Automate token grabbing from postman in React application - reactjs

NOTE: I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this, so please let me know and I can move.
Currently, local development for an authorization module I am working on is quite painful. To get it running we are doing the following:
Make a postman request
Look in headers in location and grabbing a token
Using that token in our local url
The token expires quite quickly and whenever we reload the page or go to a new route we need to repeat the steps above. I'm reaching out to all for any resources in integrating postman in our React application to automate this. Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated.


How to store cookies in cookie storage when I make a fetch request

I am trying to access profile API from my backend using fetch requests in react. But I get server errors all the time. it seems the backend does not recognise that I am logged in though login request works fine. I really need help with this. Been stuck for weeks. Aall the necessary code and errors are in the link below since I asked this question some time ago but couldnt get an answer. Thank you in advance.
previous question

instagram oauth issue (make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request)

Im trying to get basic data from instagram profiles, I am using a local webpack dev server to run my react app, I am also using Firebase functions, the function on firebase sends oauth/authorize request to instagarm's api, im getting a code response back and return it to my react popup, i then send the code to instagrams api for oatuh/access_token but im getting the following error:
Error validating verification code. Please make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request
Im running localhost:3000 as https with an ssl, i've set the redirecturl in the instagram developer tools to https://localhost:3000/instagram-popup/
the popup is the page I'm, loading to get the access token, it does get the code from the firebase function correctly, but fails the last call... I have lost SO many hours on this issue, if anyone has been in this situation and solved it, or didnt even encounter it but knows what i can do to fix it, i would really appreciate any guidance here

Securely storing auth token in React Frontend

I am currently working on a single page react app. This app will not require any login and it will be publicly available.
I am making a POST request to a webhook of another API that I do not have access to and that I do not maintain. This API required me to send an authentication token via the POST. I wonder how I can securely store this token so that it does not get out in the world. I need to send it as is so storing it in a cookie that a backend provides is not an option. Storing in in JWT will not work as I can decode that without the secret.
Is there even a way to store the token without exposing it to the world?
I hope the issue is clear, if not let me know and I'll explain better.
Thank you all for your time!
I would usually have a local Express server running and proxy the request through that.
You would set up a route in your Express app that you would POST to from your React front-end, this Express route handler then makes the call to the external API from the server side which has the token to put in the header. Then the response is returned to your React front-end without it knowing anything about the external API or tokens.
You can't store the token in front-end. either you need to use
cookies/session to store the token. If you want to store the token you
need to encrypt it and store it will be the better option.
Please check here to understand the JWT token mechanism
if the web app doesn't have a login. you can't generate token without user details.
The token should be passed in the header of the request for best practices.
If you're using create-react-app to instantiate your React project, have you looked into using an environment variable to store the token? It's not 100% safe and secure, check here for the cons, but can be a quick fix without a separate proxy request. You can make an .env file (make sure to add it to your .gitignore if using git) in the root of your directory and define variables there. They need to start with REACT_APP, like REACT_APP_SECRET=1234 and can then be referenced where you need them in your app with process.env.REACT_APP_SECRET.
Read more about environments in React here.

How to send POST login request to a rails api-only app using React?

I have a working rails RESTful api-only app.
I use Postman to consume that api. Now, to use the api the user have to login to http://localhost:3002/authenticate first by setting content-type to application-json in Header then Email and Password's value in body. After sending the POST request to the server I get auth-token as a json response. Then after successful login I have to pass that auth-token as a Authorization key in each GET request to get respective data.
Now, I want to build a UI for that back-end api as I learn React js. But till now all tutorials I could find was how to send GET requests without any authorization factor. And they are using axios, redux etc.
Can any-one please guide me on where should I start or how to
approach this problem?
Do I necessarily have to use a third-party library for this purpose?
If so which will be better axios or redux??
Any beginner friendly tutorial link would be of tremendous help
How start
Securing React Redux Apps With JWT Tokens - Rajaraodv explains how you get a jwt token and how to keep it in the front end app. I think this way will fits for you.
Keep the auth-token
Rajaraodv uses localStorage to keep the jwt token, you can use the same or keep directly in redux store, it's your choice, the best manner that fits you.
Ajax call
You can use Axios to make Ajax calls, or use fetchApi from the browser as Rajaraodv did, it's up to you.
"If so which will be better axios or redux??" these two libraries are totally different, each with it's own purpose.

Adding auth token to default headers vs. using $http interceptors

I've been diving into authentication between Angular and Express, and decided on using token auth with JWTs and the npm jsonwebtoken package. I've got everything set up on the server side and am receiving the token on the client side, but now I need to know how to make it send the token with every request.
From what I've found, most resources out there say to use an $http interceptor to transform every outgoing request. But people at work have always used $httpProvider.headers.defaults.common["Auth"] = token in a .config block, which seems a lot more straightforward to me. Here's a blog explaining how to do it both ways.
But the accepted answer on this stackoverflow post says it would be better to use interceptors, but he doesn't give a reason why.
Any insight would be helpful.
After a bunch more research and a conversation on Reddit, it seems like the best way to do it is through the interceptor. Doing the setup in the .config or .run blocks may be good for checking if the user is already authenticated when they first load the app (if there is a token in local storage), but won't be possible for handling dynamic changes like logging out or logging in after the app is loaded. I'm pretty sure you could do it through the $http default headers, but might as well just do it in one place.
Hopefully this helps someone in the future!
