C: Is using char faster than using int? - c

Since char is only 1 byte long, is it better to to use char while dealing with 8-bit unsigned int?
I was trying to create a struct for storing rgb values of a color.
struct color
unsigned int r: 8;
unsigned int g: 8;
unsigned int b: 8;
Now since it is int, it allocates a memory of 4 bytes in my case. But if I replace them with unsigned char, they will be taking 3 bytes of memory as intended (in my platform).

No. Maybe a tiny bit.
First, this is a very platform dependent question.
However the <stdint.h> header was introduced to help with this.
Some hardware platforms are optimised for a particular size of operand and have an overhead to using smaller (in bit-size) operands even though logically the smaller operand requires less computation.
You should find that uint_fast8_t is the fastest unsigned integer type with at least 8 bits (#include <stdint.h> to use it).
That may be the same as unsigned char or unsigned int depending on whether your question is 'yes' or 'no' respectively(*).
So the idea would be that if you're speed focused you'd use uint_fast8_t and the compiler will pick the fastest type fitting your purpose.
There are a couple of downsides to this scheme.
One is that if you create very vast quantities of data performance can be impaired (and limits reached) because you're using an 'oversized' type for the purpose.
On a platform where a 4-byte int is faster than a 1-byte char you're using about 4 times as much memory as you need.
If your platform is small or your scale large that can be a significant overhead.
Also you need to be careful that if the underlying type isn't the minimum size you expect then some calculations may be confounded.
Arithmetic 'clocks' neatly for unsigned operands but obviously at different sizes if uint_fast8_t isn't in fact 8-bits.
It's platform dependent what the following returns:
#include <stdint.h>
int foo() {
uint_fast8_t x=255;
return 1;
return 0;
The overhead of dealing with potentially outsized types can claw back your gains.
I tend to agree with Knuth that "premature optimisation is the root of all evil" and would say you should only get into this sort of cleverness if you need it.
Do a typedef for typedef uint8_t color_comp; for now and get the application working before trying to shave off fractions of a second performance later!
I don't know what your application does but it may be that it's not compute intensive in RGB channels and the bottleneck (if any) is elsewhere. Maybe you find some high load calculation where it's worth dealing with uint_fast8_t conversions and issues.
The wisdom of Knuth is that you probably don't know where that is until later anyway.
(*) It could be unsigned long or indeed some other type. The only constraint is that it is an unsigned type and at least 8 bits.


Should I use the stdint.h integer types on 32/64 bit machines?

One thing that bugs me about the regular c integer declarations is that their names are strange, "long long" being the worst. I am only building for 32 and 64 bit machines so I do not necessarily need the portability that the library offers, however I like that the name for each type is a single word in similar length with no ambiguity in size.
// multiple word types are hard to read
// long integers can be 32 or 64 bits depending on the machine
unsigned long int foo = 64;
long int bar = -64;
// easy to read
// no ambiguity
uint64_t foo = 64;
int64_t bar = -64;
On 32 and 64 bit machines:
1) Can using a smaller integer such as int16_t be slower than something higher such as int32_t?
2) If I needed a for loop to run just 10 times, is it ok to use the smallest integer that can handle it instead of the typical 32 bit integer?
for (int8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
3) Whenever I use an integer that I know will never be negative is it ok to prefer using the unsigned version even if I do not need the extra range in provides?
// instead of the one above
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
4) Is it safe to use a typedef for the types included from stdint.h
typedef int32_t signed_32_int;
typedef uint32_t unsigned_32_int;
edit: both answers were equally good and I couldn't really lean towards one so I just picked the answerer with lower rep
1) Can using a smaller integer such as int16_t be slower than something higher such as int32_t?
Yes it can be slower. Use int_fast16_t instead. Profile the code as needed. Performance is very implementation dependent. A prime benefit of int16_t is its small, well defined size (also it must be 2's complement) as used in structures and arrays, not so much for speed.
The typedef name int_fastN_t designates the fastest signed integer type with a width of at least N. C11 § 2
2) If I needed a for loop to run just 10 times, is it ok to use the smallest integer that can handle it instead of the typical 32 bit integer?
Yes but that savings in code and speed is questionable. Suggest int instead. Emitted code tends to be optimal in speed/size with the native int size.
3) Whenever I use an integer that I know will never be negative is it OK to prefer using the unsigned version even if I do not need the extra range in provides?
Using some unsigned type is preferred when the math is strictly unsigned (such as array indexing with size_t), yet code needs to watch for careless application like
for (unsigned i = 10 ; i >= 0; i--) // infinite loop
4) Is it safe to use a typedef for the types included from stdint.h
Almost always. Types like int16_t are optional. Maximum portability uses required types uint_least16_t and uint_fast16_t for code to run on rare platforms that use bits widths like 9, 18, etc.
Can using a smaller integer such as int16_t be slower than something higher such as int32_t?
Yes. Some CPUs do not have dedicated 16-bit arithmetic instructions; arithmetic on 16-bit integers must be emulated with an instruction sequence along the lines of:
r1 = r2 + r3
r1 = r1 & 0xffff
The same principle applies to 8-bit types.
Use the "fast" integer types in <stdint.h> to avoid this -- for instance, int_fast16_t will give you an integer that is at least 16 bits wide, but may be wider if 16-bit types are nonoptimal.
If I needed a for loop to run just 10 times, is it ok to use the smallest integer that can handle it instead of the typical 32 bit integer?
Don't bother; just use int. Using a narrower type doesn't actually save any space, and may cause you issues down the line if you decide to increase the number of iterations to over 127 and forget that the loop variable is using a narrow type.
Whenever I use an integer that I know will never be negative is it ok to prefer using the unsigned version even if I do not need the extra range in provides?
Best avoided. Certain C idioms do not work properly on unsigned integers; for instance, you cannot write a loop of the form:
for (i = 100; i >= 0; i--) { … }
if i is an unsigned type, because i >= 0 will always be true!
Is it safe to use a typedef for the types included from stdint.h
Safe from a technical perspective, but it'll annoy other developers who have to work with your code.
Get used to the <stdint.h> names. They're standardized and reasonably easy to type.
Absolutely possible, yes. On my laptop (Intel Haswell), in a microbenchmark that counts up and down between 0 and 65535 on two registers 2 billion times, this takes
1.313660150s - ax dx (16-bit)
1.312484805s - eax edx (32-bit)
1.312270238s - rax rdx (64-bit)
Minuscule but repeatable differences in timing. (I wrote the benchmark in assembly, because C compilers may optimize it to a different register size.)
It will work, but you'll have to keep it up to date if you change the bounds and the C compiler will probably optimize it to the same assembly code anyway.
As long as it's correct C, that's totally fine. Keep in mind that unsigned overflow is defined and signed overflow is undefined, and compilers do take advantage of that for optimization. For example,
void foo(int start, int count) {
for (int i = start; i < start + count; i++) {
// With unsigned arithmetic, this will execute 0 times if
// "start + count" overflows to a number smaller than "start".
// With signed arithmetic, that may happen, or the compiler
// may assume this loop always runs "count" times.
// For defined behavior, avoid signed overflow.
Yes. Also, POSIX provides inttypes.h which extends stdint.h with some useful functions and macros.

When to use bit-fields in C

On the question 'why do we need to use bit-fields?', searching on Google I found that bit fields are used for flags.
Now I am curious,
Is it the only way bit-fields are used practically?
Do we need to use bit fields to save space?
A way of defining bit field from the book:
struct {
unsigned int is_keyword : 1;
unsigned int is_extern : 1;
unsigned int is_static : 1;
} flags;
Why do we use int?
How much space is occupied?
I am confused why we are using int, but not short or something smaller than an int.
As I understand only 1 bit is occupied in memory, but not the whole unsigned int value. Is it correct?
A quite good resource is Bit Fields in C.
The basic reason is to reduce the used size. For example, if you write:
struct {
unsigned int is_keyword;
unsigned int is_extern;
unsigned int is_static;
} flags;
You will use at least 3 * sizeof(unsigned int) or 12 bytes to represent three small flags, that should only need three bits.
So if you write:
struct {
unsigned int is_keyword : 1;
unsigned int is_extern : 1;
unsigned int is_static : 1;
} flags;
This uses up the same space as one unsigned int, so 4 bytes. You can throw 32 one-bit fields into the struct before it needs more space.
This is sort of equivalent to the classical home brew bit field:
#define IS_KEYWORD 0x01
#define IS_EXTERN 0x02
#define IS_STATIC 0x04
unsigned int flags;
But the bit field syntax is cleaner. Compare:
if (flags.is_keyword)
if (flags & IS_KEYWORD)
And it is obviously less error-prone.
Now I am curious, [are flags] the only way bitfields are used practically?
No, flags are not the only way bitfields are used. They can also be used to store values larger than one bit, although flags are more common. For instance:
typedef enum {
NORTH = 0,
EAST = 1,
SOUTH = 2,
WEST = 3
} directionValues;
struct {
unsigned int alice_dir : 2;
unsigned int bob_dir : 2;
} directions;
Do we need to use bitfields to save space?
Bitfields do save space. They also allow an easier way to set values that aren't byte-aligned. Rather than bit-shifting and using bitwise operations, we can use the same syntax as setting fields in a struct. This improves readability. With a bitfield, you could write
directions.alice_dir = WEST;
directions.bob_dir = SOUTH;
However, to store multiple independent values in the space of one int (or other type) without bitfields, you would need to write something like:
#define ALICE_OFFSET 0
#define BOB_OFFSET 2
directions &= ~(3<<ALICE_OFFSET); // clear Alice's bits
directions |= WEST<<ALICE_OFFSET; // set Alice's bits to WEST
directions &= ~(3<<BOB_OFFSET); // clear Bob's bits
directions |= SOUTH<<BOB_OFFSET; // set Bob's bits to SOUTH
The improved readability of bitfields is arguably more important than saving a few bytes here and there.
Why do we use int? How much space is occupied?
The space of an entire int is occupied. We use int because in many cases, it doesn't really matter. If, for a single value, you use 4 bytes instead of 1 or 2, your user probably won't notice. For some platforms, size does matter more, and you can use other data types which take up less space (char, short, uint8_t, etc.).
As I understand only 1 bit is occupied in memory, but not the whole unsigned int value. Is it correct?
No, that is not correct. The entire unsigned int will exist, even if you're only using 8 of its bits.
Another place where bitfields are common are hardware registers. If you have a 32 bit register where each bit has a certain meaning, you can elegantly describe it with a bitfield.
Such a bitfield is inherently platform-specific. Portability does not matter in this case.
We use bit fields mostly (though not exclusively) for flag structures - bytes or words (or possibly larger things) in which we try to pack tiny (often 2-state) pieces of (often related) information.
In these scenarios, bit fields are used because they correctly model the problem we're solving: what we're dealing with is not really an 8-bit (or 16-bit or 24-bit or 32-bit) number, but rather a collection of 8 (or 16 or 24 or 32) related, but distinct pieces of information.
The problems we solve using bit fields are problems where "packing" the information tightly has measurable benefits and/or "unpacking" the information doesn't have a penalty. For example, if you're exposing 1 byte through 8 pins and the bits from each pin go through their own bus that's already printed on the board so that it leads exactly where it's supposed to, then a bit field is ideal. The benefit in "packing" the data is that it can be sent in one go (which is useful if the frequency of the bus is limited and our operation relies on frequency of its execution), and the penalty of "unpacking" the data is non-existent (or existent but worth it).
On the other hand, we don't use bit fields for booleans in other cases like normal program flow control, because of the way computer architectures usually work. Most common CPUs don't like fetching one bit from memory - they like to fetch bytes or integers. They also don't like to process bits - their instructions often operate on larger things like integers, words, memory addresses, etc.
So, when you try to operate on bits, it's up to you or the compiler (depending on what language you're writing in) to write out additional operations that perform bit masking and strip the structure of everything but the information you actually want to operate on. If there are no benefits in "packing" the information (and in most cases, there aren't), then using bit fields for booleans would only introduce overhead and noise in your code.
To answer the original question »When to use bit-fields in C?« … according to the book "Write Portable Code" by Brian Hook (ISBN 1-59327-056-9, I read the German edition ISBN 3-937514-19-8) and to personal experience:
Never use the bitfield idiom of the C language, but do it by yourself.
A lot of implementation details are compiler-specific, especially in combination with unions and things are not guaranteed over different compilers and different endianness. If there's only a tiny chance your code has to be portable and will be compiled for different architectures and/or with different compilers, don't use it.
We had this case when porting code from a little-endian microcontroller with some proprietary compiler to another big-endian microcontroller with GCC, and it was not fun. :-/
This is how I have used flags (host byte order ;-) ) since then:
# define SOME_FLAG (1 << 0)
# define SOME_OTHER_FLAG (1 << 1)
# define AND_ANOTHER_FLAG (1 << 2)
/* test flag */
if ( someint & SOME_FLAG ) {
/* do this */
/* set flag */
someint |= SOME_FLAG;
/* clear flag */
someint &= ~SOME_FLAG;
No need for a union with the int type and some bitfield struct then. If you read lots of embedded code those test, set, and clear patterns will become common, and you spot them easily in your code.
Why do we need to use bit-fields?
When you want to store some data which can be stored in less than one byte, those kind of data can be coupled in a structure using bit fields.
In the embedded word, when one 32 bit world of any register has different meaning for different word then you can also use bit fields to make them more readable.
I found that bit fields are used for flags. Now I am curious, is it the only way bit-fields are used practically?
No, this not the only way. You can use it in other ways too.
Do we need to use bit fields to save space?
As I understand only 1 bit is occupied in memory, but not the whole unsigned int value. Is it correct?
No. Memory only can be occupied in multiple of bytes.
Bit fields can be used for saving memory space (but using bit fields for this purpose is rare). It is used where there is a memory constraint, e.g., while programming in embedded systems.
But this should be used only if extremely required because we cannot have the address of a bit field, so address operator & cannot be used with them.
A good usage would be to implement a chunk to translate to—and from—Base64 or any unaligned data structure.
struct {
unsigned int e1:6;
unsigned int e2:6;
unsigned int e3:6;
unsigned int e4:6;
} base64enc; // I don't know if declaring a 4-byte array will have the same effect.
struct {
unsigned char d1;
unsigned char d2;
unsigned char d3;
} base64dec;
union base64chunk {
struct base64enc enc;
struct base64dec dec;
base64chunk b64c;
// You can assign three characters to b64c.enc, and get four 0-63 codes from b64dec instantly.
This example is a bit naive, since Base64 must also consider null-termination (i.e. a string which has not a length l so that l % 3 is 0). But works as a sample of accessing unaligned data structures.
Another example: Using this feature to break a TCP packet header into its components (or other network protocol packet header you want to discuss), although it is a more advanced and less end-user example. In general: this is useful regarding PC internals, SO, drivers, an encoding systems.
Another example: analyzing a float number.
struct _FP32 {
unsigned int sign:1;
unsigned int exponent:8;
unsigned int mantissa:23;
union FP32_t {
_FP32 parts;
float number;
(Disclaimer: Don't know the file name / type name where this is applied, but in C this is declared in a header; Don't know how can this be done for 64-bit floating-point numbers since the mantissa must have 52 bits and—in a 32 bit target—ints have 32 bits).
Conclusion: As the concept and these examples show, this is a rarely used feature because it's mostly for internal purposes, and not for day-by-day software.
To answer the parts of the question no one else answered:
Ints, not Shorts
The reason to use ints rather than shorts, etc. is that in most cases no space will be saved by doing so.
Modern computers have a 32 or 64 bit architecture and that 32 or 64 bits will be needed even if you use a smaller storage type such as a short.
The smaller types are only useful for saving memory if you can pack them together (for example a short array may use less memory than an int array as the shorts can be packed together tighter in the array). For most cases, when using bitfields, this is not the case.
Other uses
Bitfields are most commonly used for flags, but there are other things they are used for. For example, one way to represent a chess board used in a lot of chess algorithms is to use a 64 bit integer to represent the board (8*8 pixels) and set flags in that integer to give the position of all the white pawns. Another integer shows all the black pawns, etc.
You can use them to expand the number of unsigned types that wrap. Ordinary you would have only powers of 8,16,32,64... , but you can have every power with bit-fields.
struct a
unsigned int b : 3 ;
} ;
struct a w = { 0 } ;
while( 1 )
printf("%u\n" , w.b++ ) ;
getchar() ;
To utilize the memory space, we can use bit fields.
As far as I know, in real-world programming, if we require, we can use Booleans instead of declaring it as integers and then making bit field.
If they are also values we use often, not only do we save space, we can also gain performance since we do not need to pollute the caches.
However, caching is also the danger in using bit fields since concurrent reads and writes to different bits will cause a data race and updates to completely separate bits might overwrite new values with old values...
Bitfields are much more compact and that is an advantage.
But don't forget packed structures are slower than normal structures. They are also more difficult to construct since the programmer must define the number of bits to use for each field. This is a disadvantage.
Why do we use int? How much space is occupied?
One answer to this question that I haven't seen mentioned in any of the other answers, is that the C standard guarantees support for int. Specifically:
A bit-field shall have a type that is a qualified or unqualified version of _Bool, signed int, unsigned int, or some other implementation defined type.
It is common for compilers to allow additional bit-field types, but not required. If you're really concerned about portability, int is the best choice.
Nowadays, microcontrollers (MCUs) have peripherals, such as I/O ports, ADCs, DACs, onboard the chip along with the processor.
Before MCUs became available with the needed peripherals, we would access some of our hardware by connecting to the buffered address and data buses of the microprocessor. A pointer would be set to the memory address of the device and if the device saw its address along with the R/W signal and maybe a chip select, it would be accessed.
Oftentimes we would want to access individual or small groups of bits on the device.
In our project, we used this to extract a page table entry and page directory entry from a given memory address:
union VADDRESS {
struct {
ULONG64 BlockOffset : 16;
ULONG64 PteIndex : 14;
ULONG64 PdeIndex : 14;
ULONG64 ReservedMBZ : (64 - (16 + 14 + 14));
Now suppose, we have an address:
union VADDRESS tempAddress;
tempAddress.AsULONG64 = 0x1234567887654321;
Now we can access PTE and PDE from this address:
cout << tempAddress.PteIndex;

Why int16+int16 is faster than int16+int8?

I decided to make a benchmark to test how fast each C99 type is, out of curiosity.
My benchmark creates a array of the following struct:
typedef struct
int x;
int y;
short spdx;
short spdy;
unsigned char type;
} defaultTypes;
Then I do this operation on the entire struct, multiple times, to simulate a game update loop:
while(counter < ARRAY_MAX)
I tried several types, like int_fast8_t and double.
Later I decided to test what if I made the "spdx" variable bigger too? So I made a version where both the position (x, y) and the speed (spdx, spdy) variables are int16_t
To my surprise, it is SLIGHLY, but only SLIGHLY faster than the int16_t + int8_t version, it was 11% faster to be more exact (compared for example to doubles, that run a quarter of the int16_t+int16_t version speed).
For most other speed differences (floats being slower, bigger variables being slower, and so on) I think I know the reasons, but I don't know why a bigger structure (16, 16, 16, 16, 8) is FASTER than a smaller one (even with padding, 16, 16, 8, 8, 8).
Thus, why doing int16_t+=int16_t is 11% faster than int16_t+=int8_t? Someone suggested it had to do with integer promotion, but I am not sure about that.
Important note (seemly this affect the results): I compiled this with MingW, targeting 32-bit, and running on a 64-bit bit x86 (I ran only once a test targeting 64-bit, thus I am not confident of its results, but the performance gap is seemly 2% instead of 11%)
I think the answer has to do with the fact that your variables are signed. For two (signed) variables with the same type, the cpu can add them using a native instruction. However, when the types are different, even just different sizes, it has to convert one to the other. This may or may not be supported in hardware, but it is still a necessary step. Consider if your int16 was 256 and your int8 was -1. You would expect to get back an int16 value of 257. If the CPU just added the bit patterns together, then you'd get something very different, because the 8bit representation of -1 is not the same as the 16bit representation of -1. First it has to convert the 8-bit number to a 16 bit number, then add them together.
This is what is meant by "integer promotion": the compiler recognizes that the vars are of different types, and uses the appropriate assembly code to do the conversion. It "promotes" the int8 to an int16 before doing the add operation.
I'll bet if you changed them to unsigned, the difference in speed would disappear.

Precisly convert float 32 to unsigned short or unsigned char

First of all sorry if this is a duplicate, I couldn't find any subject answering my question.
I'm coding a little program that will be used to convert 32-bit floating point values to short int (16 bits) and unsigned char (8 bits) values. This is for HDR images purpose.
From here I could get the following function (without clamping):
static inline uint8_t u8fromfloat(float x)
return (int)(x * 255.0f);
I suppose that in the same way we could get short int by multiplying by (pow( 2,16 ) -1)
But then I ended up thinking about ordered dithering and especially to Bayer dithering. To convert to uint8_t I suppose I could use a 4x4 matrix and a 8x8 matrix for unsigned short.
I also thought of a Look-up table to speed-up the process, this way:
uint16_t LUT[0x10000] // 2¹⁶ values contained
and store 2^16 unsigned short values corresponding to a float.
This same table could be then used for uint8_t as well because of the implicit cast between unsigned short ↔ unsigned int
But wouldn't a look-up table like this be huge in memory? Also how would one fill a table like this?!
Now I'm confused, what would be best according to you?
EDIT after uwind answer: Let's say now that I also want to do basic color space conversion at the same time, that is before converting to U8/U16 , do a color space conversion (in float), and then shrink it to U8/U16. Wouldn't in that case use a LUT be more efficient? And yeah I would still have the problem to index the LUT.
The way I see it, the look-up table won't help since in order to index into it, you need to convert the float into some integer type. Catch 22.
The table would require 0x10000 * sizeof (uint16_t) bytes, which is 128 KB. Not a lot by modern standards, but on the other hand cache is precious. But, as I said, the table doesn't add much to the solution since you need to convert float to integer in order to index.
You could do a table indexed by the raw bits of the float re-interpreted as integer, but that would have to be 32 bits which becomes very large (8 GB or so).
Go for the straight-forward runtime conversion you outlined.
Just stay with the multiplication - it'll work fine.
Practically all modern CPU have vector instructions (SSE, AVX, ...) adapted to this stuff, so you might look at programming for that. Or use a compiler that automatically vectorizes your code, if possible (Intel C, also GCC). Even in cases where table-lookup is a possible solution, this can often be faster because you don't suffer from memory latency.
First, it should be noted that float has 24 bits of precision, which can no way fit into a 16-bit int or even 8 bits. Second, float have much larger range, which can't be stored in any int or long long int
So your question title is actually incorrect, no way to precisely convert any float to short or char. You want to map a float value between 0 and 1 to an 8-bit or 16-bit int range.
For the code you use above, it'll work fine. However the value 255 is extremely unlikely to be returned because it needs exactly 1.0 as input, otherwise values such as 254.99999 will ended up being truncated as 254. You should round the value instead
return (int)(x * 255.0f + .5f);
or better, use the code provided in your link for more balanced distribution
static inline uint8_t u8fromfloat_trick(float x)
union { float f; uint32_t i; } u;
u.f = 32768.0f + x * (255.0f / 256.0f);
return (uint8_t)u.i;
Using LUT wouldn't be any faster because a table for 16-bit values is too large for fitting in cache, and in fact may reduce your performance greatly. The snippet above needs only 2 floating-point instructions, or only 1 with FMA. And SIMD will improve performance 4-32x (or more) further, so LUT method would be easily outperformed as it's much harder to parallelize table look ups

Efficiency of different integer sizes on a 64-bit CPU

In a 64-bit CPU, if the int is 32 bits whereas the long is 64 bits, would the long be more efficient than the int?
The main problem with your question is that you did not define "efficient". There are several possible efficiency related differences.
Of course if you need to use 64 bits, then there's no question. But sometimes you could use 32 bits and you wonder if it would be better to use 64 bits instead.
Data Size Efficiency
Using 32 bits will use less memory. This is more efficient especially if you use a lot of them. Not only it's more efficient in the sense that you may not get to swap out, but also in the sense that you'll have fewer cache misses. If you use just a few then the efficiency difference is irrelevant.
Code Size Efficiency
This is heavily dependent on the architecture. Some architectures will need longer instructions to manipulate 32 bit values, others will need longer instructions to manipulate 64 bits values and others will make no difference. On the intel processors, for example, 32 bits is the default operand size even for 64 bits code. Smaller code may have a little advantage both in cache behavior and in pipeline usage. But it is dependent on the architecture which operand size will use smaller code.
Execution Speed Efficiency
In general there should be no difference beyond the one implied by code size. Once the instruction has been decoded the timing for mere execution are generally identical. However, once again, this is in fact architecture specific. There are architectures that do not have native 32 bit arithmetic, for example.
My suggestion:
If it's just some local variables or data in small structures that you do not allocate in huge quantities, use int and do it in a way that does not assume a size, so that a new version of the compiler or a different compiler that use a different size for int will still work.
However if you have huge arrays or matrixes, then use the smallest type you can use and make sure its size is explicit.
On the common x86-64 architecture, 32-bit arithmetic is never slower than 64 bit arithmethic. So int is always the same speed or faster than long. On other architectures that don't actually have builtin 32-bit arithmetic, such as the MMIX, this might not hold.
Basic wisdom holds: Write it without considering such micro-optimizations and if necessary, profile and optimize.
If you are trying to store 64 bits of data, use a long. If you aren't going to need the 64 bits use the regular 32 bit int.
Yes, a 64bit number would be more efficient than a 32bit number.
On a 64bit CPU most compilers would give you 64bit if you ask for an long int though.
To see the size with your current compiler:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv){
long int foo;
printf("The size of an int is: %ld bytes\n", sizeof(foo));
printf("The size of an int is: %ld bits\n", sizeof(foo) * 8);
return 0;
If your cpu is running in 64bit mode you can expect that the CPU will use that regardless of what you ask. All the registers are 64bit, the operations are 64bit so if you want to get a 32bit result it will generally convert the 64bit result to 32bit for you.
The limits.h on my system defines long int as:
/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed long int' can hold. */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
# define LONG_MAX 9223372036854775807L
# else
# define LONG_MAX 2147483647L
# endif
# define LONG_MIN (-LONG_MAX - 1L)
