Azure Portal login issue due incorrect WS-Federation - azure-active-directory

I have recently trying to implement SSO solution with Azure AD. I have made mistake of federating all user of the azure ad domain, which is causing the login to occur with federated IDP service for portal.
I think I have also mis-configured SAML attributes as well because of which I get IDP login screen instead of Microsoft login and I cant login to portal due to SAML mis-configuration.
So I am stuck here without login to azure portal console. How do I de-federate Azure AD with console access.
Thanks In Advance

Steps to implement SSO solution with AAD
Deploy your Application to Azure portal App Service
Navigate to the AAD => Enterprise Applications => new Application = > Select Non-Gallery Option
To Configure single sign-on (SSO)
Navigate to the Enterprise application which you have created => Single sign-on
To get the identifier
Navigate to AAD => Enterprise application => New Application => I sarch box search with Proxyclick, select and create
From Single-sign on => Download the base64 certificate
To remove WS-Federation
AAD => External Identities =>All Identity Providers => Under SAML /WS-Federation Identity Providers => Select link in Domain and Delete Configuration => Confirm
References taken from SSO


How to implement AAD B2C and OKTA Integration?

We have a requirement to integrate ADB2C with OKTA as an external Identity Provider.
OKTA will hold the External users and these users needs to access the applications hosted on Azure.
How do I implement the Integration between AAD B2C and OKTA ?
Thanks for posting your query. In order to integrate OKTA as IDP, kindly follow: It has to be added as a SAML IDP
You can configure Azure AD B2C to allow users to sign in to your application with credentials from external social or enterprise SAML identity providers (IdP). When Azure AD B2C federates with a SAML identity provider, it acts as a service provider initiating a SAML request to the SAML identity provider, and waiting for a SAML response. In the following diagram:
The application initiates an authorization request to Azure AD B2C.
The application can be an OAuth 2.0 or OpenId Connect application, or
a SAML service provider.
In the Azure AD B2C sign-in page, the user chooses to sign-in with a SAML identity provider account (for example, Contoso). Azure AD B2C
initiates a SAML authorization request and takes the user to the SAML
identity provider to complete the sign-in.
The SAML identity provider returns a SAML response. Azure AD B2C validates the SAML token, extracts claims, issues its own token, and
takes the user back to the application.
Yes, Azure Active Directory B2C has a free tier for your first 50,000 active users per month (MAU), which you can use for testing purposes.
Log in to the Azure portal by using your existing Azure subscription or by starting a free trial. On the left side, click on the New button and search for B2C. Click Create.
Click Create a new Azure AD B2C tenant and fill in all the fields.
Once you are ready click Create and wait for creation of your
directory to finish.
Once your directory is created, a prompt will appear notifying you
your new directory is ready. Click on the link in the prompt to
access your new directory.
The B2C settings blade appears, where you configure and manage your
Azure Active Directory B2C directory.

Which Active Directory tenant type to use for Auth0 social login?

We have a public consumer application for which we use Auth0 as identity platform and through Auth0 we have enabled a couple of social logins to which we now want to add "Login with Microsoft" as an option so that anyone with any type of Microsoft account can login.
Obviously we will need to enable the Microsoft social connection in our Auth0 instance and connect it to a Active Directory Application and Tenant created in Azure.
What I can't seem to find the answer for is which type of tenant we should setup for this, whether we should use a Azure Active Directory tenant with a multi-tenant application or if we should use a Azure Active Directory (B2C) tenant for this?
Thanks for posting your query. As per Azure AD would support for multitenant apps but not with social account (until you plan to send invitation to each user's personal account for Azure AD B2B).
For Microsoft Social accounts Azure B2C would suit your requirement.
On Auth0 Admin Console:
Create a web application in Auth0
Copy the client ID and secret
Add a callback URL from your B2C tenant in given format:
Copy the “OpenID Configuration” URI from advance setting.
On Azure B2C tenant:
Add an Identity provider to B2C, Azure AD B2C > Identity providers > New OpenID Connect Provider
Input “OpenID Configuration” URI you copied in above step to Metadata URL.
Similarly add client ID and Client secret you copied from Auth0.
Complete the claims mapping ref:
Hit Save and Auth0 will be saved as IDP in your Azure B2C tenant.
I've gathered the following insights since posting my question
Auth0 Social connection -> Azure Active Directory tenant with an app configured to support "Personal Microsoft accounts"
Auth0 Enterprise connection -> Azure Active Directory tenant with an app configured to support "Accounts in any organisational directory and personal Microsoft accounts"
See guide of different app types here
Since we wanted to support login with any microsoft account (multi tenant + personal) my initial attempt of using an Auth0 Social connection for this was incorrect, since the Social connection will only allow successful logins with personal accounts regardless of how you have setup the App registration in Azure
Auth0 Enterprise connection is the way to go for our case, with an Azure app registation supporting multi tenant + personal accounts. Also when setting the connection up in Auth0, make sure to enable the "Use common endpoint" setting as described here
The Azure Active Directory B2C tenant type is not useful with any of the Auth0 connections as you likely won't be able to get a satisfying consent screen with verified publisher. I'm guessing its just the wrong way of using the B2C tenant, where its supposed to be used the other way around with the Azure tenant being the identity platform optionally integrating applications from Auth0 like in the answer from Mavric20

Azure AD Application session

Have couple of questions with respect to how Azure AD session works
If have couple of web applications registered in my AAD tenant. The users of these application can be MSA, organization account with AAD or Federation account. All these accounts will be Guested in the AAD tenant where the applications are registered
if i logout from Azure Portal, can i prevent logout from my Application? Assume that the account is same for Azure Portal and AAD application
If i logout from my application 1, can i prevent logout from Azure Portal asking for password from application 1 if i try to access it again?
I read that application and Azure AD cookies are stored in browser. Can i see them? What are the name of these?
Is it possible to force the user to enter the password for particular application, if the user is inactive in that application

How to authenticate using Azure AD token using identity server 3 and microsoft teams app

We use custom idp (identity server 3) to authenticate users on the system. Now I have a requirement to implement Azure AD authentication. I tried adding Azure AD as an external provider it is working fine on the browser, but on MS teams app, it is not working because the Microsoft teams app opens in an Iframe, on which azure Ad doesn't work.
I implemented Microsoft msal.js library to authenticate using Azure AD. I am able to authenticate and get the token on the frontend. But how can I pass that token to identity server 3 and authenticate user using my own identity server.
Did you have a look at these resources which seem to explain how to implement your setup:
if I understand your requirement correctly then you can try out the below solution:
User is authenticated using Azure Ad when he logs in to Teams App. Now you can send the logged in user's AD information (User Principal Name preferably) to your IS3 and authenticate from your end.

Using Azure AD as a authentication provider for Azure B2C

I have an angular-cli (v8) web application where I want users to be able to sign-in using their existing Azure AD account.
I came across the article explaining how to added authentication to an angular 8 application using Azure B2C and started to follow the step outlined in that article.
Azure AD is not on the list of authentication providers
Is is possible to add Azure AD as an authentication provider?
Technically my application is an Service Fabric application using .net core 3.1. I know that Visual Studio offers and "Add Connect Services" where one can choose Azure AD.
That does not work, because it configures authentication for a MVC application (options use.MVC) and I do not have an MVC application so it doesn't work (I have tried)
Is is possible to add Azure AD as an authentication provider?
Yes, you need to select New OpenID Connect provider and configure Azure AD as an identity provider.
Set up sign-in for a specific Azure Active Directory organization in Azure Active Directory B2C
