Bash shift changes expected value of associative array - arrays

I made a simple script, that matches the positional arguments starting with dash, and saves them into an associative array.
declare -A opts
for i; do
[[ "$i" =~ - ]] && opts[$i]=1
shift "${#opts[*]}"
echo "opts: ${opts[*]}"
echo "!opts: ${!opts[-d]}"
echo "Query: $*"
For the call ./script -d hello world the output is:
opts: 1
!opts: hello
Query: hello world
Which is unexpected, since the key of ${!opts[-d]} is supposed to be -d itself if defined. This behavior happens because of the shift command, when it is removed from the code, the output is as expected:
opts: 1
!opts: -d
Query: -d hello world
Why does shift interfere with the created associative array?

The associative array isn't being changed; you can verify this by putting a declare -p opts after the shift, which will give
declare -A opts=([-d]="1" )
The problem: ${!opts[-d]} doesn't do what you seem to expect. First, opts[-d] is looked up, which is the value 1. Then the ! means that's used as the name of a variable to substitute - so it's effectively the same as $1, which, after the shift, is hello.
If you want to print out all the keys of the associative array, use ${!opts[#]}. The leading ! has two different meanings in bash paramater expansion depending on if used with an array with # or * in the brackets, or an index/normal variables.


Bash Array not sorting correctly

I need to order these 2 arrays, I don't care about the format of the output, I only need it to be ordered in order to compare them but this doesn't seem to work, although it works with simpler text. I also tried removing the --field-separator='"'
echo "unsorted:"
echo ${DIG_1[*]}
echo ${DIG_2[*]}
IFS=$'\n' sorted=($(sort --field-separator='"' <<<"${DIG_1[*]}")); unset IFS
IFS=$'\n' sorted2=($(sort --field-separator='"' <<<"${DIG_2[*]}")); unset IFS
echo "sorted:"
echo ${sorted[*]}
echo ${sorted2[*]}
And the output I get is:
How Can I fix this? I want it to be, for example:
There's no reason to use an array to store one element.
Since you need to keep the double quotes, you need to make efforts to preserve them:
Otherwise the double quotes will be removed by the shell: 3.5.9 Quote Removal
When you use VAR=value some_command, that variable is only
set for the duration of some_command -- bash puts that variable in the environment for the command, not into the shell's own catalog of variables. Subsequently unsetting the
variable is not required -- unsetting the IFS variable is potentially harmful
for the rest of the program
sort won't sort the fields within a record, it's for sorting records against each other.
To accomplish what you want, this will do:
sorted_1=$(grep -Po '(?<=").*?(?=")' <<<"$DIG_1" | sort | paste -s -d "")
As anubhava mentioned in the comments, the current code is creating arrays of single values, ie:
$ DIG_1=("sampletext""zzz""ms=ms91608007""asdas")
$ typeset -p DIG_1
declare -a DIG_1=([0]="sampletextzzzms=ms91608007asdas")
$ DIG_2=("zzz""ms=ms91608007""sampletext""asdas")
$ typeset -p DIG_2
declare -a DIG_2=([0]="zzzms=ms91608007sampletextasdas")
Assuming the OP really does want an array, and that the array elements will be utilized in later code, we need a way to delimit the items of the array, and the easiest way to do this is with some white space, eg:
$ DIG_1=("sample text" "zzz" "ms=ms91608007" "asdas")
$ typeset -p DIG_1
declare -a DIG_1=([0]="sample text" [1]="zzz" [2]="ms=ms91608007" [3]="asdas")
$ DIG_2=("zzz" "ms=ms91608007" "sample text" "asdas")
$ typeset -p DIG_2
declare -a DIG_2=([0]="zzz" [1]="ms=ms91608007" [2]="sample text" [3]="asdas")
NOTE: I've added a single space to change "sampletext" to "sample text" so that we can see how a space is treated a) as part of the data vs b) as a delimiter.
NOTE: Assuming OPs code is generating the questionable array assignments (eg, DIG_1=("sampletext""zzz""ms=ms91608007""asdas")), it may make more sense to look into ways to 'fix' the array generator than to complicate the code by trying to figure out how to treat these single strings as a 4-part array definition.
Also, since the sample output (current vs desired) shows no double quotes I'm guessing this means the double quotes are not part of the actual data but rather just delimiters.
Now that we have an actual array of elements we can look at sorting the arrays and storing the results into additional (sorted) arrays, eg:
$ IFS=$'\n' sorted=($(printf "%s\n" "${DIG_1[#]}" | sort))
$ typeset -p sorted
declare -a sorted=([0]="asdas" [1]="ms=ms91608007" [2]="sample text" [3]="zzz")
$ IFS=$'\n' sorted2=($(printf "%s\n" "${DIG_2[#]}" | sort))
$ typeset -p sorted2
declare -a sorted2=([0]="asdas" [1]="ms=ms91608007" [2]="sample text" [3]="zzz")
At this point we now have 2 sets of arrays ... 1) original data (DIG_1[#] and DIG_2[#]) and 2) sorted (sorted[#] and sorted2[#]).
The OP can then slice-n-dice the data as desired, as well as print the contents of the arrays in any desired format, eg:
# print array elements on a single line with no delimiters, storing the results
# in variables for later use/comparison/display
$ printf -v srt "%s" "${sorted[#]}"
$ typeset -p srt
declare -- srt="asdasms=ms91608007sample textzzz"
$ echo "${srt}"
asdasms=ms91608007sample textzzz
$ printf -v srt2 "%s" "${sorted2[#]}"
$ typeset -p srt2
declare -- srt2="asdasms=ms91608007sample textzzz"
$ echo "${srt2}"
asdasms=ms91608007sample textzzz

bad array subscript error in associative array

I am trying to create a dictionary program in Bash with the following options : 1. Add a word
2. Update meaning
3. Print dictionary
4. Search a word
5. Search by keyword
For the same, I am creating 2 associative arrays, 1 to store the word - meaning and other to store words-keyword.
The problem is I am not able to store values in the array. Everytime I try to do it, it gives me an error
dict[$word]: bad array subscript
Here is the code for part 1
echo -n "Enter a word : "
read $word
echo -n "Enter it's meaning : "
read $meaning
echo -n "Enter some keywords(with space in between) to describe the word : "
read $keyword
I also tried inserting the following code to remove new line as suggested in some posts but ended up with same result.
word=`echo $word | grep -s '\n'`
keyword=`echo $keyword | grep -s '\n'`
Have also tried the following way :
Output :
dict[$word]: bad array subscript
When reading a variable you preface the variable name with a $ (or wrap in $( and )).
When assigning a value to a variable you do not preface the variable name with a $.
In your example your 3x echo/read sessions are attempting to assign values to your variables, but you've prefaced your variables with $, which means your variables are not getting set as you expect; this in turn could be generating your error because $word is not set/defined (depends on version of bash).
You should be able to see what I mean with the following code snippet:
unset word
echo -n "Enter a word : "
read $word
echo ".${word}."
What do you get as ouput? .. ? .<whatever_you_typed_in>. ?
You may also have a problem with your associative arrays (depending on bash version); as George has mentioned, you should play it safe and explicitly declare your associative arrays.
I would suggest editing your input script like such (remove leading $ on your read variables; explicitly declaring your associative arrays):
echo -n "Enter a word : "
read word
echo -n "Enter it's meaning : "
read meaning
echo -n "Enter some keywords(with space in between) to describe the word : "
read keyword
# print some debug messages:
echo "word=.${word}."
echo "meaning=.${meaning}."
echo "keyword=.${keyword}."
# declare arrays as associative
declare -A dict keywords
# assign values to arrays
# verify array indexes and values
echo "dict index(es) : ${!dict[#]}"
echo "dict value(s) : ${dict[#]}"
echo "keywords index(es): ${!keywords[#]}"
echo "keywords value(s) : ${keywords[#]}"
In my bash 4.4 , this is not raising any error but is not working correctly either:
$ w="one";m="two";d["$w"]="$m";declare -p d
declare -a d=([0]="two")
It is obvious that bash determines array d as a normal array and not as an associative array.
On the contrary, this one works fine:
$ w="one";m="two";declare -A d;d["$w"]="$m";declare -p d
declare -A d=([one]="two" )
According to bash manual, you need first to declare -A an array in order to be used as an associative one.

How to modify 2d array in shell script

I have the following sample code for my shell script:
echo "x[1,1]=${x[1,1]}"
echo "x[2,1]=${x[2,1]}"
for i in {1..2}; do
echo "loop$i x[$i,1]=${i}"
echo "x[1,1]=${x[1,1]}"
echo "x[2,1]=${x[2,1]}"
and I am expecting for x[1,1] to have the value of 1 and x[2,2] to have the value of 2.
But when I run the script the result is:
$ ./
loop1 x[1,1]=1
loop2 x[2,1]=2
I expect x[1,1] to retain the value of 1 but it happens to be 2 now. Is there something wrong with my script?
Bash does not have 2-D arrays. The best you can do is emulate them with associative arrays.
Add the following line to the beginning of your script:
declare -A x
This makes x into an associative array. When that is done, the script produces the output that you expect:
$ bash script
loop1 x[1,1]=1
loop2 x[2,1]=2
Bash indexed arrays
Unless declare -A is used, a bash array is just an indexed array. Let's define y as an indexed array:
$ y=()
Now, let's assign two values:
$ y[2,3]=1
$ y[22,3]=2
Now, let's use declare -p to find out what the contents of the array really are:
$ declare -p y
declare -a y='([3]="2")'
As you can see, there is only y[3]. The reason is that the index in an indexed array is subject to arithmetic expansion and, when given a list of comma-separated values, arithmetic expansion returns just the last one.
In other words, as far as bash is concerned, assignments to y[2,3] and y[22,3] are both just assignments to y[3]. The second assignment overwrites the first.
We can see this directly if we echo the results of arithmetic expansion:
$ echo $((3))
$ echo $((2,3))
$ echo $((22,3))
When given a list of comma-separated values, arithmetic expansion returns the last one. This is true even if the comma-separated list is a long one:
$ echo $((1+2,3*4,5,6,7,8))
It is always the last value which is returned.
Bash associative arrays
Let's examine what happens with associative arrays. Let's define z as an associative array and assign some values to it:
$ declare -A z
$ z[1,2]=1
$ z[3,4]=2
$ z["Jim Bob"]=3
Now, let's see what was stored in z:
$ declare -p z
declare -A z='([3,4]="2" ["Jim Bob"]="3" [1,2]="1" )'
This seems to be what you need.

Bash : Can Here Strings <<< work with multiple variables as input?

I am trying to initialize an array with multiple variables as below .
StringOne="This is a Test String"
StringTwo="This is a New String"
read -r -a Values <<< "$StringOne" "$StringTwo"
But It seems like array is getting values from only the first variable .ie StringOne
$ echo ${Values[0]}
$ echo ${Values[1]}
$ echo ${Values[2]}
$ echo ${Values[3]}
$ echo ${Values[5]}
$ echo ${Values[6]}
What is wrong with this way of passing variable value for array initialization ? Cant we pass multiple variables with <<< operator ?
What is wrong with this way of passing variable value for array initialization ? Cant we pass multiple variables with <<< operator ?
Yes and no. The <<< operator takes one shell word as its operand, as is presented pretty clearly in its documentation. But you can combine the values of multiple variables in a single shell word by appropriate use of quoting:
StringOne="This is a Test String"
StringTwo="This is a New String"
read -r -a Values <<< "$StringOne $StringTwo"
echo "${Values[#]}"
This is a Test String This is a New String
read -r -a Values <<< "$StringOne"" ""$StringTwo"
read -r -a Values <<< "$StringOne"' '"$StringTwo"
out="$StringOne $StringTwo"
read -r -a Values <<< "$out"
Or some other variation on this theme.
This works because the string sent via <<< is the result of the expansion of what in on the right of it. We can make both variables act as one long string by concatenating them.

Bash, split words into letters and save to array

I'm struggling with a project. I am supposed to write a bash script which will work like tr command. At the beginning I would like to save all commands arguments into separated arrays. And in case if an argument is a word I would like to have each char in separated array field,eg.
tr_mine AB DC
I would like to have two arrays: a[0] = A, a[1] = B and b[0]=C b[1]=D.
I found a way, but it's not working:
IFS="" read -r -a array <<< "$a"
No sed, no awk, all bash internals.
Assuming that words are always separated with blanks (space and/or tabs),
also assuming that words are given as arguments, and writing for bash only:
blank=$'[ \t]'
while IFS='' read -r -d '' -N 1 c ; do
if [[ $c =~ $blank ]]; then n=$((n+1)); continue; fi
eval ${varname}${n}'+=("'"$c"'")'
done <<<"$#"
last=$(eval echo \${#${varname}${n}[#]}) ### Find last character index.
unset "${varname}${n}[$last-1]" ### Remove last (trailing) newline.
for ((j=1;j<=$n;j++)); do
printf '<%s> ' "${!k}"; echo
That will set each array A1, A2, A3, etc. ... to the letters of each word.
The value at the end of the first loop of $n is the count of words processed.
Printing may be a little tricky, that is why the code to access each letter is given above.
Applied to your sample text:
<A> <B>
<D> <C>
The script is setting two (array) vars A1 and A2.
And each letter is one array element: A1[0] = A, A1[1] = B and A2[0]=C, A2[1]=D.
You need to set a variable ($k) to the array element to access.
For example, to echo fourth letter (0 based) of second word (1 based) you need to do (that may be changed if needed):
k="A2[3]"; echo "${!k}" ### Indirect addressing.
The script will work as this:
$ ABCD efghi
<A> <B> <C> <D>
<e> <f> <g> <h> <i>
Caveat: Characters will be split even if quoted. However, quoted arguments is the correct way to use this script to avoid the effect of shell metacharacters ( |,&,;,(,),<,>,space,tab ). Of course, spaces (even if repeated) will split words as defined by the variable $blank:
$ $'qwer;rttt fgf\ngfg'
<q> <w> <e> <r> <;> <r> <t> <t> <t>
<f> <g> <f> <
> <g> <f> <g>
As the script will accept and correctly process embebed newlines we need to use: unset "${varname}${n}[$last-1]" to remove the last trailing "newline". If that is not desired, quote the line.
Security Note: The eval is not much of a problem here as it is only processing one character at a time. It would be difficult to create an attack based on just one character. Anyway, the usual warning is valid: Always sanitize your input before using this script. Also, most (not quoted) metacharacters of bash will break this script.
$ qwer(rttt fgfgfg
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
I would strongly suggest to do this in another language if possible, it will be a lot easier.
Now, the closest I come up with is:
sentence="AC DC"
words=`echo "$sentence" | tr " " "\n"`
# final array
declare -A result
# word count
for i in $words; do
# letter count in the word
for l in `echo "$i" | grep -o .`; do
echo "Result Length $rLen"
for i in "${!result[#]}"
echo "$i => ${result[$i]}"
The above prints:
Result Length 4
w1-l1 => C
w1-l0 => D
w0-l0 => A
w0-l1 => C
Dynamic variables are not supported in bash (ie create variables using variables) so I am using an associative array instead (result)
Arrays in bash are single dimension. To fake a 2D array I use the indexes: w for words and l for letters. This will make further processing a pain...
Associative arrays are not ordered thus results appear in random order when printing
${!result[#]} is used instead of ${result[#]}. The first iterates keys while the second iterates values
I know this is not exactly what you ask for, but I hope it will point you to the right direction
Try this :
read -r -a words <<< "$sentence"
for word in ${words[#]}; do
inc=$(( i++ ))
read -r -a l${inc} <<< $(sed 's/./& /g' <<< $word)
echo ${words[1]} # print "CD"
echo ${l1[1]} # print "D"
The first read reads all words, the internal one is for letters.
The sed command add a space after each letters to make the string splittable by read -a. You can also use this sed command to remove unwanted characters from words (eg commas) before splitting.
If special characters are allowed in words, you can use a simple grep instead of the sed command (as suggested in :
read -r -a l${inc} <<< $(grep -o . <<< $word)
The word array is ${w}.
The letters arrays are named l# where # is an increment added for each word read.
