glutWarpPointer with first person camera - c

I'm trying to do a first person camera with GLUT, I have my get mouse speed x/y code here..
X_mouse = mousex;
Y_mouse = mousey;
current_t = static_cast<double>(glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME));
delta_t = (current_t - previous_t)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
diffX = (X_mouse - Xpre);
diffY = (Y_mouse - Ypre);
if ( diffX != 0)
if (delta_t == 0) delta_t = 1;
Vx = diffX / delta_t;
MouseXSpd = Vx/1000.0;
if ( diffY != 0)
if (delta_t == 0) delta_t = 1;
Vx = diffY / delta_t;
MouseXSpd = Vy/1000.0;
glutSwapBuffers(); //<-- not sure if this is needed
previous_t = current_t;
Xpre = X_mouse;
Ypre = Y_mouse;
Then in my glutMotionFunc is just this code
void MousePosition(int x, int y) {
mousex = x;
mousey = y;
but having trouble with warping the mouse pointer when it gets to the edge of the window.


Ray Casting (GONE WRONG)

i'm building a raycasting engine and i've done the 2d projection, with wall collisions, now shifting to 3d i'm not being able to render a proper 3d image, i'll throw my code below:
i've tried all types of things by now, even changing my line function
include "../incs/Cub3d.h"
#define DOWN 0
#define UP 1
#define LEFT 2
#define RIGHT 3
#define RAY_NUM 816
t_point horizontalinter(t_mlx *m, float ang)
t_point inter;
inter.hit = 1;
double xinter, yinter;
double xstep, ystep;
double xwall, ywall;
xwall = 0;
ywall = 0;
int hit = 0;
float r_angle;
r_angle = (ang);
int r_dir = upordown(r_angle);
int r_lor = leftorright(r_angle);
yinter = floor(m->p->y / TILES) * TILES;
if (r_dir == DOWN)
yinter += TILES;
xinter = m->p->x + (yinter - m->p->y)/tan(r_angle);
ystep = TILES;
if (r_dir == UP)
ystep *= -1;
xstep = TILES / tan(r_angle);
if ((r_lor == LEFT && xstep > 0) || (r_lor == RIGHT && xstep < 0))
xstep *= -1;
double nextx = xinter;
double nexty = yinter;
while (nextx >= 0 && nextx <= WIDTH && nexty >= 0 && nexty <= HEIGHT)
if (has_wall(nextx, nexty - (r_dir == UP ? 1 : 0) , m))
hit = 1;
xwall = nextx;
ywall = nexty;
nextx += xstep;
nexty += ystep;
inter.x = xwall;
inter.y = ywall;
if (hit)
inter.dist2pl = distancebetween(m->p->x, m->p->y, xwall, ywall);
inter.dist2pl = INT_MAX;
t_point verticalinter(t_mlx *m, float ang)
t_point inter;
inter.hit = 0;
double xinter, yinter;
double xstep, ystep;
double xwall, ywall;
int hit = 0;
xwall = 0;
ywall = 0;
float r_angle = normalize_ang(ang);
int r_dir = upordown(r_angle);
int r_lor = leftorright(r_angle);
//FIND X-interseption
xinter = floor(m->p->x / TILES) * TILES;
if (r_lor == RIGHT)
xinter += TILES;
//FIND Y-interseption
yinter = m->p->y + (xinter - m->p->x) * tan(r_angle);
//find STEPS
xstep = TILES;
if (r_lor == LEFT)
xstep *= -1;
ystep = TILES * tan(r_angle);
if ((r_dir == UP && ystep > 0) || (r_dir == DOWN && ystep < 0))
ystep *= -1;
// next intersection
double nextx = xinter;
double nexty = yinter;
//make sure that mf hits a wall
// loop untill it finds a wall or leaves canvas, increments with x and y step
while (nextx >= 0 && nextx <= WIDTH && nexty >= 0 && nexty <= HEIGHT)
if (has_wall(nextx - (r_lor == LEFT ? 1 : 0) , nexty, m))
hit = 1;
xwall = nextx;
ywall = nexty;
nextx += xstep;
nexty += ystep;
inter.x = xwall;
inter.y = ywall;
if (hit)
inter.dist2pl = distancebetween(m->p->x, m->p->y, xwall, ywall);
inter.dist2pl = INT_MAX;
void calc_rays(t_mlx *m, float ang)
int color ;
ang = normalize_ang(ang);
t_point h_hit = horizontalinter(m, ang);
t_point v_hit = verticalinter(m, ang);
t_point closest = v_hit.dist2pl > h_hit.dist2pl ? h_hit : v_hit;
if (closest.hit)
color = rgb_to_int(0,255,0);
color = rgb_to_int(0,0,255);
int lineheigth = ((TILES * 5) / closest.dist2pl) * 277;
int drawStart = -lineheigth / 2 + HEIGHT / 2;
if(drawStart < 0)drawStart = 0;
int drawEnd = lineheigth / 2 + HEIGHT / 2;
if(drawEnd >= HEIGHT)drawEnd = HEIGHT - 1;
mlx_line_to(m, closest.x,drawStart , closest.x, drawEnd, color);
printf("%f\n", closest.dist2pl);
void cast_rays(t_mlx *m)
float r_angle = m->p->ang - (FOV / 2);
for(int i = 0; i < RAY_NUM; i++)
calc_rays(m, r_angle);
r_angle += (FOV / RAY_NUM);
i've tried calculating line heights differently but with no sucess

C Triangle Rasterizer rendering problems

Im trying to write an Software Renderer using this tutorial series:
But the problem is I try to render a Ico Sphere but it doesn't look right. See image: Rendered Sphere
The code for the rasterizer is:
void GRE_Edge(GTE_Vec4* MinVertY, GTE_Vec4* MaxVertY, GRE_EdgeData* Data)
Data->EdgeStartY = (uint32_t)ceilf(MinVertY->y);
Data->EdgeEndY = (uint32_t)ceilf(MaxVertY->y);
Data->EdgeStepX = (MaxVertY->x - MinVertY->x) / (MaxVertY->y - MinVertY->y);
Data->EdgeCurX = MinVertY->x + (Data->EdgeStartY - MinVertY->y) * Data->EdgeStepX;
void GRE_ScanEdge(GRE_EdgeData* a, GRE_EdgeData* b, bool Handedness, GRE_Framebuffer* Framebuffer)
GRE_EdgeData Left = *a;
GRE_EdgeData Right = *b;
if (Handedness)
GRE_EdgeData Temp = Left;
Left = Right;
Right = Temp;
for (uint32_t y = b->EdgeStartY; y < b->EdgeEndY; y++)
for (uint32_t x = (uint32_t)ceilf(Left.EdgeCurX); x < (uint32_t)ceilf(Right.EdgeCurX); x++)
GRE_DrawPixel(x, y, 255, 0, 255, Framebuffer);
Left.EdgeCurX += Left.EdgeStepX;
Right.EdgeCurX += Right.EdgeStepX;
void GRE_ScanTriangle(GTE_Vec4* MinVertY, GTE_Vec4* MidVertY, GTE_Vec4* MaxVertY, bool Handedness, GRE_Framebuffer* Framebuffer)
GRE_EdgeData TopToBottom;
GRE_Edge(MinVertY, MaxVertY, &TopToBottom);
GRE_EdgeData TopToMiddle;
GRE_Edge(MinVertY, MidVertY, &TopToMiddle);
GRE_EdgeData MiddleToBottom;
GRE_Edge(MidVertY, MaxVertY, &MiddleToBottom);
GRE_ScanEdge(&TopToBottom, &TopToMiddle, Handedness, Framebuffer);
GRE_ScanEdge(&TopToBottom, &MiddleToBottom, Handedness, Framebuffer);
float GRE_TriangleAreaTimesTwo(GTE_Vec4* a, GTE_Vec4* b, GTE_Vec4* c)
return ((b->x - a->x) * (c->y - a->y) - (c->x - a->x) * (b->y - a->y));
void GRE_FillTriangle(GTE_Vec4* v1, GTE_Vec4* v2, GTE_Vec4* v3, GRE_Framebuffer* Framebuffer)
GTE_Mat4 ScreenSpaceMatrix;
GTE_Mat4LoadScreenSpaceTransform(&ScreenSpaceMatrix, Framebuffer->Width * 0.5, Framebuffer->Height * 0.5);
GTE_Vec4 MinVertY;
GTE_Vec4MultiplyMat4(v1, &ScreenSpaceMatrix, &MinVertY);
GTE_Vec4 MidVertY;
GTE_Vec4MultiplyMat4(v2, &ScreenSpaceMatrix, &MidVertY);
GTE_Vec4 MaxVertY;
GTE_Vec4MultiplyMat4(v3, &ScreenSpaceMatrix, &MaxVertY);
//Backface Culling
if (GRE_TriangleAreaTimesTwo(&MinVertY, &MaxVertY, &MidVertY) >= 0)
GTE_Vec4 TmpVec;
if (MaxVertY.y < MidVertY.y)
TmpVec = MaxVertY;
MaxVertY = MidVertY;
MidVertY = TmpVec;
if (MidVertY.y < MinVertY.y)
TmpVec = MidVertY;
MidVertY = MinVertY;
MinVertY = TmpVec;
if (MaxVertY.y < MidVertY.y)
TmpVec = MaxVertY;
MaxVertY = MidVertY;
MidVertY = TmpVec;
GRE_ScanTriangle(&MinVertY, &MidVertY, &MaxVertY, GRE_TriangleAreaTimesTwo(&MinVertY, &MaxVertY, &MidVertY) >= 0, Framebuffer);
I can't find any problems with this code, so I hope someone can help me.

cell overlap removal in vlsi placement

Below code is to remove overlap among cells residing inside grids.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
//coordinate representation
struct Point
double x;
double y;
//block representation with 4 coordinates
struct Block
unsigned int id;
struct Point bottomLeft, topLeft, bottomRight, topRight;
double width, height;
double whitespace;
struct Overlap
double overlapLength;
struct Block *b1, *b2;
} OL[1000];
struct Block *b;
struct Block ROW1, ROW2, ROW3;
int comparator(const void *p, const void *q)
return (((struct Overlap *)p)->overlapLength -
(((struct Overlap *)q)->overlapLength));
//intialise Blocks using bottom left x,y coordinate
void intialiseBlock(struct Block *B)
B->topLeft.x = B->bottomLeft.x;
B->topLeft.y = B->height + B->bottomLeft.y;
B->bottomRight.x = B->width + B->bottomLeft.x;
B->bottomRight.y = B->bottomLeft.y;
B->topRight.x = B->width + B->bottomLeft.x;
B->topRight.y = B->height + B->bottomLeft.y;
//update coordinate
void move(double xDelta, double yDelta, struct Point *p)
// Parameter values are increments to the current coordinates
p->x += xDelta;
p->y += yDelta;
//calculate and return distance between 2 points
double distance(const struct Point aPoint, const struct Point bPoint)
return sqrt((aPoint.x - bPoint.x) * (aPoint.x - bPoint.x) +
(aPoint.y - bPoint.y) * (aPoint.y - bPoint.y));
//generate width of cell using number of cells
double computeCellWidth(int ncell)
double width = (0.8 * 400) / ncell;
return width;
//create a
unsigned int rand_interval(unsigned int min, unsigned int max)
int r;
const unsigned int range = 1 + max - min;
const unsigned int buckets = RAND_MAX / range;
const unsigned int limit = buckets * range;
/* Create equal size buckets all in a row, then fire randomly towards
* the buckets until you land in one of them. All buckets are equally
* likely. If you land off the end of the line of buckets, try again. */
r = rand();
} while (r >= limit);
return min + (r / buckets);
//place blocks in appropriate rows
void placeVertical(struct Block *b, int n, struct Block ROW1, struct Block ROW2,
struct Block ROW3)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
double distanceFromBottom = 0.0;
double distanceFromTop = 0.0;
// check if Inside Row1 and Row2
if ((b[i].bottomLeft.y < ROW1.topLeft.y) && (b[i].topLeft.y > ROW1.topLeft.y))
//printf("ROW1 and ROW2 Executed\n");
distanceFromBottom = ROW1.topLeft.y - b[i].bottomLeft.y;
distanceFromTop = b[i].height - distanceFromBottom;
if (distanceFromBottom > distanceFromTop)
move(0, -distanceFromTop, &b[i].bottomLeft);
move(0, -distanceFromTop, &b[i].topLeft);
move(0, -distanceFromTop, &b[i].bottomRight);
move(0, -distanceFromTop, &b[i].topRight);
move(0, distanceFromBottom, &b[i].bottomLeft);
move(0, distanceFromBottom, &b[i].topLeft);
move(0, distanceFromBottom, &b[i].bottomRight);
move(0, distanceFromBottom, &b[i].topRight);
// check if Inside Row2 and Row3
else if ((b[i].bottomLeft.y < ROW2.topLeft.y) && (b[i].topLeft.y > ROW2.topLeft.y))
//System.out.println("ROW2 and ROW3 Executed");
distanceFromBottom = ROW2.topLeft.y - b[i].bottomLeft.y;
distanceFromTop = b[i].height - distanceFromBottom;
if (distanceFromBottom > distanceFromTop)
move(0, -distanceFromTop, &b[i].bottomLeft);
move(0, -distanceFromTop, &b[i].topLeft);
move(0, -distanceFromTop, &b[i].bottomRight);
move(0, -distanceFromTop, &b[i].topRight);
move(0, distanceFromBottom, &b[i].bottomLeft);
move(0, distanceFromBottom, &b[i].topLeft);
move(0, distanceFromBottom, &b[i].bottomRight);
move(0, distanceFromBottom, &b[i].topRight);
else if ((b[i].bottomLeft.y >= ROW1.bottomLeft.y) && (b[i].topLeft.y <= ROW1.topLeft.y))
// do nothing in ROW1
else if ((b[i].bottomLeft.y >= ROW2.bottomLeft.y) && (b[i].topLeft.y <= ROW2.topLeft.y))
// do nothing in ROW2
else // ((b[i].bottomLeft.y >=
// ROW2.bottomLeft.y)&&(b[i].topLeft.y <=
// ROW2.topLeft.y))
// do nothing in ROW3
//use when floating point operations create run time problems
void linkfloat()
float a = 0.0, *x;
x = &a;
a = *x;
int findOverlaps(struct Block *b, int n)
int k, j, p = 0;
//struct Overlap OL[200];
//short flag = FALSE;
double overlapLength = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
k = i;
for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
if (k == j)
overlapLength = 0.0;
//for ROW1
if (b[k].bottomLeft.y >= 0 && b[k].topLeft.y <= 100 && b[j].bottomLeft.y >= 0 && b[j].topLeft.y <= 100)
//if ((b[k].bottomRight.x > b[j].bottomLeft.x) && (b[k].bottomRight.y < b[j].topLeft.y || b[k].topRight.y > b[j].bottomLeft.y))
if ((b[k].bottomLeft.y == b[j].bottomLeft.y) && (b[k].bottomRight.x > b[j].bottomLeft.x))
overlapLength = b[k].bottomRight.x - b[j].bottomLeft.x;
OL[p].overlapLength = overlapLength;
OL[p].b1 = &b[k];
OL[p].b2 = &b[j];
else if (((b[k].topLeft.y > b[j].bottomLeft.y) && (b[k].topRight.x > b[j].bottomLeft.x)) || ((b[k].bottomLeft.y < b[j].topLeft.y) && (b[k].bottomRight.x > b[j].topLeft.x)))
//flag = TRUE;
overlapLength = b[k].bottomRight.x - b[j].bottomLeft.x;
OL[p].overlapLength = overlapLength;
OL[p].b1 = &b[k];
OL[p].b2 = &b[j];
overlapLength = 0.0;
//For Row2
else if (b[k].bottomLeft.y >= 100 && b[k].topLeft.y <= 200 && b[j].bottomLeft.y >= 100 && b[j].topLeft.y <= 200)
if ((b[k].bottomLeft.y == b[j].bottomLeft.y) && (b[k].bottomRight.x > b[j].bottomLeft.x))
overlapLength = b[k].bottomRight.x - b[j].bottomLeft.x;
OL[p].overlapLength = overlapLength;
OL[p].b1 = &b[k];
OL[p].b2 = &b[j];
else if (((b[k].topLeft.y > b[j].bottomLeft.y) && (b[k].topRight.x > b[j].bottomLeft.x)) || ((b[k].bottomLeft.y < b[j].topLeft.y) && (b[k].bottomRight.x > b[j].topLeft.x)))
//flag = TRUE;
overlapLength = b[k].bottomRight.x - b[j].bottomLeft.x;
OL[p].overlapLength = overlapLength;
OL[p].b1 = &b[k];
OL[p].b2 = &b[j];
overlapLength = 0.0;
//For Row3
else if (b[k].bottomLeft.y >= 200 && b[k].topLeft.y <= 300 && b[j].bottomLeft.y >= 200 && b[j].topLeft.y <= 300)
if ((b[k].bottomLeft.y == b[j].bottomLeft.y) && (b[k].bottomRight.x > b[j].bottomLeft.x))
overlapLength = b[k].bottomRight.x - b[j].bottomLeft.x;
OL[p].overlapLength = overlapLength;
OL[p].b1 = &b[k];
OL[p].b2 = &b[j];
else if (((b[k].topLeft.y > b[j].bottomLeft.y) && (b[k].topRight.x > b[j].bottomLeft.x)) || ((b[k].bottomLeft.y < b[j].topLeft.y) && (b[k].bottomRight.x > b[j].topLeft.x)))
//flag = TRUE;
overlapLength = b[k].bottomRight.x - b[j].bottomLeft.x;
OL[p].overlapLength = overlapLength;
OL[p].b1 = &b[k];
OL[p].b2 = &b[j];
overlapLength = 0.0;
//do nothing
return p;
struct Block *
getBlock(struct Block *b, int n, int id)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (id == b[i].id)
return (b + i);
return NULL;
void placeHorizontalGreedy(struct Block *b, int n)
struct Block *t = NULL;
int p = 0, k = 0;
p = findOverlaps(b, n);
qsort(OL, p, sizeof(struct Overlap), comparator);
while (TRUE)
t = getBlock(b, 12, OL[k].b2->id);
if (t != NULL)
//t->bottomLeft.x = t->bottomLeft.x+OL[0].overlapLength;
if ((t->bottomLeft.x + OL[0].overlapLength + t->width) <= ROW1.bottomRight.x)
move(OL[0].overlapLength, 0, &t->bottomLeft);
p = findOverlaps(b, n);
if (p == 0)
qsort(OL, p, sizeof(struct Overlap), comparator);
void placeHorizontalNonGreedy(struct Block *b, int n, struct Block ROW1,
struct Block ROW2, struct Block ROW3)
int k, j, p = 0;
double overlapLength = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
k = i;
for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
if (k == j)
overlapLength = 0.0;
//check if in Row1
if (b[k].bottomLeft.y >= ROW1.bottomLeft.y && b[k].topLeft.y <= ROW1.topLeft.y && b[j].bottomLeft.y >= ROW1.bottomLeft.y && b[j].topLeft.y <= ROW1.topLeft.y)
if ((b[k].bottomRight.x > b[j].bottomLeft.x) && (b[k].bottomRight.y < b[j].topLeft.y || b[k].topRight.y > b[j].bottomLeft.y))
//flag = TRUE;
overlapLength = b[k].bottomRight.x - b[j].bottomLeft.x;
if (overlapLength != 0)
if (b[j].bottomLeft.x + overlapLength + b[j].width <=
b[j].bottomLeft.x += overlapLength;
b[j].bottomLeft.x =
b[j].bottomLeft.x + (ROW1.bottomRight.x -
//check if in Row2
else if (b[k].bottomLeft.y >= ROW2.bottomLeft.y && b[k].topLeft.y <= ROW2.topLeft.y && b[j].bottomLeft.y >= ROW2.bottomLeft.y && b[j].topLeft.y <= ROW2.topLeft.y)
if ((b[k].bottomRight.x > b[j].bottomLeft.x) && (b[k].bottomRight.y < b[j].topLeft.y || b[k].topRight.y > b[j].bottomLeft.y))
//flag = TRUE;
overlapLength = b[k].bottomRight.x - b[j].bottomLeft.x;
if (overlapLength != 0)
if (b[j].bottomLeft.x + overlapLength + b[j].width <=
b[j].bottomLeft.x += overlapLength;
//check if in Row3
else if (b[k].bottomLeft.y >= ROW3.bottomLeft.y && b[k].topLeft.y <= ROW3.topLeft.y && b[j].bottomLeft.y >= ROW3.bottomLeft.y && b[j].topLeft.y <= ROW3.topLeft.y)
if ((b[k].bottomRight.x > b[j].bottomLeft.x) && (b[k].bottomRight.y < b[j].topLeft.y || b[k].topRight.y > b[j].bottomLeft.y))
//flag = TRUE;
overlapLength = b[k].bottomRight.x - b[j].bottomLeft.x;
if (overlapLength != 0)
if (b[j].bottomLeft.x + overlapLength + b[j].width <=
b[j].bottomLeft.x += overlapLength;
//printf("Invalid input\n");
int main()
//struct Block b[16];
//struct Block b[4];
//struct Block *b;
//struct Block ROW1, ROW2, ROW3;
//FILE *fp = fopen("/home/jeetu/experimentprograms/recordcoord.txt", "w+");
//FILE *fp = fopen("/home/jeetu/experimentprograms/blockcoordinates.txt", "r");
int ncell = 0, width = 0, i = 0, totalncells = 0, id = 0;
double distanceFromBottom = 0.0;
double distanceFromTop = 0.0;
int x = 0, y = 0, temp = 0, d = 0;
printf("Enter number of cells: ");
scanf("%d", &ncell);
width = computeCellWidth(ncell);
//width = 40;
b = (struct Block *)malloc(3 * ncell * sizeof(struct Block));
//b = (struct Block *)malloc(12 * sizeof(struct Block));
ROW1.bottomLeft.x = 0;
ROW1.bottomLeft.y = 0;
ROW1.height = 100;
ROW1.width = 400;
ROW1.whitespace = 40000;
ROW2.bottomLeft.x = 0;
ROW2.bottomLeft.y = 100;
ROW2.height = 100;
ROW2.width = 400;
ROW2.whitespace = 40000;
ROW3.bottomLeft.x = 0;
ROW3.bottomLeft.y = 200;
ROW3.height = 100;
ROW3.width = 400;
ROW3.whitespace = 40000;
for (i = 0; i < ncell; i++)
if (i == 0)
// x = rand_interval(0, width / 2);
x = rand() % (width / 2);
//y = rand_interval(0, 70);
y = rand() % 70;
temp = x;
//m = rand();
x = rand_interval((temp + (int)width / 2), temp + width);
//x = (rand()%((temp+width)-(temp+width/2)))+(temp+width/2);
//y = rand_interval(0, 70);
y = rand() % 70;
temp = x;
b[totalncells].bottomLeft.x = x;
b[totalncells].bottomLeft.y = y;
b[totalncells].width = width;
b[totalncells].height = 50;
b[totalncells].id = id;
//initial white space calculation for ROW1
if (b[totalncells].bottomLeft.y >= ROW1.bottomLeft.y && b[totalncells].topLeft.y <= ROW1.topLeft.y)
ROW1.whitespace =
ROW1.whitespace - b[totalncells].width * b[totalncells].height;
//printf("x=%d\ty=%d\n", x, y);
temp = 0;
//Generate random coordinates For Row2
for (i = 0; i < ncell; i++)
//int x = 0, y = 0, m = 0, d = 0;
if (i == 0)
/*x = rand_interval(0, width / 2);
y = rand_interval(100, 170); */
//x = rand() % (width / 2);
x = rand() % (width / 2);
y = (rand() % (170 - 100)) + 100;
temp = x;
//m = rand();
/*x = rand_interval((temp + (int)width / 2), 400 - (int)width);
y = rand_interval(100, 170); */
//x = (rand()%((temp+width)-(temp+width/2)))+(temp+width/2);
x = rand_interval((temp + (int)width / 2), temp + width);
y = (rand() % (170 - 100)) + 100;
temp = x;
b[totalncells].bottomLeft.x = x;
b[totalncells].bottomLeft.y = y;
b[totalncells].width = width;
b[totalncells].height = 50;
b[totalncells].id = id;
//initial white space calculation for ROW2
if (b[totalncells].bottomLeft.y >= ROW2.bottomLeft.y && b[totalncells].topLeft.y <= ROW2.topLeft.y)
ROW2.whitespace =
ROW2.whitespace - b[totalncells].width * b[totalncells].height;
//printf("x=%d\ty=%d\n", x, y);
temp = 0;
//Generate random coordinates For Row3
for (i = 0; i < ncell; i++)
//int x = rand_interval(0, 100 - (int)width);
//int y = rand_interval(20, 25); //cell height is 5 so max will reach 30
//int x = 0, y = 0, m = 0, d = 0;
if (i == 0)
/*x = rand_interval(0, width / 2);
y = rand_interval(200, 250); */
x = rand() % (width / 2);
y = (rand() % (250 - 200)) + 200;
temp = x;
//m = rand();
/*x = rand_interval((temp + (int)width / 2), 400 - (int)width);
y = rand_interval(200, 250); */
x = rand_interval((temp + (int)width / 2), temp + width);
//x = (rand()%((temp+width)-(temp+width/2)))+(temp+width/2);
y = (rand() % (250 - 200)) + 200;
temp = x;
b[totalncells].bottomLeft.x = x;
b[totalncells].bottomLeft.y = y;
b[totalncells].width = width;
b[totalncells].height = 50;
b[totalncells].id = id;
//initial white space calculation for ROW3
if (b[totalncells].bottomLeft.y >= ROW3.bottomLeft.y && b[totalncells].topLeft.y <= ROW3.topLeft.y)
ROW3.whitespace =
ROW3.whitespace - b[totalncells].width * b[totalncells].height;
//printf("x=%d\ty=%d\n", x, y);
for (i = 0; i < totalncells; i++)
//printf("%f %f %f %f\n", b[i].bottomLeft.x, b[i].bottomLeft.y, b[i].width, b[i].height);
printf("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", (int)b[i].bottomLeft.x,
(int)b[i].bottomLeft.y, (int)b[i].width, (int)b[i].height);
placeVertical(b, totalncells, ROW1, ROW2, ROW3);
printf("\nAfter vertical Updation\n");
for (i = 0; i < totalncells; i++)
printf("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", (int)b[i].bottomLeft.x,
(int)b[i].bottomLeft.y, (int)b[i].width, (int)b[i].height);
/*placeHorizontalNonGreedy(b, 12, ROW1, ROW2, ROW3);
printf("\nAfter Horizontal Updation(Non greedy)\n");
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
printf("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", (int)b[i].bottomLeft.x, (int)b[i].bottomLeft.y, (int)b[i].width, (int)b[i].height);
} */
placeHorizontalGreedy(b, totalncells);
printf("\nAfter Horizontal Updation(Greedy)\n");
for (i = 0; i < totalncells; i++)
printf("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", (int)b[i].bottomLeft.x,
(int)b[i].bottomLeft.y, (int)b[i].width, (int)b[i].height);
return 0;
Explanation about the code
in this program I have defined three structures
one to represent a Point,one to represent rectangular block with 4 coordinates,one to represent overlap between pair of cells.
There is function(computeCellWidth) to dynamically compute width of cells according to a formula.
There are three rows ROW1,ROW2,ROW3 in which cells will reside.
This program will first ask for number of cells and this is numbers of cells per row.At first x,y coordinates for each cell is randomly generated.Then placeVertical() function will move cells to different rows which are spanning across two rows.Then there is a placeHorizontalGreedy() function which will remove overlap among cells by first finding overlaplength and then sorting them and removing the overlap between cells which has least overlap and this process will continue till either there will be no overlaps or overlap removal is not possible anymore.Here I would like to bring to the notice of everybody that cells will be moved towards the right of the grid to remove overlaps.In placeHorizontalGreedy() function I have used a variable p which will indicate number of overlaps after each iteration.for small number of cells testing for p to be zero works fine but not as I increase the numbers.Plus how can I make sure that overlaps exists but overlap removal is not possible anymore,so that I can stop the loop. Please help me out.

C language bresenhamLine Algorithm

I am confused about what could be the problem in this algorithm:
With these parameters:
ine temp = {(Vector){10, 150}, (Vector){120, 40}, polygon->color};
drawaLine(monitor, &temp);
However, when I change the coordinates to 120, 20 it fails:
Line temp = {(Vector){10, 150}, (Vector){120, 20}, polygon->color};
drawaLine(monitor, &temp);
My code is:
int changed = 0;
int x = line->start.x;
int y = line->start.y;
int dx = (line->end.x - line->start.x);
int dy = (line->end.y - line->start.y);
dx = (dx < 0) ? -dx : dx;
dy = (dy < 0) ? -dy : dy;
int signx;
int signy;
if ((line->end.x - line->start.x) == 0) {
signx = 0;
} else {
int tempsignx = (line->end.x - line->start.x);
signx = (tempsignx < 0) ? -1 : 1;
if ((line->end.y - line->start.y) == 0) {
signy = 0;
} else {
int tempsingy = (line->end.y - line->start.y);
signy = (tempsingy < 0) ? -1 : 1;
//swap values
if (dy > dx) {
int temp = dy;
dy = dx;
dx = temp;
changed = 1; //changed = true
int e = 2 * dy - dx;
for (int i = 1; i <= dx; i++) {
Vector temp = {x, y};
drawPixel(monitor, temp, line->color);
while (e >= 0) {
if (changed) {
x = x + signx;
} else {
y = y + signy;
e = e - 2 * dx;
if (changed) {
y += signy;
} else {
x += signx;
e = e + 2 * dy;
Vector x2y2 = {line->end.x, line->end.y};
drawPixel(monitor, x2y2, line->color);

Program built using Unity3D Freezing PC - Sporadic

My program that I built using Unity3D sporadically freezes, and this action freezes my computer. I'm unable to pinpoint the root cause. I had placed logs all over my project, but the game failed to freeze.
Has any Unity3D developer experience their apps sporadically freeze in the manner in which I am describing? Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?
Due to a 30K character limit, the below object has been modified slightly. This is the object I believe contains a flaw, but I am unable to identify this flaw.
public class gamePlayController : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
int i = 0;
int selectedPlayers = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TotalPlayers");
foreach( GameObject touchable in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Touchable") )
PlayerCollisionDispatcher nextDispatcher = touchable.GetComponent<PlayerCollisionDispatcher>();
nextDispatcher.currentGameObject = touchable;
for(i = 0; i < this.m_Players.Count; i++)
if(string.Compare(, this.m_Players[i].name) < 0)
if(i < this.m_Players.Count)
this.m_Players.Insert(i, touchable);
while(this.m_Players.Count > selectedPlayers)
this.m_Players.RemoveRange(selectedPlayers, this.m_Players.Count - selectedPlayers);
void OnGameTimer(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
void Update() {
Vector3 vector =;
vector.x = Mathf.Abs((1500 * this.m_ArialView.x) - 1500) + 250;
vector.y = (600 * this.m_ArialView.y) + 100;
vector.z = (1500 * this.m_ArialView.z) + 250; = vector;
Application.LoadLevel("Replay Screen");
else if(this.m_SimulateCamera)
else if(m_AutoPluck)
else if(Time.timeScale != 0.0f && this.m_Dispatcher && this.m_Dispatcher.didObjectStop)
else if(Time.timeScale != 0.0f && this.m_Dispatcher && this.m_Dispatcher.didObjectMove)
else if(Time.timeScale != 0.0f && this.m_Dispatcher
&& this.m_Players[this.m_PlayerIndex].rigidbody.velocity.magnitude > 15.0f
&& this.m_Dispatcher.didPluck)
this.m_Dispatcher.didObjectMove = true;
void restartGame()
this.m_PlayerIndex = -1;
foreach( GameObject touchable in this.m_Players)
GameObject startField = GameObject.FindWithTag ("StartField");
touchable.rigidbody.useGravity = false;
touchable.rigidbody.velocity =;
Vector3 nextPoint =;
nextPoint.y = 11.0f;
touchable.transform.position = nextPoint;
touchable.rigidbody.useGravity = true;
void startNextPlayer()
bool isActivePlayerReady = true;
if(this.m_PlayerIndex != -1)
audioPlayer.PlayAudio("Audio/Next Player");
this.m_PlayerIndex = (this.m_PlayerIndex + 1)%this.m_Players.Count;
this.m_Dispatcher = this.m_Players[this.m_PlayerIndex].GetComponent<PlayerCollisionDispatcher>();
if(this.m_Dispatcher && !this.m_Dispatcher.isGameOver && !this.m_Dispatcher.didEnterMud)
Vector3 vector = this.m_Players[this.m_PlayerIndex].transform.position;
vector.x = (1500 * this.m_ArialView.x) + 250;
vector.y = 300;
vector.z = (1500 * this.m_ArialView.z) + 250; = vector;
this.setAnnouncement("Player " + this.m_Players[this.m_PlayerIndex].name + "'s Turn");
if(this.m_PlayerIndex != 0)
this.m_IsSimulating = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("SimulatePlayer" + this.m_Players[this.m_PlayerIndex].name);
this.m_IsSimulating = 1;
this.m_IsSimulating = 0;
GameObject mainCamera = GameObject.FindWithTag ("MainCamera");
MouseOrbit mo = null;
mo = mainCamera.GetComponent<MouseOrbit>();
if(this.m_IsSimulating >= 1)
mo.DoFreeze = true;
mo.DoFreeze = false;
void StartSimulation()
System.Random random = new System.Random();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int randomNumber = 0;
//determine either the player object or the next block
m_SimulateToObject = this.m_Players[randomNumber%this.m_Players.Count];
randomNumber = random.Next(0, 100);
sb.AppendFormat("{0:D2}", this.m_Dispatcher.targetScore);
Debug.Log("target score=" + sb.ToString());
foreach(GameObject scoreField in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ScoreField"))
if( == sb.ToString())
m_SimulateToObject = scoreField;
this.m_IsTargetInitiallyVisible = false;
this.m_SimulationTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
this.m_SimulationTimer.Elapsed+=new ElapsedEventHandler(TriggerCameraSimulation);
void TriggerCameraSimulation(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
this.m_SimulationTimer.Enabled = false;
this.m_SimulateCamera = true;
void SimulateCamera()
GameObject mainCamera = GameObject.FindWithTag ("MainCamera");
MouseOrbit mo = null;
this.m_SimulationTimer.Enabled = false;
mo = mainCamera.GetComponent<MouseOrbit>();
mo.IsManualMove = true;
mainCamera.transform.position = this.m_Players[this.m_PlayerIndex].transform.position;
mainCamera.transform.LookAt(this.m_SimulateToObject.transform, Vector3.up);
this.m_IsTargetInitiallyVisible = true;
else if(this.m_SimulateCamera)
if(mo.getDistance() >= 10.0f)
this.m_SimulateCamera = false;
this.m_SimulationTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
this.m_SimulationTimer.Elapsed+=new ElapsedEventHandler(TriggerSimulatedPluck);
void TriggerSimulatedPluck(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
this.m_SimulationTimer.Enabled = false;
this.m_AutoPluck = true;
void AutoPluck()
System.Random random = new System.Random();
GameObject mainCamera = GameObject.FindWithTag ("MainCamera");
MouseOrbit mo = null;
float applyForce = 0.0f;
float slope = 0.00028648399272739457f;
float y_int = 0.2908366193449838f;
Vector3 vTorque =;
int simulateId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("SimulatePlayer" + this.m_Players[this.m_PlayerIndex].name);
int seed = (5 * ((int)(SimulationOptions.Pro) - simulateId));
int xSeed = 0;
int ySeed = 0;
int zSeed = 0;
int sign = random.Next(1, 1000)%2;
int range = random.Next(1, 1000)%seed;
int myValue = 0;
this.m_SimulationTimer.Enabled = false;
mo = mainCamera.GetComponent<MouseOrbit>();
mo.IsManualMove = false;
this.m_AutoPluck = false;
if(simulateId >= 1)
float distance = Vector3.Distance(this.m_Players[this.m_PlayerIndex].transform.position,
if(simulateId != (int)(SimulationOptions.Pro))
myValue = random.Next(1, 6);
seed = (int)(myValue * ((int)(SimulationOptions.Pro) - simulateId));
sign = random.Next(1, 2);
range = random.Next(1, seed);
if(random.Next(1, 1000)%3 == 0)
distance += (sign == 1 ? range : -range);
vTorque.x = (float)(random.Next(1, 90));
vTorque.y = (float)(random.Next(1, 90));
vTorque.z = (float)(random.Next(1, 90));
applyForce = (slope * distance) + y_int;
this.m_Dispatcher.pluckObject(applyForce, vTorque);
void determineTurnOutcome()
int number = -1;
bool canActivePlayerContinue = false;
bool isAutoReward = false;
bool didElinimatePlayer = false;
foreach(GameObject nextObject in this.m_Players)
PlayerCollisionDispatcher nextDispatcher = nextObject.GetComponent<PlayerCollisionDispatcher>();
if(nextObject.activeSelf && !nextDispatcher.isGameOver && !nextDispatcher.isActive)
if(nextDispatcher.currentScore == nextDispatcher.targetScore)
nextDispatcher.totalScore = nextDispatcher.targetScore;
int.TryParse(, out number);
if(nextDispatcher.totalScore >= 13 || nextDispatcher.targetScore > 13)
nextDispatcher.totalScore = 13;
nextDispatcher.targetScore = 13;
nextDispatcher.isKiller = true;
this.setMaterial(nextDispatcher.renderer, "killers",;
this.setMaterial(nextDispatcher.renderer, "numbers",;
else if(nextDispatcher.didKillerCollide && (nextDispatcher.didLeaveBoard || nextDispatcher.didLeaveBounds))
this.setMaterial(nextDispatcher.renderer, "eliminated",;
nextDispatcher.isGameOver = true;
didElinimatePlayer = true;
else if(nextDispatcher.didPlayerCollide && (nextDispatcher.didLeaveBoard || nextDispatcher.didLeaveBounds))
if(int.TryParse(, out number))
nextDispatcher.targetScore = 1;
nextDispatcher.totalScore = 0;
else if(nextDispatcher.didEnterMud)
this.setMaterial(nextDispatcher.renderer, "mudd",;
nextDispatcher.isKiller = false;
else if(nextDispatcher.isInMud && !nextDispatcher.didEnterMud)
isAutoReward = true;
this.setMaterial(nextDispatcher.renderer, "numbers",;
if(this.m_Dispatcher.isKiller && !didElinimatePlayer)
this.setMaterial(this.m_Dispatcher.renderer, "numbers",;
this.m_Dispatcher.totalScore = 0;
this.m_Dispatcher.targetScore = 1;
this.m_Dispatcher.isKiller = false;
else if(this.m_Dispatcher.didEnterMud)
this.setMaterial(this.m_Dispatcher.renderer, "mud",;
else if(this.m_Dispatcher.currentScore == this.m_Dispatcher.targetScore || isAutoReward)
this.m_Dispatcher.totalScore = this.m_Dispatcher.targetScore;
canActivePlayerContinue = true;
int.TryParse(, out number);
this.setMaterial(this.m_Dispatcher.renderer, "numbers",;
this.setMaterial(this.m_Dispatcher.renderer, "numbers",;
if(!this.m_IsGameOver && !canActivePlayerContinue)
else if(canActivePlayerContinue)
this.m_Dispatcher.isActive = true;
this.m_Dispatcher.didObjectMove = false;
this.m_Dispatcher.didObjectStop = false;
if(this.m_IsSimulating >= 1)
this.m_ForceValue = 0.0f;
void isWinnerAnnounced()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int totalPlayers = 0;
string winner = string.Empty;
int number = -1;
int totalPlayersInMud = 0;
foreach(GameObject nextObject in this.m_Players)
PlayerCollisionDispatcher nextDispatcher = nextObject.GetComponent<PlayerCollisionDispatcher>();
winner =;
if(totalPlayers == 1)
if(winner != string.Empty && int.TryParse(winner, out number))
sb.AppendFormat("Congratulations Player {0}", number);
PlayerPrefs.SetString("WinningPlayer", sb.ToString());
PlayerPrefs.SetString("WinningPlayer", "Congratulations");
this.m_IsGameOver = true;
else if(totalPlayersInMud == this.m_Players.Count)
PlayerPrefs.SetString("WinningPlayer", "All players are stuck in the mud!");
this.m_IsGameOver = true;
void setMaterial(Renderer renderer, string state, string playerId)
StringBuilder sbNextImage = new StringBuilder();
sbNextImage.AppendFormat("Materials/playerObjects/{0}/{1}", state, playerId);
Material newMat = Resources.Load(sbNextImage.ToString(), typeof(Material)) as Material;
renderer.material = newMat;
Debug.Log("FAILED to set material: " + sbNextImage.ToString());
void setAnnouncement(string text)
this.m_IsAnnouncement = true;
this.m_AnnouncementHeight = (int)(Screen.height * 0.5);
this.m_AnnouncementText = text;
void OnGUI() {
GUIStyle labelStyle =;
int number = -1;
StringBuilder scoreDetails = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder turnDetails = new StringBuilder();
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
float w = 64.0f;
float h = 32.0f;
float alpha = 1.0f;
labelStyle.normal.textColor = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha);
Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(32, 32, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 32; j++)
texture.SetPixel(i, j, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.25f));
labelStyle.normal.background = texture;
foreach(GameObject nextObject in this.m_Players)
PlayerCollisionDispatcher nextDispatcher = nextObject.GetComponent<PlayerCollisionDispatcher>();
int.TryParse(, out number);
scoreDetails.AppendFormat("\tPlayer {0}: Game Over\n", number);
else if(nextDispatcher.didEnterMud)
scoreDetails.AppendFormat("\tPlayer {0}: In The Mudd\n", number);
else if(nextDispatcher.isKiller)
scoreDetails.AppendFormat("\tPlayer {0}: Killer\n", number);
scoreDetails.AppendFormat("\tPlayer {0}: {1}\n", number, nextDispatcher.totalScore);
GUI.Label (new Rect (0, 0, 225, 100), scoreDetails.ToString());
w = 64.0f;
h = 32.0f;
x = Screen.width - w;
y = Screen.height - h;
if(GUI.Button (new Rect (x, y, w, h), "Menu"))
this.m_IsMenuShowing = !this.m_IsMenuShowing;
w = (64.0f * this.m_MenuText.Length);
h = 32.0f;
x = Screen.width - w - 64.0f;
y = Screen.height - h;
int selOption = GUI.Toolbar(new Rect(x, y, w, h), this.m_MenuOption, this.m_MenuText);
if(selOption != this.m_MenuOption)
this.m_MenuOption = -1;
this.m_IsMenuShowing = !this.m_IsMenuShowing;
case (int)(MenuOptions.ArialViewOption): //arial
case (int)(MenuOptions.VolumeOption): //mute
int muteVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("MuteVolume");
muteVolume = (muteVolume + 1)%2;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("MuteVolume", muteVolume);
if(muteVolume == 0)
this.m_MenuText[(int)(MenuOptions.VolumeOption)] = "Mute";
this.m_MenuText[(int)(MenuOptions.VolumeOption)] = "Volume";
case (int)(MenuOptions.PauseOption): //pause
if(Time.timeScale == 0.0f)
this.setAnnouncement("Continuing Game Play");
Time.timeScale = this.m_Speed;
this.m_MenuText[(int)(MenuOptions.PauseOption)] = "Pause";
this.setAnnouncement("Game Is Paused");
Time.timeScale = 0.0f;
this.m_MenuText[(int)(MenuOptions.PauseOption)] = "Play";
case (int)(MenuOptions.ScoresOption): //scores
this.m_DoShowScore = !this.m_DoShowScore;
case (int)(MenuOptions.RestartOption): //restart
Time.timeScale = this.m_Speed;
case (int)(MenuOptions.QuitOption): //quit
Application.LoadLevel("Opening Screen");
x = Screen.width * 0.7f - 10.0f;
y = 0;
w = 10.0f;
h = Screen.height * 0.3f;
this.m_ArialView.z = GUI.VerticalSlider (new Rect(x, y, w, h), this.m_ArialView.z, 1.0f, 0.0f);
x = Screen.width * 0.7f;
y = Screen.height * 0.3f;
w = Screen.width * 0.3f;
h = 10.0f;
this.m_ArialView.x = GUI.HorizontalSlider (new Rect(x, y, w, h), this.m_ArialView.x, 1.0f, 0.0f);
x = Screen.width * 0.7f;
y = Screen.height * 0.3f + 12.0f;
w = Screen.width * 0.3f;
h = 10.0f;
this.m_ArialView.y = GUI.HorizontalSlider (new Rect(x, y, w, h), this.m_ArialView.y, 1.0f, 0.0f);
int.TryParse(this.m_Players[this.m_PlayerIndex].name, out number);
turnDetails.AppendFormat("\tPlayer {0}'s Turn\n", number);
turnDetails.AppendFormat("\tNext Goal: {0}\n", this.m_Dispatcher.targetScore);
GUI.Label (new Rect (0, Screen.height - 100, 225, 100), turnDetails.ToString());
if(!this.m_Dispatcher.didObjectMove && m_IsSimulating == 0)
x = 250.0f;
y = Screen.height - 190.0f;
w = 30.0f;
h = 150.0f;
this.m_ForceValue = GUI.VerticalSlider (new Rect(x, y, w, h), m_ForceValue, 1.0f, 0.0f);
x = 250.0f;
y = Screen.height - 30.0f;
w = 100.0f;
h = 30.0f;
if(GUI.Button (new Rect(x, y, w, h), "Pluck!"))
System.Random random = new System.Random();
Vector3 vTorque =;
int xSeed = 0;
int ySeed = 0;
int zSeed = 0;
xSeed = (random.Next(1, 45));
ySeed = (random.Next(1, 45));
zSeed = (random.Next(1, 45));
vTorque = new Vector3(xSeed, ySeed, zSeed);
this.m_Dispatcher.pluckObject(this.m_ForceValue, vTorque);
void displayAnnouncement()
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
float w = 0;
float h = 0;
float alpha = 1.0f;
GUIStyle announcementStyle = null;
GUIStyle labelStyle = null;
announcementStyle = new GUIStyle();
labelStyle =;
labelStyle.normal.textColor = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha);
x = (int)(Screen.width * 0.25);
y = (int)m_AnnouncementHeight;
w = (int)(Screen.width * 0.5);
h = 100;
alpha = (float)m_AnnouncementHeight/(float)(Screen.height * 0.5);
announcementStyle.fontSize = 32;
announcementStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
announcementStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.BoldAndItalic;
announcementStyle.normal.textColor = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha);
GUI.Label (new Rect (x, y, w, h), this.m_AnnouncementText, announcementStyle);
if(Time.timeScale != 0.0f)
if((this.m_AnnouncementHeight + h) <= 0)
this.m_IsAnnouncement = false;
this.m_AnnouncementHeight = (int)(Screen.height * 0.5);
this.m_AnnouncementHeight -= 1;
I believe I have narrowed the freezing down. Simulated testing results is leading me to believe that my problem is inside the OnGUI() method. I have commented that method out all together, and my app is operating smoothly. I'll figure this out, unless someone beats me to the root cause and solution.
I solved it...
My initial suspicions were correct: the problem did lie within the OnGUI() method. I moved the following source code to the Start() method. It made sense, since I'm only building a transparent background texture once.:
Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(32, 32, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 32; j++)
texture.SetPixel(i, j, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.25f));
