Keystone wallet hardware simulator - cryptocurrency

I need to test a binding feature between my wallet and a keystone wallet. Is there any simulator/sample that I can use to test the QR code binding?

You can use the ethereum testnet blockchain to test your wallets. There are a variety of faucets that provide free test ether.
For keystone, you can use their Ropsten faucet.


How to build real time streaming application

I am going to build application that shows real time data with React.
And I decided to use Pusher for real time data management.
I also trying to use open third party apis for getting data.
For example openweathermap for weather data.
My trouble is how can I know if the data from third party api is changed and let the Pusher know data is changed.
In one word, how can I make Pusher to connect third party apis?
Really want your help.
Thank you.
Maybe there is a system for it in Pusher but I don't know.
If it is possible for you, you can create a cron service that checks your 3rd API continually. But it has to be on a live service to run continually. If it detects any changes in the data, it can emit your client app by using Pusher, Socketio, etc.
Maybe the 3rd API provides this feature to you.

Admob is not showing ads on real device after build. Expo React-native

Expo SDK Version: 36.0.0
Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android
I use the expo Admob lib to implement AdMob banners and interstitial Ads on my App. When running through expo cli on my emulator it works perfectly. When I use real adUnitID it shows a real ad. However, after building the apk file and installing on real devices, the Ads are not showing anymore.
My implementation is quite simple:
onAdViewDidReceiveAd={() => adReceived('success')}
onDidFailToReceiveAdWithError={() => adReceived('err')}
adReceived(arg) - it’s just a logger, which save results, do I have success request to Google ad server or not.
On real device I have err messages. So, it looks like then app doesn’t have permission to making request to the internet.
I don’t have permission section in my app.json, and any other specific setting in this file. According to Configuration with app.json page - To use ALL permissions supported by Expo, do not specify the "permissions" key.
I found on stackoverflow and expo-forum a lot of relevant topics. And no one provided any working solution.
If I should provide some additional information, please specify what I need to add.
If there is a solution to this, which I didn’t find then please add the link.
Let’s help to resolve this question once and forever for all developers.
According to this post, there are six reasons. But probably, you did not update your payment details or your region has a slower fill-rate. Slower fill-rate means, there are less advertisers targeting these markets (in your region or language).
how I fixed the problem
first of all - you can add an argument with error
onDidFailToReceiveAdWithError={(errorCode) => console.log(errorCode)}
When I added my apps to the Google Play store and install it from the store, then my app start showing Ad correctly

how to send email directly in React Native App

I am progromming about function: send Email to gmail Address directly from React native App.
I searched on Internet and try library:,
Howerver, they only show me view of Gmail App which I installed in my device.
I want react native app will send directly to Address Email.
My device I tested run on Android Platform.
Thank you so much
You need an email server or an email services to send an email, there is no way you can send an email directly from the client side.
There are several of them in the internet, you can try: MailGun or SendPulse, they got some good free tiers.
Your job is just calling a simple POST method from your app to their APIs.
I have tried, and so far succeeded in testing with iOS, with react-native-email ("npm install react-native-email").
There is a bit of fluffing around when sending the first email as you have to "login" to your email account. But otherwise, test emails are going through fine.
Also, SendPulse is a bulk newsletter service, not for individual emails.
One annoying caveat: it won't work in your emulator. It will return a URL error when you click the send button. But it works fine on a real device. I'm using Expo (and who wouldn't) and it works fine on my iPhone.
Complete code for testing purposes here:

Routing protractor traffic?

So, I have some e2e for my AngularJS app using Protractor. Typically I run them using grunt and the specified browser appears and well, the test starts.
I would like to sniff the network requests while running protractor, having an external script that is executed at the same time; and for each page tested, extract the network traffic.
Do you know if it's possible and how? Thanks!
consider using BrowserMob, there is an example here on how to record network traffic from a Protractor test using BrowserMob Proxy. and maybe more info on this SO answer. haven't had time yet to try it myself, so let me know if you succeed and if it satisfies your needs!

How to read phone state over bluetooth

I try to develop an application that connect to mobile phone and read its phone state (incoming call, outgoing call etc.) like a smart watch. I used a smartwatch and connect to my phone, then open android studio to look at logcat. I understand the watch using bluetooth Obex service,Hfp,a2dp Rfcomm services but I didn't find any example or instructions for using them.
how can i do?
To know the states kindly use the BluetoothHeadsetClient class. This class contains the necessary function to know the phone state (incoming call, outgoing call etc.)
