firebase deployment after redirect below page - reactjs

enter image description here
I want to host my app on firebase.
I followed these steps.
npm run build and it created build folder
firebase init, select hosting,
What do you want to use as your public directory? build
Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all URLs to /index.html)?
File build/index.html already exists. Overwrite? No
and then finally firebase deploy
after some time I see files uploaded successfully and in the firebase hosting dashboard it shows files uploaded something like 727. but the app looks something like a welcome message "Welcome Firebase Hosting Setup Complete. You're seeing this because you've successfully set up Firebase Hosting. Now it's time to go build something extraordinary!"
however, if I create a react app using create-react-app, and follow the same steps, it's working fine at the same URL and host. it displays the app at once without a problem.
my firebase.json

Firsty once you deploy it try viewing it on incognito mode as sometimes due to the cache it renders the same page
now still if you have errors follow this steps given in the link I followed this and got mine online


Firebase deploy issue

I am learning web development. At now I'm practicing some react projects with firebase authentication. But after finishing the deployment, I'm only getting this(image mentioned)[here image says "Firebase Hosting Setup Complete
You're seeing this because you've successfully set up Firebase Hosting. Now it's time to go build something extraordinary!"][1] But I was supposed to get the project output in the browser.
I followed every steps of firebase Hosting. Maybe I missed something.
If you deployed the App via> firebase deploy in the console, there should be a URL mentioned in the console pointing to the active website.

blank page when deploying react-app into firebase hosting?

i have a problem related to deploying my react-app into firebase hosting , my react app is created with create-react-app, the build folder is ready and and i have successfully deployed my app to firebase , but nothing shows up , here is my firebase.json file
here is the error in the browser :
enter image description here
the app was working just fine in my computer localhost
anybody knows how to fix this?
Make sure you remove any comments without brackets, jsx works fine with them in production mode but not in build mode.

Process for React App deployment to Azure Web?

I am currently trying to deploy the default react web app to Azure and I am encountering an issue where though I deploy the contents of my build folder to the azure hosted /site/wwwroot folder I end up on the following page when going to my hosted address: https://[project_name]
Landing Page :
I intend to deploy the default create-react-app react application so that I may have the process down for when I deploy my real site.
The process I have followed is pretty much exactly what is mentioned in this article
Create the default React App with create-react-app
Run "npm run build" to get the build folder
Go into the Azure React Portal and create a new Web App ***
FTP / Git deploy the contents of the local build folder into the Azure website's /site/wwwroot/ folder
For overkill I added the below web.config file to handle future routes, but have also tried without this step
In the end my Azure site's contents look like this
Folder contents :
At this point when I try to access the Azure site I get the "Hey, Node developers!" page which implies my code is not deployed. Any thoughts as to why this might be the case?
*** I have a hunch that during the configuring of the Azure Web Api something is not set up correctly perhaps because I select Node 10.14 as my Runtime stack simply because that is the version of Node that I have installed and am using with my local React app.
Thank you folks for your time.
Another approach is to configure Azure Linux Web App Service to run a startup command to serve your React app in "Settings > General settings > Startup Command":
pm2 serve /home/site/wwwroot/ --no-daemon
Remember to change the path to your build path (The path to your index.html file).
If you use react-router and wants to make any direct access on custom routes be handled by index.html you need to add --spa option on the same command.
pm2 serve /home/site/wwwroot/ --no-daemon --spa
Using --spa option pm2 will automatically redirect all queries to the index.html and then react router will do its magic.
You can find more information about it in pm2 documentation:
I've coped with the same problem recently: React router direct links not working on Azure Web App Linux
You have created a Linux App Service - your web.config won't work because there is no IIS.
If you don't select node as the runtime stack, your app will work for the most part because it serves the files like a static web host. However I would suggest to keep the runtime stack as node and add the following file to your deployment in the wwwroot folder:
module.exports = {
apps: [
script: "npx serve -s"
There's an extremely simple way to overcome this problem, and although it is not perfect, it works both on AWS, Microsoft Azure, and probably any other hosting:
Just point the error document to: index.html
I found it out here:
Disclaimer: This solution is not perfect and impacts SEO. Google doesn't rank well sites that throw 404s.

React App Hosting - Host Prerequisites

Generic: What kind of services must a hosting vendor provide in order to make it possible to have a React app hosted?
More Specific: If I create a website with React and React Router, is it possible to deploy it by just uploading the bundled output folder? This could be for example a dist folder containing index.html, bundle.js and an images folder.
Could this be as simple as deploying a simple web page (like one built with plain HTML, CSS and JS)?
Sure just do: npm run build
and you will have a folder with the static files. Upload those with your choice of file transfer method and set the permissions to the web host appropriately.
100% Working Example.
React App Hosting in Firebase .
You can read this blog
Host Your React Web App in few minutes.
Command runnning in Wrong sequence =>
firebase login
firbase init
firebase deploy
npm run build
Command runnning in Correct sequence =>
firebase login
firbase init
npm run build
firebase deploy

IBM Cloud (Bluemix) React deploy routing error

I've managed to deploy a react app (create-react-app) to Bluemix using cloud foundry with a sataticfile, everything is working fine except form one thing: routing.
I'm using BrowserRouter to manage routing so when you write the url's path manually I get a 404 error. I know I have to configure the staticfile to use the index.html as default, the question is how to configure this file on bluemix.
My build configuration looks like this:
And my deploy:
For now I've solved it using HashRoute, but that hash is awful and really bad for SEO as I read somewhere here.
I solved it, just create a file called: Staticfile with pushstate: enabled and save it on the public folder. I was saving it on the src folder so, when the react-app was built the Staticfile wasn't on the root directory.
