How to re-render a component when a non state object is updated - reactjs

I have an object which value updates and i would like to know if there is a way to re-render the component when my object value is updated.
I can't create a state object because the state won't be updated whenever the object is.
Using a ref is not a good idea(i think) since it does not cause a re-render when updated.
The said object is an instance of

The observer class doesn't seem to play well with your use case since it's just sugar syntax to manage the updates with mutable objects. The documentation already has a section for React, and I suggest following that approach instead and using the SDK directly to retrieve the document by observing it.
You can implement this hook-observer pattern
import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import kuzzle from "./services/kuzzle";
const YourComponent = () => {
const [doc, setDoc] = useState({});
const initialize = useCallback(async () => {
await kuzzle.connect();
await kuzzle.realtime.subscribe(
{ ids: ["document-id"] },
(notification) => {
if (notification.type !== "document" && notification.event !== "write")
// getDocFromNotification will have logic to retrieve the doc from response
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
// clean up
if (kuzzle.connected) kuzzle.disconnect();
}, []);
return <div>{JSON.stringify(doc)}</div>;

useSyncExternalStore, a new React library hook, is what I believe to be the best choice.
StackBlitz TypeScript example
In your case, a simple store for "non state object" is made:
function createStore(initialState) {
const callbacks = new Set();
let state = initialState;
// subscribe
const subscribe = (cb) => {
return () => callbacks.delete(cb);
// getSnapshot
const getSnapshot = () => state;
// setState
const setState = (fn) => {
state = fn(state);
callbacks.forEach((cb) => cb());
return { subscribe, getSnapshot, setState };
const store = createStore(initialPostData);
useSyncExternalStore handles the job when the update of "non state object" is performed:
const title = React.useSyncExternalStore(
() => store.getSnapshot().title
In the example updatePostDataStore function get fake json data from JSONPlaceholder:
async function updatePostDataStore(store) {
const response = await fetch(`${Math.floor(Math.random()*100)+1}`)
const postData = await response.json()

My answer assumes that the object cannot for some reason be in React as state (too big, too slow, too whatever). In most cases that's probably a wrong assumption, but it can happen.
I can't create a state object because the state won't be updated whenever the object is
I assume you mean you can't put that object in a React state. We could however put something else in state whenever we want an update. It's the easiest way to trigger a render in React.
Write a function instead of accessing the object directly. That way you can intercept every call that modifies the object. If you can reliably run an observer function when the object changes, that would work too.
Whatever you do, you can't get around calling a function that does something like useState to trigger a render. And you'll have to call it in some way every time you're modifying the object.
const myObject = {};
let i = 0;
let updater = null;
function setMyObject(key, value) {
myObject[key] = value;
if (updater !== null) {
Change your code to access the object only with setMyObject(key, value).
You could then put that in a hook. For simplicity I'll assume there's just 1 such object ever on the page.
function useCustomUpdater() {
const [, setState] = useState(0);
updater = setState;
return () => {
updater = null;
}, [setState]);
function MyComponent() {
return <div>I re-render when that object changes</div>;
Similarly, as long as you have control over the code that interacts with this object, you could wrap every such call with a function that also schedules an update.
Then, as long as your code properly calls the function, your component will get re-rendered. The only additional state is a single integer.
The question currently lacks too much detail to give a good assessment whether my suggested approach makes sense. But it seems like a very simple way to achieve what you describe.
It would be interesting to get more information about what kind of object it is, how frequently it's updated, and in which scope it lives.


State setter, that useState hook returns, doesn't re-render the component

I have functional component TaskManager, which uses useState hook to hold the state.
const TaskManager = () => {
const [sections, setSections] = useState({
sectionArr: [{}, {}, {}],
taskArr: [...],
And from TaskManager I pass my setSections func to the daughter component DeleteSectionButton
function DeleteSectionButton({ sectionID, sections, setSections }) {
const handleClick = () => {
const updatedSectionArr = sections.sectionArr.filter(
(sect) => !== sectionID
const updatedState = sections;
updatedState.sectionArr = updatedSectionArr;
return (
So that I update the TaskManager's state via setSections. But the TaskManager component doesn't actually re-render after I use setSections, which is strange to me. However if I console.log the state of TaskManager - I see that it actually changes. So why setSections doesn't cause the re-render of TaskManager?
Btw: DeleteSectionButton changes the state in next way - it removes one of the elements from sectionArr array and that's it. It doesn't affect the value of sectionArr directly. May this be related to this strange behaviour? Because when I put something completely different as an argument to secSections (0 for instance) - then TaskManager re-renders normally.
Instead of mutating the same prop object that you are getting from the parent, return a new object to setSections.
const handleClick = () => {
const updatedSectionArr = sections.sectionArr.filter(
(sect) => !== sectionID
setSections({ ...sections, sectionArr: updatedSectionArr });
this will return new object reference each time to setSections.
Well in this case,
const updatedState = sections;
updatedState.sectionArr = updatedSectionArr;
As you aren't creating a new object here, but passing the same object reference to the setter function, react doesn't re-render the component.
In JavaScript, the object is passed by reference and since both objects point to the same location in memory, React does not interpret it as a new state and does not render it again.
const updatedState = {
sectionArr: updatedSectionArr,
taskArr: sections.taskArr,
In this case, since you passed a new object, it points to a new location in memory which react treats as a new state, which caused the component to be re-rendered.
Well, experimentally I found out that this works:
const updatedState = {
sectionArr: updatedSectionArr,
taskArr: sections.taskArr,
Not this:
const updatedState = sections;
updatedState.sectionArr = updatedSectionArr;
But any more detailed explanation on this mechanics would be apprecialed

useEffect on infinite loop using async fetch function

I am trying to understand why the following useEffect is running in an infinite loop. I made the fetchSchedule helper function to call the getSchedule service (using Axios to query the API endpoint). Reason I did not define this function inside the useEffect hook is because I would like to alternatively also call it whenever the onStatus function is invoked (which toggles a Boolean PUT request on a separate endpoint).
The eslinter is requiring fetchSchedule be added to the array of dependencies, which seems to be triggering the infinite loop.
The way it should work is fetching the data from the database on first render, and then only each time either the value prop is updated or the onStatus button is toggled.
So far my research seems to point that this may have something to do with the way useEffect behaves with async functions and closures. I’m still trying to understand Hooks and evidently there’s something I’m not getting in my code…
import React, { useEffect, useCallback } from 'react';
import useStateRef from 'react-usestateref';
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';
import { getSchedule, updateStatus } from '../../services/scheduleService';
import Status from './status';
// import Pagination from './pagination';
const List = ({ value }) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line
const [schedule, setSchedule, ref] = useStateRef([]);
// const [schedule, setSchedule] = useState([]);
const fetchSchedule = useCallback(async () => {
const { data } = await getSchedule(value);
}, [value, setSchedule]);
const onStatus = (id) => {
console.log('fetch', ref.current[0].completed);
useEffect(() => {
}, [fetchSchedule]);
return (...)
Update March 2021
After working with the repo owner for react-usestateref, the package now functions as originally intended and is safe to use as a replacement for useState as of version 1.0.5. The current implementation looks like this:
function useStateRef(defaultValue) {
var [state, setState] = React.useState(defaultValue);
var ref = React.useRef(state);
var dispatch = React.useCallback(function(val) {
ref.current = typeof val === "function" ?
val(ref.current) : val;
}, []);
return [state, dispatch, ref];
You would be fine if it weren't for this react-usestateref import.
The hook returns a plain anonymous function for setting state which means that it will be recreated on every render - you cannot usefully include it in any dependency array as that too will be updated on every render. However, since the function is being returned from an unknown custom hook (and regardless, ESLint would correctly identify that it is not a proper setter function) you'll get warnings when you don't.
The 'problem' which it tries to solve is also going to introduce bad practice into your code - it's a pretty way to avoid properly handling dependencies which are there to make your code safer.
If you go back to a standard state hook I believe this code will work fine. Instead of trying to get a ref of the state in onStatus, make it async as well and return the data from fetchSchedule as well as setting it.
const [schedule, setSchedule] = useState([]);
const fetchSchedule = useCallback(async () => {
const { data } = await getSchedule(value);
return data;
}, [value]);
const onStatus = async (id) => {
const data = await fetchSchedule();
useEffect(() => {
}, [fetchSchedule]);
Alternatively, although again I wouldn't really recommend using this, we could actually write a safe version of the useStateRef hook instead:
function useStateRef(defaultValue) {
var [state, setState] = React.useState(defaultValue);
var ref = React.useRef(defaultValue);
ref.current = state;
return [state, setState, ref];
A state setter function is always referentially identical throughout the lifespan of a component so this can be included in a dependency array without causing the effect/callback to be recreated.

React Hooks: Referencing data that is stored inside context from inside useEffect()

I have a large JSON blob stored inside my Context that I can then make references to using jsonpath (
How would I go about being able to access the context from inside useEffect() without having to add my context variable as a dependency (the context is updated at other places in the application)?
export default function JsonRpc({ task, dispatch }) {
const { data } = useContext(DataContext);
const [fetchData, setFetchData] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
task.keys.forEach(key => {
let val = jp.query(data, key.key)[0];
jp.value(task.payload, key.result_key, val);
let newPayload = {
jsonrpc: "2.0",
method: "call",
params: task.payload,
id: "1"
const domain = process.env.REACT_APP_WF_SERVER;
let params = {};
if (task.method === "GET") {
params = newPayload;
const domain_params =
JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("domain_params")) || [];
domain_params.forEach(e => {
if (e.domain === domain) {
params[e.param] = e.value;
setFetchData({ ...task, payload: newPayload, params: params });
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [task]);
I'm gonna need to post an answer because of code, but I'm not 100% sure about what you need, so I'll build a correct answer with your feedback :)
So, my first idea is: can't you split your effects in two React.useEffect? Something like this:
export default function JsonRpc({ task, dispatch }) {
useEffect(() => {
}, [task]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [data]);
Now, if my understanding are correct, this is an example of events timeline:
Due to the update on task you will trigger the first useEffect, which can setFetchData();
Due to the update on fetchData, and AXIOS call is made, which updates data (property in the context);
At this, you enter the second useEffect, where you have the updated data, but NO call to setFetchData(), thus no loop;
Then, if you wanted (but couldn't) put data in the dependencies array of your useEffect, I can imagine the two useEffect I wrote have some shared code: you can write a common method called by both useEffects, BUT it's important that the setFetchData() call is outside this common method.
Let me know if you need more elaboration.
thanks for your reply #Jolly! I found a work around:
I moved the data lookup to a state initial calculation:
const [fetchData] = useState(processFetchData(task, data));
then im just making sure i clear the component after the axios call has been made by executing a complete function passed to the component from its parent.
This works for now, but if you have any other suggestions id love to hear them!

Graphql subscriptions inside a useEffect hook doesn't access latest state

I'm building a basic Slack clone. So I have a "Room", which has multiple "Channels". A user subscribes to all messages in a Room, but we only add them to the current message list if the new message is part of the user's current Channel
const [currentChannel, setCurrentChannel] = useState(null);
const doSomething = (thing) => {
console.log(thing, currentChannel)
useEffect(() => {
// ... Here I have a call which will grab some data and set the currentChannel
next: (x) => {
error: (err: any) => { console.log("error: ", err) }
}, [])
I'm only showing some of the code here to illustrate my issue. The subscription gets created before currentChannel gets updated, which is fine, because we want to listen to everything, but then conditionally render based on currentChannel.
The issue I'm having, is that even though currentChannel gets set correctly, because it was null when the next: function was defined in the useEffect hook, doSomething will always log that currentChannel is null. I know it's getting set correctly because I'm displaying it on my screen in the render. So why does doSomething get scoped in a way that currentChannel is null? How can I get it to call a new function each time that accesses the freshest state of currentChannel each time the next function is called? I tried it with both useState, as well as storing/retrieving it from redux, nothing is working.
Actually it is related to all async actions involving javascript closures: your subscribe refers to initial doSomething(it's recreated on each render) that refers to initial currentChannel value. Article with good examples for reference:
What can we do? I see at least 2 moves here: quick-n-dirty and fundamental.
We can utilize that useState returns exact the same(referentially same) setter function each time and it allows us to use functional version:
const doSomething = (thing) => {
setCurrentChannel(currentChannelFromFunctionalSetter => {
console.log(thing, currentChannelFromFunctionalSetter);
return currentChannelFromFunctionalSetter;
Fundamental approach is to utilize useRef and put most recent doSomething there:
const latestDoSomething = useRef(null);
const doSomething = (thing) => { // nothing changed here
console.log(thing, currentChannel)
latestDoSomething.current = doSomething; // happens on each render
useEffect(() => {
next: (x) => {
// we are using latest version with closure on most recent data

Infinite loop in useEffect

I've been playing around with the new hook system in React 16.7-alpha and get stuck in an infinite loop in useEffect when the state I'm handling is an object or array.
First, I use useState and initiate it with an empty object like this:
const [obj, setObj] = useState({});
Then, in useEffect, I use setObj to set it to an empty object again. As a second argument I'm passing [obj], hoping that it wont update if the content of the object hasn't changed. But it keeps updating. I guess because no matter the content, these are always different objects making React thinking it keep changing?
useEffect(() => {
}, [ingredients]);
The same is true with arrays, but as a primitive it wont get stuck in a loop, as expected.
Using these new hooks, how should I handle objects and array when checking weather the content has changed or not?
Passing an empty array as the second argument to useEffect makes it only run on mount and unmount, thus stopping any infinite loops.
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
This was clarified to me in the blog post on React hooks at
Had the same problem. I don't know why they not mention this in docs. Just want to add a little to Tobias Haugen answer.
To run in every component/parent rerender you need to use:
useEffect(() => {
// don't know where it can be used :/
To run anything only one time after component mount(will be rendered once) you need to use:
useEffect(() => {
// do anything only one time if you pass empty array []
// keep in mind, that component will be rendered one time (with default values) before we get here
}, [] )
To run anything one time on component mount and on data/data2 change:
const [data, setData] = useState(false)
const [data2, setData2] = useState('default value for first render')
useEffect(() => {
// if you pass some variable, than component will rerender after component mount one time and second time if this(in my case data or data2) is changed
// if your data is object and you want to trigger this when property of object changed, clone object like this let clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)), change it clone.prop = 2 and setData(clone).
// if you do like this 'data.prop=2' without cloning useEffect will not be triggered, because link to data object in momory doesn't changed, even if object changed (as i understand this)
}, [data, data2] )
How i use it most of the time:
export default function Book({id}) {
const [book, bookSet] = useState(false)
const loadBookFromServer = useCallback(async () => {
let response = await fetch('api/book/' + id)
response = await response.json()
}, [id]) // every time id changed, new book will be loaded
useEffect(() => {
}, [loadBookFromServer]) // useEffect will run once and when id changes
if (!book) return false //first render, when useEffect did't triggered yet we will return false
return <div>{JSON.stringify(book)}</div>
I ran into the same problem too once and I fixed it by making sure I pass primitive values in the second argument [].
If you pass an object, React will store only the reference to the object and run the effect when the reference changes, which is usually every singe time (I don't now how though).
The solution is to pass the values in the object. You can try,
const obj = { keyA: 'a', keyB: 'b' }
useEffect(() => {
// do something
}, [Object.values(obj)]);
const obj = { keyA: 'a', keyB: 'b' }
useEffect(() => {
// do something
}, [obj.keyA, obj.keyB]);
If you are building a custom hook, you can sometimes cause an infinite loop with default as follows
function useMyBadHook(values = {}) {
useEffect(()=> {
/* This runs every render, if values is undefined */
The fix is to use the same object instead of creating a new one on every function call:
const defaultValues = {};
function useMyBadHook(values = defaultValues) {
useEffect(()=> {
/* This runs on first call and when values change */
If you are encountering this in your component code the loop may get fixed if you use defaultProps instead of ES6 default values
function MyComponent({values}) {
useEffect(()=> {
/* do stuff*/
return null; /* stuff */
MyComponent.defaultProps = {
values = {}
Your infinite loop is due to circularity
useEffect(() => {
}, [ingredients]);
setIngredients({}); will change the value of ingredients(will return a new reference each time), which will run setIngredients({}). To solve this you can use either approach:
Pass a different second argument to useEffect
const timeToChangeIngrediants = .....
useEffect(() => {
}, [timeToChangeIngrediants ]);
setIngrediants will run when timeToChangeIngrediants has changed.
I'm not sure what use case justifies change ingrediants once it has been changed. But if it is the case, you pass Object.values(ingrediants) as a second argument to useEffect.
useEffect(() => {
}, Object.values(ingrediants));
As said in the documentation (, the useEffect hook is meant to be used when you want some code to be executed after every render. From the docs:
Does useEffect run after every render? Yes!
If you want to customize this, you can follow the instructions that appear later in the same page ( Basically, the useEffect method accepts a second argument, that React will examine to determine if the effect has to be triggered again or not.
useEffect(() => {
document.title = `You clicked ${count} times`;
}, [count]); // Only re-run the effect if count changes
You can pass any object as the second argument. If this object remains unchanged, your effect will only be triggered after the first mount. If the object changes, the effect will be triggered again.
I'm not sure if this will work for you but you could try adding .length like this:
useEffect(() => {
// fetch from server and set as obj
}, [obj.length]);
In my case (I was fetching an array!) it fetched data on mount, then again only on change and it didn't go into a loop.
If you include empty array at the end of useEffect:
It would run once.
If you include also parameter on array:
It would run whenever text parameter change.
I often run into an infinite re-render when having a complex object as state and updating it from useRef:
const [ingredients, setIngredients] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
newIngedient: { ... }
}, [ingredients]);
In this case eslint(react-hooks/exhaustive-deps) forces me (correctly) to add ingredients to the dependency array. However, this results in an infinite re-render. Unlike what some say in this thread, this is correct, and you can't get away with putting ingredients.someKey or ingredients.length into the dependency array.
The solution is that setters provide the old value that you can refer to. You should use this, rather than referring to ingredients directly:
const [ingredients, setIngredients] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
setIngredients(oldIngedients => {
return {
newIngedient: { ... }
}, []);
If you use this optimization, make sure the array includes all values from the component scope (such as props and state) that change over time and that are used by the effect.
I believe they are trying to express the possibility that one could be using stale data, and to be aware of this. It doesn't matter the type of values we send in the array for the second argument as long as we know that if any of those values change it will execute the effect. If we are using ingredients as part of the computation within the effect, we should include it in the array.
const [ingredients, setIngredients] = useState({});
// This will be an infinite loop, because by shallow comparison ingredients !== {}
useEffect(() => {
}, [ingredients]);
// If we need to update ingredients then we need to manually confirm
// that it is actually different by deep comparison.
useEffect(() => {
if (is(<similar_object>, ingredients) {
}, [ingredients]);
The main problem is that useEffect compares the incoming value with the current value shallowly. This means that these two values compared using '===' comparison which only checks for object references and although array and object values are the same it treats them to be two different objects. I recommend you to check out my article about useEffect as a lifecycle methods.
The best way is to compare previous value with current value by using usePrevious() and _.isEqual() from Lodash.
Import isEqual and useRef. Compare your previous value with current value inside the useEffect(). If they are same do nothing else update. usePrevious(value) is a custom hook which create a ref with useRef().
Below is snippet of my code. I was facing problem of infinite loop with updating data using firebase hook
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
import 'firebase/database'
import { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'
import { isEqual } from 'lodash'
import {
} from '../../hooks/firebase-hooks'
export function TMDPage({ match, history, location }) {
const usePrevious = value => {
const ref = useRef()
useEffect(() => {
ref.current = value
return ref.current
const userId = match.params ? : ''
const teamId = location.state ? location.state.teamId : ''
const [userStatistics] = useUserStatistics(userId, teamId)
const previousUserStatistics = usePrevious(userStatistics)
useEffect(() => {
if (
!isEqual(userStatistics, previousUserStatistics)
) {
In case you DO need to compare the object and when it is updated here is a deepCompare hook for comparison. The accepted answer surely does not address that. Having an [] array is suitable if you need the effect to run only once when mounted.
Also, other voted answers only address a check for primitive types by doing obj.value or something similar to first get to the level where it is not nested. This may not be the best case for deeply nested objects.
So here is one that will work in all cases.
import { DependencyList } from "react";
const useDeepCompare = (
value: DependencyList | undefined
): DependencyList | undefined => {
const ref = useRef<DependencyList | undefined>();
if (!isEqual(ref.current, value)) {
ref.current = value;
return ref.current;
You can use the same in useEffect hook
React.useEffect(() => {
}, useDeepCompare([state]));
You could also destructure the object in the dependency array, meaning the state would only update when certain parts of the object updated.
For the sake of this example, let's say the ingredients contained carrots, we could pass that to the dependency, and only if carrots changed, would the state update.
You could then take this further and only update the number of carrots at certain points, thus controlling when the state would update and avoiding an infinite loop.
useEffect(() => {
}, [ingredients.carrots]);
An example of when something like this could be used is when a user logs into a website. When they log in, we could destructure the user object to extract their cookie and permission role, and update the state of the app accordingly.
my Case was special on encountering an infinite loop, the senario was like this:
I had an Object, lets say objX that comes from props and i was destructuring it in props like:
const { something: { somePropery } } = ObjX
and i used the somePropery as a dependency to my useEffect like:
useEffect(() => {
// ...
}, [somePropery])
and it caused me an infinite loop, i tried to handle this by passing the whole something as a dependency and it worked properly.
Another worked solution that I used for arrays state is:
useEffect(() => {
setIngredients(ingredients.length ? ingredients : null);
}, [ingredients]);
