Why is Storybook not showing a React component on the sidebar? - reactjs

I've been researching this, but I couldn't find any solutions.
Inside the .storybook' folder, there's a main.js file, and in it, there is this line:
stories: ["../src/**/*.stories.mdx", "../src/**/*.stories.#(js|jsx|ts|tsx)", "../tmp/**/*.story.mdx"], which several people have said is the solution to a React component not showing, but I have it, and it's still not showing!
I also tried deleting the .cache folder in .node_modules, but still not working!
I build and re-started storybook several times already.
I know the component itself works, because, there are two react components that I need, and both are done in two different github branches, and checking out into each branch allows you to run storybook and see that the component I want is showing and working properly. But I need both components on the same place, and I tried to re-create one of them into the branch of the other, but it's not showing on storybook! The component code is identical, so I know it's not a problem with the code or the component. It has to be something related to storybook.
Do you have any other ideas? Anything I'm missing to check, or adjust? I don't really know much about storybook, so keep that in mind. It's just used here in this company, and that's the only way to run your React components.
I don't get any errors on my vscode either!


Issues with Gatsby Shadowing

I am using the #lekoarts gatsby-theme-minimal-blog. You can view my code here:
I feel like I am losing hair because of how much time I have spent trying to get this working. I am running Gatsby locally, and I've somehow successfully shadowed the footer component. I want to shadow the header component, but for some reason nothing is working at all.
In the lekoarts theme, the footer is in the same folder location as the header component, but when I add a file called header.tsx to overwrite the other header.tsx in the same location as the footer that is successfully shadowing nothing happens. I tried adding it in every other possible place I can think of, restarting the local build, and I'm at my wits end.
Here's the kicker, when I remove footer.tsx from the local src directory I added it to, It gives me an error now? Why would it give me an error for a file not existing that wasn't even there in the theme to begin with until I added it?
I really (really) want to give a static site generator a shot, but this feels extremely frustrating for something that should be simple, and it's discouraging me for suggesting something like this for any kind of complex project.
Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
Try to clean .cache folder and re-run the dev. Every time you "shadow" or change the components in theme folder, you should do it.
Just run gatsby clean or npm run clean - I saw that script in your repo.

Can't resolve 'react/jsx-dev-runtime' After updating React 16.13.1 -> 17.0.2

So I need to update react, react-dom in order to update nextjs version to 11. React docs says that the new jsx transform approach is backwards compatible, though I met such problem after updating to react 17.0.2. Any file using jsx fails to compile with Can't resolve 'react/jsx-dev-runtime', no matter if I leave the import React from 'react', or remove it as intended after updating to react ^17.
I tried updating #babel/preset-react, using latest #babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx, same problem. The only thing I've found in a similar question topic here is adding /** #jsxRuntime classic */ to the top of the file, which obviously doesnt solve the problem for the whole application (perhaps there might be a way to make such directive global but even then - I would like to be able to use the new and more optimised jsx compiling)
Haven't been able to google exactly my case and any existing suggestions for similar cases didn't help.
To summarise - I need to either make my app work without importing react itself (https://reactjs.org/blog/2020/09/22/introducing-the-new-jsx-transform.html) or at least to be able to use the old way of jsx compiling with this new react version.
Any thoughts?

What is the correct way to include React in both an application and a private library? (React Invalid Hook Call warning from duplicate React)

I have a sort of a "monorepo", one big project consisting of a few smaller projects that use React.
I'm trying to break these up into three separate repositories, lets call them Core, Application1, and Application2
The Core is a dependency of both applications, and the Core depends on React, because it defines some React component classes. The applications both also use React.
When I tried to build this all together (using Parcel bundler), I am getting a final bundle which at runtime gives the Invalid Hook Call warning in one (but not both) of the applications.
On that page (or in the error message), it says that the error could be caused by one o these:
You might have mismatching versions of React and React DOM.
You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks.
You might have more than one copy of React in the same app.
I have checked that #1 is not true, and I'm not even using hooks in any way that I am aware of, so the problem is seems to be multiple versions of React.
I gathered from reading about this that it was a mistake for my Core library to declare React as a dependency, and that it should instead declare it in peerDependencies. That made the Application stop giving the error, but it also made my Core library start having a bunch of Typescript errors and failing to be able to run the unit tests (which rely on React, using Jest/Enzyme to render and validate DOM).
Since specifying React in peerDependencies caused it not to be installed in the node_modules of Core, I decided that I should probably include React in both the peerDependencies and the devDependencies of Core. That fixes the Core library again but breaks the Application.
I'm not really sure of the following:
Why one of my applications fail due to duplicate React copies and the other doesn't, since they seem pretty symmetrical to each other.
Why, even though I only specify React in peerDependencies and devDepenencies in Core I still would get a duplicate copy of React in the dependent application
Whether the method used to bring Core in to the application has any bearing on this. (one method I'm trying is package.json I specify core as a "file:../" style of URL. Another alternative is to use "yarn link", or possibly to do both of these, and I'm not sure whether this has any effect on what ends up in node_modules underneath the application folder or on what gets bundled)
What is the right way to include React in both an Application and a library, in such a way that both of those projects have React available but there does not end up being duplicates in the Application causing this hook error (or, just taking up extra space).
Answering my own question.
I found the following issue helpful: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/14257
Various different suggestions were made in the comments of ways to solve this problem, either by npm link or yarn linking the react library from the library to the application, or vice versa. Those all seemed promising, since the idea is to make sure that all of the different references to React are actually pointing to the same place. Unfortunately none of those worked for me. (e.g. the answers by JerryGreen and Kas in that issue)
Another user, dcecile, suggested using webpack's alias feature, but I'm not using webpack.
resolve: {
alias: { react: require.resolve("react") }
Parcel has a similar alias feature but can't be used in quite the same way because it's used in the package.json file so things like require.resolve can't be called like they are in webpack's js config file.
I ended up finding a way to use Parcel's alias feature to do what I wanted, based on another example from https://github.com/jaredpalmer/tsdx/issues/64 from user jaredpalmer. In my situation, I'm adding this to the application's package.json, and it appears to get rid of the duplication problem and the "Invalid Hook Call" error:
"alias": {
"react": "../my-core-library/node_modules/react",

Issue on Product version of Styled-Components when render with Rendertron

have very simple sample app which build Create React App + Styled-Components to prove this issue. But I have real big application which I am facing this issue which I am going to explain it below.
I would like to pre-render this app with Rendertron for SEO/GoogleBots and etc. But the problem is when I build PRODUCTION version of React App which use Styled-Components . all the style will be missing on static version which Rendertron produced, but from other side if I try the same workflow with dev-server of app , everything looks fine .
So far I know there is different on PROD version and DEV version of my application when I render it with Rendertron . But I am not sure what cause this issue and how I can fix this issue .
I am looking for solution or idea which can help me to solve this issue .
Here is my sample code which I peppered for test .
Here is screen shot from different version of Rendered version by Rendertron base on PROD or DEV version of the same application .
enter image description here
After a lot of searching around, I finally found out the reason. The Styled Components library uses something called the "Speedy mode" to inject styles on production. This makes the styles bypass the DOM` and be injected directly inside the CSSOM, thus, appearing in the inspector, but totally invisible on the DOM.
Fortunately, Styled Components 4.1.0 came with a fix for this issue! Now you can set a global variable called SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY to true in order to disable the Speedy mode and get the styles to appear on Production as well.
Reference: https://www.styled-components.com/releases#v4.1.0
But the only part I am not sure , how to set disable this Speedy Mode in Create-React-App without Ejecting , Dose any body has any idea ?
You need to render your styles on the server side and inject those styles in your pre-rendered react app. Styled-components explains how to do that here: https://www.styled-components.com/docs/advanced#server-side-rendering
Also, I'd recommend using react-snap for pre-rendering since that is recommended by the Create React App docs. react-snap seems to be more of a React-specific solution that may be easier to implement, especially with styled-components.

"Expected subtree parent to be a mounted class component. " after extracting component

I have a component (a form) which is based on office ui fabric. The form is working fine in my react application. However, since we need this at multiple places, we decided to make it an npm package.
I extracted the component and can implement it in my app. I can fill out textfields and save and it works properly. However, as soon as I open a dropdown or datepicker (basically a "Callout" from office ui fabric), I get the following error message:
"Expected subtree parent to be a mounted class component. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue."
"react-dom.development.js:14227 The above error occurred in the component:
in LayerBase
in CustomizedLayer
in StyledCustomizedLayer
in Callout
in div
in NormalPeoplePicker
Since it is working when I implement it within my app directly, it must be something in the build process I think. Can anybody eloberate, what this error message means exactly?
I am using the same package versions in my component as on my app.
Can I provide any files that might help? I don't know if showing my webpack.config or package.json for my component help at all?
Okay, it was indeed a mistake in my build process. I bundled the node_modules with my component and therefore suddenly hat two react "instances". After installing webpack-node-externals and adding
externals: [nodeExternals()]
to my webpack.config it works now.
