Simulate user navigation with React Testing Library and React Router - reactjs

I have a component that is meant to trigger when the user navigates away from a page. It wraps a formik form; if a user has unsaved changes, it attempts to save those changes as soon as the user attempts to navigate away. While the save is resolving, users will see a modal that says "saving..." If the save is successful, the user continues on to the next page. If it is unsuccessful, it displays a modal prompting them to either stay or move along. The component works fine, but I'm struggling to test it.
Component in question:
const AutoSaveUnsavedChangesGuard: React.FC<Props> = ({
ignoreRoutes = [],
}) => {
const { push } = useHistory();
const { error, savingStatus } = useSavingStatusContext();
const [nextLocation, setNextLocation] = React.useState<string>();
const [isShowing, setIsShowing] = React.useState<boolean>(false);
const [showUnsavedChangesModal, setShowUnsavedChangesModal] = React.useState<boolean>(false);
const [showSavingModal, setShowSavingModal] = React.useState<boolean>(false);
const handleBlockNavigation = (nextLocation: Location) => {
if (!!matchPath(nextLocation.pathname, ignoreRoutes)) {
return true;
return false;
React.useEffect(() => {
// Proceed to next location when there has been a navigation attempt and client no longer blocks it
if (!when && nextLocation) {
}, [when, nextLocation, push]);
React.useEffect(() => {
// If we have an error and we have triggered the Prompt, display the unsaved changes guard.
}, [error]);
React.useEffect(() => {
setShowSavingModal(savingStatus=== SavingStatusType.SAVING)
}, [savingStatus]);
return (
<Prompt when={when} message={handleBlockNavigation}/>
show={showUnsavedChangesModal && isShowing}
onLeave={() => {
onLeave && onLeave();
onStay={() => {
onHide={() => {
<SavingModal show={showSavingModal && isShowing} />
export default AutoSaveUnsavedChangesGuard;
I'm trying to test behavior with react-testing-library. I'd like to simulate a user navigating away (IE call the message method in the rendered component with a new location), but I am struggling to do so. We had a function like the one below when we tested using enzyme.
const changeRouteLocation = (nextLocation: Location, wrapper: ShallowWrapper) => {
const prompt = wrapper.find(ReactRouter.Prompt);
const onNavigate = prompt.props().message as (location: Location) => string | boolean;
Unfortunately, this component uses useEffect hooks that don't play nice with enzyme, and I must test it using react-testing-library. How can I simulate a user attempting to navigate to a new location with react-testing-library?
Edit: Adding what I have for testing code per a request. This code does not produce the desired outcome, and I honestly didn't expect it to.
const RenderingComponent = ({initialEntries})=>{
<MemoryRouter initialEntries={initialEntries}>
<AutoSaveUnsavedChangesGuard {...defaults} />
beforeEach(() => {
jest.spyOn(ReactRouter, 'useHistory').mockReturnValue(makeHistory());
useSavingStatusContextSpy = jest.spyOn(useAutoSaveContextModule, 'useSavingStatusContext')
it('should render default. It should not show any modals when there are no errors and the route has not changed.', async () => {
// Default rendering. Works fine, because it's not meant to display anything.
const wrapper = render(
<RenderingComponent initialEntries={['/initial-value']} />
expect(screen.queryByText('Unsaved Changes')).toBeNull();
it('should show the saving modal when the route location changes and saving status context is of type SAVING',()=>{
useSavingStatusContextSpy.mockReturnValueOnce(makeAutoSaveContext({savingStatus: SavingStatusType.SAVING}))
const {rerender, debug} = render(
<RenderingComponent initialEntries={["initial-value"]} />
rerender(<RenderingComponent initialEntries={['/mock-value','/mock-some-new-value']} />)
// I had hoped that re-rendering with new values for initial entries would trigger a navigation event for the prompt to block. It did not work.
const savingModal = screen.getByText('Saving...');


In my React App getting firebase Google login Warning in the console, how can I fix this Warning? [duplicate]

I am getting this warning in react:
index.js:1 Warning: Cannot update a component (`ConnectFunction`)
while rendering a different component (`Register`). To locate the
bad setState() call inside `Register`
I went to the locations indicated in the stack trace and removed all setstates but the warning still persists. Is it possible this could occur from redux dispatch?
my code:
class Register extends Component {
render() {
if( this.props.registerStatus === SUCCESS) {
// Reset register status to allow return to register page
return <Redirect push to = {HOME}/>
return (
<div style = {{paddingTop: "180px", background: 'radial-gradient(circle, rgba(106,103,103,1) 0%, rgba(36,36,36,1) 100%)', height: "100vh"}}>
function mapStateToProps( state ) {
return {
registerStatus: state.userReducer.registerStatus
export default connect ( mapStateToProps ) ( Register );
function which triggers the warning in my registerForm component called by register.js
handleSubmit = async () => {
if( this.isValidForm() ) {
const details = {
"username": this.state.username,
"password": this.state.password,
"clearance": this.state.clearance
await this.props.dispatch( register(details) )
if( this.props.registerStatus !== SUCCESS && this.mounted ) {
this.setState( {errorMsg: this.props.registerError})
else {
if( this.mounted ) {
this.setState( {errorMsg: "Error - registration credentials are invalid!"} )
This warning was introduced since React V16.3.0.
If you are using functional components you could wrap the setState call into useEffect.
Code that does not work:
const HomePage = (props) => {
const handleChange = (e) => {
return (
<div key={props.restInfo.storeId} className="container-fluid">
<ProductList searchResults={props.searchResults} />
Now you can change it to:
const HomePage = (props) => {
// trigger on component mount
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const handleChange = (e) => {
return (
<div key={props.restInfo.storeId} className="container-fluid">
<ProductList searchResults={props.searchResults} />
I just had this issue and it took me a bit of digging around before I realised what I'd done wrong – I just wasn't paying attention to how I was writing my functional component.
I was doing this:
const LiveMatches = (props: LiveMatchesProps) => {
const {
} = props;
if (!dateMatches) {
const date = new Date();
getDateMatches({ sportId, date });
return (<div>{component stuff here..}</div>);
I had just forgotten to use useEffect before dispatching my redux call of getDateMatches()
So it should have been:
const LiveMatches = (props: LiveMatchesProps) => {
const {
} = props;
useEffect(() => {
if (!dateMatches) {
const date = new Date();
getDateMatches({ sportId, date });
}, [dateMatches, getDateMatches, sportId]);
return (<div>{component stuff here..}</div>);
please read the error message thoroughly, mine was pointing to SignIn Component that had a bad setState. which when i examined, I had an onpress that was not an Arrow function.
it was like this:
onPress={navigation.navigate("Home", { screen: "HomeScreen" })}
I changed it to this:
onPress={() => navigation.navigate("Home", { screen: "HomeScreen" }) }
My error message was:
Warning: Cannot update a component
(ForwardRef(BaseNavigationContainer)) while rendering a different
component (SignIn). To locate the bad setState() call inside
SignIn, follow the stack trace as described in
in SignIn (at SignInScreen.tsx:20)
I fixed this issue by removing the dispatch from the register components render method to the componentwillunmount method. This is because I wanted this logic to occur right before redirecting to the login page. In general it's best practice to put all your logic outside the render method so my code was just poorly written before. Hope this helps anyone else in future :)
My refactored register component:
class Register extends Component {
componentWillUnmount() {
// Reset register status to allow return to register page
if ( this.props.registerStatus !== "" ) this.props.dispatch( resetRegisterStatus() )
render() {
if( this.props.registerStatus === SUCCESS ) {
return <Redirect push to = {LOGIN}/>
return (
<div style = {{paddingTop: "180px", background: 'radial-gradient(circle, rgba(106,103,103,1) 0%, rgba(36,36,36,1) 100%)', height: "100vh"}}>
I think that this is important.
It's from this post that #Red-Baron pointed out:
#machineghost : I think you're misunderstanding what the message is warning about.
There's nothing wrong with passing callbacks to children that update state in parents. That's always been fine.
The problem is when one component queues an update in another component, while the first component is rendering.
In other words, don't do this:
function SomeChildComponent(props) {
return <div />
But this is fine:
function SomeChildComponent(props) {
// or make a callback click handler and call it in there
return <button onClick={props.updateSomething}>Click Me</button>
And, as Dan has pointed out various times, queuing an update in the same component while rendering is fine too:
function SomeChildComponent(props) {
const [number, setNumber] = useState(0);
if(props.someValue > 10 && number < 5) {
// queue an update while rendering, equivalent to getDerivedStateFromProps
return <div>{number}</div>
If useEffect cannot be used in your case or if the error is NOT because of Redux
I used setTimeout to redirect one of the two useState variables to the callback queue.
I have one parent and one child component with useState variable in each of them. The solution is to wrap useState variable using setTimeout:
setTimeout(() => SetFilterData(data), 0);
Example below
Parent Component
import ExpenseFilter from '../ExpensesFilter'
function ExpensesView(props) {
const [filterData, SetFilterData] = useState('')
const GetFilterData = (data) => {
// SetFilterData(data);
//*****WRAP useState VARIABLE INSIDE setTimeout WITH 0 TIME AS BELOW.*****
setTimeout(() => SetFilterData(data), 0);
const filteredArray = props.expense.filter(expenseFiltered =>
expenseFiltered.dateSpent.getFullYear().toString() === filterData);
return (
<ExpenseFilter FilterYear = {GetFilterData}></ExpenseFilter>
Child Component
const ExpensesFilter = (props) => {
const [filterYear, SetFilterYear] = useState('2022')
const FilterYearListener = (event) => {
return (
Using React and Material UI (MUI)
I changed my code from:
<IconButton onClick={setOpenDeleteDialog(false)}>
<Close />
<IconButton onClick={() => setOpenDeleteDialog(false)}>
<Close />
Simple fix
If you use React Navigation and you are using the setParams or setOptions you must put these inside method componentDidMount() of class components or in useEffects() hook of functional components.
Minimal reproducing example
I was a bit confused as to what exactly triggers the problem, having a minimal immediately runnable example helped me grasp it a little better:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
<script type="text/babel">
function NotMain(props) {
return <div>NotMain</div>
function Main(props) {
const [n, setN] = React.useState(0)
return <>
<NotMain setN={setN} />
<div>Main {n}</div>
fails with error:
react-dom.development.js:61 Warning: Cannot update a component (`Main`) while rendering a different component (`NotMain`). To locate the bad setState() call inside `NotMain`, follow the stack trace as described in
followed by a stack trace:
at NotMain (<anonymous>:16:9)
at Main (<anonymous>:21:31)
Presumably 16:9 would be the exact line where props.setN(1) is being called from, but the line numbers are a bit messed up because of the Babel JSX translation.
The solution like many other answers said is to do instead:
function NotMain(props) {
React.useEffect(() => { props.setN(1) }, [])
return <div>NotMain</div>
Intuitively, I think that the general idea of why this error happens is that:
You are not supposed to updat state from render methods, otherwise it could lead to different results depending on internal the ordering of how React renders things.
and when using functional components, the way to do that is to use hooks. In our case, useEffect will run after rendering is done, so we are fine doing that from there.
When using classes this becomes slightly more clear and had been asked for example at:
Calling setState in render is not avoidable
Calling setState() in React from render method
When using functional components however, things are conceptually a bit more mixed, as the component function is both the render, and the code that sets up the callbacks.
I was facing same issue, The fix worked for me was if u are doing
outside of useEffect then this issue is occurring. So try to do such things inside useEffect. It'll work like charm
For my case, what I did to fix the warning was to change from useState to useRef
react_devtools_backend.js:2574 Warning: Cannot update a component (`Index`) while rendering a different component (`Router.Consumer`). To locate the bad setState() call inside `Router.Consumer`, follow the stack trace as described in
at Route (http://localhost:3000/main.bundle.js:126692:29)
at Index (http://localhost:3000/main.bundle.js:144246:25)
at Switch (http://localhost:3000/main.bundle.js:126894:29)
at Suspense
at App
at AuthProvider (http://localhost:3000/main.bundle.js:144525:23)
at ErrorBoundary (http://localhost:3000/main.bundle.js:21030:87)
at Router (http://localhost:3000/main.bundle.js:126327:30)
at BrowserRouter (http://localhost:3000/main.bundle.js:125948:35)
at QueryClientProvider (http://localhost:3000/main.bundle.js:124450:21)
The full code for the context of what I did (changed from the lines with // OLD: to the line above them). However this doesn't matter, just try changing from useState to useRef!!
import { HOME_PATH, LOGIN_PATH } from '#/constants';
import { NotFoundComponent } from '#/routes';
import React from 'react';
import { Redirect, Route, RouteProps } from 'react-router-dom';
import { useAccess } from '#/access';
import { useAuthContext } from '#/contexts/AuthContext';
import { AccessLevel } from '#/models';
type Props = RouteProps & {
component: Exclude<RouteProps['component'], undefined>;
requireAccess: AccessLevel | undefined;
export const Index: React.FC<Props> = (props) => {
const { component: Component, requireAccess, } = props;
const { isLoading, isAuth } = useAuthContext();
const access = useAccess();
const mounted = React.useRef(false);
// OLD: const [mounted, setMounted] = React.useState(false);
return (
render={(props) => {
// If in indentifying authentication state as the page initially loads, render a blank page
if (!mounted.current && isLoading) return null;
// OLD: if (!mounted && isLoading) return null;
// 1. Check Authentication is one step
if (!isAuth && window.location.pathname !== LOGIN_PATH)
return <Redirect to={LOGIN_PATH} />;
if (isAuth && window.location.pathname === LOGIN_PATH)
return <Redirect to={HOME_PATH} />;
// 2. Authorization is another
if (requireAccess && !access[requireAccess])
return <NotFoundComponent />;
mounted.current = true;
// OLD: setMounted(true);
return <Component {...props} />;
export default Index;
My example.
Code with that error:
initialValues={{ ...kgFormValues, dataflow: dataflows.length > 0 ? dataflows[0].df_tpl_key : "" }}
onSubmit={() => {}}
render={({values, dirtyFields }: any) => {
const kgFormValuesUpdated = {
proj_key: projectKey,
description: values.description,
public: values.public,
dataflow: values.dataflow,
flavours: flavoursSelected,
skipOCR: values.skipOCR
if (!_.isEqual(kgFormValues, kgFormValuesUpdated)) {
Working Code:
initialValues={{ ...kgFormValues, dataflow: dataflows.length > 0 ? dataflows[0].df_tpl_key : "" }}
onSubmit={() => {}}
render={({ values, dirtyFields }: any) => {
useEffect(() => {
const kgFormValuesUpdated = {
proj_key: projectKey,
description: values.description,
public: values.public,
dataflow: values.dataflow,
flavours: flavoursSelected,
skipOCR: values.skipOCR
if (!_.isEqual(kgFormValues, kgFormValuesUpdated)) {
}, [values]);
return (
I had the same problem. I was setting some state that was storing a function like so:
// my state definition
const [onConfirm, setOnConfirm] = useState<() => void>();
// then I used this piece of code to update the state
function show(onConfirm: () => void) {
The problem was from setOnConfirm. In React, setState can take the new value OR a function that returns the new value. In this case React wanted to get the new state from calling onConfirm which is not correct.
changing to this resolved my issue:
setOnConfirm(() => onConfirm);
I was able to solve this after coming across a similar question in GitHub which led me to this comment showing how to pinpoint the exact line within your file causing the error. I wasn't aware that the stack trace was there. Hopefully this helps someone!
See below for my fix. I simply converted the function to use callback.
Old code
function TopMenuItems() {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
function mountProjectListToReduxStore(projects) {
const projectDropdown = => ({
organizationId: project.organizationId,
createdOn: project.createdOn,
lastModifiedOn: project.lastModifiedOn,
isComplete: project.isComplete,
projectDropdown.sort((a, b) =>;
New code
function TopMenuItems() {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const mountProjectListToReduxStore = useCallback((projects) => {
const projectDropdown = => ({
organizationId: project.organizationId,
createdOn: project.createdOn,
lastModifiedOn: project.lastModifiedOn,
isComplete: project.isComplete,
projectDropdown.sort((a, b) =>;
}, [dispatch]);
My case was using setState callback, instead of setState + useEffect
const closePopover = useCallback(
() =>
setOpen((prevOpen) => {
prevOpen && onOpenChange(false);
return false;
const closePopover = useCallback(() => setOpen(false), []);
useEffect(() => onOpenChange(isOpen), [isOpen, onOpenChange]);
I got this when I was foolishly invoking a function that called dispatch instead of passing a reference to it for onClick on a button.
const quantityChangeHandler = (direction) => {
dispatch(cartActions.changeItemQuantity({title, quantityChange: direction}));
<button onClick={() => quantityChangeHandler(-1)}>-</button>
<button onClick={() => quantityChangeHandler(1)}>+</button>
Initially, I was directly calling without the fat arrow wrapper.
Using some of the answers above, i got rid of the error with the following:
if (value === "newest") {
} else {
this code was on my component top-level
const SelectSorting = () => {
const dispatch = useAppDispatch();
const {value, onChange} = useSelect();
useEffect(() => {
if (value === "newest") {
} else {
}, [dispatch, value]);

React (+ Typescript) component not rerendering upon updating Context

I have a LaunchItem component which uses React.Context to get and set information to/from the local storage.
What I am trying to achieve is that, when the component updates the Context (and local storage), I want it to rerender with the new information, so that it then updates the state of a local button.
The problem is, although the Context seems to be updated as well as the contents of the local storage, the item is not rerendered. (when I refresh the page I can see the button has changed state, however, signifying that it is able to derive that information from the Context just fine.
I will now share some code and hopefully someone is able to understand what I might be missing, I thoroughly appreciate your help :)
Context provider setup
type FavoritesContextType = {
favorites: Favorites;
updateFavorites: (category: StorageCategory, item: string) => void;
export const FavoritesContext = createContext<FavoritesContextType>(
{} as FavoritesContextType
const FavoritesProvider: FC = ({ children }) => {
const [favorites, setFavorites] = useState<Favorites>(
const updateFavorites = (category: StorageCategory, item: string) => {
updateLocalStorage(category, item);
return (
<FavoritesContext.Provider value={{ favorites, updateFavorites }}>
export const useFavoritesContext = () => useContext(FavoritesContext);
export const App = () => {
return (
{/* Some routing wrapper and a few routes each rendering a component */}
<Route path="/launches" element={<Launches />} />
export const LaunchItem = ({ launch }: LaunchItemProps) => {
const { favorites, updateFavorites } = useFavoritesContext();
const [isFavorite, setIsFavorite] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (favorites) {
}, [favorites]);
return (
{/* The rest of the component, irrelevant */}
updateFavorites={() => {
export const FavoriteButton = ({
}: FavoriteButtonProps) => {
const handleClick = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLAnchorElement, MouseEvent>) => {
return (
// Using Link vs a Button to be able to preventDefault of parent Link
{/* The rest of the component, irrelevant */}
It seems as though in your updateFavorites function you're calling setFavorites and passing in the existing favorites value. Try instead writing your updateFavorites function as:
const updateFavorites = (category: StorageCategory, item: string) => {
updateLocalStorage(category, item);
There are other ways you could determine what value to pass to setFavorites but I reused your getFromLocalStorage function as I'm not sure how you're determining that state value.
By doing it this way you'll ensure that the value you're setting in setFavorites isn't the same as the existing favorites value and thus you'll trigger a re-render.

Test document listener with React Testing Library

I'm attempting to test a React component similar to the following:
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
export default function Tooltip({ children }) {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
const wrapperRef = useRef(null);
const handleClickOutside = (event) => {
if (
open &&
wrapperRef.current &&
) {
useEffect(() => {
document.addEventListener("click", handleClickOutside);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener("click", handleClickOutside);
const className = `tooltip-wrapper${(open && " open") || ""}`;
return (
<span ref={wrapperRef} className={className}>
<button type="button" onClick={() => setOpen(!open)} />
<br />
<span>DEBUG: className is {className}</span>
Clicking on the tooltip button changes the state to open (changing the className), and clicking again outside of the component changes it to closed.
The component works (with appropriate styling), and all of the React Testing Library (with user-event) tests work except for clicking outside.
it("should close the tooltip on click outside", () => {
// Arrange
const button = screen.getByRole("button");;
// Temporary assertion - passes
// Act
const outside = screen.getByText("outside");
// Gives should be wrapped into act(...) warning otherwise
act(() => {;
// Assert
expect(button.parentElement).not.toHaveClass("open"); // FAILS
I don't understand why I had to wrap the click event in act - that's generally not necessary with React Testing Library.
I also don't understand why the final assertion fails. The click handler is called twice, but open is true both times.
There are a bunch of articles about limitations of React synthetic events, but it's not clear to me how to put all of this together.
I finally got it working.
it("should close the tooltip on click outside", async () => {
// Arrange
<p data-testid="outside">outside</p>
const button = screen.getByRole("button");;
// Verify initial state
const outside = screen.getByTestId("outside");
// Act;
// Assert
await waitFor(() => expect(button.parentElement).not.toHaveClass("open"));
The key seems to be to be sure that all activity completes before the test ends.
Say a test triggers a click event that in turn sets state. Setting state typically causes a rerender, and your test will need to wait for that to occur. Normally you do that by waiting for the new state to be displayed.
In this particular case waitFor was appropriate.

Losing state between renders if component is defined in another component

codesandbox here:
I have a Users component which (when simplified) looks something like this:
const Users = () => {
const [toastOpen, setToastOpen] = useState(false)
// functions to handle toast closing
return (
<EditUser />
<Toast />
const EditUser = () => {
[user, setUser] = useState(null)
useEffect(() => {
const fetchedUser = await fetchUser()
}, [])
// this approach results in UserForm's username resetting when the toast closes
const Content = () => {
if (user) return <UserForm user={user} />
else return <div>Loading...</div>
return <Content />
// if I do this instead, everything's fine
return (
user ? <UserForm user={user} /> : <div>Loading...</div>
const UserForm = ({ user }) => {
const [username, setUsername] = useState(
return <input value={username}, onChange={e => setUsername(} />
While viewing the UserForm page while a Toast is still open, the UserForm state is reset when the Toast closes.
I've figured out that the issue is the Content component defined inside of EditUser, but I'm not quite clear on why this is an issue. I'd love a walkthrough of what's happening under React's hood here, and what happens in a "happy path"
You have defined Content inside EditUser component which we never do with React Components, because in this situtaion, Content will be re-created every time the EditUser is re-rendered. (surely, EditUser is going to be re-rendered few/many times).
So, a re-created Content component means the old Content will be destroyed (unmounted) and the new Content will be mounted.
That's why it is be being mounted many times and hence resetting the state values to initial values.
So, the solution is to just define it (Content) outside - not inside any other react component.
The culprit was EditUser's Content function, which predictably returns a brand new instance of each time it's called.

React hooks. Update component passed as param via onClick after one of it's prop was changed

Hi guys) I have a strange question may be, but I'm at a dead end.
I have my own custom hook.
const useModal = (Content?: ReactNode, options?: ModalOptions) => {
const { isOpen, close: contextClose, open: contextOpen, setContent } = useContext(
const [customOpenContent, setCustomOpenContent] = useState<ReactNode>()
const showModal = useCallback(
(customContent?: ReactNode) => {
if (!isNil(customContent)) {
contextOpen(customContent, options)
} else contextOpen(Content, options)
[contextOpen, Content, options],
const hideModal = useCallback(() => {
}, [contextClose])
return { isOpen, close: hideModal, open: showModal, setContent }
It is quite simple.
Also i have component which uses this hook
const App: React.FC = () => {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false)
const { open } = useModal(null, { deps: [loading] })
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000)
const buttonCallback = useCallback(() => {
open(<Button disabled={!loading}>Loading: {loading.toString()}</Button>)
}, [loading, open])
return (
<Page title="App">
<Button onClick={buttonCallback}>Open Modal</Button>
Main problem is - Button didn't became enabled because useModal hook doesn't know anything about changes.
May be you have an idea how to update this component while it's props are updated? And how to do it handsomely ))
Context isn't the best solution to this problem. What you want is a Portal instead. Portals are React's solution to rendering outside of the current React component hierarchy. How to use React Portal? is a basic example, but as you can see, just going with the base React.Portal just gives you the location to render.
Here's a library that does a lot of the heavy lifting for you: It has typescript definitions and provides an easy API to work with.
Here's your example using react-cool-portal.
import usePortal from "react-cool-portal";
const App = () => {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const { Portal, isShow, toggle } = usePortal({ defaultShow: false });
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000);
const buttonCallback = useCallback(() => {
}, [toggle]);
return (
<div title="App" style={{ backgroundColor: "hotpink" }}>
<button onClick={buttonCallback}>
{isShow ? "Close" : "Open"} Modal
<button disabled={!loading}>Loading: {loading.toString()}</button>
Basic CodeSandbox Example
There are more detailed ones within the react-cool-portal documentation.
For more detail of the issues with the Context solution you were trying, is that React Elements are just a javascript object. React then uses the object, it's location in the tree, and it's key to determine if they are the same element. React doesn't actually care or notice where you create the object, only it's location in the tree when it is rendered.
The disconnect in your solution is that when you pass the element to the open function in buttonCallback, the element is created at that point. It's a javascript object that then is set as the content in your context. At that point, the object is set and won't change until you called open again. If you set up your component to call open every time the relevant state changes, you could get it working that way. But as I mentioned earlier, context wasn't built for rendering components outside of the current component; hence why some really weird workarounds would be required to get it working.
