How to host a static file in a react app hosted on aws-amplify - reactjs

so this is my react app hosted at:
for apple pay integration we need to host a file at:
I created a folder in public called .well-known and kept that file there. but the varication is not completed by apple. so it is not able to get the static file with that url path.What can I do now
I have followed those two post:
How to serve apple-app-site-association file on /apple-app-site-association page in ReactJS
How to verify my domain with Apple in a React App
but I think aws amplify has different way of handling things.
Please help


Rewrites are not working well in A React Project deployed in AWS amplify

I made a react project with create-react-app and deployed it via AWS Amplify.
I was trying to rewrites several routes under the same domain to open the other web sites. It seems like using the way of reverse-proxy.
So, through Rewrites and redirects console, I added a rule like below.
Source address
Target Address
(a different origin which is deployed in the amplify, too)
200 (Rewrite)
However, when the /test has been routed, the rewrites is not working. Looking into the Network tab in devtools, the browser tried to fetch static files from the Target address domain, but it fails.

React/webpack - How can I host react app on one server and images/fonts on another server?

For business reasons, I have to host my React app on one domain and serve the images/fonts from another domain (ie. S3). Not sure how I can configure the app to do this?
An example, I want to host my React app at:
And then serve my static assets (images and fonts) from:***
I don't know how to configure my create-react-app or Webpack to do this. I know that PUBLIC_URL is available but that still forces me to run the React app and assets on the same server.
This isn't too bad - I do a similar thing with a couple of my apps.
First, get the assets you want onto S3 using an S3 bucket.
There's a good youtube video for that here (this is about uploading from your react app, but the AWS setup is similar in some ways):
So once you have your aws bucket setup, you'll probably have one called "site_images" for example. At that point you can source those images from S3 like you would any other image:
You'd load fonts in a similar way via your css file(s) most likely with something like:
#fontface {
font-family: 'My Awesome Font';
src: url('')
How you do this specifically will depend on your configuration. You'll need to adjust our aws bucket for CORS which can be a bit of a snag. These links should should help you in the right direction though!
Amazon S3 CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) and Firefox cross-domain font loading
Did you try to use plugins like webpack-s3-plugin
You can define rules for all assets you need.
And of cause you'll have to eject CRA or use something kind of react-app-rewired or rescripts.

Serverless Offline <> React - Local Dev Page Load

I have a serverless application that is using the serverless-offline plugin and create-react-app to load a front-end client, but I'm not sure how I can configure my serverless app to load the index.html page and also the proper link format that I can use within my react app to call the serverless-offline generated routes.
I know that serverless applications typically use a static website hosted on S3 and AWS serverless endpoints within the static links to trigger the handlers, but I'm not sure how I can replicate this in the local environment. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
This is my code structure at the moment:
- frontend (create-react-app)
-- create-react-files
- backend
-- controllers
--- login.js
I then have a proxy set up in my create-react-app config file set to serverless-offline port I configured in my serverless.yml file

React SPA dynamic environment configuration

I'm building React SPA application from ground up using create-react-app and setting up uri address for API server of my SPA. According to official documentation suggested way is to create environment .env files for such kind of needs. I'm using a continuous delivery as part of development workflow. After deployment React SPA application goes in one Docker container and API goes to another. Those containers are deployed in separate servers and I do not know exactly what uri for API will be, so there is no way to create separate .env file for each deployment. Is there any "right way" to provide dynamic configuration for my SPA application so I can easily change environment parameters
API URI examples in SPA
// api.config.js
export const uriToApi1 = process.env.REACT_APP_API1_URI;
export const uriToApi2 = process.env.REACT_APP_API2_URI;
// in App.js
import { uriToApi1, uriToApi2 } from '../components/config/api.config.js';
/* More code */
<DataForm apiDataUri={`${uriToApi1}/BasicService/GetData`} />
/* More code */
<DataForm apiDataUri={`${uriToApi2}/ComplexService/UpdateData`} />
Let's imagine that you build your frontend code in some dist folder that will be packed by Docker in the image. You need to create config folder in your project that also will be added in dist folder (and obvious, will be packed in Docker image). In this folder, you will store some config files with some server-specific data. And you need to load these files when your react application starts.
The flow will be like that:
User opens your app.
Your App shows some loader and fetches config file (e.g. ./config/api-config.json)
Then your app reads this config and continues its work.
You need to setup Docker Volumes in your Docker config file and connect config folder in Docker container with some config folder on your server. Then you will be able to substitute config files in a docker container by files on your server. This will help you to override config on each server.

Error while deploying react based SSR app, using firebase-functions

I am trying to deploy my SSR app in Firebase originally forked from, after doing some modification in the app.
Which works fine when I do sudo firebase serve --only functions,hosting but throwing error when I do firebase deploy.
The reproducible repo has a package.json.
I am using the public directory as my function directory as well.
However, even if I am using a different function directory for my cloud functions, I see the same errors.
Function failed on loading user code. Error message:
Code in file index.js can't be loaded. Is there a syntax error in your code?
Detailed stack trace: TypeError: c(...) is not a function
at Object.<anonymous> (/user_code/assets/app.server.js:1:28950)
at Object.module.exports.n (/user_code/assets/app.server.js:1:29283)
Functions deploy had errors.
To continue deploying other features (such as database), run:
firebase deploy --except functions
Error: Functions did not deploy properly.
It is possible, but you cannot serve static assets with cloud functions. You need a mix of firebase functions and firebase hosting.
The guys at Firebase already thought on this and you also have an implementation available.
Check the following documentation:
Dynamic Content
Code Example
Youtube Video
Note: There is a delay that you need to take into consideration when using cloud functions.
When a new instance handles its first request, the response time suffers, which is called a cold start
More info
The problem is that firebase hosting only supports SPAs, which means that SSR is out of the picture, you need to run your SSR server in a different env where you can run nextJS, or if you're using a static page generator you could upload the files directly compromising on the ability to refresh the content, although, I'm sure a solution with cloud functions and gatsby is feasable.
Tl;DR: You won't get SSR out of Firebase Hosting
