Is there a way to have multiple arguments in a command with discord py - discord

I’m creating a discord bot using discord py and would like to have a kick command that dms the user a reason upon being kicked.
-kick #user reason
When I kick the user with a reason attached it doesn’t kick the user and I get an error in console saying can not find the user
Here is the code
async def kick(ctx,member : discord.Member,*,reason= 'no reason'):
await ctx.send(f'{} was kicked from the Server!\nand a Dm was sendet by me as a Information for him')
await asyncio.sleep(5)
await member.send(f'**You was kicked from {}\nthe Stuff Team dont tell me the reason?**')
await member.kick(reason=reason)
print(f"{} ----> just used {prefix}kick")
And yes I have tried Google, the discord py API guide with no luck
Can anyone help? Thanks

You can give a nice error message. It raises MemberNotFound.
Then you can make a local error handler.
async def kick_command_error(ctx, err):
if isinstance(err, commands.MemberNotFound):
await ctx.send('Hey! The member you gave is invalid or was not found. Please try again by `#`mentioning them or using the ID.')

Related wait_for command when user adds reaction

So I need some help!
So far I have the code do the following... Someone inputs the !stage command and then their stage(int)... It sends a message in another where the FTO will react to the message. When reacted the FTO will get a DM with info!
So my question is how do I use wait_for for the user who originally sent the command to be contacted by the bot when the FTO clicks the reactions. Like I need the bot to send that original command user a DM with who clicked the reaction.
async def stage(ctx, *, stage):
ftochannel = client.get_channel(1043289756794093639)
logchannel = client.get_channel(1037550844935147622)
embed=discord.Embed(title=f"{} has requested ride along for stage **{stage}**",description=f"If you want to assist this member with their requested stage react below!", color=0x660066)
log=discord.Embed(title=f"Discord Log // User Requested Ride Along in BCSO Discord",description=f'Ran By: {}\nActual Command Finish: {} has just requested the following stage: {stage}! ',color=0x660066)
emoji = "\N{Large Yellow Circle}"
msg = await ftochannel.send(embed=embed)
await msg.add_reaction(emoji)
await ctx.send("When an FTO member answers me You will get a message from me with more information! Please be patient!")
await logchannel.send(embed=log)
async def on_raw_reaction_add(payload):
if str(payload.emoji) == "\N{Large Yellow Circle}":
member = payload.member
sendEmbedToUser = discord.Embed(title=f'Hello', description=f'You have accepted THIS PERSONS Stage RIDE ALONG!\nPlease Arrive in <#1038926472259313732> within **10 Minutes**!\n\nHere is some helpful documentation for your ride along:\n[LINK SHORTNER 1]\n[LINK SHORTNER 1]\n[LINK SHORTNER 1]\n[LINK SHORTNER 1]')
await member.send(embed=sendEmbedToUser)
With some help from friends I no know I need to used wait_for somewhere in the stage command but I have no clue how to do it!

Failed to complete official Tutorial from Discord documentation

I followed discord tutorial to create a bot. .
I can't get slash command to work. (/test and /channel)
From logs in glitch IDE, I get the following error.
Error: {"message":"Missing Access","code":50001}
at DiscordRequest (file:///app/utils.js:34:11)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at async HasGuildCommand (file:///app/commands.js:16:17)
The line that cause error is line 16. shown below.
// Checks for a command
async function HasGuildCommand(appId, guildId, command) {
// API endpoint to get and post guild commands
const endpoint = `applications/${appId}/guilds/${guildId}/commands`;
try {
const res = await DiscordRequest(endpoint, { method: 'GET' });
const data = await res.json();
So this tells me that either appID or guildID are incorrect, but I don't think it is.
I followed every step correctly according to the tutorial to get all my credentials.
is it a common problem?
what is the best place to get help related to discord.js implementation problem?
submit ticket to discord support? (seem sooooooooo over kill)
does discord have discord server to ask this question? I found discord-tester, discord-deverloper. To join, I need to takes quizzes or whatever. I will just do this last if reddit and submitting ticket doesn't work.
discord developers > OAuth2 > General
check applications.commands
discord developers > OAuth2 > URL Generator
check applications.commands

How make massban in

I used this command, but the bot not ban anyone and does not write an error to the console.
async def massban(ctx):
for user in ctx.guild.members:
await user.ban()
As Fixator also mentioned, you won't be able to see the error as far as you're excepting every error and passing it.
async def massban(ctx):
for user in ctx.guild.members:
await user.ban()
except Exception as error:
That's how you can catch the error without interrupting the for-loop.
Please also doublecheck the permissions of your bot and the member listing.
If you sure that bot has a ban perms on server.
Check if bot has enough cache for that operation. For example, send len(guild.members) into channel before iterating over members. If it says 1-2, you, most likely, dont have enough intents.
Bot can't ban users that has roles above bot's top role: get webhooks of channel

I'm trying to make a webhook so if anyone says 'ez' it deletes it and sends a message with the webhook with a random message. Originally what I was doing was
if "ez" in message.content:
webhook = await message.create_webhook(
await webhook.send(ezmessages[random.randint(0, len(ezmessages))-1],,
await message.delete()
await webhook.delete()
but the problem is this gets rate limited if webhooks are created and deleted too quickly. So instead what I want to do is check if the bot already has a webhook for the text channel, and if there is one use that but if not use a different one. I thought this would work:
for webhook in
await webhook.send(ezmessages[random.randint(0, len(ezmessages))-1],,
but I get the error
TypeError: 'method' object is not iterable
Even though it should return a list
Anyone know how to correctly iterate over this?
TextChannel.webhooks it's not an attribute, its a function and a coroutine, so you need to call it and await it
webhooks = await
for webhook in webhooks:

How to check if my discord bot already dmed a person and it wont dm the person again (

I have a discord bot that handles with alts, i'm looking for a way that my bot knows if he dmed the person already before (explaining why he was kicked) and it wont dm them again. My function is like this:
async def on_member_join(member):
channel = member.guild.text_channels[0]
if something
await channel.send(f"**{member.display_name}** was kicked")
await member.send("**Hi, your account was kicked due to reason** \n"
"**please try again later!**\n"
await member.kick(reason=None)
My problem is that every time someone is kicked my bot dms them and I want it to dm the user kicked only once in their lifetime (without saving which user was dmed before).
would like to get help :)
You could have a look at this but you should at least save their id's to a text file.
