ISR declaration for LPC2148 in gcc compiler - arm

I am new to gcc compiler and I am trying to compile code for LPC2148 using gcc compiler on mac m1. As per suggestions by some answers, I am using attribute((interrupt("IRQ"))) instead of __irq.
When I am compiling, there is no error and hex file is getting generated. However, the code written in interrupt Service Routine is not at all executing.
Can some one please help me here. I am completely fed up by searching solution for this.
Thankyou :)


IOCCC Program compiling errors

How do i run this on Coderunner?
I've encountered some compiling problems that i can't solve after searching on the internet.Can someone help me out?
If I am not being informative enough, i'm sorry, but please tell me how i can do better at asking these tech questions.
compiling errors below(i use coderunner)
The program is written in an old dialect of C and is relying on some features now considered broken. Clang (the compiler in question) is not happy about the third argument of main and I don't think you can convince it to accept that.
You can either install gcc, that compiler will accept the code with just warnings. But I don't think coderunner has gcc integration.
Or you can manually unscrew the objectionable bit of the code.
Replace all instances of the word main with mayn in the code and add this bit of code to the beginning of the file:
main() {
Now you can enjoy the program under clang/coderunner as well.

Compiling Error with interrupt service routines for ATtiny using xc8

I am working on a project using an ATtiny 202 and I am nearly done with my programming, but I have run into a large problem. I can't create any ISRs, because I always get a compiler error.
I am using the newest version of MPLABX IDE (5.35) (yes it is for pic and avr mcus) and the second newest version of the xc8 compiler (v2.10). I cannot use the newest version of the compiler, because that is for some reason missing the device header for the ATtiny 202. (I had a different thread about that problem a while ago)
I have created the ISRs exactly like described in the XC8 Manual, and the IDE doesn't mark it as a problem either, but when I then try to compile the program I always get a compiler error.
Here is one of my ISRs:
void __interrupt (RTC_PIT_vect_num) pit_int(void){
onPIT(); //Run the function
RTC.PITINTFLAGS = 0x0; //and clear the interrupt flags
The IDE marks the RTC_PIT_vect_num blue and correctly recognizes it, as it is defined in the device header.
When I try to compile it, I get this error message, and the build fails:
main.c:864:19: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before numeric constant
void __interrupt (RTC_PIT_vect_num) pit_int(void){
I dont know what exactly the problem is and how to solve it.
For comparison, here is an example from the "XC8 User Guide for AVR", page 83:
void __interrupt(SPI_STC_vect_num) spi_Isr(void) {
As you can see, the structure of the function is exactly the same as in my own ISR.
Does someone have an idea what the problem is or may be and how to fix it?
I had posted this question on the microchip forum as well, as no one here seemed to be able to help.
So I figured out that the problem was that in the project properties under
XC8 Global Options -> XC8 Compiler -> Option categories: Preprocessing and messages
the option "Use CCI Syntax" was disabled. This needs to be enabled for the __interrupt to work.

System calls not working in Atmel AVR Studio (with ASF)

I am not getting answers on the AVR Freaks forum and wonder if someone here could help me.
The answer might lie in this SO question, but I am not sure why it would be necessary.
Basically, I have my fist ever Atmel project (AVR studio 6, UC3 processor). The code compiles and links and I can load it to the Atmel board and step through in the debugger.
However, when I try to step over (or run until a breakpoint on the line after) a (valid) call to sprintf(), malloc() or memcpy() (there may be more, which I have not yet discovered), the IDE never returns to the next line of my code, just seeming to hang, or run forever.
[Note] Compiler optimization is off
Do I need to set some linker options (e.g link static (which I tried & it didn't help)? Or build with some library?
What confuses me is that the code compilers and links - what is being linked when I call these standard functions? If I need something else I would expect a compiler or linker error, but get none - so why won't my code run?
Sorry for such a stupid n00nb question, but it is my first micro-controller project.
I discovered that the CPU on my board is an Engineering Sample and not supported by Atmel Studio without a new io.h file.
I sort of figured that out from this question:
Sorry to have troubled you.
what is being linked when I call these standard functions?
The AVR-libc, the implementation of the C standard library ported to the AVR platform.
so why won't my code run?
Compiler errors and runtime errors are not even related. Both of these lines are valid C and they compile, however, on most systems, I'd expect them to dump core:
int x = 1 / 0;
*(int *)0 = 41;
So it might be either:
a bug in the standard library (very unlikely), or
a bug in the online debugger (very unlikely), or
maybe you just expect something that is not supposed to happen?
Instead of trying to step over, what happens if you set a breakpoint at next line after the line you want to step over?
Also, does the operation change if you turn off compiler optimization?

How to disable warnings when compiling C code?

I am working on 32-bit Fedora 14 system. I'm compiling my source code using gcc.
Does anybody know how to disable warnings while compiling c code?
EDIT: Yes i know. Best thing is to fix those Warnings to avoid any undefined/unknown behavior. But currently here, i have written huge code first time and there are lots of error & warning in first compilation. Here i just want to concentrate on errors first and then i will see warnings.
try to add -w option when compiling
Every body tells use -Wall switch with gcc, but you want to disable it. It is not advised, Use debugger to find it.
Linus Torvalds:
"But it clearly is the only right way. The fact that everybody else does it some other way only means that they are wrong"
The best is to find the problem. It will prevent you in future looking for errors, which would not have occured, if you fixed the actual one.
But, if you're sure there is no bug or you have assured the problem is caught by your code, place this somewhere in the file (where 177 the number of your warning is):
#pragma diag_suppress 177 // supress #177-D function was declared but never referenced
let say you are getting warning -Wfoo-bar try to add compilation flag -Wno-foo-bar

ARM assembler: bad immediate value for offset

I am using GCC crosscompiler to compile to an ARM platform. I have a problem where, using opitmization -O3 gives me a "bad immediate value for offset (4104)" on a temp file ccm4baaa.s. Can't find this file either.
How do I debug this, or find the source of the error? I know that it's located somewhere in hyper.c, but it's impossible to find it because there is no errors showing in hyper.c. Only the cryptic error message above.
Best Regards
Mr Gigu
There have been similar known bugs in previous releases of GCC. It might just be a matter of updating your version of the GCC toolchain. Which one are you using currently?
In order to debug the problem and find the offending source, in these cases it helps to add the gcc option -save-temps to the compilation. The effect is that the compiler keeps the intermediate assembly files (and the pre-processor output) for you to examine.
