HERE geocoding API doesn't return results when using postal code 88901 - maps

HERE geocoding API doesn't return results when using postal code 88901. Is it because this postal code is not present in the datasets?


Selling Partner API Feeds API

I am using the Feeds API to update inventory using the this link. I am able to perform the Step 1 :- Create a feed document response is
At Step 2 Encrypt and upload the feed data Response :-
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAWS4-HMAC-SHA256 20210117T190852Z 20210117/eu-west-1/s3/aws4_request 6efdf3105b88a49723fed6068792a6f1a5858196f957e3a52f76e4cee2ccb07e9197ea9212ce444f640080a3df1d628de0bc26d9a0cafea9577fd23d2c1b3fc6 BYTESPUT //NinetyDays/amzn1.tortuga.3.11ef10ee-e839-4a0b-b7a4-dcfbe78900ae.T1OWK0QMT4NDF7 X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=CREDENTIAL&X-Amz-Date=20210117T190852Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=content-type%3Bhost content-type:application/json content-type;host UNSIGNED-PAYLOADBYTESEA417EC74F012746CpSqzu64eIWZv0Y7JWoylN5rrCAJzort9+7EGhH0KqaSHknlV+ZYuX76zqv2shr+yFDksDntFNI=
Anybody facing the same problem or any ideas where the problem is

query data in a airtable database using url

I want to implement URL for search specific data in my base using filterByFormula
below are my link and I got an error and how to resolve that
my url:“Car (in robot form) will offer a hug when I am stressed out”,{User want}) &api_key=MYKEY
Error :
"error": {
"message": "The formula for filtering records is invalid: Invalid formula. Please check your formula text."
I tried using postman, please help me.
While querying filtered data from Airtable via API, you don't have to use FIND keyword. You can filter data with simple Airtable formula like structure. For example,
{Email} = ''
Above filter retrieve all the records from the table whose Email is simply
To limit number of records retrieve by API maxRecord parameter is available for that. For more info about various parameters please refer my answer here AirTable API Find record by email or official Airtable API Documentation
In your case
API url would be structured like,
For more info about Airtable API encoding, check this
Hope this helps!

Converting from BTC to another currency

From Coinbase API can you convert from Bitcoin to, for example, USDC? I cannot see any reference but I have this feature on the app. I wonder if API supports (or expects support for) this operation, or it just that I'm missing something.
Looking at the Coinbase API PRO Documentation you can create a conversion by:
POST /conversions
This endpoint requires the “trade” permission.
"from": "USD",
"to": "USDC",
"amount": "10000.00"}
from: A valid currency id
to: A valid currency id
amount: Amount of from to convert to to
Probably more of a question of what the valid currencies are
There is a reference for this in the Coinbase API documentation:
But as I stated in my question, it unfortunately doesn't seem to work:
Coinbase transfer between accounts returns "Not found"
Without using CoinbasePro API but only Coinbase API from webapp that are the endpoints you need to call:
Have to know base_id of crypto that you want to sell and base_id of
crypto want to buy. You can know it by call GET
/assets/prices?base=USD&filter=holdable&resolution=latest" and get
from response the "base_id" of your currencies.
Make an order by calling POST ""
with a request body in json like this:
{ 'amount': [amount that you want to convert], 'amount_asset':
[currency of amount that you want to convert], 'amount_from':
'input', 'source_asset': ["base_id" of crypto that you want to
sell], 'target_asset': ["base_id" of crypto that you want to buy] }
If previous POST "/trade" response code is 201, you have to get the
"id" value of response's json and do a commit of your order by
calling POST "[id of json
response of previous POST"]/commit". If
the response code of this POST commit is 201, your exchange is
started and if there are not error in coinbase, your conversion is

How to convert via the Coinbase API

Within the Coinbase app one can convert digital currencies (see the image below).
But does one convert via the Coinbase or Coinbase Pro API?
Watching API from coinbase webapp i see what endpoint you need to call:
Have to know base_id of crypto that you want to sell and base_id of crypto want to buy. You can know it by call GET "
/assets/prices?base=USD&filter=holdable&resolution=latest" and get from response the "base_id" of your currencies.
Make an order by calling POST "" with a request body in json like this:
'amount': [amount that you want to convert],
'amount_asset': [currency of amount that you want to convert],
'amount_from': 'input',
'source_asset': ["base_id" of crypto that you want to sell],
'target_asset': ["base_id" of crypto that you want to buy]
If previous POST "/trade" response code is 201, you have to get the "id" value of response's json and do a commit of your order by calling POST "[id of json response of previous POST"]/commit". If the response code of this POST commit is 201, your exchange is started and if there are not error in coinbase, your conversion is done!

How to fetch Adwords campaign data from Google Analytics API?

Hi i am using Google Analytics API and interested in extracting the AdWords Campaigning data which is available under OverAll Traffic>>Acquisition>>Adwords>>Campaigns and my query for the same is
ids='ga:' + profile_id,
sort ='-ga:adClicks',
segment = 'gaid::-1').execute()
but the above query is giving me the data related to all the campaigns but i only want to fetch the data that is related to Adwords Campaigns only.So, please help me in getting this done. I guess there should be some filter or any thing else by which we can extract the desired data.
ga:sourceMedium==google / cpc
Use the above filter in your API request.
Pull dimension ga:sourceMedium and then filter google / cpc from the result set.
auth: jwt,
ids: "ga:" + view_id,
"start-date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"end-date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
metrics: "ga:adCost",
dimensions: "ga:campaign",
"start-index": "1",
"max-results": "1000"
You can do something like this
