Skip Camel Processor if Previous Processor Failed - apache-camel

I have a camel route that goes through a series of processors which each call some service. If processor 1 fails gracefully, I no longer want to call processors 2-5, but I do want to call consolidateResponse. The same for all the other processors. Is there a best practices way of achieving this without throwing an exception on failures?
<camel:routeContext id="myRouteRouteContext">
<camel:route id="my-route-route">
<camel:from uri="{{camel.uri.myRoute}}" />
<camel:process ref="{{bean.processor.processor1}}" />
<camel:process ref="{{bean.processor.processor21}}" />
<camel:process ref="{{bean.processor.processor3}}" />
<camel:process ref="{{bean.processor.processor4}}" />
<camel:process ref="{{bean.processor.processor5}}" />
<!-- Stringfy response object into a JSon text response -->
<camel:process ref="{{bean.processor.consolidateResponse}}" />
<!-- All catch exception handler -->
<camel:to uri="{{camel.uri.error}}" />

I think try catch is best solution also it is common programming solution also camel also has stop


How to read multiple files using camel pollEnrich?

I need to fetch multiple files from a directory using camel pollEnrich. When I searched for this implementation, I found out that camel pollEnrich will pick up only one file at a time. But it was given that we can fetch multiple files by repeating pollEnrich by loop. How can this be correctly implemented?
Sample code for current implementation below:
<camel:route id="fileRoute">
<camel:from uri="jetty:{{file.api.endpoint}}" />
<camel:convertBodyTo type="java.lang.String"/>
<camel:unmarshal ref="json" />
<camel:simple>Condition check for validating the request</camel:simple>
<camel:pollEnrich timeout="5000">
<!-- Logic -->
<!-- Invalid request -->
I also tried loop doWhile aproach, but it didn't work out for me. My requirement is to get all the files from a directory using camel pollEnrich.
Sample code for loop doWhile approach:
<camel:route id="fileRoute">
<camel:from uri="jetty:{{file.api.endpoint}}" />
<camel:convertBodyTo type="java.lang.String"/>
<camel:unmarshal ref="json" />
<camel:loop doWhile="true">
<camel:simple>Condition check for validating the request</camel:simple>
<camel:pollEnrich timeout="5000">
<!-- Logic -->

Camel Docatch not firing

So I have the following route (Camel 2.20.0)
I was working on a global <onException> block for a new route. For some reason it wasn't firing, so I moved the items to a doTry/doCatch within one specific route just to play with the error handeling.
<camelContext xmlns="" id="jobfeedCamelContext">
<route id="testError">
<from uri="timer://runOnce?repeatCount=1&delay=5000" />
<throwException exceptionType="java.lang.Throwable"/>
<to uri="errorBean"/> <!-- bean does nothing but explicitly throws java.lang.Throwable -->
<log message="### exception" />
<log message="### out of try" />
For output I get the stack trace from the beans java.Lang.Throwable (but no stacktrace is generated for the<throwException exceptionType="java.lang.Throwable"/>. I do not get my "### exception" log entry in any scenario, but I do get the "### out of try" log entry.
Have used this functionality in other routes on older version of camel, so I can't really see where I am going wrong. Anyone have any ideas? I've turned on route tracing and there is nothing helpful.
<throwException exceptionType="java.lang.Throwable" message="some text"/>

Apache Camel - Delay when exception occurs

I have written a camel route that polls a file folder, picks up request, checks for memory consumption on server (in a java file). If its below threshold it drops the request on a JMS queue otherwise it throws an exception and picks it again for processing.
What i need to do is that when exception is thrown i need to delay processing for a configurable amount of time say 15 mins. This will give some time for server to stabilize instead of keeping it polling unnecessarily.
I am using errorHandler mechanism of camel however it doesnt seem to work. Camle keeps on picking up the request without any delay. Please help with this issue.
Below is the bundle context snapshot:
<camel:redeliveryPolicy backOffMultiplier="500" />
<camel:log message="Default error handler was called"></camel:log>
<!-- Reading from REST url -->
<camel:from uri="<my url>" />
<!-- If else loop -->
<camel:xpath>Some path</camel:xpath>
<!-- Parsing OrderNumber and OrderVersion-->
<camel:log message="Recieved request ${headers.OrderNumber}-${headers.OrderVersion}.xml"/>
<camel:setHeader headerName="OrderNumber">
<xpath>Some path</xpath>
<camel:setHeader headerName="OrderVersion">
<camel:xpath>Some path</camel:xpath>
<!-- Request being put in file folder -->
pattern="InOut" />
<!-- For all other requests put on queue -->
<camel:log message="Request ${headers.OrderNumber}-${headers.OrderVersion}.xml directly sent to queue"/>
<to uri="my queue"
pattern="InOut" />
<camel:route errorHandlerRef="errorHandler">
<!-- Route to put message from folder to JMS queue if memory consumption is below limit-->
<camel:from uri="file:data/inbox"/>
<camel:process ref="checkMemoryConsumption"/>
<camel:convertBodyTo type="String" />
<camel:log message="Sucessfully processing service order ${headers.OrderNumber}-${headers.OrderVersion}.xml"/>
<to uri="my queue"
pattern="InOut" />
Did you try redeliveryDelay of redeliveryPolicyProfile?
Below policy profile will retry 3 times with the delay of 1000mS between each try.
<redeliveryPolicyProfile id="myRedeliveryProfile"
redeliveryDelay="1000" allowRedeliveryWhileStopping="false"
retryAttemptedLogLevel="INFO" />
Read more on here
By making below modification in my bundle context (bundle context displayed above), re-delivery policy kicked in and seems to do the trick.

Not seeing header or property in Camel route

I have the following Camel context XML. I set a header named MediaType. But, when I set a breakpoint in RenamerProcessor I don't see the header (I've also tried using setProperty with the same results. Being very new to Camel, I've found several examples that make it seem like the below should work.
What is wrong?
<camel:from uri="file://c:/CamelTVInput" />
<camel:setHeader headerName="MediaType">
<camel:to uri="file://c:/CamelReadyToRename" />
<camel:from uri="file://c:/CamelReadyToRename?move=//c:/CamelBackup" />
<camel:process ref="RenamerProcessor" />
<camel:to uri="file://c:/CamelOutput" />
You cannot transfer headers using files. eg when you write to a file, then its only the message body that is written as the file content.
But this is component specific if headers is part of the protocol, eg JMS, HTTP support headers.
If you want to keep files then use something else, Camel has some internal components like seda / direct.

Camel + sql + error handling

I have a task to handle all incoming messages within the route and save them to database.
My route starts with webservice (camel-cxf), and then process to ejb and return soap response.
I've decided to use camel-sql component. As far as I don't have any problems with logging incoming message:
<camelContext id="InstitutionContext" xmlns="">
<to uri="bean:myExceptionHandler?method=handle" />
<route id="InstitutionRoute" >
<from uri="direct:start" />
<to uri="sql:insert into translog(id,type,data) values(2,'IN',#)" />
<tokenize token="\n" />
<csv delimiter=";" />
<process ref="InstitutionProcessorTest" />
<to uri="bean:myExceptionHandler?method=checkErrors" />
but I don't have idea how to handle exceptions and save them in the form of SOAP message.
<onCompletion onFailureOnly="true">
<to uri="sql:insert into translog(id,type,data) values(2,'ERROR',#)" />
but it saves original message in data column. Is there any body who can help?
I might be misunderstanding the question but it looks you are trying to save the SOAP message in XML format if there is a exception.
By default the dataFormat for CXF is POJO meaning it sends a POJO around the camel route i.e. the SOAP XML is converted to a POJO.
Two options come to mind:
Set the dataformat to message or payload. This will send the XML message across the camel route instead of a POJO
Marshall the POJO into a XML message and save it.
