Filling a chart with a color above a specific Y value - anychart

I've been trying to fill a chart with color above certain Y value and I can't do it.
What I tried to do is writing a condition that if the value is >3.5 that area of the chart will be filled with a different color.
splineSeries.fill(function() {
if (this.value > 3.5)
return '#d3f335 0.4'
return '#cdf0a7 0.6'})
However, this doesn't work for me as it fills the whole area of the chart which values are >3.5 and not only the area that it's above the line.
This is how that chunk of code is working in my chart.1
If you know how this can be solved I would really appreciate if you help me :)

It does not seem AnyChart supports this kind of filling out of the box. You can however get creative with gradients:
var cmin = chart.getStat("yScalesMin");
var cmax = splineSeries.getStat('seriesMax');
var cutoff = 3.5;
angle: 90,
keys: [{
color: '#cdf0a7',
opacity: 0.6,
offset: (cutoff-cmin) / (cmax-cmin)
}, {
color: '#d3f335',
opacity: 0.4,
offset: (cutoff-cmin) / (cmax-cmin)
thickness: 3
Here's a working example:
chart = anychart.area();
var series = chart.area(generateRandomData());
var cmin = chart.getStat("yScalesMin");
var cmax = series.getStat('seriesMax');
var cutoff = 3.5;
angle: 90,
keys: [{
color: '#cdf0a7',
opacity: 0.6,
offset: (cutoff-cmin) / (cmax-cmin)
}, {
color: '#d3f335',
opacity: 0.4,
offset: (cutoff-cmin) / (cmax-cmin)
thickness: 3
function generateRandomData() {
var data = [];
for (let i=0; i<16; i++) {
data.push({x:i, value:Math.random() * 7.5});
return data;
#chart {
height: 400px;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="chart"></div>
This should also work with charts with yScalesMin > 0


TradingView - Lightweight charts - Realtime histogram ( volume indicator)

I managed to get the real time example to work:
I tried to get a real time histogram underneath, as the usual volume indicator and the behavior is random.
A snapshot of the chart:
enter image description here
As we can see the starting point of those bars differ one from another.
Series definition:
const volumeSeries = chart.addHistogramSeries({
priceFormat: {
type: 'volume',
priceScaleId: '',
scaleMargins: {
top: 0.8,
bottom: 0,
time: data.time,
value: data.volume
Can anyone point me to an example in order to get a candlestick chart with a volume indicator to work? Both updating in real time.
I got it to work, basically the issue was that the histogram understands negative values as a down facing bar, so in order to show a volume indicator we have to show the absolute value of the volume and change the color.
A working example at:
var green = 'rgb(38,166,154)';
var red = 'rgb(255,82,82)';
var black = '#000000';
var white = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)';
var grey = 'rgba(42, 46, 57, 0.5)';
// chart definition
var chart = LightweightCharts.createChart(document.body, {
width: 800,
height: 400,
layout: {
backgroundColor: black,
textColor: white,
grid: {
vertLines: {
visible: false,
horzLines: {
color: grey,
crosshair: {
mode: LightweightCharts.CrosshairMode.Normal,
timeScale: {
borderVisible: false,
borderColor: '#fff000',
visible: true,
timeVisible: true,
minBarSpacing: 0.0,
const candleStickSeries = chart.addCandlestickSeries({
upColor: green,
downColor: red,
wickUpColor: green,
wickDownColor: red,
borderVisible: false,
priceLineVisible: false,
const volumeSeries = chart.addHistogramSeries({
priceFormat: {
type: 'volume',
priceScaleId: '',
scaleMargins: {
top: 0.8,
bottom: 0.02,
//end chart definition
//data loading
async: false
var url = '';
var data = [];
$.get(url, function(result) {
data = JSON.parse(result);
//end data loading
//real time updates
var index = 0;
setInterval(function() {
if (index > data.length) return;
var item = data[index];
time: item.time,
high: item.high,
low: item.low,
close: item.close
var volumeColour = item.volume < 0 ? red : green;
time: item.time,
value: Math.abs(item.volume),
color: volumeColour
}, 1000);

Chartjs doughnut chart rounded corners for a cicle with a 3*Pi/2 circumference

I'm working with React and ChartJS to draw a doughnut chart with a 3*Pi/2 circumference
and rounded corner.
I saw these two posts where they explain how to round corners for data sets and it is working as expected with a complete circle and with half a circle:
ChartJs - Round borders on a doughnut chart with multiple datasets
Chartjs doughnut chart rounded corners for half doghnut
One answer on this post is to change "y" or "x" translation by factor of n, for example 2 in the following case: ctx.translate(arc.round.x, arc.round.y*2);
With this in mind I started to change values for x and y but have not yet reach the correct set of values that will make it work.
For example I tried to use a factor of 3/2 on the translation of y and this is what I get.
ctx.translate(arc.round.x, (arc.round.y * 3) / 2);
with no factor I get the following:
ctx.translate(arc.round.x, arc.round.y);
The code to round the end corner is exactly the same as in the posts I refer. But here it is just in case:
let roundedEnd = {
// #ts-ignore
afterUpdate: function (chart) {
var a = - 1;
for (let i in {
for (
var j =[i].data.length - 1;
j >= 0;
) {
if (Number(j) ==[i].data.length - 1)
var arc = chart.getDatasetMeta(i).data[j];
arc.round = {
x: (chart.chartArea.left + chart.chartArea.right) / 2,
y: ( + chart.chartArea.bottom) / 2,
chart.innerRadius +
chart.radiusLength / 2 +
a * chart.radiusLength,
thickness: (chart.radiusLength / 2 - 1) * 2.5,
backgroundColor: arc._model.backgroundColor,
// #ts-ignore
afterDraw: function (chart) {
var ctx = chart.chart.ctx;
for (let i in {
for (
var j =[i].data.length - 1;
j >= 0;
) {
if (Number(j) ==[i].data.length - 1)
var arc = chart.getDatasetMeta(i).data[j];
var startAngle = Math.PI / 2 - arc._view.startAngle;
var endAngle = Math.PI / 2 - arc._view.endAngle;;
ctx.translate(arc.round.x, arc.round.y);
ctx.fillStyle = arc.round.backgroundColor;
//ctx.arc(arc.round.radius * Math.sin(startAngle), arc.round.radius * Math.cos(startAngle), arc.round.thickness, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
arc.round.radius * Math.sin(endAngle),
arc.round.radius * Math.cos(endAngle),
2 * Math.PI
}, };
These are the options to configure the chart:
const chartJsOptions = useMemo<chartjs.ChartOptions>(() => {
if (data) {
return {
elements: {
center: {
text: `${data.impact > 0 ? "%"}`,
color: isDarkTheme ? darkText : greyAxis, // Default is #000000
fontStyle: "Open Sans Hebrew, sans-serif",
sidePadding: 20, // Default is 20 (as a percentage)
minFontSize: 15, // Default is 20 (in px), set to false and text will not wrap.
lineHeight: 20, // Default is 25 (in px), used for when text wraps
legend: {
display: false,
// rotation: Math.PI / 2,
rotation: (3 * Math.PI) / 4,
circumference: (3 * Math.PI) / 2,
maintainAspectRatio: false,
animation: {
plugins: {
datalabels: false,
labels: false,
cutoutPercentage: 90,
tooltips: {
enabled: false,
rtl: true,
} else {
return {};
} }, [data, isDarkTheme]);
Here is where I call the react component for the chart:
plugins={[roundedEnd]} />
How can I correctly calculate the rounded edges on a 3*Pi/2 circumference or any other circumference between complete and half?
This issue may be more of a math than programing and my geometrical math is also a bit rusty.

Prevent JointJS elements from generating off paper

I'm using JointJS in a React environment to create a Directed graph from some Neo4j data. My problem is that elements are being generated off the paper As pictured here, "test6" is generated mostly off the page and "test10" isn't even shown. I would like all elements to be displayed on the paper, without overlapping each other or links if possible.
My paper is defined with only a width dimension set equal to the div width and the div is styled to be 100% width
width: $('#paper').width(),
<div id="paper" style={{width:'100%'}}></div>
The code for generating an element is as follows:
function makeElement(node) {
var maxLineLength = _.max('\n'), function(l) { return l.length; }).length;
var letterSize = 12;
var width = 2 * (letterSize * (0.6 * maxLineLength + 1));
var height = 2 * (('\n').length + 1) * letterSize);
return new joint.shapes.basic.Rect({
size: { width: 100, height: height },
attrs: {
text: {
'font-size': letterSize,
'font-family': 'monospace' },
rect: {
width: width, height: height,
rx: 5, ry: 5,
stroke: '#555'
Thanks in advance :)
EDIT: I don't have the exact solution yet, but in the meantime I used this to make the paper draggable to view all nodes

Angular ui-grid auto height not working

I am using angular ui-grid for show records. I have a product which has only 7 records, and another product which has 200 records. By default max row are selected to 20 when records are greater than 20, when records are less than 20 grid will auto resize depending on records count.
Problem is that; when I load 7 records in grid, the height of grid is according to 7 records, keeping there without refreshing page, when I type another records which has 200 entries in search box and submit, it assigns all records to grid but the size of grid remains the same as of 7 records.
I need to make grid auto resizeable according to records, keeping 20 records in page in records are more than or equal to 20.
here is some code from grid directive;
scope.configuration = {
exporterCsvFilename: 'testfile' + '.csv',
exporterMenuPdf: true,
enableSelectAll: true,
// enablePaging: true,
enablePaginationControls: true,
paginationPageSizes: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100],
enableGridMenu: true,
enableFiltering: true,
paginationPageSize: (scope.largeGrid) ? 20 : 10,
enableHorizontalScrollbar: 1,
enableVerticalScrollbar: 0,
scope.getGridHeight = function (data) {
var length = (scope.configuration.paginationPageSize > data.length) ? data.length : scope.configuration.paginationPageSize;
var rowHeight = (scope.autoHeightColumn) ? scope.getAutoHeight(data, scope.autoHeightColumn) : 30; // your row height
var headerHeight = 50; // your header height
var filterHeight = 62; // your filter height
if (scope.autoHeightColumn) {
return rowHeight + headerHeight + filterHeight + 'px';
return length * rowHeight + headerHeight + filterHeight + 'px';
scope.$watch('configuration.paginationPageSize', function () {
scope.gridHeight = scope.getGridHeight(;
//kind of hack: as minification does not setting interpolated variable.
$('#grid').css('height', scope.gridHeight);
scope.getAutoHeight = function (data, colum) {
//Todo: Get pagination and data height separately
var totalHeight = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var columnHeight = data[i][colum].length;
if (columnHeight) {
columnHeight = (columnHeight / 12) * 23;
} else {
columnHeight = 23;
totalHeight += columnHeight;
return totalHeight;
we can achieve ui-grid auto height using some css overrides.
overflow-x: hidden !important;
overflow-y: auto !important;
.ui-grid, .ui-grid-viewport
height: auto !important;
.ui-grid-viewport, .ui-grid-canvas
height: auto !important;
.ui-grid-row, .ui-grid-cell
height: auto !important;
.ui-grid-row div[role=row]
display: flex;
align-content: stretch;
.ui-grid, .ui-grid-viewport
height: auto !important;
.ui-grid-viewport, .ui-grid-canvas
height: auto !important;

FabricJS and AngularJS – copy and paste object with custom attribute

I'm using some custom attributes while I'm creating my objects. For example in this case "name" and "icon":
$scope.addRoundRect = function () {
var coord = getRandomLeftTop();
var roundrect = (new fabric.Rect({
left: coord.left,
fill: '#' + getRandomColor(),
width: 250,
height: 250,
opacity: 1,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1,
angle: 0,
rx: 10,
ry: 10,
strokeWidth: 0,
name: "Rounded Rectangle",
icon: "crop-square"
This is my copy/paste function. As you can see I have already tried to paste the relevant attributes – bu I think that they are simply not cloned with the object:
function copy() {
canvas.getActiveObject().clone(function (cloned) {
_clipboard = cloned;
function paste() {
_clipboard.clone(function (clonedObj) {
left: clonedObj.left + 10,
top: + 10,
evented: true,
icon: clonedObj.icon,
if (clonedObj.type === 'activeSelection') {
clonedObj.canvas = canvas;
clonedObj.forEachObject(function (obj) {
} else {
To make it short: is there a way to clone and paste also this attributes without having to modify the source (ie. impleneting a full fledged custom attribute in the JSO serialization)?
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
var roundrect = new fabric.Rect({
left: 50,
top: 30,
fill: 'blue',
width: 250,
height: 250,
opacity: 1,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1,
angle: 0,
rx: 10,
ry: 10,
strokeWidth: 0,
name: "Rounded Rectangle",
icon: "crop-square"
var customProperties = 'name icon'.split(' ');
function copy() {
canvas.getActiveObject().clone(function(cloned) {
_clipboard = cloned;
}, customProperties);
function paste() {
// clone again, so you can do multiple copies.
_clipboard.clone(function(clonedObj) {
left: clonedObj.left + 10,
top: + 10,
evented: true,
if (clonedObj.type === 'activeSelection') {
// active selection needs a reference to the canvas.
clonedObj.canvas = canvas;
clonedObj.forEachObject(function (obj) {
// this should solve the unselectability
} else {
_clipboard = clonedObj;
canvas {
border: blue dotted 2px;
<script src=""></script>
<button onclick='copy()'>copy</button>
<button onclick='paste()'>paste</button><br>
<canvas id="c" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
object.clone accepts callback function and any additional property you want to include as another parameter. You can send your name and icon as properties to include.
And in paste you no need to clone that object if you are doing so, make sure there also send you are including your additional properties.
