus with a negative number

Possible Duplicates:
Modulus operation with negatives values - weird thing ??
Mod of negative number is melting my brain!
I tried doing 25 % -9 just for fun and the answer I got was -2 (this was on Google) and when I did this in C code I got 7. Can someone explain me why two different answers?
In C89/90, either result was allowed. The results you got from division and remainder were required to "fit" together so that (a/b)*b + a%b == a.
Starting with C99, integer division with a negative input is required to truncate toward zero. The relationship between the results from division and remainder is still required though. This means that (in effect) the result from the remainder operation always has the same sign as the left operand, so 25 % -9 must yield 7, not -2.
For what it's worth, C++ followed roughly the same path, just a few years behind C. C++98/03 has the same rules as C89/90, so for your inputs the remainder could be either negative or positive (but still needs to fit together with the result from division). Starting with C++11, it requires the same behavior as C99, so 25 % - 9 == 7.
Some other languages (e.g., Python) require that the result from remainder have the same sign as the right operand instead.
If you come to think about it in a mathematical base of 9 they are the same thing as 9-2 = 7
