Publish unreferenced files to Debug or Release folder - winforms

I use this SO answer to copy unreferenced files. The answer shown copies the files directly into the bin folder and not in either the Debug or Release folder.
How do I modify the answer to copy to the correct folder? Also, will publishing as a ClickOnce application publish the unreferenced files?

I changed the hardcoded bin value to $(OutputPath)


Git-Ignore in Xcode

I am using X-Code 10 as a C IDE. I am doing a group project and we must use GitLab to share the code. To work in Xcode there are a lot of files to make Xcode work, but none that I need to share with my partners who are using their own IDE and who just need the .c files we are working on. How do I make Git not upload ALL files and just the .c?
There are ways to handle the excludes for a git project. There is the .gitignore file where you can create rules for what files should be excluded from your project. This file will be tracked by git, so you and your teammates will be sharing this file.
For your own personal excludes, you can put them into the .git/info/exclude file. This will not be tracked by git and will affect only your own local repository. This is a good place put rules that are specific to your own workflow.

Eclipse: C project folder structure

I have an existing C project with the following folder structure:
When i launch Eclipse and create a new project the root project folder is polluted with:
Also the parent folder with:
A want to continue use Eclipse as an C IDE with a my custom makefile (or not) but I want all Eclipse related files and folders to be put inside the proj directory. I need Eclipse to debug ARM targets.
Is it possible? If not what is the next best thing?
I made a promise to myself to start a smooth transition from IDEs to vim with a custom makefile. I still need Eclipse to help me for debugging.
One step at a time...
The files .project and .cproject (and the .settings folder if it exists) contains the Eclipse-specific (general and C/C++) project configuration.
The .metadata folder is a kind of cache/temp folder (to store error/warnings markers, local file history, etc.) and also used to store your workspace preferences (most of Window > Preferences).
Files in a project are tracked and can cause changes in the .metadata folder. If the .metadata folder would be located in a project, this could end in an infinite loop.
You could use the workspace folder of Eclipse (which contains the .metadata folder) as part of your overall project folder and link instead of copy all files and folder that you want to see in Eclipse or that are required by Eclipse into your Eclipse project (you can also mark some files and folders as derived to stop them from being tracked and to make them less visible in Eclipse).
Note, do not share or move the .metadata folder (and derived resources). In contrast, .project, .cproject and .settings are intended to be shared.

How to make multiple subdirectories in Eclipse from existing code

I am using Windows 10 and Eclipse Mars edition 32 bit. Programming in C
I am trying to learn C from a course C Essential Training. The course provides a zipped directory with many .c and files and a few others like .h files as you can see below.
However in the video he managed to get each .c file and related source code into its own directory structure.
I've tried numerous type of imports and I also used a batch file to put each .c file in its own folder and tried importing that. I was able to get the Eclipse IDE project window to look like the instructors, but as soon as I tried to compile individual .c programs the project kept looking in the primary workspace folder which for me is C:\Source\Testing\workspace and error'd out.
Is there an import option to create this type of subdirectory structure automatically? I want to go through the tutorial and build and execute each .c file individually. However what I have had to do is put the .c file into a single folder build it and run it one at a time. I then have to delete the source and debug folder and start over for each lesson. There must be a better way.
Eclipse workspace is streigh connected to FS.
This means that your workspace in Eclipse is a folder on your hard disk or where it is stored.
What you can simply do is to create a new folder using right-click-popup-menu within Eclipse Project Explorer and then copy/move files into the new folder.
Or you can create a new folder into your workspace directory and copy/move file inside, then you must refresh Eclipse workspace.

how to package install version of dotnetnuke from source of it

I changed source of DotNetnuke (a little!) and I want to package an install version of my new DotNetNuke.
How Can I do this?
p.s: I know It's not recommended to change the source but I have no another option
(Telerik calendar do not support my date format and I have to replace it with another calendar !)
Thanks in advance
Answer depends on what you have changed, but the simplest way is to deliver patch that should be installed after normal dnn installation. For example, if you have only changed dll, you can ask to follow normal dnn setup instructions and finally relpace dll. If it's more than on file, you can review how dnn upgrade package is built. It follows same folder structure and places only changed files. So if you have couple of dlls changed in bin, the will be placed in bin folder, and if you have changed some ascx file it should be placed in same path by creating same folder hierarchy.
You can also create a package that can be installed to deploy your changes but for smaller set of files it will be complecated.
Let me know if you need more help.
You can package any change into a DNN install package by including the compiled files along with a DNN Manifest file. This can then be installed via the Extensions page. A manifest file is an Xml file which controls where the contents of an install zip are installed. You can make it as simple or as complicated as you need. You can also include xml merge statements to make changes to the web.config file upon install and uninstall. See the wiki for reference :
Incidentally, you may have been able to deliver your modified telerik source as a separate provider, and configure it via the web.config, thus saving you from modifying the source code. To do something like that, you would build your own module, and plug it in and replace the standard Telerik references.

Copy changed files in Jenkins

I'm using Jenkins for building my projects. I'm using Ant to do the compilation itself.
When build finishes I'd like to copy files that were compiled in this build to some directory. Is this possible?
Yes, you could do this as part of your Ant project using the Ant copy task. Best practice is to clean the directory containing your compiled binaries at the start of each build, so you should just be able to copy the whole directory without filtering the contents.
If you want to specifically find changed files, you could take a recursive md5 over your Target directory before and after your build, and only copy those files which do not match the prebuild checksum.
This being said, if you've got a clean build directory you should just copy everything over; changed files will get copied as needed, and unchanged files will copy but won't impact the application.
