How do i put a word into an array - arrays

so this is part of a kind of menu, the only problemis that the word is not getting into the array "frase" i have already tried with frase [ ] = "the word" but idk why it wont work
printf("lvl 1\n");
if (opc==1)
a = rand() %3 + 1;
printf("%d", a);
if (a=1)
frase <= "pato";
if (a=2)
frase <="ganso";
if (a=3)
frase <= "avispa";
if (opc==2)
a = rand() %3 + 1;
if (a=1)
frase <="pasta";
if (a=2)
frase <="pizza";
if (a=3)
frase <="pastel";
if (opc==3)
a = rand() %3 + 1;
if (a=1)
frase <="peru";
if (a=2)
frase <="brasil";
if (a=3)
frase <="egipto";

I suggest you solve this by modeling your data. In this case with a array of structs. Then you index into to obtain the relevant data:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
int main() {
struct {
const char *opc;
const char **frase;
} data[] = {
{"Animales", (const char *[]) { "pato", "ganso", "avispa" }},
{"comida", (const char *[]) { "pasta", "pizza", "pastel" }},
{"paises", (const char *[]) { "peru", "brasil", "egipto" }}
int opc = rand() % 3;
printf("lvl 1 %s %s\n", data[opc].opc, data[opc].frase[rand() % 3]);
return 0;
If you have a lot of data put the data in a file and write a function to build the struct at start-up. A special case of this approach is to store the data in a lightweight database like SQLite, then you can query for the relevant data at run-time or load it all it upon start-up.
You many no longer need to copy the frase, but if you want to use a strcpy:
char frase[100];
strcpy(frase, data[opc].frase[rand() % 3]);

Multiple things to be improved in the code. The if(a=1) should be changed to ==. Not sure what you mean by frase<="pato", strcpy or strncpy should be used. Please refer the following sample code.
void copytoarray(char *array, char *word, unsigned int len)
if(array == NULL || word == NULL)
strncpy(array, word, len);
int main(void) {
char frase[15] = {'\0'};
int a, lvl =1;
int opc =1;
printf("lvl 1\n");
if (opc==1)
a = rand() %3 + 1;
printf("%d\n", a);
if (a==1)
copytoarray(frase, "pato", strlen("pato"));
if (a==2)
copytoarray(frase, "ganso", strlen("ganso"));
if (a==3)
copytoarray(frase, "avispa", strlen("avispa"));
printf("Word: %s\n ",frase);


how to remove certain words from a line of text in c

I got my code working to an extent, but I need some more help. If I needed to remove the word "an", from sentence: "I ate an apple whilst looking at an ape.", it only removes the first "an" and not the second, how do I repeat the loop so it deletes all "an"s? I need the final sentence, after the code has been ran, to be: "I ate apple whilst looking at ape.". That is the goal im trying to achieve
Sorry for not including the code.
Here it is:
#include "RemoveFromText.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int findFirstSubstring(char textToChange[], char removeThis[])
int size = strlen(textToChange);
int subStringLength = strlen(removeThis);
for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
if(textToChange[i] == removeThis[0])
int j = 0;
while(textToChange[i+j] == removeThis[j])
return i;
return -1;
void removeFromText( char textToChange[], char removeThis[])
int textLength = strlen(textToChange);
if(findFirstSubstring(textToChange, removeThis) >= 0)
int subStringIdx = findFirstSubstring(textToChange, removeThis);
int loopVariabele = 0;
for(loopVariabele = subStringIdx; loopVariabele<textLength; loopVariabele++)
textToChange[loopVariabele] = textToChange[loopVariabele + strlen(removeThis)];
Leveraging 'strstr', and 'memmove' standard "C" library functions
// Remove all occurences of 'source' from 'message'.
void removeAll(char *message, char *source)
int len = strlen(source) ;
for (char *x = message ; x=strstr(x, source) ; ) {
// Copy everything after 'source', including terminating nul.
memmove(x, x+len, strlen(x+len)+1) ;
} ;
that solution that not properly address the trailing space(s) after a word. This can be addressed by chaning the 'memmove'.
Probably make sense to make the function return the number of substitutions, or some other meaningful result

Why does the while loop stop before the else statement?

I want to execute the outputs that are in else statements (True or Nothing) but for some reason, my while loop only executes either first if statement or else if. I know that I am using infinite loop but I want to leave it by using break function that is in one of the two of else statements. What I want is to execute the else statements, so, Do they have hair? ->Y -> Messi? -> Y-> True. Or Do they have hair -> N -> Beckham? -> Y -> True. Or Do they have hair -> N -> Beckham ->N ->Nothing. Or Do they have hair -> T->Messi->N-> Nothing
#include <stdio.h>
#include <strings.h>
int random(char z[]);
int main() {
char *x ="Do they have hair";
char *yes = "Messi";
char *no = "Beckham";
char *u ="Nope";
do {
char *currents = x;
while (1) {
if (random(currents)) {
if (yes) {
currents = yes;
printf("First check\n");
} else {
printf("True: %s\n", yes);
} else if (no) {
currents = no;
} else {
}while(random("Run Again?"));
return 0;
int random(char z[])
char a[3];
printf("%s: %s",z,a);
fgets(a, 3,stdin);
return a[0] == 'y';
Your while loop is not be quit because if (yes) and if(no) are always true.
yes is Messi. All non-zero value is referenced as true.
So, Your yes value has always the address of memory where Messi is saved. and It's always non-zero.
no is also same. no is always pointing on Beckham. So, It's true
So, I modified the code for your logic. Please refer the following code:
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
int random(char z[]);
int main() {
char x[] = "Do they have hair";
char again[] = "run again";
char yes[] = "Messi";
char no[] = "Beckham";
char u[] = "Nope";
do {
if (random(x)) {
if (random(yes)) printf("True!\n");
else printf("Nothing!\n");
else {
if (random(no)) printf("True!\n");
else printf("Nothing!\n");
} while (random(again));
return 0;
int random(char z[])
char a[3];
printf("%s?:", z);
fgets(a, 3, stdin);
return a[0] == 'y';

How to pass value of names in struct array as reference in C?

im supposed to be able to print all of the countries in the printfunction and pass it to the second if statement, but it doesn't seem to be printing . I know it's the
printf("%s\n", ctryList[numCountries].countryName);
part but i don't know what's wrong with it.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct CountryTvWatch_struct {
char countryName[50];
int tvMinutes;
} CountryTvWatch;
void PrintCountryNames(CountryTvWatch ctryList[], int numCountries)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < numCountries; i++)
printf("%s\n", ctryList[numCountries].countryName);
int main(void) {
// Source:, 2010
const int NUM_COUNTRIES = 4;
CountryTvWatch countryList[NUM_COUNTRIES];
char countryToFind[MAX_COUNTRY_NAME_LENGTH];
bool countryFound = false;
int i = 0;
strcpy(countryList[0].countryName, "Brazil");
countryList[0].tvMinutes = 222;
strcpy(countryList[1].countryName, "India");
countryList[1].tvMinutes = 119;
strcpy(countryList[2].countryName, "U.K.");
countryList[2].tvMinutes = 242;
strcpy(countryList[3].countryName, "U.S.A.");
countryList[3].tvMinutes = 283;
printf("Enter country name: \n");
scanf("%s", countryToFind);
countryFound = false;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_COUNTRIES; ++i) { // Find country's index
if (strcmp(countryList[i].countryName, countryToFind) == 0) {
countryFound = true;
printf("People in %s watch\n", countryToFind);
printf("%d minutes of TV daily.\n", countryList[i].tvMinutes);
if (!countryFound) {
printf("Country not found, try again.\n");
printf("Valid countries:\n");
PrintCountryNames(countryList, NUM_COUNTRIES);
return 0;
the following proposed code:
incorporates the comments to the question
properly checks for I/O errors
lets the user know what countries are available to chose from
is appropriately spaced, both horizontally and vertically, for readability
performs the desired functionality
cleanly compiles
documents why each header file is included
and now the proposed code:
#include <stdio.h> // scanf(), printf()
#include <stdlib.h> // exit(), EXIT_FAILURE
#include <string.h> // strcmp()
#include <stdbool.h> // bool, true, false
struct CountryTvWatch_struct
char countryName[ MAX_COUNTRY_NAME_LENGTH ];
int tvMinutes;
typedef struct CountryTvWatch_struct CountryTvWatch;
// prototypes
void PrintCountryNames( CountryTvWatch ctryList[], int numCountries );
int main(void)
// Source:, 2010
CountryTvWatch countryList[NUM_COUNTRIES];
char countryToFind[ MAX_COUNTRY_NAME_LENGTH+1];
strcpy(countryList[0].countryName, "Brazil");
countryList[0].tvMinutes = 222;
strcpy(countryList[1].countryName, "India");
countryList[1].tvMinutes = 119;
strcpy(countryList[2].countryName, "U.K.");
countryList[2].tvMinutes = 242;
strcpy(countryList[3].countryName, "U.S.A.");
countryList[3].tvMinutes = 283;
// let user know what countries are available and how they are spelled
PrintCountryNames(countryList, NUM_COUNTRIES);
printf("Enter country name: \n");
// Note: following statement
// checks for error
// includes a MAX_CHAR modifier that is one less than
// the length of the input field
if( 1 != scanf("%49s", countryToFind) )
perror( "scanf failed" );
// implied else, scanf successful
bool countryFound = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_COUNTRIES; ++i )
{ // Find country's index
if (strcmp(countryList[i].countryName, countryToFind) == 0)
countryFound = true;
printf("People in %s watch\n", countryToFind);
printf("%d minutes of TV daily.\n", countryList[i].tvMinutes);
break; // exit the search loop early
if (!countryFound)
printf("Country not found, try again.\n");
printf("Valid countries:\n");
PrintCountryNames(countryList, NUM_COUNTRIES);
return 0;
void PrintCountryNames( CountryTvWatch ctryList[], int numCountries )
for( int i = 0; i < numCountries; i++ )
printf("%s\n", ctryList[ i ].countryName);

How to create AT Commands Parser in C to get the incoming string from USART1?

I want to get the string from USART1 of STM32VLDiscovery (STM32F100X4) and write an AT Command Parser from the string received from USART1.
Below are the concept that I have developed but I am not sure whether it's correct or not.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "dosomethinga.h"
void dosomethingB();
void GET_AT_COMMAND(char*);
void takecommand(char *, char *);
int quit;
int main()
{ char buff[15];
char command = '\0';
quit = 0;
printf("Enter your command: ");
scanf("%s", &buff);
if (buff[0] == 'A' && buff[1] == 'T' && buff[2] == '+')
void dosomethingB()
printf("dosomethingB called \n");
void GET_AT_COMMAND(char *text)
int command;
char temp[10] = "";
/*if(text[3] == 'A')
command = 1;
else if(text[3] == 'B')
command = 2;
else if(text[3] == 'Z')
command = 3;
if (strcmp(temp, "CALLA") == 0)
command = 1;
if (strcmp(temp, "CALLB") == 0)
command = 2;
if (strcmp(temp, "Z") == 0)
command = 3;
case 1:
case 2:
printf("herehere.... \n");
case 3:
printf("Exiting program.... \n");
quit = 1;
printf("Nothing to do here \n");
void takecommand(char *mycmd, char *hold)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 10 ; i++)
hold[i] = mycmd[i+3];
Can anyone explain on the steps that I should do? Thanks.
Basicly you should wait an attention "AT" from the input and ignore anything before it.
For example inputs "XYZATZ\r" and "AaatZ\r" should be both handled as a "ATZ" command.
There can also be short pause between 'A' and 'T' (and all other chars of commands too), because human may type those commands.
By the default all commands end to "\r" character.
See more about AT commands from ITU-T documentation. For example from V.250 standard.
There are probably many alternative ways to implement that. The best alternative depends on your needs. If you are going to implement all AT-commands of mobile-terminal, then you should spend more time for the parser. If you want make some test application for few commands, then your implementation could be simple as your provided one.
I have developed this AT command parser, this could be use for reference.
When you get data from UART1 just call this method at_wait_msg() to parse the AT message
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static const char *AT_HEADER = "AT";
static const char *AT_DEVICE_PROFILE = "DR";
static const char *AT_SET_DEVICE = "SD";
static const char AT_EOF = '\r';
typedef enum {
} AT_Msg_Type;
typedef struct {
char header[3];
char command[3];
char data[128];
} AT_Msg_Data;
static void at_wait_msg(char text);
static void at_wait_msg_complete(char *text);
static void at_parse_msg(AT_Msg_Data *data);
static AT_Msg_Type at_check_format(AT_Msg_Data *data);
static char _rx_data[512];
static uint16_t _rx_index = 0;
int main()
//example data getting from UART1
char text[] = "ATDR\rATSD123456abchelloworld\r1123ATssa\r";
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(text) + 1; i++) {
//to simulate getting data from UART1 byte per byte
return 0;
static void at_wait_msg(char text)
_rx_data[_rx_index++] = text;
if (text == AT_EOF) {
_rx_index = 0;
static void at_wait_msg_complete(char *text)
AT_Msg_Data data;
int result = sscanf_s(_rx_data, "%2s%2s%s\r",
data.header, sizeof(data.header),
data.command, sizeof(data.command),, sizeof(;
if (result >= 2) {
static void at_parse_msg(AT_Msg_Data *data)
AT_Msg_Type type = at_check_format(data);
switch (type) {
case DeviceProfile:
printf("device profile\r\n");
case SetDevice:
printf("settings %s\r\n", data->data);
case Error:
static AT_Msg_Type at_check_format(AT_Msg_Data *data)
if (strcmp(data->header, AT_HEADER) != 0) {
return Error;
if (strcmp(data->command, AT_DEVICE_PROFILE) == 0) {
return DeviceProfile;
if (strcmp(data->command, AT_SET_DEVICE) == 0) {
return SetDevice;
return Error;

how to best achieve string to number mapping in a c program

I have a definite set of strings and its corresponding numbers:
kill -> 1
live -> 2
half_kill -> 3
dont_live -> 4
List is of 30 such strings and their number mapping.
If user enters "kill", I need to return 1 and if he enters "dont_live" I need to return 4.
How should I achieve this in c program? I am looking for an efficient solution because this operation needs to be done 100s of times.
should I put them in #define in my .h file?
Thanks in advance.
Sort your table, and use the standard library function bsearch to perform a binary search.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct entry {
char *str;
int n;
/* sorted according to str */
struct entry dict[] = {
"dont_live", 4,
"half_kill", 3,
"kill", 1,
"live", 2,
int compare(const void *s1, const void *s2)
const struct entry *e1 = s1;
const struct entry *e2 = s2;
return strcmp(e1->str, e2->str);
main (int argc, char *argv[])
struct entry *result, key = {argv[1]};
result = bsearch(&key, dict, sizeof(dict)/sizeof(dict[0]),
sizeof dict[0], compare);
if (result)
printf("%d\n", result->n);
return 0;
Here's what you get when you run the program.
$ ./a.out kill
$ ./a.out half_kill
$ ./a.out foo
<no output>
PS: I reused portions of sidyll's program. My answer should now be CC BY-SA compliant :p
A possible solution:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
struct entry {
char *str;
int n;
struct entry dict[] = {
"kill", 1,
"live", 2,
"half_kill", 3,
"dont_live", 4,
number_for_key(char *key)
int i = 0;
char *name = dict[i].str;
while (name) {
if (strcmp(name, key) == 0)
return dict[i].n;
name = dict[++i].str;
return 0;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
printf("enter your keyword: ");
char s[100]; scanf("%s", s);
printf("the number is: %d\n", number_for_key(s));
return 0;
Here's one approach:
int get_index(char *s)
static const char mapping[] = "\1.kill\\3.half_kill\4.dont_live";
char buf[sizeof mapping];
const char *p;
snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, ".%s", s);
p = strstr(mapping, buf);
return p ? p[-1] : 0;
The . mess is to work around kill being a substring of half_kill. Without that issue you could simply search for the string directly.
If it is a very short list of strings then a simple block of ifs will be more than sufficient
if (0 == strcmp(value, "kill")) {
return 1;
if (0 == strcmp(value, "live")) {
return 2;
If the number approach 10 I would begin to profile my application though and consider a map style structure.
if you have a fixed set of strimgs, you have two options: generate a perfect hashing function (check gperf or cmph) or create a trie so that you never have to check charcters more than once.
Compilers usually use perfect hashes to recognize a language keyword, in your case I would probably go with the trie, it should be the fastest way (but nothing beats direct measurement!)
Is it really a bottleneck? You should worry about efficiency only if the simple solution proves to be too slow.
Having said that, possible speed improvements are checking the lengths first:
If it's 4 characters then it could be "kill" or "live"
If it's 9 characters then it could be "half_kill" or "dont_live"
or checking the first character in a switch statement:
switch (string[0]) {
case 'k':
if (strcmp(string, "kill") == 0)
return 1;
return 0;
case 'l':
return 0;
Use hashmap/ hashtable i think this would be the best solution.
Can you use an Enumunerator?
int main(void) {
enum outcome { kill=1, live, half_kill, dont_live };
printf("%i\n", kill); //1
printf("%i\n", dont_live); //4
printf("%i\n", half_kill); //3
printf("%i\n", live); //2
return 0;
Create a list of const values:
const int kill = 1;
const int live = 2;
const int half_kill = 3;
